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Lung Cancer

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* Carcinoma of the lung is the

leading cause of cancer death in
* 171900 new cases in
2003=12.8% of total new cases.
*5-year survival rate for the lung
remains 14% in USA,8%in China
and Europe.
*Factors: tabacco
Nickel, Polycyclic aromatics,
Hydrocarbon compounds, Radon,
Investigation for lung cancer

 Chest X-ray,
 Thoracic CT,
 Fiberbronchoscopy,with biopsy,
 Fine-needle aspiration from a pulmonary nodules,
 Ultrasonography – pulmonary/abdominal.
 PET,
 Mediastinoscopy for mediastinal limph nodes,
 VATS for diagnosis of small pulmonary nodules.
Clinical presentation of lung cancer

 Cough, 29-87%
 Hemoptysis- 9-57%
 Chest pain 6-60%
 Dyspnea 3-58%
 Wheezing or stridor 2-14%
 Pleural effusion 7%
 Dysphagia 2%
 Superior vena cava syndrome 4-11%
 Pancoast syndrome 3-5%
 Phrenic nerve paralysis 1%
Symptoms from metastatic disease

 Bone metastases: bone pain in hands,feet.

 Neurologic metastases:central nervous
system,spinal cord compression secondary
to epidural or vertebral mts.
 Adrenal mts,

 Liver mts,

 Others sites:soft tissue,etc.

Paraneoplastic syndromes

 Metabolic:
- hypercalcemia,
- Cushing syndrome,
- carcinoid syndrome,
-elevated growth hormone level,prolactin,follicle-
stimulating hormone,luteinizing
hormone,antidiuretic hormone production.
- hypoglicemia,
Paraneoplastic syndomes

 Neurologic
- subacute cerebrall degeneration
- peripheral neuropathy,
- polymiosytis,
- autonomic neuropathy,
- myoclonus.
Paraneoplastic syndromes

 Skeletal
- clubbing
- pulmonary hypertrophic osteoartropathy
 Hematologic

- anemia,
-leukemoid reactions
-pure red cell aplasia,
-disseminated intravascular coagulation
Paraneoplastic syndromes

 Cutaneous and muscular

- hyperkeratosis,
- dermatomyositis,
- acanthosis nigricans,
-erytremia gyratum repens,
- hypertricosis lanuginosa acquisita
-nephrotic syndrome,
Diagnosis and staging of lung cancer

 Diagnosis : sputum cytology, fiberoptic bronchoscopy,

Transthoracic fine-needle aspiration
1.Patient is a high operative risk,
2.Patient hjas a low risk of malignancy based on clinical and
radiologic characteristics.
3. A definite benigne diagnosis is considered likely,
4. The patient prefers to have a diagnosis of cancer before
proceeding to the operating room.
5.Patient is not an operative candidate, but tissue
confirmation is needed before definitive treatment with
radiation therapy or chemotherapy or both.
Characteristics of solitary pulmonary
nodules predicting malignancy
 Radiologic characteristics
- diameter>2cm,
- spiculation present,
- upper lobe location
Clinical characteristics
- age>40 years
- positive smoking history
History of other cancer
Radiographic features

 Early signs of a lung tumor are as follows:

 1.a density within the lung parenchima,
 2. a cavitary mass,
 3. a segmental, indistinct, poorly defined dense area,
 4. a nodular streaked, local infiltration along the course of a
blood vesel,
 5. segmental consolidation,
 6 a roughly triangular lesion arising in the apex and
extending toward the hilus,
 7. a mediastinal mass,
 enlargement of one hilus,
 9. segmental or lobar obstructive emphysema,
 10. segmental atelectasis.
Chest radiographic presentations of lung
 Pulmonary nodule<3 cm in size,
 Pulmonary or hilar mass,
 Pulmonary opacities(lobar, segmental, subsegmental),
 Tracheal or bronchial intraluminal opacity, luminal
narrowing or chest wll thickening,
 Atelectasis (lung, lobar, segmental, subsegmental)
 Pulmonary cavitary lesion,
 Air trapping(hyperinflation)
 Mediastinal mass,
 Pleural lesion,
 Pleural effusion,
 Pericardial effusion (enlarged cardiac silhouette),
 Elevated hemidiaphragm(paralysis or paresis),
 Chest wall mass or bone metastases.
Classification of lung carcinoma

 Squamous cell carcinoma,

 Small cell carcinoma
- pure small cell carcinoma,
- small- large cell carcinoma,
- combined small cell carcinoma (with areas of
squamous or glandular differentiation),
 Adenocarcinoma
- variant: bronchioloalveolar carcinoma,
 Large cell carcinoma,
 Adenosquamous carcinoma.
TNM Definition
   TNM classification Primary tumour (T)   TxPrimary
tumour cannot be assessed or tumour proven by the
presence of malignant cells in sputum or bronchial
washings but not visualised by imaging or bronchoscopy
 T0No evidence of primary tumour
 TisCarcinoma in situ
 T1Tumour <3 cm in greatest dimension, surrounded by
lung or visceral pleura, without bronchoscopic evidence
of invasion more proximal than the lobar bronchus
 T2Tumour with any of the following features of size or
extent:   >3 cm in greatest dimension   involves main
bronchus >2 cm distal to the carina   invades the
visceral pleura   associated with atelectasis or
obstructive pneumonitis that extends to the hilar region
but does not involve the entire lung
 T3Tumour of any size that directly invades the
following: chest wall (including superior sulcus
tumours), diaphragm, mediastinal pleura, parietal
pericardium; or tumour in the main bronchus <2
cm distal to the carina but without involvement of
the carina; or associated atelectasis or obstructive
pneumonitis of the entire lung
T4Tumour of any size that involves any of the
following: mediastinum, heart, great vessels,
trachea, oesophagus, vertebral body, carina; or
tumour with a malignant pleural or pericardial
effusion, or with satellite tumour nodule(s) within
the ipsilateral primary tumour lobe of the lung
Stage Grouping for Lung Cancer

 Regional lymph nodes (N)

 NxRegional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
 N0No regional lymph node metastases
 N1Metastases to ipsilateral
peribronchial and/or ipsilateral hilar lymph nodes
and intrapulmonary nodes involved by direct
extension of primary tumour
 N2Metastases to ipsilateral mediastinal and/or
subcarinal lymph nodes
 N3Metastases to contralateral mediastinal,
contralateral hilar, ipsilateral or contralateral
saclene or supraclavicular lymph nodes
 Distant metastases (M)
 Mx Presence of distant metastases cannot be assessed
 M0 No distant metastases
 M1Distant metastases present
 Stage grouping TNM subsets
 0Carcinoma in situ
 IA T1N0M0 IB T2N0M0
 IIA T1N1M0 IIB T2N1M0 T3N0M0
 IIIA T3N1M0 T1N2M0 T2N2M0 T3N2M0
 IIIB T4N0M0 T4N1M0 T4N2M0 T1N3M0 T2N3M0 T3N3M0
 IV Any T Any N M1
Algoritm for therapy in lung cancer

 Comprehensive clinical evaluation

Clinical examination negative

- Chest CT

*T4 = 1. defined
2. indeterminate : VATS surgery.
** LN Positive = sample LN= a)N2 Positive- unresectable
and induction protocol b)N3 Positive- unresectable
*** LN Negative = Surgery
 Clinical examination positive suspect M1.
*Organ specific= specific scan=a) negative scan
=follow chest CT sequence, b) positive
scan= treat M1.
**Organ nonspecific findings= scan succesive
organs= a)negative scan= follow chest CT
b) positive scan= treat M1.

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