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Sewage Pollution Prevention

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The key takeaways are the sources of shipboard sewage pollution and MARPOL Annex IV regulations for sewage pollution prevention.

The different sources of shipboard sewage pollution are drainage from toilets/urinals, medical premises, spaces containing living animals, and other waste waters mixed with the above.

New ships of 400+ GT and new ships <400 GT certified to carry over 15 persons must comply. Existing ships of 400+ GT and existing ships <400 GT certified to carry over 15 persons must also comply.


Annex IV


(Marpol 73/78 Annex IV)

1. Shipboard Sewage Pollution Sources:

drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets and urinals;
drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sickbay,
etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers
located in such premises;
drainage from spaces containing living animals;
other waste waters when mixed with the drainages
defined above.
(Regulations not applicable to the disposal of:
drainage from dishwasher, shower, laundry, bath and washbasin
drains - grey water)


2. Ships application :
new ships of 400 gross tons
new ships < 400 gross tons
certified to carry over 15 persons
(new ships: building contract or keel laid on/after
27 September 2003 or delivered on/after 27 September 2006)
existing ships of 400 gross tons
existing ships < 400 gross tons
certified to carry over 15 persons
(on or after 27 September 2008)


3. Equipment requirements :
discharge pipeline fitted with the standard discharge connection

approved sewage treatment plant
comminuter/disinfection system with temporary means of
holding tank
* applies to all new ships contracted for construction on or after January 1, 2007


An approved sewage treatment plant shall be of a type approved by
the Administration, following the IMO standards and test methods *

(its tests results are noted on the ISPPC and the effluent does not produce visible floating
solids nor cause discoloration of the surrounding water)

A sewage comminuting and disinfecting system approved by the Administration

shall be fitted with temporary storage of sewage when the ship is less than 3
nautical miles from the nearest land
A sewage holding tank shall:
- have appropriate capacity for the retention of all sewage,
- be correctly constructed with a means to indicate visually the amount of its
contents, and
- be equipped with the ships discharge line to port / terminal reception facilities
fitted with the standard discharge connection
* Sewage treatment plant should be approved in accordance with IMO Resolution
MEPC 2(VI) December 1976 Standard
IMO Resolution 159(55) Adopted October 2006 is applicable for equipment
installed on board on or after 1 January 2010.


4. Sewage Treatment System Capacity

- no Marpol regulations and guidelines for handling
capacity of any plant or holding tank
- the capacity depends on:
type of flushing system,
the number of people onboard,
ships type,
trading pattern, etc).

Note: Different administrations have suggested different

quantities of sewage and grey water effluent.


5. Control of discharge sewage (based on the type of equipment on the ship)
The discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited, except when:

the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using an

approved system at a distance of more than 3 nm from the nearest land; or

the ship is discharging sewage which is not comminuted and disinfected at a

distance of more than 12 nm from the nearest land, provided that in any case,
the sewage stored in holding tanks or sewage originating from spaces containing
living animals * , shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate
when ship is en route and proceeding at not less than 4 knots; or
the ship is discharging sewage using an approved sewage treatment plant,
Click here for Resolution MEPC.159(55) Revised Guidelines on implementation of effluent
standards and performance tests for sewage treatment plants which will apply to plants installed
onboard on or after 1 January 2010 and will replace the resolution MEPC. 2(VI).


5. Control of discharge of sewage (based on discharge distance)
while operating within 3 nm from the nearest land discharge
prohibited unless properly treated in approved sewage treatment plant
discharge within 3 12 nm from nearest land must either :
meet effluent requirements within 3 nm from nearest land or
the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage
using an approved comminuter/disinfection system
discharge at a distance of more than 12 nm from nearest land must
either: meet effluent requirements within 3 nm or within 3 12 nm from
the nearest land or the sewage that has been stored in holding tanks
shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a moderate rate
when the ship is en route and proceeding at not less than 4 knots;


6. Exceptions
The discharge of sewage into the sea is allowed when:
- securing the safety of life or the ship; or
- the discharge of sewage is as result from damage
to a ship or its equipment if all reasonable precautions have
been taken before and after the occurrence
of the damage, for the purpose of preventing or minimizing
the discharge
Note: some countries have sewage no discharge areas regardless of
how well it is treated


7. Surveys and Certification
An International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
(ISPPC) shall be issued:

after an initial or renewal survey

by the Administration or organization duly authorized by it

for a period not exceeding five years.

Note: Certificate shall cease if the relevant surveys are not completed,
if the certificate is not endorsed, upon transfer of the ship to the flag
of another State.


8. Reception facilities
Each Party to the Convention has to equip ports
and terminals with facilities for the reception of sewage
Each Party shall notify the IMO
of all cases where the facilities provided
under this regulation are inadequate

Some ports (particularly members of the Paris MOU) now require advance warning
of waste to be disposed of. The waste includes oil, chemicals, ballast, sewage
and garbage.
The method of reporting this is to send Company form to the agents prior to
arrival. Note that this form may be required even if no waste is to be landed. The local
agent is to be asked to confirm accordingly.


9. Port State Control on operational requirements*
1. when in port a ship can be inspected by authorized PSC officers
2. if the master or crew are not familiar with essential shipboard
procedures preventing pollution by sewage, all should be done to
ensure that the situation has been brought to order.
3. if ships equipment is broken or missing or ship has suffered damages
en route, Port Authorities must be informed accordingly and if remedies
were agreed with the flag state, the ship is not to be detained.
* Refer to the Procedures for port State control resolution
A.787(19) as amended by resolution A.882(21);

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