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Dust Explosions - Lecture

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ENGR 4355 Industrial Safety

Course 21994 (Spring, 2009)
Albert V. Condello, III
Professor, Safety Mgmt & Fire Protection Engineering
Department of Engineering Technology
Chapter 11
Safety Engineering, 3
(ASSE)Gilbert Marshall, 2000
pp. 233-243
Aftermath Effect of Explosions
Average 10 Explosions
Per Year from 1980 to 2005
Learning Objectives
1. Know the underline conditions require to have an explosion.
2. Comprehend that Combustible Dust Explosions do exist and
are a challenge for many industries
3. Apply the recommendations to design performance-based fire
protection systems.
4. Analyze the 5 necessary components for Dust Explosions &
recognize ways to mitigate.
5. Synthesize recommendations for innovative approach.
6. Evaluate whether or not a particular industrial situation has
this as a hazard.
7. Interpret consensus standards from NFPA and others for
8. Extrapolate the amount of effort necessary to protect lives and
ensure the health of the workers.

Deflagration a flame spread rate of less than the speed of sound.(subsonic)

Explosion a rapid release of high pressure gas into the environment.

Detonation a flame spread rate that is above the speed of sound.(supersonic)

Combustible Dust - A combustible particulate solid that presents a fire or deflagration
hazard when suspended in air or some other oxidizing medium over a range of
concentrations, regardless of particle size or shape.

Explosive material/substance those capable of causing an explosion influenced by

Hybrid Mixture - A mixture of a flammable gas with either a combustible dust or a
combustible mist.

Minimum Explosive Concentration (MEC) - The minimum concentration of combustible
dust suspended in air, measured in mass per unit volume that will support a deflagration.
Definitions Cont.
Minimum Ignition Energy (MIE) - The minimum ignition energy (MIE) of the sample is
determined by suspending the sample in a Hartmann Lucite explosion chamber. To
determine the MIE, the energy of the electrical spark used to ignite the dust is varied until
the MIE is determined.

Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT) - Minimum ignition temperature (MIT) is determined by
using the Godbert-Greenwald furnace. Dust is discharged through this furnace at various
temperatures. The lowest temperature that ignites the dust is considered to be the MIT.

Minimum Explosible Concentration - Minimum explosible concentration (MEC) of the sample
is determined by suspending the sample in a 20-liter explosibility testing chamber and
ignited with a 2500-joule chemical igniter. MEC is the lower concentration limit of
explosibility for the dust. This limit is determined using test material that has been sieved
through a 40-mesh sieve (425 m particle size), dried, suspended in a 20-liter explosibility
testing chamber. Approximately 200 grams of material with a particle size of 425 m or less
are needed for the MEC tests.

Dust Deflagration Index (K
) - test results provide an indication of the severity of a
dust explosion.
Characteristics of an Explosion
Commonly begins with the ignition of a fuel
that burns very rapidly.
Produces a large and sudden release of gas

An explosion need not involve a fire.
When a container bursts from increased
internal pressure, sudden release also called
an explosion.
NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion
Prevention Systems
Defines an explosion as:

the bursting or rupture of an enclosure
or container due to the development of
internal pressure from a deflagration.
NFPA Fire Protection Handbook
Defines an Explosion as:

a rapid release of high pressure gas into
the environment.
Commonality between definitions
In either definition,

The key word, pressure

And its effects on the surrounding
Other Situations - Explosion
Explosions might result from a chemical
reaction (combustion of a flammable
gas mixture)
From over-pressurization of an structure
or enclosed container/vessel
By physical means (bursting of a tank)
By physical/chemical means (boiler
Reactive Hazard Definitions
Designing Facilities for Use of
Explosive Materials
Pressure rate-of-rise detectors can activate a device or system
to extinguish a potential explosion before it reaches an
explosive stage.

Controlling ventilation & humidity level above 25%

Fixed monitoring for mass and size fraction using light-scattering
laser photometers providing real-time aerosol mass readings.

Inerting purging supply of oxygen when flammable
atmospheres are detected with care being taken for those
workers in the area (BA available for Emergency Donning)
Design of Buildings
Relief of overpressure break away & blow out walls
and window openings to minimize destructiveness
(explosion release panel)

Shielding personnel and equipment deflection of
shock wave so as not to pass unobstructived into
another work area.

Explosive proof wall or barrier

Burst vessel/container disk venting away to transmit
pressure wave harmlessly to outside atmosphere

Ammonium nitrate
Aluminum and other metal powders
Tovex, water gels instead of Dynamite
used for quarry operations
Magazines special buildings to
storage lockers (OSHA 1910.109)
Class I not to exceed 50 pounds
Class II 23 kilograms or greater

Dust Explosions
Smaller the particles, the greater the potential for an explosion
to occur.

Primary areas in process industries inside process equipment
such as conveyors, dryers, mills, mixers, and storage silos.

Many materials can explode it they come in contact with an
ignition source, when air dispersed in the right concentration.

Combustible powders (metals) difficult to avoid danger of dust
explosions in processes where being handled.

CTA Acoustics Corbin, KY
Comparison of Foodstuff Silo

OSHAs Grain Facilities Standard has
successfully reduced the risk of dust
explosions in the grain industry

OSHA Directive Combustible
Dust National Emphasis Program
CPL-03-000-006 (Effective Oct. 2007)

Contains policies and procedures for inspecting workplaces that create or handle
combustible dusts.

In some circumstances these dusts may cause a deflagration, other fires, or an
explosion. These dusts include, but are not limited to:

Metal dust such as aluminum and magnesium.
Wood dust
Coal and other carbon dusts.
Plastic dust and additives
Other organic dust such as sugar, paper, soap, and dried blood.
Certain textile materials
Excludes for OSHA Directive
This directive does not replace the grain handling facility
directive, OSHA Instruction CPL 02-01-004, Inspection of Grain
Handling Facilities, 29 CFR 1910.272.

In addition, this directive is not intended for inspections of
explosives and pyrotechnics manufacturing facilities covered by
the Process Safety Management (PSM) standard (1910.119).

However, it does not exclude facilities that manufacture or
handle other types of combustible dusts (such as ammonium
perchlorate) covered under the PSM standard.
Criteria that must be met before
a Dust Deflagration can occur
The dust has to be combustible.

The dust has to be dispersed in air or another
oxidant, and the concentration of this dispersed dust
is at or above the minimum explosible concentration

There is an ignition source, such as an electrostatic
discharge, spark, glowing ember, hot surface, friction
heat, or a flame that can ignite the dispersed
combustible mixture that is at or above the MEC.
Dust Explosion Pentagon
What is required
A dust explosion requires the simultaneous
presence of two additional elementsdust
suspension and confinement (Figure 2).

Suspended dust burns more rapidly, and
confinement allows for pressure buildup.

Removal of either the suspension or the
confinement elements prevents an explosion,
although a fire may still occur.
Train Effect Subsequent
Explosions as Dust Disturbed
Secondary dust explosions, due to
inadequate housekeeping and
excessive dust accumulations, caused
much of the damage and casualties in
recent catastrophic incidents.

Criteria that must be met for an
Dust Explosion to occur
The above criteria for deflagration must be present.

The combustible mixture is dispersed within a
confined enclosure (and the confined enclosure does
not contain sufficient deflagration venting capacity to
safely release the pressures) such as a vessel,
storage bin, ductwork, room or building. It must be
noted that a small deflagration can disturb and
suspend the combustible dust, which could then
serve as the fuel for a secondary (and often more
damaging) deflagration or explosion.
OSHA Poster
Industries that handle
Combustible Dusts
Forest and furniture products
Metal processing
Tire and rubber manufacturing plants
Paper products
Wastewater treatment
Recycling operations (metal, paper, and plastic.)
Coal dust in coal handling and processing
Current Best Practices
To prevent Dust Explosions:

1. Methods of explosion containment
2. Explosion suppression
3. Explosion venting
4. Suitable sitting of plant minimize effects
5. Control of ignition sources or inerting
Dust Control Measures
The dust-containing systems (ducts and dust
collectors) are designed in a manner (i.e., no leaking)
that fugitive dusts are not allowed to accumulate in
the work area.
The facility has a housekeeping program with regular
cleaning frequencies established for floors and
horizontal surfaces, such as ducts, pipes, hoods,
ledges, and beams, to minimize dust accumulations
within operating areas of the facility.
The working surfaces are designed in a manner to
minimize dust accumulation and facilitate cleaning.
NFPA 654 Guidance on Dust
Layer Characterizations &
Indicates that immediate cleaning is warranted whenever a dust layer of
1/32-inch thickness accumulates over a surface area of at least 5% of
the floor area of the facility or any given room.

The 5% factor should not be used if the floor area exceeds 20,000 ft
, in
which case a 1,000 ft
layer of dust is the upper limit.

Accumulations on overhead beams, joists, ducts, the tops of equipment,
and other surfaces should be included when determining the dust
coverage area.

Even vertical surfaces should be included if the dust is adhering to them.
Rough calculations show that the available surface area of bar joists is
approximately 5 % of the floor area and the equivalent surface area for
steel beams can be as high as 10%.
What is 1/32 of an inch?
When observe areas of the plant for dust
accumulations of greater than 1/32 of
an inch

It is the approximately equal to the
thickness of a typical paper clip.
Likely Areas for Dust
Within a plant are:
structural members
conduit and pipe racks
cable trays
above ceiling
on and around equipment
(leaks around dust collectors and ductwork.)
Ignition Control Measures
Electrically-powered cleaning devices such as vacuum cleaners, and
electrical equipment are approved for the hazard classification for
Class II locations.

The facility has an ignition control program, such as grounding and
bonding and other methods, for dissipating any electrostatic charge
that could be generated while transporting the dust through the

The facility has a Hot Work permit program.

Areas where smoking is prohibited are posted with No Smoking

Duct systems, dust collectors, and dust-producing machinery are
bonded and grounded to minimize accumulation of static electrical

The facility selects and uses industrial trucks that are approved for
the combustible dust locations.
Prevention Measures
The facility has separator devices to remove
foreign materials capable of igniting
combustible dusts.

MSDSs for the chemicals which could
become combustible dust under normal
operations are available to employees.

Employees are trained on the explosion
hazards of combustible dusts.
Protection Measures
The facility has an emergency action plan.

Dust collectors are not located inside of buildings. (Some exceptions)

Rooms, buildings, or other enclosures (dust collectors) have explosion relief
venting distributed over the exterior wall of buildings and enclosures.

Explosion venting is directed to a safe location away from employees.

The facility has isolation devices to prevent deflagration propagation between
pieces of equipment connected by ductwork.

The dust collector systems have spark detection and explosion/ deflagration
suppression systems.

Emergency exit routes are maintained properly.
Equipment used when sampling
Equipment for collecting dust samples may include the

Natural bristle hand brushes for collecting settled dust.
Non-sparking, conductive dust pans (aluminum), for collecting
settled dust.
Non-spark producing sample container.
Non-spark producing funnel for filling sample containers.
Non-spark producing scoops for removing dust from cyclone
containers or other ventilation equipment.
OSHA - Salt Lake Technical
Dust Samples are analysis to determine the explosibility and
combustibility parameters of the dust samples submitted

Percent through 40 mesh
Percent moisture content
Percent combustible material
Percent combustible dust
Metal dusts will include resistivity
Minimum explosive concentration (MEC)
Minimum ignition energy (MIE)
Class II test
Sample weight
Maximum normalized rate of pressure rise (dP/dt) Kst Test
Minimum ignition temperature

Lab Results
Lab results may contain some of the results
listed below, but not all, depending on
particular tests that are performed:

Mesh size
Moisture content
Percent combustible dust
Sample weight
Explosion severity
Kst Value
Resistivity for metal dusts
Max Normalized Rate of Pressure
Rise (dP/dT) K
is the Deflagration Index for dusts, and the Kst test results
provide an indication of the severity of a dust explosion. The
larger the value for Kst, the more severe is the explosion.
is essentially the maximum rate of pressure rise generated
when dust is tested in a confined enclosure. Kst provides the
best single number estimate of the anticipated behavior of a
dust deflagration.
Approximately 300 grams of "as received" sample material are
needed for the Kst test. In this test, dust is suspended in the 20-
liter explosibility testing chamber and is ignited using a chemical
igniter. The 20-liter explosibility testing chamber determines
maximum pressure and rate of pressure rise if the sample
These parameters are used to determine the maximum normalized
rate of pressure rise (K

best Single Number
Estimate Anticipated Behavior
Reactive Hazard Mgmt Process
Need to know your operations and what are the raw ingredients
being used as well as any byproducts and scrap.

Need to test the physical and chemical properties to determine if
the hazardous substances are reactive.

Utilize available guidance for hazard control and incorporate
performance-based design for fire protection systems.

Important that you as a safety professional become
knowledgeable in recognition and control of combustible dust
hazards and familiar with NFPA provisions
Discussion Questions
1. How is an explosive distinguished from an
explosive material?
2. What is a forbidden or unacceptable explosive
3. If you learn that explosive material was being used
in your plant, what is the first thing you would do to
correct the hazard?
4. Why should explosive materials be stored and
carried in small containers?
5. Why should a plastic container not be used for
explosive liquid dispensing?
Discussion Questions
6. Why is it necessary to ground a metal container prior to pouring
a explosive liquid?
7. What would you incorporate in a design for a system that will
force an inert gas into a container as explosive liquid is being
drawn out of the container?
8. Explain how you would design the four rivets that are used to
hold a 1 m x 1 m explosion-release panel in place if the panel is
to release at an overpressure of 3.5 kP(0.5 psi)
9. How can we evaluate the explosion potential of a substance by
using the NFPA 704M Hazard Symbol?
10. Give an example of an explosion occurring without combustion.
Eckhoff, Rolf K. - Dust Explosions in the Process Industries, 3
ed. Gulf
Professional Publishing, 2003 ISBN 0-7506-7602-7

Barton, John Dust Explosion: Prevention and Protection, A Practical Guide, 1

Ed., Gulf Professional Publishing, 2002 ISBN 0-7506-7519-5

NFPA 654 Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions from the
Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids
(2006 Edition)

NFPA 68 Guide for Venting of Deflagrations (2002 Edition)

NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems

Explosive Identification Guide, Mike Pickett, Delmar 1999,

FM Global, Data Sheet No. 7-76, Prevention and Mitigation of Combustible Dust
Explosions and Fire (2006 ed.)
NFPA Publications Relevant to
Combustible Dust Hazard
Industries that may have
Combustible Dusts
Industries Cont.
Industries Cont.
Measured Properties of
Combustible Dust
For Additional Information
Office Phone: (713-221-8089)
Fax: (713-221-2712)

Professor Albert V. Condello, III FSI-III, TCFP Master Instructor

University of Houston Downtown
College of Science and Technology
Department of Engineering Technology
One Main Street, Suite N-717
Houston, TX 77002-1001


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