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Summary CH 2 Essays: Transportation Economics: Analysis of Demand II

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Summary Ch 2 Essays

Transportation Economics:
Analysis of Demand II
II Discrete Choice

• Suppose that consumers n=1,…,N are

choosing over a discrete number of
items j=1,…,J (e.g. modes of transport)
• As a researcher, we do not exactly know
consumer tastes -- tastes are “random”
across consumers
• How should we model utility and
Conditional utility:
• Conditional on choosing alternative j,
utility is:
U jn = V( X j , Sn ; β) + ε jn
– Xj are the characteristics of good j
– Sn is characteristics of the decision maker
– β is (unknown) parameters of utility
– ε jn is “random” utility from consuming item j
– Vjn = V ( X j , Sn ; β) is “systematic” utility
Systematic portion of utility:
• For example, utility obtained from item j:

Vjn = β1 (c j / w n ) + β 2 t j + β 3 t j

• where, cjn = costs of transport, β 1<0

• wn = wage of consumer n
• tj = time taken in travel, β 2<0
• and β 3 >< 0

Random portion of utility:
• Prob. that consumer n chooses item i:

Pin = Pr ob[ U in > U jn for all j ≠ i]

= Pr ob[Vjn + ε jn < Vin + εin for all j ≠ i]

= Pr ob[ε jn − εin < Vin − Vjn for all j ≠ i]

• This will depend on the probability

distribution for εi and ε j
Random portion of utility - graph

ε 2-ε 1>V1- 2
ε 2-ε 1<V1-
(choose mode 2) V2
(choose mode 1)

ε 2-ε 1=V1-V2
Probit distribution:
• For example, suppose there are only two items i=1,2,
and that the utility difference is normally distributed
• Denote the density function for the standard normal
ε −ε
distribution as 2 1

1 −x / 2
φ(x) = Prob[ε 2 − ε1 = x ] = e

• where is the cumulative standard normal distribution

Probit Distribution (cont’d):

good 1

good 2

V1-V2 0 ε 2-ε 1
Estimation of Probit (cont’d):
• Example, from a sample of 280 urban commuters
choosing between two modes of transportation in
• (1) auto and
• (2) transit
• We use data on mode characteristics (time to travel,
cost, distance), and also the income of consumers.
• The estimated systematic utility function is:
Estimation of Probit (cont’d):

Vjn = −2.08D T − 0.00759w n t j − 0.0254(Incn Dist ⋅ D T )

− 0.0186c j + 0.0255(Agen D T ) − 0.057(Femalen D T )

• where, DT=1 for transit, =0 for auto
• tj=time in travel,
• Distj=distance,
• cj=cost of travel
• Incn=income, wn=wage
Demand Curve:
• Notice that utility declines in cost:

∂c j
• So the integral under the normal curve
is re-computed, and we obtain a
downward sloping demand!
Value of Time:
• We can also compute the value of time as:

∂Vjn / ∂t j − 0.00759w n
VOTjn = = = 0.41w n
∂Vjn / ∂c j − 0.0186

• so that time spent in commuting is valued at

41% of the individual’s wage.
• But with more than two alternatives, Probit
becomes difficult to estimate, so consider...
Multinomial Logit distribution:
• Suppose that the j=1,…,J random terms
are distributed as “extreme value”:
Prob[ ε j < x ] = exp( −e )

• With µ = 1, the probability of choosing

item i is: J
Pin = e Vin
Estimation of Logit (cont’d):
• Example, from a sample of San Francisco commuters choosing
• (1) auto alone,
• (2) bus + auto access,
• (3) bus + walking access,
• (4) carpool (this was before BART)

• The estimated systematic utility function is:

Estimation of Logit (cont’d):
Vjn = − 0.0412(c j / w n ) − 0.0201 t j − 0.0531t j
( 0.0054) ( 0.0072) ( 0.0070)

− 0.89 D1 − 1.78 D3 − 2.15 D 4

( 0.26) ( 0.24) ( 0.25)
• where, Dj=1 for mode j, =0 otherwise
• tj=in-vehicle time in travel,
• tjout =out of vehicle travel time
• cj=cost of travel
• wn=wage of traveler
Demand Curve:
• Expected demand for mode i is:
Xi = ∑ Pin (β) = ∑ e Vin
n =1 n =1 j=1

• So, ∂X i N
= − ∑ 0.0412 Pin (1 − Pin )
∂ci n =1

• Again, we obtain downward sloping demand!

• Slope of demand will be smaller for the mode
of transport with higher-wage travelers.
Value of Time:
• We can also compute the value of time as:
∂Vjn / ∂t j − 0.0201w n
VOTjn = = = 0.49w n
∂Vjn / ∂c j − 0.0412

out ∂Vjn / ∂t out

j − 0.0531w n
VOTjn = = = 1.29w n
∂Vjn / ∂c j − 0.0412
• so that time spent in commuting is valued at 49% of
the wage, but time spent out of the vehicle is
valued at (or higher) than the wage!
Problem with the Logit:
• The relative probability of choosing items i
and k is:
Vin Vkn
Pin / Pkn = e e

• So Pi/Pk is independent of other alternatives

• This is the “irrelevance of independent
alternatives” (IIA) property

• E.g., the “red bus, blue bus” problem

Red bus-blue bus problem:
• Suppose the relative probability of choosing
the bus over a car is 2:1 (this is the “odds
ratio”). Initially only a red bus is available.
• Then another bus comes available, which is
blue, but otherwise identical to the red bus. It
seems sensible that the relative probability
of choosing any bus over a car is 2:1, so the
relative probability of choosing each bus over
the car should be 1:1
Red bus-blue bus problem (cont’d):
• But for the logit, the relative probability Pi/Pk is
unchanged when a new alternative become
available, so the red bus still has 2:1 odds
ratio over a car.
• Therefore, the blue bus also has a 2:1 odds
of being chosen (as it is identical to the red).
• So the relative probability of taking any bus
over a car becomes 4:1 when the blue bus is
Red bus-blue bus problem (cont’d):
• Why does this problem with the logit arise?
• Because we have assumed that the random
terms ε j in utility are independent!
• Contrast with the probit, where we assumed
that the difference ε1 − ε 2 was normally
distributed, so that these errors are correlated
(but probit is hard to estimate for more than
two modes of transport)
• Solution: use nested logit
Nested Logit: e.g. Vacation Choice

Chic- Miami SF New

Mode choice
ago York

Rail Bus Car Air Local transport


Rent Do not rent

• Each type of choice is modeled
car as logit
Typical Elasticities (Table 2-2)
Market, model, elasticity Elasticity estimates
Freight Rail Truck
Aggregate model split
Price -0.25 to –0.35 -0.25 to –0.35
Transit time -0.3 to –0.7 -0.3 to –0.7
Aggregate model from
cost function
d e
Price -0.37 to –1.16 -0.58 to –1.81
Disaggregate mode
choice model
Price -0.08 to –2.68 -0.04 to –2.97
Transit time -0.07 to –2.33 -0.15 to –0.69
Typical Elasticities (Table 2-2, cont’d)
Market, model, Elasticity estimates
elasticity type
Urban passenger Auto Bus Rail
Price -0.47 -0.58 -0.86
In-vehicle time -0.22 -0.60 -0.60
Intercity passenger Auto Bus Rail Air
Price -0.45 -0.69 -1.20 -0.38
Travel time -0.39 -2.11 -1.58 -0.43

Automobile One-vehicle Two-vehicle

utilization household household
Short-run operating -0.228 -0.059
Long-run operating -0.279 -0.099
Value Time Elasticities (Table 2-3)
Transportation mode Estimate of value of time
Freight Rail Truck
(As percentage of daily
shipment value)
Total transit time 6-21 8-18
Urban work trips Auto Bus
(As percentage of after
tax wage rate)
In-vehicle time 140 76
Walk access time ... 273
Transfer wait time ... 195
c d e
Intercity passenger Auto Bus Rail Air
(As percentage of
pretax wage rate)
Total travel time 6 79-87 54-69 149

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