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Vodafone Essar: Presented By: Amit

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Previously brand was marketed as Hutch, the marketing brand was
changed to Vodafone on 20 September 2007.
Vodafone under Hutch brand has been named the
- most respected telecom company
- best mobile service in country
- most creative & most effective advertising of the year
It is among the top three GSM mobile operators of India.
It is the second largest mobile phone operator in terms of revenue
behind Bharti airtel and third largest in terms of customers.
Vodafone Essar now has operations in 16 circles covering 86% of
Indias mobile customer base, with over 34.1 million customers.

Mission & Vision

To enrich our customer's lives through the unique power of mobile
Also its vision is to be the worlds mobile communication leader enriching
customers lives, helping individuals, businesses and communities more
connected in a mobile world.
Passion for Customers
Our customers have chosen to trust us. In return, we must strive to anticipate
and understand their needs and delight them with our service.
We value our customers above everything else and aspire to make their lives
richer, more fulfilled and more connected.
We must always listen and respond to each of our customers.
We will strive to delight our customers, anticipating their needs and


Vodafone Essar Limited




1994 as Hutchison Essar


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


Mobile telecommunications


Mobile networks,
Telecom services, Etc.
Vodafone Group (67%)
Essar Group (33%)


10,000 March 31, 2009


Vodafone India

Key People

Asim Ghosh,MD, Harit Nagpal

Business Description
It grows mainly during the year 1992-2005
1992: Hutchison Whampoa and Max Group established Hutchison Max
2000: Acquisition of Delhi operations Entered Calcutta and Gujarat
markets through ESSAR acquisition
2001: Won auction for licences to operate GSM services in Karnataka,
Andhra Pradesh and Chennai
2003: Acquired AirCel Digilink (ADIL ESSAR Subsidiary) which
operated in Rajastan, Uttar Pradesh East and Haryana telecom circles
and renamed it under Hutch brand.
2004: Launched in three additional telecom circles of India namely
'Punjab', 'Uttar Pradesh West' and 'West Bengal
2005: Acquired BPL (Except Mumbai)- 3 Circles, another mobile service
provider in India
In 2008 it launched Apple i-phone 3G & in 2009 it launched recharge

Vodafone live
Vodafone Mobile Connect USB Modem
Vodafone Connect to Friends
Vodafone Passport
Vodafone Freedom Packs
Vodafone at Home
Vodafone 710 and Amobee Media Systems
Vodafone Business Handsets

C0mmunication Mix
Though it has chosen many ways to advertise such as through
o Newspaper
o Internet
o Television
o Billboards
o Magazines
Basically you find its advertisement are humorous & emotional.
Vodafone works with icons such as David Beckham to communicate its
brand values.
Vodafone's stores, its products and its staff all project the brand image.
It offers various pricing structures to suit different customer groups.

SWOT Analysis


ong international presence & brand recognition

ntrolling interest in strong growth markets (e.g. Egypt, Romania, South
ca, Turkey, India)
ll-defined cost reduction initiatives: managed purchasing, outsourcing
ve now established a clear route to delivering fixed broadband services
ll relevant market
ategic alliances with Apple i-phone


certainty in revenue growth in the HSDPA network based on historically

w consumer market take-up of 3G data services
w customer growth in DSL wholesale markets in UK and Italy;
w subscriber growth in Spain arising from lower promotional activity Adverse im
m exchange rate movements particularly in South Africa
e likely slippage of dividends in Verizon Wireless to 2010

SWOT contd

ocus on cost reductions improving returns
ajority stake in Hutchison Essar in India
esearch and development of new mobile technologies
ocus on developing markets (Africa, Latin America)
G data services gaining momentum in business customers
uccessful partnerships with laptop manufacturers to include embedded Vodafone
Ms to mobile devices allow opportunities for up selling of mobile
roadband services

ghly competitive market
ill lags behind major competitors in the US
gh mobile penetration in principal market leaves little room for growth
erce competition in mature markets, specially with converge d Telco's
s other companys are offering triple-play and quad-play services; Vodafone
acks a direct substitute for such services


afone is the world's leading international mobile communications company.

afone actively develops good public relations by sending press releases to nation
spapers and magazines to explain new products and ideas.

ertising on TV, on billboards, in magazines and in other media outlets reaches

ge audiences and spreads the brand image and the message very effectively.

afone Essar, under the Hutch brand, has been named the 'Most Respected Teleco
mpany', the 'Best Mobile Service in the country' and the 'Most Creative and Most
ctive Advertiser of the Year'.

afone's logo is a true representation of that belief - The start of a new conversati
gger, a catalyst, a mark of true pioneering.

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