Fire Safety & Prevention: Minnesota Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division
Fire Safety & Prevention: Minnesota Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division
Fire Safety & Prevention: Minnesota Department of Public Safety State Fire Marshal Division
Presentation Objectives
To educate participants on
There were 14,561 fires reported in
Minnesota in 2010.
39 civilian deaths
137 reported civilian injuries
$152 million in property damage
In the Home
People feel the safest in their homes,
Fire Causes
The top fire causes
Cooking (49%)
Open Flame (10%)
Heating (9%)
Incendiary/Arson (8%)
Smoking (4%)
*leading cause of fire fatalities
Personal vigilance is
the best way to avoid
Cooking Fires
Pay attention to what youre cooking.
If you leave the room, turn off the stove.
Dont cook if youre sleepy or
if youre impaired.
to avoid grease build
from heat sources.
Grease Fires
Always have the matching lid nearby!
If you have a small grease fire you can smother it
Use a proper, heavy ashtray which
wont tip easily.
Dont improvise!
related fires:
Dont smoke in bed.
Dont smoke if youre tired,
Unattended candles are a leading fire
Candle safety tips:
Use flameless candles.
When you leave the room, blow out the candle.
Keep anything that could burn at least a foot
curtains, clothes, paper, etc.
Electrical Safety
Do not overload electrical sockets.
Do not run cords under rugs or furniture.
Use power strips equipped with overload protection.
Escape Routes
When the smoke
Have a meeting
Know your
escape routes
and practice
Important Safety
Carbon Monoxide
Fire extinguishers
Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems
Smoke Alarms
There were 39 fire deaths in Minnesota
last year.
Only six of those deaths happened in
homes with a working smoke alarm.
Breathing smoke can kill
Smoke is toxic.
If you must escape
through smoke,
Fire Extinguishers
Know how to use
Have them
mounted in an
obvious spot near
an exit.
When in doubt,
get out!
Report ALL fires to the fire department,
even if you think you put them out!
Dont ignore alarms!
There are many ways to reduce your risk of fire:
Stay focused when youre cooking.
Use candles responsibly, or not at all.
Dont overload electrical sockets or misuse extension
If you must smoke, be responsible for your smoking
If someone is smoking in or near your home, check to
make sure that all smoking materials are properly
disposed of.
Have a fire safety plan and practice it!
Have working smoke and CO alarms.
Be responsible.