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Blood Loss

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Haemorrhagic Anemia

Blood Loss Anemia

Acute Blood Loss Trauma/surgery Neoplasia Bleeding GI ulcer Abdominal cavity bleeding Chronic Blood Loss Fleas or intestinal parasites GI or urinary tract bleeding Erosion of external artery Vasculitis epistaxis

Acute Blood Loss

Total blood volume 8-10% of body weight in dogs 6-8% of body weight in cats <20% blood loss is well tolerated <8-10 ml/lb in dogs <6-8 ml/lb in cats 30-40% blood loss Hypotension and shock Weak pulses, cold extremities Laterally recumbent 50% blood loss Can be fatal if over less than 2-3 hours

Acute Blood Loss

Response to Acute Blood Loss

Within a few hours EPO levels rise Platelets drop no lower than 60,000/ul Stress leukogram is possible
Within 2-3 days Bone marrow response begins Restoration of plasma volume Following PCV can grossly underestimate acute blood loss

Acute Blood Loss

Response to Acute Blood Loss Maximum regenerative response within 7 days Corrected retic % can be 3-7% Absolute retics >100,000/ul In cats, punctate retics may remain elevated for weeks May have rebound thrombocytosis Recovery within 1-2 weeks HALLMARK OF ACUTE EXTERNAL BLOOD LOSS (triad) 1. Anemia 2. Hypoproteinemia albumin and globulin 3. Reticulocytosis

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Stop the Bleeding Replace fluid loss Oxygen support Treat underlying disorder

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Stop the Bleeding

1. Assess coagulation status

2. External arterial bleeder Temporary Cautery - silver nitrate, Kwik Stop, electrocautery Epinephrine Permanent Excise abnormal tissue for biopsy Reveal normal artery and ligate

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Stop the Bleeding

3. Abdominal bleeder exploratory surgery as soon as vascular volume and oxygen carrying capacity restored
4. GI bleeder Sucralfate PO 1-3g in a slurry Barium PO 3-5 ml/lb Endoscopic cautery surgery

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Replace fluid loss crystalloids 10 ml/lb bolus and then reassess 1-2 ml/lb/hr when hypovolemia replaced Colloids Hetastarch 10 ml/kg over 5-15 minutes repeat once if needed Oxyglobin 3-5 ml/kg added to fluids running at 0.52ml/lb/hr Or 10 ml/kg/hr for up to 3 hours If IV access is difficult, try intraosseous

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Oxygen support Transfusion RBC or whole blood Oxyglobin Oxygen nasal, flow-by, mask, intubate Treat underlying disorder

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Transfusion PCV threshold higher for acute blood loss 20-25% with signs of hypoxia Or if going to surgery Improves oxygen carrying capacity May improve hemostasis Normally, transfusion of 10 ml/lb whole blood is given over a minimum of 2 hours Pretreat with dexamethasone Give as fast as is tolerated Collect blood from the abdomen, pass through filter and re-administer (use anticoagulant) No limitation on administration rate

Treating Acute Blood Loss

Chronic Blood Loss

CHRONIC EXTERNAL BLOOD LOSS IS THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN DOGS AND CATS Also CRF (chronic renal failure) Increased gastrin causes GI ulceration Chronic blood loss is usually markedly regenerative
Increased retics, RDW, anisocytosis Retics may be >500,000/ul or 10%+ corrected Polychromasia less pronounced Only becomes non-regenerative if very chronic liver, spleen and marrow ferritin - soluble iron stores Hemosiderin - insoluble iron stores

Absent iron stores in issues

Chronic Blood Loss

Low serum iron - <60 ug/dl Low transferrin saturation - <20%
Transferrin is serum protein that transports iron Normally 20-60% saturated Determined by measuring UIBC unbound iron binding capacity, which is increased

Increased TIBC (iron binding capacity)

Increased transferrin

Chronic Blood Loss

Low Hb and HCT

Chronic Blood Loss

Low Hb and HCT Blood smear Hypochromasia pale RBC
Low MCHC low MCV small RBC and leptocytes


RBC become stiffer & more susceptible to lysis Thrombocytosis

May exceed 1,000,000/ul Mechanism unknown Platelets >1 million warrants search for blood loss, if pet is not splenectomized

Low globulins and albumin

Chronic Blood Loss

Causes of chronic blood loss and IDA GI hemorrhage MOST COMMON Including inflammatory bowel disease Both iron malabsorption and bleeding Ulcer or aneurysm Neoplasia Liver disease coagulopathy and ulcers Parasitism Fleas hookworms Rarely whipworms Chronic externally bleeding neoplasia Iron supplementation is rarely needed unless there is chronic external blood loss or CRF

Chronic Blood Loss

Clinical Signs Onset insidious - develops over weeks Patients may seem quite well for their severe anemia (<15-20%) Sudden death can occur, when oxygen demands exceed oxygen carrying capacity Most common presenting signs
Pallor exercise intolerance syncope pica eating dirt, rocks, etc.

Melena is not always obvious when there is significant chronic GI bleeding

Bleeding can be intermittent Fecal cytology to look for RBC can help

Chronic Blood Loss

Clinical Signs Decreased blood viscosity Bounding pulses Physiologic murmur Gallop rhythm Increased blood volume Cardiac hypertrophy and dilation congestive heart failure Depletion of iron from body tissues Muscle weakness Abnormal behavior Dry brittle Skin and nails, hair loss, abnormally shaped nails

Treating Chronic Blood Loss

Correct Anemia - Transfusion Treat underlying disorder Correct Iron Deficiency

Treating Chronic Blood Loss

Correct Anemia - Transfusion Anemia severe enough to cause clinical signs (PCV <15-20%) Or preparing for corrective surgery Conservative transfusion volume to avoid precipitating CHF
Volume overload more of a problem in cats than in dogs

Use packed cells Correction of anemia results in resolution of cardiomegaly within several weeks

Treating Chronic Blood Loss

Treat Underlying Disorder Deworm/deflea after patient is stabilized If GI Bleeding confirmed Abdominal US Endoscopy Exploratory Laparotomy Confirm blood loss has resolved by monitoring reticulocyte count < 40,0000/ul Retics more sensitive than anemia for chronic blood loss

Treating Chronic Blood Loss

Correct Iron Deficiency Ferrous sulfate 5 mg/lb/day PO Give with a meal Continue for weeks to months Serology to confirm iron stores are replete TIBC falls back to normal Transferrin 20-60% saturated Iron 60-230 ug/dl

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