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3 - 4 Bioanalytical Method Validation

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The key takeaways are that bioanalytical method validation is important for quantitative evaluation of drugs and their metabolites in biological matrices. The document discusses fundamental validation parameters, types of validation, and aspects of stability testing.

The fundamental parameters for bioanalytical method validation include accuracy, precision, selectivity, sensitivity, and reproducibility.

The different types of bioanalytical method validation are full validation, partial validation, and cross-validation.



DR. Harrizul Rivai, M.S.
Lektor Kepala Kimia Farmasi
Fakultas Farmasi
Universitas Andalas
Guidance for Industry : Bioanalytical Method Validation,
U.S.Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug
Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER),
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM), September 2013,
Biopharmaceutics, Revision 1

Selective, sensitive, and validated analytical

methods for the quantitative evaluation of drugs and

their metabolites (analytes) and biomarkers are
critical for the successful conduct of nonclinical
and/or biopharmaceutics and clinical pharmacology
Validating bioanalytical methods includes performing
all of the procedures that demonstrate that a
particular method used for quantitative
measurement of analytes in a given biological matrix
(e.g., blood, plasma, serum, or urine) is reliable and
reproducible for the intended use.

Harrizul Rivai

Fundamental parameters for this validation

include the following:



Harrizul Rivai

The following define and characterize the

different types and levels of methods

Full Validation
Partial Validation


Harrizul Rivai

Full Validation
Full validation of bioanalytical methods is
During development and implementation of
a novel bioanalytical method.
For analysis of a new drug entity.
For revisions to an existing method that add
metabolite quantification


Harrizul Rivai

Partial Validation
Partial validations evaluate modifications of
already validated bioanalytical methods.
Partial validation can range from as little as
one intra-assay accuracy and precision
determination to a nearly full validation.


Harrizul Rivai

Typical bioanalytical method modifications or changes that fall into this

category include but are not limited to:

Bioanalytical method transfers between laboratories or analysts
Change in analytical methodology (e.g., change in detection systems)
Change in anticoagulant in harvesting biological fluid (e.g., heparin to EDTA)
Change in matrix within species (e.g., human plasma to human urine)
Change in sample processing procedures
Change in species within matrix (e.g., rat plasma to mouse plasma)
Change in relevant concentration range
Changes in instruments and/or software platforms
Modifications to accommodate limited sample volume (e.g., pediatric study)
Rare matrices
Selectivity demonstration of an analyte in the presence of concomitant


Harrizul Rivai

Cross-validation is a comparison of validation

parameters when two or more bioanalytical

methods are used to generate data within the
same study or across different studies.
An example of cross-validation would be a
situation in which an original validated
bioanalytical method serves as the reference,
and the revised bioanalytical method is the
The comparisons should be done both ways.

Harrizul Rivai

When sample analyses within a single study are

conducted at more than one site or more than one

laboratory, cross-validation with spiked matrix standards
and subject samples should be conducted at each site or
laboratory to establish inter-laboratory reliability.
Cross-validation should also be considered when data
generated using different analytical techniques (e.g., LC
MS/MS vs. ELISA) in different studies are included in a
regulatory submission.
All modifications to an existing method should be
assessed to determine the recommended degree of

Harrizul Rivai



Harrizul Rivai


A. Reference Standards
Analysis of drugs and their metabolites in a biological matrix

is performed using calibration standards and quality control

samples (QCs) spiked with reference standards.
The purity of the reference standard used to prepare spiked
samples can affect study data.
For this reason, authenticated analytical reference standards
of known identity and purity should be used to prepare
solutions of known concentrations.
If possible, the reference standard should be identical to the
When this is notpossible, an established chemical form (free
base or acid, salt or ester) of known purity can be used.


Harrizul Rivai


A. Reference Standards

Three types of reference standards are usually used: (1)

certified reference standards (e.g., USP compendial

standards), (2) commercially-supplied reference standards
obtained from a reputable commercial source, and/or (3) other
materials of documented purity custom-synthesized by an
analytical laboratory or other noncommercial establishment.
The source and lot number, expiration date, certificates of
analyses when available, and/or internally or externally
generated evidence of identity and purity should be furnished
for each reference and internal standard (IS) used.
If the reference or internal standard expires, stock solutions
made with this lot of standard should not be used unless
purity is re-established.

Harrizul Rivai


B. Bioanalytical Method
Development and Validation
A specific, detailed, written description of the

bioanalytical method should be established a

This can be in the form of a protocol, study plan,
report, and/or SOP.
Each step in the method should be investigated
to determine the extent to which environmental,
matrix, or procedural variables could affect the
estimation of analyte in the matrix from the time
of collection of the samples to the time of

Harrizul Rivai


B. Bioanalytical Method
Development and Validation

Appropriate steps should be taken to ensure the lack of

matrix effects throughout the application of the method,

especially if the matrix used for production batches is
different from the matrix used during method validation.
Matrix effects on ion suppression or enhancement or on
extraction efficiency should be addressed.
A bioanalytical method should be validated for the
intended use or application.
All experiments used to make claims or draw conclusions
about the validity of the method should be presented in a
report (method validation report), including a description
of validation runs that failed.

Harrizul Rivai


B. Bioanalytical Method
Development and Validation

Measurements for each analyte in the biological

matrix should be validated.

Method development and validation for a
bioanalytical method should include demonstrations
(1) selectivity;
(2) accuracy, precision, and recovery;
(3) the calibration curve;
(4) sensitivity;
(5) reproducibility; and
(6) stability of analyte in spiked samples.

Harrizul Rivai


1. Selectivity
Selectivity is the ability of an analytical method to
differentiate and quantify the analyte in the
presence of other components in the sample.
Evidence should be provided that the substance
quantified is the intended analyte.
Analyses of blank samples of the appropriate
biological matrix (plasma, urine, or other matrix)
should be obtained from at least six sources.
Each blank sample should be tested for
interference, and selectivity should be ensured at
the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ).

Harrizul Rivai


1. Selectivity
Potential interfering substances in a biological

matrix include:
endogenous matrix components;
decomposition products; and,
in the actual study, concomitant medication

and other xenobiotics.

If the method is intended to quantify more

than one analyte, each analyte should be

tested to ensure that there is no interference.

Harrizul Rivai


2. Accuracy, Precision, and

The accuracy of an analytical method describes the closeness of
mean test results obtained by the method to the actual value
(concentration) of the analyte.
Accuracy is determined by replicate analysis of samples
containing known amounts of the analyte (i.e., QCs).
Accuracy should be measured using a minimum of five
determinations per concentration.
A minimum of three concentrations in the range of expected
study sample concentrations is recommended.
The mean value should be within 15% of the nominal value
except at LLOQ, where it should not deviate by more than 20%.
The deviation of the mean from the nominal value serves as the
measure of accuracy.

Harrizul Rivai


2. Accuracy, Precision, and

The precision of an analytical method describes the closeness of individual

measures of an analyte when the procedure is applied repeatedly to

multiple aliquots of a single homogeneous volume of biological matrix.
Precision should be measuredusing a minimum of five determinations per
A minimum of three concentrations in the range of expected study sample
concentrations is recommended.
The precision determined at each concentration level should not exceed
15% of the coefficient ofvariation (CV) except for the LLOQ, where it should
not exceed 20% of the CV.
Precision is further subdivided into within-run and between-run precision.
Within-run precision(intra-batch precision or within-run repeatability) is an
assessment of precision during a single analytical run.
Between-run precision(inter-batch precision or between-run repeatability) is
an assessment of precision over time and may involve different analysts,
equipment, reagents, and laboratories.

Harrizul Rivai


2. Accuracy, Precision, and

Sample concentrations above the upper limit

of the standard curve should be diluted.

The accuracy and precision of these diluted
samples should be demonstrated in the
method validation.


Harrizul Rivai


2. Accuracy, Precision, and

The recovery of an analyte in an assay is the detector response

obtained from an amount of the analyte added to and

extracted from the biological matrix, compared to the detector
response obtained for the true concentration of the analyte in
Recovery pertains to the extraction efficiency of an analytical
method within the limits of variability.
Recovery of the analyte need not be 100%, but the extent of
recovery of an analyte and of the internal standard should be
consistent, precise, and reproducible.
Recovery experiments should be performed by comparing the
analytical results for extracted samples at three concentrations
(low, medium, and high) with unextracted standards that
represent 100% recovery.

Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
A calibration (standard) curve is the relationship between
instrument response and known concentrations of the
The relationship between response and concentration
should be continuous and reproducible.
A calibration curve should be generated for each analyte in
the sample.
The calibration standards can contain more than one
A calibration curve should be prepared in the same
biological matrix as the samples in the intended study by
spiking the matrix with known concentrations of the

Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
In rare cases, matrices may be difficult to obtain (e.g.,
cerebrospinal fluid).
In such cases, calibration curves constructed in surrogate
matrices should be justified.
Concentrations of standards should be chosen on the basis of the
concentration range expected in a particular study.
A calibration curve should consist of
a blank sample (matrix sample processed without analyte or
internal standard),
a zero sample (matrix sample processed without analyte but
with internal standard), and
at least six non-zero samples (matrix samples processed with
analyte and internal standard) covering the expected range,
including LLOQ.

Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
Method validation experiments should include

a minimum of six runs conducted over several

days, with at least four concentrations
(including LLOQ, low, medium, and high)
analyzed in duplicate in each run.
a. Lower Limit of Quantification (LLOQ)
b. Upper Limit of Quantification (ULOQ)
c. Calibration Curve/Standard
d. Quality Control Samples (QCs)

Harrizul Rivai


23 Feb 2015


Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
a. Lower Limit of Quantification (LLOQ)

The lowest standard on the calibration curve should be

accepted as the LLOQ if the following conditions are met:
. The analyte response at the LLOQ should be at least five
times the response compared to blank response.
. Analyte peak (response) should be identifiable, discrete, and
reproducible, and the back-calculated concentration should
have precision that does not exceed 20% of the CV and
accuracy within 20% of the nominal concentration. The LLOQ
should not be confused with the limit of detection (LOD)
and/or the low QC sample.
. The LLOQ should be established using at least five samples
and determining the CV and/or appropriate confidence
interval should be determined.

Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
b. Upper Limit of Quantification (ULOQ)

The highest standard will define the ULOQ of

an analytical method.
.Analyte peak (response) should be
reproducible and the back-calculated
concentration should have precision that
does not exceed 15% of the CV and
accuracy within 15% of the nominal


Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
c.Calibration Curve/Standard Curve/Concentration-Response
.The simplest model that adequately describes the

concentration-response relationship should be used.

Selection of weighting and use of a complex regression
equation should be justified. Standards/calibrators should
not deviate by more than 15% of nominal concentrations,
except at LLOQ where the standard/calibrator should not
deviate by more than 20%.
.The acceptance criterion for the standard curve is that at
least 75% of non-zero standards should meet the above
criteria, including the LLOQ. Excluding an individual standard
should not change the model used. Exclusion of calibrators
for reasons other than failing to meet acceptance criteria
and assignable causes is discouraged.

Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
d.Quality Control Samples (QCs)
.At least three concentrations of QCs in duplicate should be incorporated into each

run as follows: one within three times the LLOQ (low QC), one in the midrange
(middle QC), and one approaching the high end (high QC) of the range of the
expected study concentrations.
.The QCs provide the basis of accepting or rejecting the run. At least 67% (e.g., at
least four out of six) of the QCs concentration results shouldbe within 15% of their
respective nominal (theoretical) values. At least 50% of QCs at each level should be
within 15% of their nominal concentrations. A confidence interval approach yielding
comparable accuracy and precision in the run is an appropriate alternative.
.The minimum number of QCs should be atleast 5% of the number of unknown
samples or six total QCs, whichever is greater.
.It is recommended that calibration standards and QCs be prepared from separate
stock solutions. However, standards and QCs can be prepared from the same spiking
stock solution, provided the stability and accuracy of the stock solution have been
verified. A single source of blank matrix may also be used, provided absence of
matrix effects on extraction recovery and detection has been verified. At least one
demonstration of precision and accuracy of calibrators and QCs prepared from
separate stock solutions is expected.

Harrizul Rivai


3. Calibration Curve
Acceptance/rejection criteria for spiked,

matrix-based calibration standards and QCs

should be based on the nominal (theoretical)
concentration of analytes.


Harrizul Rivai


4. Sensitivity
Sensitivityis defined as the lowest analyte

concentration that can be measured with

acceptable accuracy and precision (i.e.,


Harrizul Rivai


5. Reproducibility
Reproducibility of the method is assessed by

replicate measurements using the assay,

including quality controls and possibly
incurred samples.
Reinjection reproducibility should be
evaluated to determine if an analytical run
could be reanalyzed in the case of
instrument interruptions.


Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
The chemical stability of an analyte in a

given matrix under specific conditions for

given time intervals is assessed in several
Pre-study stability evaluations should cover
the expected sample handling and storage
conditions during the conduct of the study,
including conditions at the clinical site,
during shipment, and at all other secondary

Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
Drug stability in a biological fluid is a function

of the storage conditions, the physicochemical

properties of the drug, the matrix, and the
container system.
The stability of an analyte in a particular
matrix and container system is relevant only
to that matrix and container system and
should not be extrapolated to other matrices
and container systems.


Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
Stability testing should evaluate the stability of the

analytes during sample collection and handling, after longterm (frozen atthe intended storage temperature) and
short-term (bench top, room temperature) storage, and
after freeze and thaw cycles and the analytical process.
Conditions used in stability experiments should reflect
situations likely to be encountered during actual sample
handling and analysis.
If, during sample analysis for a study, storage conditions
changed and/or exceeded the sample storage conditions
evaluated during method validation, stability should be
established under these new conditions.

Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
The procedure should also include an evaluation of analyte

stability in stock solution.

All stability determinations should use a set of samples
prepared from a freshly made stock solution of the analyte in
the appropriate analyte-free, interference-free biological matrix.
Stock solutions of the analyte for stability evaluation should be
prepared in an appropriate solvent at known concentrations.
Stability samples should be compared to freshly made
calibrators and/or freshly made QCs.
At least three replicates at each of the low and high
concentrations should be assessed.
Stability sample results should be within 15% of nominal

Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
a. Freeze and Thaw Stability
During freeze/thaw stability evaluations, the
freezing and thawing of stability samples
should mimic the intended sample handling
conditions to be used during sample analysis.
Stability should be assessed for a minimum
of three freeze-thaw cycles.


Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
b. Bench-Top Stability
Bench top stability experiments should be
designed and conducted to cover the
laboratory handling conditions that are
expected for study samples.


Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
c. Long-Term Stability
The storage time in a long-term stability
evaluation should equal or exceed the time
between the date of first sample collection
and the date of last sample analysis.


Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
d. Stock Solution Stability
The stability of stock solutions of drug and
internal standard should be evaluated.
When the stock solution exists in a different
state (solution vs. solid) or in a different
buffer composition (generally the case for
macromolecules) from the certified reference
standard, the stability data on this stock
solution should be generated to justify the
duration of stock solution storage stability.

Harrizul Rivai


6. Stability
e. Processed Sample Stability
The stability of processed samples, including
the resident time in the autosampler, should
be determined.


Harrizul Rivai


Terima Kasih


Harrizul Rivai


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