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Oral Manifestation of Renal Disease & Hypertension: Arny Erawaty Muryah, DRG Ppdgs Ilmu Penyakit Mulut

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Oral Manifestation of

Renal Disease &


Arny Erawaty Muryah, drg

(April 10 2015)

Renal Disease

Meliputi gangguan keseimbangan asam-basa, kelainan elektrolit,

nefrolitiasis, hipertensi, penyakit ginjal akut, penyakit ginjal tahap akhir
(end-stage renal disease / ESRD) tipe diabetik dan non diabetik.

Gagal ginjal, dapat terjadi secara akut Acute renal failure ; ARF (setelah
pembedahan atau trauma parah), atau adanya obtruksi pembuluh darah
ginjal menyebabkan gagal ginjal kronis (chronic renal failure ; CRF).
Gagal ginjal akan menimbulkan retensi cairan, asidosis, akumulasi
metabolik dan bahan obat, kerusakan platelet ( memicu pendarahan),
hipertensi, anemia dan efek endokrin.
(Burket : 2008)

Major function of Renal

Type of Renal Failure

(Haider et al : 2013)

Burket : 2008

Burket : 2008

Oral Manifestations of Renal Diseases

Ghom : 2013, Haider 2011, Scully : 2010, Ongole :2013)

Oral Manifestations of Uremia

Oral mucosa pale mucosa

Salivary gland decreased salivary flow resulting in erostomia.
Odor & taste odor of urea on breath and metallic taste.

candidal infection can occur on tongue.

Gingiva increase in calculus formation, gingival inflammation, bleeding.


enamel hypoplasia, dark brown stain on crowns, dental malocclusion


petechiae, ecchymosis, erosive mucous, burning and tenderness with

dryness of mucosa.

(Ghom et al : 2014)

Uremic Stomatitis

Tipe 1. Erytemopultakeus

Tipe 2. Ulseratif

more extensive area of erosion verlying a delicate atrophic

mucosa. The typical striae are seen anterior to the erosion.

Hiperplasia gingiva oleh karena drug induced pada CRF

(Sunil et al : 2012)

Hipoplasia email pada gagal ginjal (Sunil et al : 2012)

Oral candidiasis on dorsal of tongue

(Scully : 2010)



. (Ongole et al : 2013)

Blood pressure determined

(Scully : 2010)

Types of Hypertension

(Ghom : 2010)

Blood Pressure Measurement

(Scully : 2010)

Klasifikasi tekanan darah. (Ongole et al : 2013)

Antihypertension Medicine

(Popescu et al : 2013)

Oral side effects

of antihypertension medicines

(Ongole : 2014)

Orofacial manifestations

None specific to hypertension, The development of facial palsy has been

described in the occasional patient with very severe hypertension.

Side-effects of anti-hypertensive medications include:

chronic cough (e.g., angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors ACEIs);
taste changes (e.g., ACEIs, beta blockers, alpha-adrenergic blockers);
angioedema of lips, face, tongue (ACEIs, angiotensin II receptor blockers-ARBs);
upper respiratory tract infections (e.g., ARBs);
gingival hyperplasia (e.g., calcium channel blockers CCBs);
dry mouth (e.g., thiazide diuretics and alpha-adrenergic blockers);
lichenoid reactions (e.g., thiazide diuretics and beta blockers); and
lupus-like oral and skin lesions (e.g., direct vasodilators).
(Scully : 2010)

Xerostomia karena diuretik, calsium channel bloker

Lichenoid drug eruption oleh karena beta bloker

Hiperplasia oleh karena calsium channel bloker

Kandidiasis pada mukosa bukal

General Management
(Ongole et al : 2013)

Dental Consideration

- Interaksi anastesi lokal - non selective beta-blockers toksisitas

- Penurunan dosis epinefrin dan diperpanjang jarak pemberiannya
- Teknik injeksi dengan perlahan menghindari reaksi yg tidak diinginkan
- NSAIDs menurunkan efek diuretik antihipertensi parasetamol
- Kontrol kecemasan, stres dan rasa sakit antianxietas
- Xerostomia agen parasimpatomimetik (pilocarpine atau cevimeline)
- Disarankan cukup minum dan berkumur, mengunyah permen tanpa gula,
mengurangi konsumsi kafein, tidak menggunakan obat kumur yg
mengandung alkohol
- Karies aplikasi topikal fluorida.

(Popescu et al : 2013, Ongole et al : 2013)



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