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Liability UNDER Jurisprudence

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The key takeaways are that there are different types of liabilities including primary liability which includes civil and criminal liability, and secondary liability. Liability can arise from acts or omissions and can depend on intent or negligence.

The different types of liabilities discussed are primary liability which includes civil liability and criminal liability, and secondary liability which includes remedial liability and penal liability.

The different theories of negligence discussed are the subjective theory propounded by Salmond which sees negligence as a mental state, and the objective theory which sees negligence as a particular kind of conduct.


Presented by :
Divya sampath
Vidur Nair

Salmond :- Liability and responsibility is the bond
of necessity that exists between the wrongdoer and
the remedy of the wronged

Liability arises from a breach of duty which may be

in the form of an act or omission.

Liabilities are divided into

two types

Primary liability :
1. Civil liability :
.Civil wrong is the against a private individual and
the remedy is damages.
.The liability is measured by the wrongful act and the
liability depends on the act and not the intension
2. Criminal liability :
. Crime is a wrong committed against the society and
remedy is punishment.
. Liability in a crime is measured by the intension of
the wrongdoer.

Secondary liability :
1. Remedial
Based on the maxim ubi jus idi remedium
[when there is a right, there must be some
Based on the maxim Actus non facit reum ,
nisi mens sit rea
[ where the act does not amount to guilt, it
must be accompanied by a guilty mind ]

Theories of remedial liability

Duties of imperfect obligation :Those duties where the breach of which gives no cause of action and creates no
liability . In civil, criminal , penal and remedial .
Ex : Time- barred debt - here though the debt exists it is not enforceable
Duties incapable of specific enforcement :Duties which from their nature cannot be specifically enforced after having
once been broken. There wrongs are transitory and non continuing .
In such cases the duty is violated is in its nature capable of specific
Specific performance inexpedient :There are many cases where specific performance of a duty is possible, the
law may not resort to it.
For example, If X contracts to render personal service to Y, Y cannot enforce
performance of this contract.

Kinds of acts

Voluntary Act and involuntary act :If the act is willed or deliberate, it is a voluntary act. If the act is without will or
not willed, it is an involuntary act. Ex: acts performed by persons suffering from
some abnormal condition like acts done in sleep etc.
Intentional and unintentional act :-

Intentional act means an act which is foreseen and is desired by the doer of the
act. Unintentional act is that act which is not desired or it is not a result of any
determination .
Internal and external acts :Internal acts are the acts of mind while external acts are the acts of the body.
Every external act is preceded by an internal act. But every internal act need not
necessarily be followed by the external act.
Positive and negative acts :-

When the wrongdoer does an act which he should not do, it is a positive act,
whereas when the wrongdoer does not do an act which he should do , it is a
negative act.

Damnum Sine Injuria

Although all wrongs are mischievous acts but all mischievous acts are not
wrongs. All damage done is not wrongful. Such wrongs where damage is
done without injury are called Damnum Sine Injuria Injury signifies an
act contrary to law or violation of a legal right.
Salmond says that cases of Damnum Sine Injuria falls under two heads:
Cases in which the harm is done to the individual is a gain to the society
at large, therefore, such acts are not actionable. Ex : Competitors do each
other harm but not injury.
Cases in which, although real harm is done to the community, yet,
owning to its triviality, or to the difficulty if of proof, or for any other
reason, it is considered inexpedient to attempt its prevention by the law .

Injuria Sine Damnum

Converse of Damnum sine Injuria is the maxim Injuria sine
Damnum which says that there are certain acts which though not
harmful, are actionable. Ex: Case of Ashby v. White where it
was considered to be Injuria sine Damnum.
In this case , in a parliamentary election the plaintiff was
wrongfully prevented by the defendant officer from casting her
Although the candidate to whom the plaintiff wanted to vote won
the election no actual damage was suffered by her but due to
malicious behavior of the defendant which prevented the plaintiff
from exercising her statutory right of vote in the election the court
awarded some certain amount of pounds by way of recognition of
plaintiffs legal right.

Mens rea
Meaning of mens rea is guilty mind Any act alone does not constitute to
crime. It requires a guilty mind behind it . Mens Rea is defined as the mental
element necessary to constitute criminal liability .
Salmond criminal liability may require the wrongful act to be done
intentionally or with some further wrongful purpose in mind, or it may suffice
that it was done recklessly. And in each case the mental attitude of the doer is
such as to make punishment effective.
Mens rea must extend to all three parts of the act :
The physical doing or not doing.
The circumstances, and
The consequences

Presumption of Innocence
One of the fundamental principles of criminal law is that every one
is presumed to be innocent until his guilt is proved by the
prosecution. But there are certain exceptions of this fundamental
principal which are as follows :
A person who is In possession of stolen goods soon after the theft
may be presumed by the court either to be a thief or a guilty
receiver unless he has a satisfactory explanation for the possession
of those goods.
Where the accused pleads protection under some of the exceptions
or defenses, the court need not presume innocence of the accused.
In such circumstances if the defense fails, the accused will be

Stages in commission of a crime

Intention :The first stage consists of the intention or design to commit the crime. The will
cannot be taken in for the deed, unless there has been some external act
showing progress made towards maturing the crime.

Preparation:The second stage is that of preparation to commit a crime. It is devising the

means or measures necessary for the commission of an offence.

Attempt:The third stage is attempt, which is the direct movement towards he commission
of crime after preparations are made. It is referred as an intentional act carried
out by a person towards the commission of the crime.

Commission:The last stage is Commission , that is when the crime is successfully committed.

In a narrow and popular sense been malice ill will . In law it means
wrongful intention or recklessness. It includes any intent which the
law deems wrongful. An act done with a bad intention or with bad
motive is said to have been done maliciously.
It is divided into two parts

Malice In Fact :
Is irrelevant except in cases of malicious prosecution, defamation on
a privileged occasion , injurious falsehood and conspiracy.
A law does not become unlawful only because it is done with bad
motive or malice and similarly , an unlawful act does not become
lawful if done with good motive.

Malice In Law :
Means a wrongful act done intentionally without just cause or
excuse. Such malice is implied in every case where a person has
inflicted injury upon another in contravention of the law without just
cause or excuse.

Measures of a criminal liability

Magnitude in the offence :
It depends upon the intensity of the feelings of reprobation of the
community towards the act which constitutes the offence . Other things
being equal, the greater the evil consequences of the crime, the greater
should be the punishment .

Motive of the offence :

Other things being equal , the greater the temptation to commit a
crime, the greater should be the punishment - crimes are committed
because the offenders find it to their interest to commit them. Severity
and penalty increases with the strength of the motives which lead to

Character of offender :
The worse character of the offender, the more severe should be the
punishment. Law should carefully deal with offenders whose
characters are yet to be formed. Juvenile offenders and first offenders
may thus be treated leniently by law.

Measures of civil liabilities

Penal redress involves both the compensation of the person injured
and the punishment of the wrongdoer . But in the case of liability , the
liability is measured exclusively by the magnitude of the wrongdoer ,
or the evil tendencies of consideration of the motive, character of the
wrongdoer .
Therefore, some of the jurists believe that the measure of a civil
liability is not in consonance with the penal principles because same
liability may prove heavier to one wrongdoer than to the other.
The penal redress is a gain to the wronged person and is loss to the
The wronged person becomes directly interested in the prosecution
of the case so that the wrongdoer may be asked to redress the
wrong .

Negligence is a particular state of mind of the person who
does an act . It is culpable carelessness. It is the breach of a
legal duty to take care of which results in damage undesired
by the defendant to the plaintiff. Thus its ingredients are :
A legal duty on the part of a person[A] towards another
person[B] to exercise care n such conduct as falls within the
scope of the duty.
breach of that duty .
Consequential damage .

Theories of Negligence
Subjective theory :This theory was propounded by Salmond. According to him, a careless is a
person who does not care. negligence essentially consists in the mental
attitude of undue indifference with respect to ones conduct and its

Objective theory :Means that negligence is an objective fact. It is not a particular state of mind
or form of the mens rea at all, but a particular kind of conduct.

Strict liability
These are acts for which a man is responsible
irrespective of the existence of either wrongful intent or
negligence. They are exceptions to the general
requirement of fault. They arise from an absolute
liability. Hence the wrong arises from the breach of an
absolute duty.

Theories of strict liability

Theories of strict liability
Ignorantia Juris Neminem excusat States that the legal presumption is
that everyone knows the law and ignorance of law is not an excuse. And
this presumption is irrebutable.

Mistake of fact :
Ignorantia facit excusat ignorance of the fact is an excuse. It means

that a person is not liable for a wrongful act if he has done it under a
mistake of fact . It is a valid defense against a wrongful act.

Inevitable accident of law :

Inevitable accident is commonly recognized as a ground of exemption
from liability. It cannot possibly be prevented by the exercise of ordinary
care, caution and skill . Accidents are wither culpable [ due to negligence]
or inevitable[ due to decree of care exceeding the standard] .

Vicarious liability
Vicarious liability is divided into two chief classes :
Master servant relationship
where in every person is responsible for his owns acts , but certain
circumstances liability attaches to him for the wrongful acts committed by others.
Liability of the master for the acts of his servant is both joint as well as several .

Living representatives responsible for the acts of the dead

at common law, in the case of the death of a person wronged his executors
or administrators could not maintain an action for :1. Personal wrongs committed during his life time.
2. Trespass to his goods and chattels
3. Damage for his death .


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