Lecture TEM
Lecture TEM
Lecture TEM
Concept of Resolution
TEM Imagining
Only the transmitted beam is allowed to pass through the objective aperture. Image
is bright where diffraction in specimen is weak.
Only one diffracted beam passes through objective aperture.
Image is dark where diffraction is weak, bright where diffraction is strong.
LATTICE IMAGE (High Resolution TEM: HRTEM image):
Interference of transmitted beam (TB) and diffracted beams (DBs) produces an
image of the crystal lattice.
Intermediate lens adjusted to image the diffraction pattern formed in back focal
plane (BFP) of objective lens.
BF & DF Imaging
Mass-Thickness Contrast
What do the Z-contrast of crystals look like?
Diffraction in TEM
What is it?
What can we learn from it?
Why do we see it?
What determines the scale?
Ring Patterns
Amorphous (non-crystalline)
materials give diffuse rings, as in
(a) above, which is from a thin
amorphous carbon support film.
TEM grids with carbon support
films are available from several
microscopy suppliers. Crystalline
materials give sharp rings, as in
Ring Patterns
The diffraction pattern from a polycrystalline specimen area contains overlapping spot
patterns from all grains illuminated by the incident beam. If the number of grains is small, we
see spotty rings. If the number is large (small grain size) we will see smooth continuous
The objective lens forms a diffraction pattern in the back focal plane with
electrons scattered by the sample and combines them to generate an image
in the image plane (1. intermediate image). Thus, diffraction pattern and
image are simultaneously present in the TEM. It depends on the
intermediate lens which of them appears in the plane of the second
intermediate image and magnified by the projective lens on the viewing
screen. Switching from real space (image) to reciprocal space (diffraction
pattern) is easily achieved by changing the strength of the intermediate lens.
TEMs comprise a range of different instruments that make use of the
properties of electrons, both as particles and as waves.
The TEM generates a tremendous range of signals so we can obtain
images, DPs, and several different kinds of spectra from the same
small region of the specimen.
If you count up the different imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopic
operations that are available in a TEM there are almost 40 different
modes of forming an image, DP, or spectrum, each of which produces
different information about your specimen.
No other characterization technique comes close to the combination of
versatility and quantification that is produced by this remarkable
instrument, particularly when you consider the enormous range of
magnifications over which the information is obtainable.