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Key Management

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The key takeaways are about public key cryptography and different methods for key distribution and exchange.

The different methods for distributing public keys discussed are public announcement, publicly available directory, public-key authority, and public-key certificates.

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol allows two parties to jointly establish a shared secret key over an insecure communication channel without any prior secrets.

Cryptography and Network

Key Management and generation

Cryptography and Network Security

Key Exchange
Public key systems are much slower than

private key system

Public key system is then often for short data

Signature, key distribution

Key distribution

One party chooses the key and transmits it to other user

Key agreement

Protocol such two parties jointly establish secret key over

public communication channel
Key is the function of inputs of two users

Cryptography and Network Security

Distribution of Public Keys

can be considered as using one of:

Publicly available directory
Public-key authority
Public-key certificates

Cryptography and Network Security

Public Key Management

Simple one: publish the public key

as newsgroups, yellow-book, etc.

But it is not secure, although it is convenient
Anyone can forge such a announcement
Ex: user B pretends to be A, and publish a key for A
Then all messages sent to A, readable by B!

Let trusted authority maintain the keys

Need to verify the identity, when register keys

User can replace old keys, or void old keys

Cryptography and Network Security

Possible Attacks
Observe all messages over the channel

assume that all plaintext messages are available to

Save messages for reuse later

So have to avoid replay attack

Masquerade various users in the network

So have to be able to verify the source of the message

Cryptography and Network Security

Public Announcement
users distribute public keys to recipients

or broadcast to community at large

eg. append PGP (pretty good privacy) keys to email

messages or post to news groups or email list

major weakness is forgery

anyone can create a key claiming to be someone else

and broadcast it
until forgery is discovered can masquerade as claimed

Cryptography and Network Security

Publicly Available Directory

can obtain greater security by registering

keys with a public directory

directory must be trusted with properties:
contains {name,public-key} entries
participants register securely with directory
participants can replace key at any time
directory is periodically published
directory can be accessed electronically

still vulnerable to tampering or forgery

Cryptography and Network Security

Public-Key Authority
improve security by tightening control over

distribution of keys from directory

has properties of directory
and requires users to know public key for
the directory
then users interact with directory to
obtain any desired public key securely

require real-time access to directory when keys are

Cryptography and Network Security

Public-Key Authority

Cryptography and Network Security

More advanced distribution

sends request-for-key(B) to authority with timestamp, that is, Ida|Idb|Time

Authority replies with key(B) (encrypted by its private
key), that is EKTta(KUb| Ida|Idb|Time)
A initiates a message to B, including a random number
Na, its IDA
B then ask authority to get key(A)
B sends A (encrypted by As public key) Na and Nb
A then replies B Nb encrypted by Bs public key
Cryptography and Network Security


In above scheme, the authority is

New approach: certificate

Any user can read certificate, determine name and

public key of the certificates owner
Any user can verify the authority of certificate
Only the authority can create and update certificate
Any user can verify the time-stamp of certificate

The certificate is
CA=EKRauth[T,IDA, KUA], where the EKRauth is the private key
used by the authority.

Time-stamp is to avoid reuse of voided key

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Certificates

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Certificates
certificates allow key exchange without real-time access to

public-key authority
a certificate binds identity to public key

usually with other info such as period of validity, rights of use etc

with all contents signed by a trusted Public-Key or

Certificate Authority (CA)

can be verified by anyone who knows the public-key
authorities public-key
To validate the certificate, we need another certificate, one
that matches the Issuer (of CA) in the first certificate.
Then we take the RSA public key from the second (CA)
certificate, use it to decode the signature on the first
certificate to obtain an MD5 hash, which must match an
actual MD5 hash computed over the rest of the certificate.

Cryptography and Network Security


The structure of a X.509 v3 digital certificate is as follows:
Serial Number
Algorithm ID
Not Before
Not After

Subject Public Key Info

Public Key Algorithm

Subject Public Key

Issuer Unique Identifier (Optional)

Subject Unique Identifier (Optional)
Extensions (Optional)

Certificate Signature Algorithm

Certificate Signature
Cryptography and Network Security


Sample Certificate

Data: Version: 1 (0x0)
Serial Number: 7829 (0x1e95)
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
Issuer: C=ZA, ST=Western Cape, L=Cape Town, O=Thawte Consulting cc, OU=Certification Services
Division, CN=Thawte Server CA/

Not Before: Jul 9 16:04:02 1998 GMT

Not After : Jul 9 16:04:02 1999 GMT

Subject: C=US, ST=Maryland, L=Pasadena, O=Brent Baccala, OU=FreeSoft,
Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key: (1024 bit)
Modulus (1024 bit): 00:b4:31:98:0a:c4:bc:62:c1:88:aa:dc:b0:c8:bb:
33:35:19:d5:0c:64:b9:3d:41:b2:96:fc:f3:31:e1: 66:36:d0:8e:56:12:44:ba:75:eb:e8:1c:9c:5b:66:
70:33:52:14:c9:ec:4f:91:51:70:39:de:53:85:17: 16:94:6e:ee:f4:d5:6f:d5:ca:b3:47:5e:1b:0c:7b:
c5:cc:2b:6b:c1:90:c3:16:31:0d:bf:7a:c7:47:77: 8f:a0:21:c7:4c:d0:16:65:00:c1:0f:d7:b8:80:e3:
d2:75:6b:c1:ea:9e:5c:5c:ea:7d:c1:a1:10:bc:b8: e8:35:1c:9e:27:52:7e:41:8f
Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption
8f:0e:fc:ba:1f:34:e9:96:6e:6c:cf:f2:ef:9b:bf:de:b5:22: 68:9f

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Distribution of Secret

use previous methods to obtain public-key

can use for secrecy or authentication

but public-key algorithms are slow
so usually want to use private-key

encryption to protect message contents

hence need a session key
have several alternatives for negotiating a
suitable session

Cryptography and Network Security


Simple Secret Key Distribution

proposed by Merkle in 1979

generates a new temporary public key pair

A sends B the public key and their identity
B generates a session key K sends it to A encrypted
using the supplied public key
A decrypts the session key and both use
problem is that an opponent can intercept

and impersonate both halves of protocol

Cryptography and Network Security


Secret key Distribution

Simple secret key distribution

generates KUA and KRA, sends KUA to B

B generates a secret key ks
B sends ks to A using As public key KUA
A decrypts the message to get the secret key ks

To get more security, the public/private

keys can be regenerated when needed

But vulnerable to the active attack!

Attacker E can compromise the communication

between A and B as follows
Cryptography and Network Security



generates KUA and KRA, sends IDA, KUA to B

E intercepts the message, transmits IDA, KUE to B
B generates a secret key ks
B sends ks to A using As public key KUE
E intercepts the message, decrypt it and get ks
E sends A the message Ks, encrypted by KUA
A decrypts the message to get the secret key ks

Now E knows Ks, but A, B are unaware of it

Cryptography and Network Security


Secret Key Distribution

So need confidentiality and authentication

and B need to use a secure method to exchange their

public keys


A initiates a message to B, EKUB(Na,IDa)

B replies it with EKUA(Na,Nb)
A then replies it with EKUB(Nb)
A sends B the message EKUB (EKRA(Ks))


The first 3 steps are used to assure that A is A, B is B

Cryptography and Network Security


Public-Key Distribution of Secret

if have securely exchanged public-keys:

Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie-Hellman Key Predist.

Note:Please check your book and your class notes for this

Computationally secure

if discrete logarithm is intractable


Assume prime number p public and an integer c public

Each user u has secret component au
User u computes bu=c au mod p
TA certifies it by computing

(ID(u), bu, sigTA(ID(u), bu))


common key of two users u and v is

K=c au av mod p
Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Computationally secure

discrete logarithm is intractable


Assume prime number p public and an integer c public

Each user u chooses a secret component au (new!)
User u computes bu=c au mod p
User v computes bv=c av mod p
The common key of two users u and v is

K=c au av mod p

Cryptography and Network Security


Diffie-Hellman Problem
Diffie-Hellman problem definition
Given bu=gau

mod p, bv=gav mod p, how to compute

gavau mod p? Here g is a primitive element of mod p
The problem is not harder than the discrete logarithmetic problem, because the later one can always be
used to solve it
It can be proved that it has the same difficulty as the
ElGamal encryption system

Cryptography and Network Security


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