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Lecture 11 International Equity Market

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Academy of Economic Studies

Faculty of International Business and Economics

International Finance and Payments

Lecture X International Equity Market

Lect. Cristian PUN


International Equity Market

General situation Total: 1990 504 bil. USD 1999 3288 bil. USD

Credit instruments
Equities USA (total): Common Stocks IPO Credit Instruments

184 bil. USD

7 bil. USD 313 bil. USD 14 bil. . USD 5 bil. USD 109 bil. USD

1394 bil. USD

139 bil. USD 2103 bil. USD 177 bil. USD 71 bil. USD 1196 bil. USD

International Equity Market

First issuing: 1975 - ALCAN

Nov. 1987 Oct. 1988 Nov. 1999 Oct. 1998

Nipon Tel & Tel Nipon Tel & Tel ENEL NTT Do Co Mo

40,3 bil. USD 18,9 bil. USD 18,4 bil. USD 18 bil. USD

Oct. 1997

Telecom Italia

15,5 bil. USD

International Equity Market - instruments

common stocks; preferred stocks; convertible bonds; bonds with warrant; depositary receipt;

International Equity Market IPOs

Local IPO with the support of an international syndicate; Local IPO and IPO on an international market; International IPO (listing the company on different markets simultaneously); IPO on Euromarkets.

International Equity Market depositary receipt

Contract (1) Equity deposit (2)

Private investors

DR issuing to private investors (4)

Deposit Bank
Notification for equity deposit (3)

Depositary Bank

Country A

Country B

International Equity Market - securitization

Financial Assets Transfer

Alpha Company Credits and other receivables

Special Purpose Vehicle

Interest paid Issuing of Equities pr Bonds Financial Intermediaries

Beneficiaries X

Private Foreign Investors

Stock Valuation

Cash Flows for Stockholders

If you buy a share of stock, you can receive cash in two ways

company pays dividends You sell your shares, either to another investor in the market or back to the company

As with bonds, the price of the stock is the present value of these expected cash flows

One Period Example

Suppose you are thinking of purchasing the stock of Moore Oil, Inc. and you expect it to pay a $2 dividend in one year and you believe that you can sell the stock for $14 at that time. If you require a return of 20% on investments of this risk, what is the maximum you would be willing to pay? Compute the PV of the expected cash flows Price = (14 + 2) / (1.2) = $13.33 Or FV = 16; I/Y = 20; N = 1; CPT PV = -13.33

Two Period Example

Now what if you decide to hold the stock for two years? In addition to the dividend in one year, you expect a dividend of $2.10 in and a stock price of $14.70 at the end of year 2. Now how much would you be willing to pay?
= 2 / (1.2) + (2.10 + 14.70) / (1.2)2 = 13.33 Or CF0 = 0; C01 = 2; F01 = 1; C02 = 16.80; F02 = 1; NPV; I = 20; CPT NPV = 13.33

Three Period Example

Finally, what if you decide to hold the stock for three periods? In addition to the dividends at the end of years 1 and 2, you expect to receive a dividend of $2.205 at the end of year 3 and a stock price of $15.435. Now how much would you be willing to pay?
PV = 2 / 1.2 + 2.10 / (1.2)2 + (2.205 + 15.435) / (1.2)3 = 13.33 Or CF0 = 0; C01 = 2; F01 = 1; C02 = 2.10; F02 = 1; C03 = 17.64; F03 = 1; NPV; I = 20; CPT NPV = 13.33

Developing The Model

You could continue to push back when you would sell the stock You would find that the price of the stock is really just the present value of all expected future dividends So, how can we estimate all future dividend payments?

Estimating Dividends: Special Cases

Constant dividend

The firm will pay a constant dividend forever This is like preferred stock The price is computed using the perpetuity formula

Constant dividend growth

The firm will increase the dividend by a constant percent every period
Dividend growth is not consistent initially, but settles down to constant growth eventually

Supernormal growth

Zero Growth

If dividends are expected at regular intervals forever, then this is like preferred stock and is valued as a perpetuity P0 = D / R Suppose stock is expected to pay a $0.50 dividend every quarter and the required return is 10% with quarterly compounding. What is the price?

= .50 / (.1 / 4) = $20

Dividend Growth Model

Dividends are expected to grow at a constant percent per period.

= D1 /(1+R) + D2 /(1+R)2 + D3 /(1+R)3 + P0 = D0(1+g)/(1+R) + D0(1+g)2/(1+R)2 + D0(1+g)3/(1+R)3 +

With a little algebra, this reduces to:

D 0 (1 g) D1 P0 R -g R -g

DGM Example 1

Suppose Big D, Inc. just paid a dividend of $.50. It is expected to increase its dividend by 2% per year. If the market requires a return of 15% on assets of this risk, how much should the stock be selling for? P0 = .50(1+.02) / (.15 - .02) = $3.92

DGM Example 2

Suppose TB Pirates, Inc. is expected to pay a $2 dividend in one year. If the dividend is expected to grow at 5% per year and the required return is 20%, what is the price?

= 2 / (.2 - .05) = $13.33 Why isnt the $2 in the numerator multiplied by (1.05) in this example?

Stock Price Sensitivity to Dividend Growth, g

D1 = $2; R = 20%
250 200

Stock Price

150 100 50 0 0 0.05 0.1 Growth Rate 0.15 0.2

Stock Price Sensitivity to Required Return, R

D1 = $2; g = 5%

250 200

Stock Price

150 100 50 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Growth Rate 0.2 0.25 0.3

Gordon Growth Company - I

Gordon Growth Company is expected to pay a dividend of $4 next period and dividends are expected to grow at 6% per year. The required return is 16%. What is the current price?

P0 = 4 / (.16 - .06) = $40 Remember that we already have the dividend expected next year, so we dont multiply the dividend by 1+g

Gordon Growth Company - II

What is the price expected to be in year 4?

P4 = D4(1 + g) / (R g) = D5 / (R g) P4 = 4(1+.06)4 / (.16 - .06) = 50.50

What is the implied return given the change in price during the four year period?

50.50 = 40(1+return)4; return = 6% PV = -40; FV = 50.50; N = 4; CPT I/Y = 6%

The price grows at the same rate as the dividends

Nonconstant Growth Problem Statement

Suppose a firm is expected to increase dividends by 20% in one year and by 15% in two years. After that dividends will increase at a rate of 5% per year indefinitely. If the last dividend was $1 and the required return is 20%, what is the price of the stock? Remember that we have to find the PV of all expected future dividends.

Nonconstant Growth Example Solution

Compute the dividends until growth levels off


= 1(1.2) = $1.20 D2 = 1.20(1.15) = $1.38 D3 = 1.38(1.05) = $1.449

Find the expected future price


= D3 / (R g) = 1.449 / (.2 - .05) = 9.66

Find the present value of the expected future cash flows


= 1.20 / (1.2) + (1.38 + 9.66) / (1.2)2 = 8.67

Using the DGM to Find R

Start with the DGM:

D 0 (1 g) D1 P0 R -g R -g rearrangeand solve for R D 0 (1 g) D1 R g g P0 P0

Finding the Required Return - Example

Suppose a firms stock is selling for $10.50. They just paid a $1 dividend and dividends are expected to grow at 5% per year. What is the required return? R = [1(1.05)/10.50] + .05 = 15% What is the dividend yield? 1(1.05) / 10.50 = 10% What is the capital gains yield? g =5%

Summary of Stock Valuation

Feature of Common Stock

Voting Rights Proxy voting Classes of stock Other Rights Share proportionally in declared dividends Share proportionally in remaining assets during liquidation Preemptive right first shot at new stock issue to maintain proportional ownership if desired

Dividend Characteristics

Dividends are not a liability of the firm until a dividend has been declared by the Board Consequently, a firm cannot go bankrupt for not declaring dividends Dividends and Taxes Dividend payments are not considered a business expense, therefore, they are not tax deductible Dividends received by individuals are taxed as ordinary income Dividends received by corporations have a minimum 70% exclusion from taxable income

Features of Preferred Stock

Dividends Stated dividend that must be paid before dividends can be paid to common stockholders Dividends are not a liability of the firm and preferred dividends can be deferred indefinitely Most preferred dividends are cumulative any missed preferred dividends have to be paid before common dividends can be paid Preferred stock generally does not carry voting rights

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