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Learn to control

instruments with Visual


In 1965, Hewlett-Packard designed the Hewlett-Packard
Interface Bus ( HP-IB ) to connect their line of programmable
instruments to their computers. Because of its high transfer
rates (nominally 1 Mbytes/s), this interface bus quickly gained
popularity. It was later accepted as IEEE Standard 488-1975,
and has evolved to ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.1-1987. Today,
the name General Purpose Interface Bus (GPIB) is more
widely used than HP-IB. ANSI/IEEE 488.2-1987 strengthened
the original standard by defining precisely how controllers and
instruments communicate. Standard Commands for
Programmable Instruments (SCPI ) took the command
structures defined in IEEE 488.2 and created a single,
comprehensive programming command set that is used with
any SCPI instrument. Figure 1 summarizes GPIB history.


The SCPI and IEEE 488.2 standards addressed the limitations and ambiguities of the original IEEE 488 standard.
IEEE 488.2 makes it possible to design more compatible and productive test systems. SCPI simplifies the
programming task by defining a single comprehensive command set for programmable instrumentation,
regardless of type or manufacturer.
The ANSI/IEEE Standard 488-1975, now called IEEE 488.1, greatly simplified the interconnection of programmable
instrumentation by clearly defining mechanical, electrical, and hardware protocol specifications. For the first
time, instruments from different manufacturers were interconnected by a standard cable. Although this standard
went a long way towards improving the productivity of test engineers, the standard did have a number of
shortcomings. Specifically, IEEE 488.1 did not address data formats, status reporting, message exchange
protocol, common configuration commands, or device-specific commands. As a result, each manufacturer
implemented these items differently, leaving the test system developer with a formidable task.
IEEE 488.2 enhanced and strengthened IEEE 488.1 by standardizing data formats, status reporting, error
handling, Controller functionality, and common commands to which all instruments must respond in a defined
manner. By standardizing these issues, IEEE 488.2 systems are much more compatible and reliable. The IEEE
488.2 standard focuses mainly on the software protocol issues and thus maintains compatibility with the
hardware-oriented IEEE 488.1 standard.
SCPI built on the IEEE 488.2 standard and defined device-specific commands that standardize programming
instruments. SCPI systems are much easier to program and maintain. In many cases, you can interchange or
upgrade instruments without having to change the test program. The combination of SCPI and IEEE 488.2 offers
significant productivity gains, and finally, delivers as sound a software standard as IEEE 488.1 did a hardware

Why Automated Testing?

1. Test automation enables one to achieve detailed product testing with
significant reduction in test cycle time.
2. The efficiency of automated testing incorporated into product lifecycle can
generate sustainable time and money savings.
3. Better, faster testing.
4. Rapid validation of software changes with each new release of application is
5. Automated testing increases the significance and accuracy of testing and
results in greater test coverage.
6. Automated testing offers a level of consistency, which is not achievable
through the use of manual testing.
7. Automated testing eliminates the time constraints associated with manual
testing. Scripts can be executed at any time without human intervention.
8. Automated test scripts are re-usable, and can be used across varying
scenarios and environments.
9. Enhanced productivity.






Fast, data transfer rate 1 MHz

Slow, runs at 700 samples/sec

Max. Distance 2 m

Up to 50 m

14 Devices can be connected to

one GPIB

Only one device can be

connected to an RS232 cable



Get started - Using Visual Basic

to connect to instruments
The virtual instrument software architecture (VISA) is a
multi-vendor standard, ensuring a high degree of
interoperability among instrumentation vendors. VISA
supports a wide variety of operating systems and
instrument interfaces. This guide describes how to use the
Agilent VISA COM I/O Library in Visual Basic. There are
three basic steps to communicate with an instrument in
Visual Basic:
1. Include the appropriate VISA COM libraries.
2. Connect to the instrument by finding the I/O address of the
instrument you are using.
3. Use the connection to the instrument to do something and
read the result.

VISA (Virtual Instrument Systems Architecture) The VISA library

is the industry standard for instrument control and is now maintained
by the IVI Foundation. A program written to work with the VISA library
will work with implementations of VISA from other vendors. It can be
used from any program that can call arbitrary Windows DLLs, such as:
Agilent VEE
MathWorks MATLAB
Microsoft Visual Basic 6
Microsoft Visual Studio .Net (using Visual Basic, Managed C++ or C#)
National Instruments LABVIEW
National Instruments LabWindows/CVI

VISA provides complete access to GPIB, LAN, USB, RS-232, VXI messagebased, and VXI register-based products.

Step 1: Include the appropriate

From Visual Basic, go to Project > References. This brings up a dialog
box of available references as seen below.
Scroll down until you see the VISA COM 1.0 Type Library and Agilent
VISA COM Resource Manager 1.0, check the box and then click the
OK button. This adds the reference for the Agilent I/O Utilities library.
Having these references gives you benefits such as typing aids for
program lines involving VISA COM commands. The Agilent IO Libraries
Suite 14 uses VISA COM 3.0. Only in VB 6.0 and the Excel VBA
environment can you call the VISA COM 1.0 Type Library and
automatically get access to the VISA COM 3.0 Type Library.
Place a command button on the form. Double-clicking on the command
button in design mode will bring you to the Form Code window.
Alternately, from the menu bar, you may click View > Code.

Step 2: Connect to the

The Agilent IO Libraries Suite provides a Global Resource Manager (GRM), which can create any
VISA COM resource installed on the system. Create an instance of the
VisaComLib.ResourceManager object and use it to create an object that provides
communication to an instrument.
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
The easiest way to get a VisaCom object for a specific instrument is to use the Open method.
The Open method is from the interface IMessage that is indirectly referred to from the
FormattedIO488 class through the IO property. For example:
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB0::10") ' 10 is the instr. address
The above example sets the instrument to a VisaComLib.FormattedIO488 object that can
communicate with the instrument on the GPIB0 bus at instrument address 10. Notice that
instantiating the instrument is necessary before using the Open method from the IO
property. Also notice the syntax used to specify the interface and bus address.

Step 3: Talk to your instrument

The session object (VisaComLib.FormattedIO488) has
several mechanisms for sending and receiving data from
an instrument. Two of those mechanisms are
WriteString and ReadString. The following example
shows how to send the instrument identification query
and display the instrument's response query in a
message box.
Dim idn As String
instrument.WriteString "*IDN?"
idn = instrument.ReadString()
MsgBox "The IDN String is: " & idn, vbOKOnly, "IDN Result"

Handling Data with Instruments

This tutorial describes how to read data from an
Agilent instrument or send data to an Agilent
instrument. The most common type of data is a
string representation of a number. However, this
tutorial will show examples for both string and
double representations of the data.
Note: Be sure that you connect to your instrument
before testing your code. Instructions for
connecting to an instrument can be found in the
first three tutorials. All examples require Agilent
VISA COM installed on your PC.

Reading Strings
The following code will display a string in a text box as sent
by a DMM:
Dim strData As String
instrument.WriteString "Meas?"
strData = instrument.ReadString()
Text1.Text = strData
The command WriteString tells the instrument to see if
there is a measurement to be recorded. The command
ReadString writes the reply of the Meas? query as a string
into strData. The data is written to a text box that you

Writing Strings
If you have a string to begin with, writing a string to an instrument is
straightforward. The following code writes a string to the instrument
instrument.WriteString ":syst:beep;:disp:text 'LOVE AGILENT'
Note that in this case, the string must be in between single quotes in
order for the instrument to recognize the string. Alternately, you
may set the display text to the expression in a text box for more
flexibility. The ReadString and WriteString commands are used
with IEEE488 ASCII strings and they must follow the 488.2 ASCII
string rules. For example:
instrument.WriteString ":syst:beep;:disp:text " & "'" & Text2.Text & "'"

Reading Numbers
Converting the string representation into number format (i.e. double, single,
integer or long) is relatively simple. Change the type of the data variable to the
type of preference. For example:
Dim dblData As Double
Dim strReply As String
instrument.WriteString "Meas?"
strReply = instrument.ReadString()
dblData = Val(strReply)
Text3.Text = dblData
Notice that we use the Val method with the ReadString command. This is
needed in order to stay consistent with a computer's geographic setting.
Depending on your geographical location and computer language preferences,
different countries have different data syntax. The Val command translates a
string into a double consistent with the instrument use of a decimal radix.
Consult later tutorials for more information concerning this localization issue.

Writing Numbers
Use Str$ (string_name) to convert a double to a string.
instrument.WriteString ":syst:beep;:disp:text " & "'" & Str$(14.2) & "'
Similar to ReadString and WriteString, there are also ReadNumber and WriteNumber commands. The following code writes 0.09 to the null register of
a DMM, reads back that number and displays it in a textbox.
Dim dblNum As Double
Dim offset As Double
offset = 0.09
With instrument
.WriteString "CALC:FUNC null
.WriteString "CALC:STAT on"
.WriteString "CALC:NULL:OFFS ", False
.WriteNumber offset, VisaComLib.IEEEASCIIType.ASCIIType_BSTR
.WriteString "CALC:NULL:OFFS?"
dblNum = .ReadNumber()
End With
Text4.Text = dblNum
In this example, we wrote the double offset to the instrument using the WriteNumber command. Before writing the number to the DMM, the DMM should
be set up to ensure proper execution. The .WriteString "CALC:FUNC null" and .WriteString "CALC:STAT on" lines set up the DMM by enabling the math
function. Both of these lines are executed in memory.
The most interesting line in the code, .WriteString "CALC:NULL:OFFS ", False, writes a null value to the null register that reserves space to write the number
offset. The second argument in WriteString indicates whether or not to flush the first argument's register. By not flushing the register, we are able to use
WriteNumber to add offset as a string to the previous command.
Finally, the .WriteString "CALC:NULL:OFFS?" code checks to see if there is a value in the null register, and the ReadNumber command reads that value. The
code should display 0.09 in a text box. Consult your instrument's user guide for more information about operation commands.

Using a LAN connection

Newer Agilent instruments have LAN and USB ports in addition to a
GPIB port. Using a LAN connection does not require a GPIB card and
cable and may give better data-throughput performance. However, it
requires some LAN knowledge to set-up. There are several ways to
connect to an instrument using LAN: treat the instrument as a LAN
client, connect a GPIB instrument to a LAN to GPIB converter such as
the Agilent E5810 LAN/GPIB Gateway, or use a crossover cable. Follow
these instructions to set-up a LAN connection with the instrument.
Notes: Make sure you fully install the Agilent IO Libraries, version 14 or
later, before trying to connect with LAN. You will know this is installed
if there is an IO icon in your system tray (the letters IO with a
multicolored circle around it). Clicking on this icon will bring up several
useful tools such as Agilent Connection Expert and VISA Assistant.
Click on the icon and select About Agilent IO Control to check what
version you are running.

LAN Client:
With a LAN compatible instrument such as the 33220A, connect the
instrument to the same network as the computer with a standard LAN
Depending on the instrument, you will need the IP address or the Host
Name of the instrument. Most Agilent instruments configure its own
unique IP address while older instruments allow you to set the IP address
of your instrument as long as it corresponds with the same subnet of your
computer. Consult your instruments user manual to get the DHCP Ethernet
address or Host Name. DHCP should be turned on when connecting to
a LAN instrument over a network.
Newer instruments such as the 33220A are web-enabled and have a
webpage containing information catering to your Agilent instruments. To
access the webpage, open up a web browser. In the URL text field type the
IP address of your instrument. A webpage should pop up containing
information about your instrument. Note the IP address of the instrument.

You can also connect to your instrument by setting up the instrument

with the Agilent IO Libraries interface. Click the IO icon in the system
tray and select Agilent Connection Expert. On the top toolbar, click
Add Instrument. Under Interface type, highlight LAN and click Ok.
You can find the IP address of the instrument connected to the network
using one of two ways.
1. Click Find Instruments. Ensure that the boxes next to LAN and
Lookup hostnames, and click Find Now. After it is finished searching
for instruments, highlight the appropriate hostname. Click Ok.
2. Click the bullet next to IP address. Enter the IP address of the
Test your connection with the instrument by clicking Test Connection.

The address of the instrument in this example is

TCPIP0:: If you are unsure of the
address, refer to the Agilent Connection Expert
window and find its VISA address. Connect to the
instrument using that address string. For example:
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO =

Crossover LAN Cable:

Setting up a direct connection to the instrument is similar to setting up a connection to the instrument over
a network.
Use a crossover LAN cable to connect to an instrument without having to go through a server. Connect your
instrument and your PC with a crossover cable. Wait 2 minutes for your computer to autoconfigure a new
IP address.
Find the IP address of your instrument. This is different than the DHCP Ethernet address. DHCP must be
turned of before you acquire the IP address of the instrument when using a crossover cable. Consult the
instrument's user manual for further instructions. If you need to set the IP address of the instrument
manually, type in an address with the same subnet as your computer. For example, if your computer's IP
address is, set the instrument's IP address to something like
You can test the connection in your DOS window. Type ping . Your computer will send out 4 request packets
and should receive 4 replies from the instrument.
Click the IO icon in the system tray and select Agilent Connection Expert. On the top toolbar, click Add
Instrument. Under Interface type, highlight LAN and click Ok.
You can find the IP address of the instrument connected to the network using one of two ways.
1. Click Find Instruments. Ensure that the boxes next to LAN and Lookup hostnames, and click Find
Now. After it is finished searching for instruments, highlight the appropriate hostname. Click Ok.
2. Click the bullet next to IP address. Enter the IP address of the instrument.

Test your connection with the instrument by clicking Test Connection. The address of the
instrument is the VISA address. Use the VISA address to call it using Visual Basic.
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("TCPIP0::")
Note: If you had to disconnect your PC from the internet to connect your PC to your instrument and
are having problems viewing the web-enabled instrument page, follow these steps to access the
instruments webpage. Open a web browser and click Tools > Internet Options on the menu bar.
Select the Connections tab and click LAN Settings. Check the Automatically Detect Settings
box and uncheck all other boxes. Press Ok twice. Type in the IP address of your instrument in the
Address text field and your web browser will take you to your instrument's web enabled page.
Optional: To make searching for connections faster, add the instrument's IP address to your hosts
list. In Windows NT or 2000, open C:winntystem32drivers tchosts. In Windows XP, open
C:WINDOWSystem32drivers tchosts.

As shown above, add an entry with the

instrument's IP address above the
local host entry similar to the
following: 33220A
Save and close the file.

LAN/GPIB Converter:
Connecting to an instrument using a LAN/GPIB
converter such as the Agilent E5810
LAN/GPIB Gateway with a GPIB cable is easy
with the latest edition of the Agilent IO
Libraries Suite 14. First, find the IP address of
the LAN/GPIB converter. An Agilent E5810
LAN/GPIB gateway will automatically
reconfigure itself while older models need to
be configured. Consult your LAN/GPIB
converter's user manual for instructions to do

Click the IO icon in the system tray and select Agilent Connection Expert. On
the top toolbar, click Add Interface. Highlight Remote GPIB and click Add.
You can connect to the LAN/GPIB converter using one of two ways.
1. Click Find Interfaces. Ensure that the box next to Lookup hostnames is
checked, and click Find Now. After it is finished searching for instruments,
highlight the appropriate hostname. Click Ok.
2. Click the bullet next to IP address. Enter the IP address of the instrument.

Click Ok. Agilent Connection Expert should automatically update the

Instrument I/O on this PC frame and list any instruments you currently have
connected to the LAN/GPIB converter. The address of the instrument should be
something like GPIB1::10::INSTR. Handle the instrument as if it were connected
by a direct GPIB connection. If you are unsure of the address of the instrument,
run Agilent Connection Expert for a list of all instruments connected to your
computer and their address strings.

Using a USB connection

In addition to LAN and GPIB ports, newer
instruments are also equipped with USB ports. A
USB connection is typically easy to setup and very
inexpensive. A USB2.0 connection is also faster
than a LAN or GPIB connection. However, USB
does not work with Windows NT. You can connect
your instrument using a standard USB cable or
with a USB /GPIB converter. For instruments that
do not offer a USB port, the Agilent 82537A
USB/GPIB interface connects to the GPIB port of
the instrument and to a USB port on the

USB Cable
Connect the cable from your PC to the
instrument. The Found New
Hardware Wizard should
automatically open on your
computer. Select all defaults to install
the appropriate drivers for the USB
cable. Click Finish.

Click the IO icon in the system tray and select Agilent

Connection Expert. The Agilent Connection Expert will
automatically detect the instrument connected with a USB cable
and list it under the Instrument I/O on this PC column. When
connecting to your instrument in Visual Basic, use can use the
VISA alias or the VISA address as the address of your instrument.
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("UsbDevice1") ' or Set
instrument.IO =

USB/GPIB Converter
Connecting to an instrument using an Agilent 82357A USB to GPIB converter
is relatively straightforward. Connect your GPIB end of the UBS/GPIB
converter to your instrument. Plug the USB end of the cable into your
computer. Windows will automatically detect the connection and begin
installing the appropriate drivers. Accept all defaults. Click Finish when it is
done installing.
The USB to GPIB connection is established as a GPIB connection. Like always,
you can check your connections in Agilent Connection Expert. In Visual
Basic, the address of the instrument is something like GPIB2::10::INSTR.
Dim ioMgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set ioMgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB2::10::INSTR")

Waits and delays - learn how to

create a delay
Visual Basic and Visual Studio .NET do not include a
Wait command. When working with instruments a
Wait command can be particularly useful for
adding a delay between a query and reply. The
most common example is to add a delay after
sending a reset command to an instrument. An
instrument may buffer commands and any
commands sent to an instrument that is resetting
will likely be lost. There are several ways to
introduce Wait functionality; sleep and delay are
two common methods for creating a delay.

For simple pauses that are several hundred milliseconds or
longer you can use the Sleep API. Call the function with
Sleep 1000 for a 1 second delay after declaring the
function. Access this function anywhere inside the code
after it is declared. For example:
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" Alias "Sleep"
(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Debug.Print "Do you like to sleep?"
Sleep 1000 ' 1 sec sleep
Debug.Print "Yes."

End Sub

For short delays of fractional seconds, or for a more accurate timer, use
the timeGetTime Win API. timeGetTime returns the number of
milliseconds since you started Windows. Use this function to create a
delay function. The delay function uses the timeGetTime API as a
reference to count the delay. Paste the following code into a module.
Then when you want a delay of 50 milliseconds call the delay routine
like this: delay 50.
Private Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "winmm.dll" () As Long
Public lngStartTime As Long
Public Sub delay(msdelay As Long)
lngStartTime = timeGetTime()
Do Until (timeGetTime() - lngStartTime) > msdelay

End Sub

Communicating with
Instruments using RS-232
When it comes to interfaces RS-232 is
pretty inexpensive to incorporate and
over the years many instruments
have been designed with an RS-232
interface. To use the RS-232 interface
make sure it is enabled (selected)
and determine the proper cables to
connect the computer to the
instrument. Finally, set and verify the
RS-232 communication parameters.

To connect the instrument to a computer, you must have the proper interface cable.
Most computers are DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) devices. Most instruments are
also DTE devices. To connect these, you must use a DTE-to-DTE interface cable.
These cables are also called null-modem, modem-eliminator, or crossover cables.
The interface cable must also have the proper connector on each end and the
internal wiring must be correct. Connectors are typically a "D" style with 9 pins or
25 pins (DB-25 connector) with a "male" or "female" pin configuration. A male
connector has pins inside the connector shell and a female connector has holes
inside the connector shell. Most Agilent instruments use a 9-pin configuration. The
Agilent 34398A serial cable with a 9-pin female connectors will work with these
If you cannot find the correct cable for your configuration, you may use a wiring
adapter. If you are using a DTE-to-DTE cable, make sure the adapter is a "straightthrough" type. Typical adapters include gender changers, null-modem adapters,
and "D" style adapters with 9 pins or 25 pins. The Agilent 34398A Cable Kit
contains cables and an adapter to help you connect serial interfaces.

Check your instrument manual for the proper

cable to use. If the manual is unavailable, try
one of the two cables shown below. A typical
instrument to PC cable pin diagram is shown
on the right. The pin out on the left for a
printer cable. This pin out will work with most
Agilent and non-Agilent instruments. The
diagram on the right is a simpler cable. This
is the cable shipped with many Agilent
instruments that support RS232.

Both the PC and the instrument must be set to
use the same configuration for serial
communications. In general, the instrument
will be the limiting factor for parameter
setting. Newer instruments often allow you to
set parameters, typically through the front
panel. Older instruments often have a fixed
set of parameters. Refer to the instrument's
documentation to determine settings for the
following parameters. Here is a table of
typical parameter values:

You can write Visual Basic code that can set RS232 parameters for you. First, connect
to the instrument similarly to connecting to an instrument using GPIB, LAN or USB
Dim mgr As AgilentRMLib.SRMCls
Dim instrument As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set mgr = New AgilentRMLib.SRMCls
Set instrument = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set instrument.IO = mgr.Open("ASRL1::INSTR)
Notice how the interface family for RS232 is ASRL. Using RS232 requires you to use the
Serial Interface, ISerial, built in the VISA COM libraries. Use this interface to set the
RS232 parameters.
Dim sfc As VisaComLib.ISerial
Set sfc = instrument.IO
sfc.BaudRate = 9600
sfc.FlowControl = ASRL_FLOW_DTR_DSR

Termination Character
For some instruments a termination character is
required for reading and writing data. A
termination character is generally a non-printing
character that signals the end of the data. For
RS-232 most instruments require a line feed
character (ASCII 10) or a carriage return
character (ASCII 13). Check your instrument
documentation to be certain.
instrument.IO.TerminationCharacter = 10
instrument.IO.TerminationCharacterEnabled = True

Command Delays
For RS-232 communications, the timing of instrument commands can become an
important consideration. Consider a sequence of instrument instructions like this:
instrument.WriteString "Command1?"
instrument.WriteString "Command2?",value
This kind of sequence can sometimes present a problem, particularly for RS232. The
difficulty lies in the WriteString command. Command1 could take longer to complete on
the instrument than the PC processor takes to send Command2. This in turn can send the
command before the instrument is ready.
On GPIB this isn't a problem because there is a specific bus handshake to keep things
straight. On RS232 this is more difficult (although handshakes do exist). RS-232
handshakes are more oriented toward getting the bytes across the bus than the
command level as a whole.
It is often necessary to insert a delay between the WriteString and the ReadString
commands. It is better to delay after every command since RS232 is slow and waiting.
Refer to the Delays and waits in VB article for more information about wait methods.

Here are a few things to check if you are having problems
communicating over the RS-232 interface.
On the instrument, verify that the RS-232 interface is selected
(GPIB is the default interface on many instruments). Then,
verify that the instrument and your computer are configured for
the same baud rate, parity, and number of data bits.
Verify that you have connected the correct interface cable and
adapters. Even if the cable has the proper connectors for your
system, the internal wiring may not be correct.
Verify that you have connected the interface cable to the
correct serial port on your computer (COM1, COM2, etc).
Ensure that every command has the proper time to execute.
Delay statements may be needed.

Synchronizing Instrument I/O

with *OPC?, SRQ, and polling
If you have worked through the other section in this series, you have probably
come to realize that, in addition to exchanging data, you need control when the
exchange takes place. You may need to synchronize the instrument with your
program execution or provide a means for the instrument to signal your program.
This section describes three ways to synchronize your program with your
The first method is to stop the executing of the Visual Basic code with a *OPC? Command.
When the instrument has finished executing the commands that have been received it will
become idle and respond to the *OPC? Command.
The second method is to have the instrument interrupt the execution of the Visual Basic
program with an SRQ. The GPIB bus includes a SRQ line, a hardware line that connects the
instrument to the computer.
The third method is to use visual basic to poll the instrument's SRQ status register. Polling
the status register is useful when the instruments are connected via RS232, USB or LAN.

Note: This section illustrates the use of instruments that support the SCPI and
IEEE-488.2 Common Commands. For older, non-SCPI instruments, consult the
instrument documentation.

Getting started in Visual Studio .NET

- Using VB.NET to control instruments

Microsoft has integrated robust

support for COM components in
the .NET environment. The COM
interfaces translate well into .NET
equivalents via automated wrappergenerator tools that Microsoft

Step 1: Open a new project

Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.Under the Projects tab
of the Start Page, click New Project. In the Project
Types window, highlight Visual Basic Projects.In the
Templates window, highlight Windows
Application.You may rename the project in the Name
text field to whatever you like.Click Ok.
You should see a new Form appear. Along the left side of
the window, there is a pop out menu labeled Toolbox. If
the Toolbox menu is not there, click on View > Toolbox
from the menu bar or press CTRL+ALT+X. Click the
Toolbar menu and select Button. Draw a command
button on the form.

Step 2: Add the appropriate

In the Solution Explorer window, right-click
References and click Add Reference.
Alternately, you may use the Project >
Add Reference menu.
At the top of the Add Reference window,
click the COM tab. Highlight VISA COM
3.0 Type Library. Click Select to select
the VISA COM 3.0 libraries and click OK.

Step 3: Connect to the

Double-click on the command button in Design window or press F7 to view the skeleton code or your project.
Enter the following code to connect to most IEEE 488.2 compliant instruments:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As _ System.EventArgs) Handles
Dim ioMgr As Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager
Dim instrument As Ivi.Visa.Interop.FormattedIO488
Dim idn As String
ioMgr = New Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager
instrument = New Ivi.Visa.Interop.FormattedIO488 ' use instrument specific address for Open() parameter i.e.
Set instrument.IO = ioMgr.Open("GPIB0::22")
idn = instrument.ReadString()
MsgBox("The IDN String is: " & idn, vbOKOnly, "IDN Result")
End Sub
To test your code, use the Debug > Start menu or press F5. Clicking the button should return the instrument
address as a string in a message box.
For more information regarding available interfaces and classes, press CTRL+ALT+J or use the View > Other
Windows > Object Browser menu.

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