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Professional Practice 2 M.S. Chua

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Professional Practice 2

M.S. Chua


formulating this document several

references were used such as the AIA Architects Handbook of Professional
Practice, RIBA Handbook: Architectural
Practice, and Management and other
materials on architectural practice.

Three basic methods of selection are available to a

Client seeking the services of an Architect:

1. Direct selection most often used by an individual
person undertaking a relatively small project.
2. Comparative selection most often employed by
committees representing institutions, corporations
or public agencies.
3. Design Competitions most frequently used for civic
or monumental projects and prestigious private

In this method, the Client selects his Architect on the basis

Personal acquaintance or Recommendation of a friend
Recommendation of a former Client
Recommendation of another Architect

Usually, selection is made after information interviews and is

most often based on the personal desires of and evaluation
by the Client.

This is perhaps the most common method of selecting an
Architect. In essence, one Architect is compared with
others and the Client makes a selection based upon his
judgment of which firm is most qualified for the successful
execution of his project.
Usually, a system is established whereby architectural firms
must first qualify for an interview by submitting
information describing their firms. The Client reviews
these submissions and determines that perhaps six or seven
might best serve his needs. Representatives of these firms
are then asked to present personally the qualifications of
their organizations at an interview session:

The Architect is usually given the opportunity to explain his

background and particular qualifications for the project under

consideration and his approach to the proposed project. He is
then asked to respond to questions from the selection
It is customary for the following information to be solicited from
the Architect:
a. Date of organization of the firm.
b. References from former Clients and form some financial
c. Number of technical staff members.
d. Ability to undertake the project under consideration with due
recognition of other work in the office.

A list of similar projects built in recent years covering

points as:
1 Project cost
2 Efficiency factors such as square foot or cubic foot costs, per
pupil costs for schools, per car costs for parking garages, or
per patient costs for hospitals.
3 Unique solutions to prior commissions.
4 Names of consultants normally used for services not
provided by the Architect himself.

The selection committee established by the Client may

consist of experienced laymen; it may have on it

representatives of other professions or the construction
industry and it may include other concerned persons with
related expertise, including Architects and Engineers. The
Architect should attempt to ascertain the composition of
the selection committee so that this presentation can be
given at the appropriate technical level. He should also
learn in advance the general scope of the project and the
location of the site. This information should be readily
available from the prospective Client.

After the selection committee has interviewed each of the

applicants, checked references and possibly visited actual

buildings designed by each Architect, it forms its opinion
of the most capable firm and then undertakes the
negotiations of the Owner-Architect Agreement and the
compensation to be paid for architectural services.
The Client, in order to be prepared for this negotiation,

may undertake an inquiry into the

compensation used for similar projects.



The Architect should be prepared to discuss the nature of

the compensation. He should be able to explain to the

Client the scope of services of the Architect and the
Minimum Basic Fee as prescribed by the Architects
National Code, which is mandatory. Throughout each
discussion, the Client must remember that he is
purchasing professional services, that the cost of these
professional services is very minor compared to the total
cost of his contemplated project, and that often more
extensive architectural services can result in the lowest
total project cost. The Client is buying personal services
and expertise and should not be misled by the lure of the
lowest compensation amount.

The Client, while obviously interested in retaining a firm which

has done similar types of projects, should be aware that many

firms have done outstanding projects in their first attempt in a
field in which they have had little or no experience. Similarly,
many young and/or small firms have been known to do
outstanding work and should be given serious consideration.
Some other factors which should be considered in retaining an

Architect include his ability to establish realistic construction

costs and his success in producing a design within that
framework; his ability to maintain an appropriate time schedule
and his success in administering construction contracts.

Of interest to some clients is the number of technical employees who

will be assigned to their projects. With work of significant magnitude,

size of technical staff of Consultants is extremely important. Execution
of multi-million dollar projects in a limited span of time requires a
significant concentration of capable technical employees.

In the Philippines, the large majority of the Architects belong to the

UAP, therefore, they will abide by the UAPs rules for design
competitions as embodied in UAP Document 209. It is important for
the client contemplating a design competition to read this document.
1. Design competitions are based on the process whereby various
architectural firms submit solutions to a particular problem and are
judged on the comparative excellence of their submissions as evidence
of their imagination and skill. The successful Architect is then awarded
the design of the actual project. Competitions offer many advantages to
both the Architect and the Owner. For instance, firms which might not
be otherwise be considered for the project are encouraged to compete
for the commission. In particular, the opportunity to compete for a
commission is offered to those

young firms or those not previously having extensive experience with the
type of project under consideration but are willing to spend the time
necessary to enter the competition. On the other hand, there are some
disadvantages to design competitions: for example, a firm that is
extremely competent in the type of building under consideration might
not wish to spend the time or effort required to enter the competition.
Obviously, the Client must decide if the effort on the part of both the
Client and competitors is worthwhile.

2. Some competitions have resulted in the construction of outstanding
buildings; some have produced disastrous results. The Client
contemplating the selection of an Architect by this means, should
discuss this matter with other organizations who have conducted
similar competitions so that he is well aware of the pros and cons. This
method of selection is usually the most expensive and time consuming
and, for these reasons, its use is generally limited to very large or
historically important civic or commercial projects. UAP Document
209 Competition Code sets forth the procedures under which such
competitions should be held, with a view toward producing the most
satisfactory selection of an Architect.

3. If a Client is considering conducting a design competition, he should
first seek the assistance of the UAP or one of its local components. One
of the first steps will be the selection of a registered Architect as the
Professional Advisor. He assists the Client, writes the program, advises
on the choice of the jury, answers questions, and conducts the
competition so that all competitors receive equal treatment, and so
that strict anonymity is observed to the end that neither the Owner,
the Advisor, nor the jury will be aware of the identity of the author of
any design until after the jury makes its report.

4. At least a majority of the jury is composed of practicing Architects and
the jury examines the rates and competition drawings. The drawings
are as few in number and as small in scale as will express the general
design of the building. The program specifies the limits of the cubical
contents or square meter area and the total construction costs.
Normally the program must include a guaranteed contract on usually
acceptable terms between the Owner and the Architect selected by the
jury, assuring that the winner of the competitions will be offered the
assignment as Architect. Special provisions to substitute for this
requirement are made for public Owners. Adequate cash prizes to
compensate for the costs of submitting the drawings must be assured
to a reasonable number of competitors. In addition to the prizes, fees
and expenses should be paid to the advisor and to the members of the
jury. A considerable variation is possible in the size, complexity, and
objectives of design competitions.

5. The Client may wish to combine methods of selection: for instance, a
design competition could be held between several equally qualified
firms that have been chosen through comparative selection procedures.
In such a case, the Client would be well advised to actually engage
these firms for an appropriate level of compensation in order for them
to actively pursue the initial studies upon which a final selection would
be made.



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