Aadab 701 Jamiu
Aadab 701 Jamiu
Aadab 701 Jamiu
And among His signs is your sleep by night and by day, and your seeking of His bounty. Verity, in that are signs for a people who listen) (Ar-Room (30: 23) And Allah said? )(
(And we have made your sleep as a thing for rest) It is expected and required from a Muslim to observe some manners in which a Muslim will be rewarded fully by Allah for his observance and complying with laws and customs of the Prophet (may Allahs peace and blessing be upon time)
2. Soorah Al-lkhlaas and Al-Muawwadhatayn (i.e., the last three soorahs of the Quran). It was narrated from Aashah that when the Prophet (S.A.W) went to bed every night, he would hold his hands together and blow into them, and recite into them Qul. Huwa. Allah, Qul aoodhu bi rabbil-falaq and Qul. Aoodhu bi rabbin-nass. Then he would wipe them over whatever. He could of his body, starting with his head and face and the front of his body, and he would do that three times (Narrated by al- Bakhaari 5017) 3. Reciting soorah Tabaarak and Alif Laam-Meem, Tanzeelu-AsSajdah. 4. Recitation of last the verses from soorah Al-Baqarah 5. Reading certain supplication and invocation. Hafusoo,The wife of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, when he (the Prophet (S.A.W) wanted to sleep he would place his right hand underneath his hies,