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A Summer Internship Presentation ON "Banking Operations" in

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NAME OF THE COMPANY: Axis Bank , Vashi Branch. ADDRESS OF THE COMPANY: Vardhaman Chambers Premises Coop Soc. Ltd. ,Plot No. 8 , Sector- !",#ashi, Na#i $%mbai- && "&'. INDUSTRY TYPE: Bankin(, )inancial Ser#ices. PROJECT TITAL: *St%d+ ,he Bankin( -perations .n ,he Axis Bank/ LENGTH OF THE INTERNSHIP: 0

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BANK GUIDE: $r. S5677 84$A6 NA.6 9Branch 5ead $ana(er, A:.S Bank Ltd., Vashi; And $rs. 6AS5$. S57,,1 9-perations 5ead, A:.S Bank
Ltd., Vashi;

COORDINATING HR PERSON : S.<<5. ,5A88A6 9Assistant Vice

President 56; And $ANS. 3A.N 95%man 6eso%rces ;

Axis Bank is one o= the =irst ne> (eneration pri#ate sector banks to ha#e be(%n operations in !?? . Axis Bank is the third lar(est pri#ate sector bank in .ndia ,he Bank has a lar(e =ootprint o= !? " domestic branches 9incl%din( extension co%nters; and !!,0 ' A,$s spread across the co%ntr+ as on 2!st $arch 0&!2. ,he Bank also has o#erseas o==ices in Sin(apore, 5on( 8on(, Shan(hai, Colombo, <%bai and Ab% <habi.

The Axis bran h ban!in" #$era%i#ns #nsis% #& %he &#''#(in" %ransa %i#ns
-penin( o= Acco%nt: sa#in(s acco%nt, c%rrent acco%nts, salar+ acco%nts, etc. <eposits .ss%e o= Check book )%nds trans=er@clearin( .ss%e o= <emand <ra=t 9<<; @pa+ order .ns%rance Locker )acilities N6. Ser#ices Net bankin( 7-mail statement phone bankin( Bill pa+ Passbook Acco%nt Statement Loans 6,AS AN< N7), Sa=e <eposit Locker

In%erna%i#na' Bran hes

Sin(apore 5on( 8on( <%bai Shan(hai Colombo Defense Salary Account

Current Account

Pr#)* %s
Sa+in"s A #*n% 7as+ Access Sa#in(s Acco%nt Prime Sa#in(s Acco%nt Corporate Salar+ Acco%nt <e=ense Salar+ Acco%nt C*rren% A #*n% B%siness Prime B%siness Ad#anta(e C%rrent Acco%nt B%siness Select C%rrent Acco%nt B%siness Classic C%rrent Acco%nt B%siness Alobal C%rrent Acco%nt

In+es%,en% Pr#)* %s
!. $%t%al )%nds 0. Li=e .ns%rance 2. Aeneral .ns%rance

M*%*a' F*n)s
Axis Bank o==ers options =rom !0 m%t%al =%nd companies.

Li&e Ins*ran e
Axis Bank has a corporate a(enc+ a(reement >ith $ax Li=e, one o= the most rep%ted Li=e .ns%rance companies in .ndia.

Genera' Ins*ran e
Axis Bank has a Corporate A(enc+ partnership >ith ,A,A A.A Aeneral .ns%rance to distrib%te Aeneral .ns%rance prod%cts. ,he #ario%s Aeneral .ns%rance prod%cts a#ailable =or sale at Axis Bank branches are: 5ealth .ns%rance $otor .ns%rance 3e>eller+ .ns%rance Personal Accident Co#er 5ome .ns%rance ,ra#el .ns%rance

5ome Loans Car Loans Personal Loans Loans A(ainst Propert+ Loans A(ainst Share Loans A(ainst Sec%rities Loans A(ainst Aold

<ebit @ Credit Cards

C*s%#,er ser+i e $r#+i)e) b- %he Axis Ban!

CheB%e <rop Box )acilit+. )inancial Ad#isor+ Ser#ices. .ns%rance Sol%tions C Li=e and Aeneral. Statement -= Acco%nts @ Pass Books. A,$.

Cha''en"es D*rin" In%ernshi$

Practical #s. Bookish kno>led(e Lack o= Bankin( 8no>led(e AdD%stin( Eith the 7mplo+ees

S!i''s Gaine) D*rin" %he In%ernshi$ Peri#)

,ime $ana(ement Skills 5%man Skills Sel= Control .nterpersonal Skills Co--rdination Better Comm%nication Skills Sel=-con=idence

The#re%i a' Kn#('e)"e Fr#, MBA C#*rse A$$'- In Ban!

The#re%i a' !n#('e)"e &r#, MBA #*rse a$$'- in )a- %# )a- (#r!.

Abilit+ to >ork in a team. Verbal comm%nication skills. Abilit+ to make decisions and problem sol#e. Abilit+ to plan, or(aniFe, and prioritiFe >ork.

In%ernshi$ Ex$erien e
. learnt e#er+ da+ C =rom m+ mana(er, =rom m+ mentor D%st bein( in their compan+ in a =ast-mo#in( and s%pporti#e bank en#ironment. .t >as an opport%nit+ to tr+ o%t the =inancial ser#ices ind%str+ and see >hether this ind%str+ and an+ partic%lar kind o= Dob role is cond%ci#e =or me and m+ aptit%de. .t >as a (reat net>orkin( opport%nit+ =or me and helped me in makin( pro=essional contacts that co%ld help me in m+ =%t%re career. -pport%nit+ to appl+ kno>led(e (ained =rom the academic experience. .t >as an opport%nit+ to (ain *corporate >orldG experience .

S*""es%i#ns An) Re #,,en)a%i#ns

This bank is not investing more into the marketing . I had suggest that some of the part of income it invest in the advertising . ,here sho%ld be >ide ad#ertisements abo%t the ne> ser#ices o= the banks. The bank should pay more attention on giving updates and should increase the level of service providing because the competitors of axis are better in this area. $ore n%mber o= trainin( and de#elopment pro(rammes sho%ld be incl%ded in Banks sched%le. Bank o==icial and c%stomer interaction sho%ld be more c%stomer =riendl+.

Concl%sion HHHH
My experience with Axis Bank Ltd. is outstanding. In this study I found that the bond of Axis Bank with its customers is very strong because Axis Bank mainly focuses on retaining their customers. !hile working in Axis Bank I found that this bank has developed manifold in short period of time due to facilities and services provided to their customer. Axis Bank is not only the leading private sector bank but also its vast range of products and availability of options make it one of the better banks in India. The working staff are very co"operative in nature and due to that the bank will also get good benefit.

Thank you

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