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Respiratory System Anaphy Lab

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The Respiratory

Respiration: Three Major
1. Pulmonary ventilation

Moving air in and out of lungs

2. External respiration

Gas exchange between alveoli and blood

3. nternal respiration

Gas exchange between blood and cells

Organs of the Respiratory

!pper respiratory system

"ose and pharynx

#ower respiratory system

#arynx$ trachea$ bronchi$ bronchioles$ and lungs

%&onducting 'one( consists of

)ll airways that carry air to lungs*

"ose$ pharynx$ trachea$ larynx$ bronchi$ bronchioles$ and

terminal bronchioles

%+espiratory 'one(

,ites within lungs where gas exchange occurs

+espiratory bronchioles$ alveolar ducts$ alveolar sacs$

and alveoli
Organs of the Respiratory
Upper Respiratory System:

.arm$ humidify$ filter/trap dust and microbes

Mucus and cilia of epithelial cells lining nose

0etect olfactory stimuli

Modify vocal sounds

Upper Respiratory System:
1nown as the %throat(


-unnel2shaped tube from internal nares to larynx

3 parts

3hree regions

!pper* nasopharynx4 posterior to nose

Middle* oropharynx4 posterior to mouth

#ower* laryngeal pharynx

&onnects with both esophagus and larynx* food and air

Respiratory System: Head
and Neck
Loer Respiratory System:
%5oice box(

Made largely of cartilage

3hyroid cartilage* 52shaped

%)dam6s apple(* pro7ects more anteriorly in males

5ocal cords %strung( here 8and to arytenoids9

Epiglottis* leaf2shaped piece4 covers airway

0uring swallowing$ larynx moves up so epiglottis covers

opening into trachea

&ricoid cartilage* inferior most portion

)rytenoids 8paired$ small9 superior to cricoid

Loer Respiratory System:
Loer Respiratory System:



)nterior to esophagus and thoracic vertebrae

Extends from end of larynx to primary bronchi

Loer Respiratory System: !ronchi"

,tructure of bronchial tree

:ronchi contain cartilage rings

Primary bronchi enter the lungs medially

n lungs$ branching secondary bronchi

Tertiary bronchi terminal bronchioles

3hese smaller airways

;ave less cartilage$ more smooth muscle. n

asthma, these airways can close.

&an be bronchodilated by sympathetic nerves$

epinephrine$ or related medications.
$o#%me&Press%re 'hanges in

5olume and pressure are inversely related

)s lung volume alveolar pressure

)s lung volume alveolar pressure

&ontraction of diaphragm lowers diaphragm

lung volume alveolar pressure so it is <
atmospheric pressure air enters lungs =

+elaxation of diaphragm raises diaphragm

lung volume alveolar pressure so it is >
atmospheric pressure air leaves lungs =
L%ng $o#%mes

Measured by spirometer

nspiratory reserve volume 8+59 = volume of air

that can be inhaled beyond tidal volume 8359

Expiratory reserve volume 8E+59 = volume of air

that can be exhaled beyond 35

)ir remaining in lungs after a maximum expiration

= residual volume 8+59
L%ng 'apacities

nspiratory capacity = 35 ? +5

-unctional residual capacity 8-+&9 =

+5 ? E+5

5ital capacity 85&9 = +5 ? 35 ? E+5

3otal lung capacity 83#&9 = 5& ? +5

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