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Lecture TEM

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CBE 30361

Science of Engineering Materials

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)

Scale of Structure Organization

Concept of Resolution

Rayleigh criterion for visible-light

Microscope states that the smallest
distance that can be resolved, d, is
given approximately by:

l is the wavelength of the radiation, m the refractive

index of the viewing medium, and b the semi-angle
of collection of the magnifying lens. For the
sake of simplicity we can approximate m sin b to unity

Visible light l=400 nm R= 200nm

Electrons l=4 pm
R= 2 pm << atom diameter

so the resolution is equal to about half

the wavelength of light.

Transmission Electron Microscopy:

what can be done?

TEM gives images of internal structure of a

specimen sufficiently thin (~1000 ) to allow
transmission of electrons, typically 100-300 kV.
2. Electrons diffract. Electron diffraction patterns
give detailed crystallographic information:
Crystal orientation
Lattice parameters
Specimen thickness
3. Chemical analysis is also possible with
available analytical attachments for x-ray or electron

TEM Imagining
Only the transmitted beam is allowed to pass through the objective aperture. Image
is bright where diffraction in specimen is weak.
Only one diffracted beam passes through objective aperture.
Image is dark where diffraction is weak, bright where diffraction is strong.
LATTICE IMAGE (High Resolution TEM: HRTEM image):
Interference of transmitted beam (TB) and diffracted beams (DBs) produces an
image of the crystal lattice.
Intermediate lens adjusted to image the diffraction pattern formed in back focal
plane (BFP) of objective lens.

BF & DF Imaging

Isolated individual Gold Atoms

around Gold Nanoparticles:
(left) dark field image,
(right) bright field image.

HRTEM: Lattice Imaging

Lattice-resolution imaging of Ni3Al

The image shows three grains at a resolution
where the lines are closely related to planes of
atoms in the crystalline lattice. One grain
boundary is being depicted as a series of edge
HR-TEM image of Ni3Al
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy
is capable of resolving individual planes of atoms
in the crystalline lattice. The lines in this image are
closely related to planes of atoms in the crystalline lattice.


Mass-thickness contrast: scattering out of transmitted beam creates contrast due to
difference of atomic number (Z) and/or thickness t; scattering is proportional to Z2t.
Higher-Z or thicker areas are darker in BF. Applicable to crystalline or amorphous
Diffraction contrast: scattering out of transmitted beam creates contrast due to differences
in diffracted intensity produces contrast for dislocations, grain boundaries, stacking faults,
second phase particles etc. Strongly diffracting objects are darker in BF. Applicable only to
crystalline materials.
Phase contrast: interference between transmitted and diffracted beam produces lattice
fringes or atomic structure images (typically referred to as HRTEM (high-resolution

Mass-Thickness Contrast

What do the Z-contrast of crystals look like?

(A) TEM BF image of Bi implanted into Si

formed from the direct beam: defects with
the Bi implant are shown but there is no
contrast associated with Bi;
(B) Z-contrast image: the Bi implanted area
is bright, but the defects contrast is not

(A) HRTEM of epitaxial Ge on Si with amorphous SiO2 :

Si and Ge are undistinguishable;
(B) HR Z- contrast STEM image also show the atom rows
bur with strong contrast of at the Si-Ge interface.
We can think re (B) as a direct map of f(q) variation in
the foil!!

Diffraction in TEM

What is it?
What can we learn from it?
Why do we see it?
What determines the scale?

Comparison X-ray /Electrons:

An experimentally observed DP showing
the central intense, direct beam and array
of diffraction spots from different atomic

- Electrons have a much shorter wavelength than X-ray

- Electrons are scattered more strongly
-Electron beams are easily directed
However, much of electron D follows directly from X-ray D

Is the specimen crystalline or amorphous?

If it is crystalline: what are crystallographic characteristics of the specimen?
Is the specimen mono-crystalline?
If not what is the grain morphology and grain size distribution?
Is more than one phase presented, how are they oriented to each other?

Ring Patterns

Amorphous (non-crystalline)
materials give diffuse rings, as in
(a) above, which is from a thin
amorphous carbon support film.
TEM grids with carbon support
films are available from several
microscopy suppliers. Crystalline
materials give sharp rings, as in

Ring Patterns

The diffraction pattern from a polycrystalline specimen area contains overlapping spot
patterns from all grains illuminated by the incident beam. If the number of grains is small, we
see spotty rings. If the number is large (small grain size) we will see smooth continuous

The ring radii are given by the camera formula:



Where d is a crystal d-spacing; l wave

length of the electron; L constant of the

Selected Area Diffraction (SAD)

- Crystallographic structure from particular areas of a sample.
- Used to distinguish and identify crystalline (and amorphous) phases in a material.

SAD pattern:10-10 zone axis pattern

of a hexagonal GaN/cubic GaN

The objective lens forms a diffraction pattern in the back focal plane with
electrons scattered by the sample and combines them to generate an image
in the image plane (1. intermediate image). Thus, diffraction pattern and
image are simultaneously present in the TEM. It depends on the
intermediate lens which of them appears in the plane of the second
intermediate image and magnified by the projective lens on the viewing
screen. Switching from real space (image) to reciprocal space (diffraction
pattern) is easily achieved by changing the strength of the intermediate lens.

TEM micrographs taken from

Ti-15Zr-4Nb-4Ta Alloy specimen :
(a) the bright field image,
(b) the magnified image of area,
(c) the selected area diffraction pattern
(d) the DF image taken with (012)a reflection

Chemical analysis: EDS

Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS)
EDS makes use of the X-ray spectrum emitted by a solid sample bombarded
with a focused beam of electrons to obtain a localized chemical analysis..
Spatial resolution on the order of probe size (can be as low as 2-3 )

Representative example of ED spectrum obtained

on a ~20 micron grain of titano maghemite from
submarine basalt. EDAX Phoenix EDS system;15 kV.

Chemical analysis: EDS

Nickel-based Supper Alloy

Chemical analysis: EELS

Electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS)

Transmitted electrons lose energy due to plasmon excitation or excitation of atoms by

ejecting inner-shell electrons. A bending magnet disperses electrons of different
energies to different positions; a slit selects electrons of desired energy loss.

Allows for the determination of valence, bond length,

nearest neighbor co-ordination and quantification
of atomic species in minerals

Chemical analysis: EELS

Electron energy loss spectroscopy - Valence determination


Single crystal, polycrystalline or amorphous?
Determine exact orientation of crystal(s).
Identify crystal structure (diffraction).
Evaluate crystal quality (lattice imaging).
Presence or absence of dislocations, stacking faults,
grain boundaries, twins
Dislocation Burgers vectors; nature of stacking faults
Size, shape, and distribution; crystallographic orientation
relative to surrounding matrix, chemical analysis via
analytical attachments (EDXS, EELS)
Size distribution, crystal structure and orientation, crystal

TEMs comprise a range of different instruments that make use of the
properties of electrons, both as particles and as waves.
The TEM generates a tremendous range of signals so we can obtain
images, DPs, and several different kinds of spectra from the same
small region of the specimen.
If you count up the different imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopic
operations that are available in a TEM there are almost 40 different
modes of forming an image, DP, or spectrum, each of which produces
different information about your specimen.
No other characterization technique comes close to the combination of
versatility and quantification that is produced by this remarkable
instrument, particularly when you consider the enormous range of
magnifications over which the information is obtainable.

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