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Care Plan Oxygenation

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Mr. King’s physician diagnosed him with an
upper respiratory infection. He is restless and
anxious and has continuing dyspnea, and a
productive cough, with dark yellow sputum.
On auscultation there are audible expiratory
wheezes, crackles, and diminished breath
sounds over right lower lobe. His vital signs
are pulse rate 120, temp 102 deg F, increased
respiratory rate 36, BP 110/45 and an SpO2
of 82%. As the day progresses Mary notices
that his coughs are weaker, less sputum is
produced, and Mr. King is becoming more

Ineffective airway clearance

related to increased
 Pulmonary  Patient’s sputum will be clear,
secretions will white and thinner consistency
return to within 36hours.
baseline levels  Patient’s lung sounds will be
within 24 to 36 at baseline within 36 hours.
hours.  Patient’s respiratory rate will
be between 16 and 24 within
24 hours.
 Patient will be able to clear
airway secretions by coughing
in 24 hours.
 Patient’s SpO2 will be >85%
within 24 hours.
 Patient’s perceptions of
dyspnea will improve.
 Have Mr. King deep  A major complication of
breathe and cough reduced mobility is
every 2 hours while retention of pulmonary
awake. secretions, which
predisposes the patient to
atelectasis & pneumonia.

 Have Mr. King  Ambulation, sitting

change position upright and frequent
frequently if in bed position changes are
rest. If able, have him consistent with normal
to sit up in a chair as activities and promote
often as he is able to normal lung function and
tolerate. mucociliary clearance.
 Encourage Mr. king  Fluid intake of
to increase fluid 2800ml/24 hrs will
intake to 2800ml/24 help liquefy
hours if his cardiac secretions for easier
condition does not removal. Caffeinated
and alcoholic
contraindicate it.
beverages promote
Avoid caffeinated diuresis and
beverages and dehydration. Water
alcohol; recommend is an effective
water. expectorant, easily
available & cost
 Ask Mr. King about the color of his
 Auscultate lungs for adventitious lung
 Ask Mr. King to rate his perception of
dyspnea, using a visual analog scale.
 Ask Mr. King if he is able to cough and
expectorate his secretions.
 Obtain vital signs and SpO2 measures.
 Juan Paolo admitted to ER for
morphine drug overdose. He is
lethargic and stuporous; T98.9,
P120, R13 and very shallow. ABG
results: pH 7.28, PaCO2 49mm Hg
and HCO3 25 mEq/l.
 Identify priority nursing diagnosis
and interventions.
ABG Interpretation
 Look at pH, normal 7.35-7.45
 Look at PaCO2. more than 45 mm
Hg, less CO2 is being exhaled than
 Look at HCO3, normal 22-26; with
acidosis and retained CO2 is causing
respiratory acidosis. Uncompensated.
Body Area Normal Appearance
 General appearance  Alert responsive
 Weight  Normal for height, age,

body build
 Posture  Erect, arms and legs

 Muscles  Well-developed, firm,
good tone, some fat under
 Nervous control
 Good attention span, not
irritable or restless, normal
reflexes, psychological
 Gastrointestinal  Good appetite & digestion,
function normal regular elimination,
no palpable (perceptible to
touch) organs or masses

 Cardiovascular  Normal heart rate &

function rhythm, no murmuring,
normal BP for age

 General Vitality  Endurance, energetic,

sleeps well, vigorous
 Hair  Shiny, lustrous, firm, not
easily plucked, healthy scalp

 Skin (general)  Smooth, slightly moist,

good color

 Face and neck  Skin color uniform,

smooth, healthy appearance,
not swollen

 Lips  Smooth, good color, moist,

not chapped or swollen
Mouth, oral  Reddish pink mucous
mucous membranes in oral
membranes cavity

 Gums  Good pink color,

healthy, red no swelling
or bleeding

 Tongue  Good pink color or

deep reddish in
appearance, not
swollen or smooth,
surface papillae present, no
 Teeth  No pain, no sensitivity
 Eyes  Bright, clear, shiny, no
sores at corner of eyelids,
membranes moist and
healthy pink color, no
prominent blood vessels or
mound of tissue or sclera,
no fatigue circles beneath

 Neck (glands)  No enlargement

 Nails  Firm, pink

 Legs and feet  No tenderness, weakness or

swelling; good color
 No malformations
 Skeleton
a. Peripheral edema – a. Indicates expanded
can interstitial volume. This
be rated for severity by is usually most evident
assessing pitting over in dependent areas (i.e.,
bony prominences. 1+ feet and ankles). Fluid
indicates barely overload will worsen
detectable Edema.
edema to 4+ for deep
persistent pitting

b. Daily weights
b. Body weight
document fluid retention
or loss. Change in body
weight of 1kg
corresponds to 1L of
fluid retention loss.
c. Dry skin and c. Suggests fluid volume
mucous deficit.
d. Distended d. Suggests fluid volume
neck veins excess.

e. Blood e. Elevated BP indicates

pressure volume excess due to
changes increase in stroke volume.
Decreased BP indicates
fluid volume deficit due to
a decrease in stroke
f. Irregular pulse f. Rhythm changes
rhythm; occur with potassium,
increased pulse calcium, and/or
rate magnesium
abnormalities; rate
change occurs with fluid
volume deficit

g. Auscultation g. May signal fluid build

crackles or up in the lungs due to
rhonchi in lungs fluid volume excess
h. Inelastic skin h. With fluid volume
turgor (after deficit, the pinched
pinching, fails to skin stays elevated
return to normal for several seconds.
position within 3
seconds i. May occur with
i. Anorexia, nausea acute fluid volume
and vomiting deficit or fluid
volume excess.

j. Thirst j. Symptomatic of
fluid volume deficit
k. Decreased k. During dehydration, kidney
urine output attempts to restore fluid balance
by reducing urine production.
Average daily adult urine output
is 1500ml; urine output of less
than 400ml/24 hr (oliguria)
signals the retention metabolic

l. Behavioral l. May occur with fluid volume

changes (e.g., deficit or acid-base imbalance

m. Decreased m. May suggest poor tissue

capillary refill perfusion due to fluid deficit

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