Mediaeconomics 2
Mediaeconomics 2
Mediaeconomics 2
Micromedia, Connected Consumption, and the Snowball Effect Snowball=grow larger at an accelerating rate; throw balls of snow
Demand Attention
Supply coordinates demand on both sides of a two-sided market and sets equilibrium prices. Unlike in other markets, in the media marketplace, attention is a critical part of the value chain, because it is demanded by advertisers and supplied by consumers. On the other side of the two-side market, production is demanded by consumers and supplied (funded) by advertisers.
Media Orthodoxy
The Media Industrys First Law: attention is scarce
Is this accurate?
Attention has always been getting absolutely scarcer as media grows But
Were interested in
relative scarcity along the value chain marginal scarcity at large scale
Is attention scarce?
and at the margin?
Its about to be
But it hasnt always been
Media Heresy
In fact
Attention has remained relatively abundant for many years
What!? How can we prove this? By asking how great the risk of losing audience actually is
Attention Abundance
Attention is directly unobservable
and traditional share-based metrics shed no light on relative abundance
But indirectly
The industrys actions reveal abundant attention
Following deregulation, network TV ad time per hour increased exponentially from 6:48 in 1982 to 12:04 in 2001 Similar figures for radio, newspapers and magazines (if we count special supplements and advertorials) While production investment has increased linearly
Attention Abundance
What does hypergrowth of ad time tell us?
If attention was scarce, increasing ad time would be a dominated strategy
Because marginal revenues from advertising would be less than marginal costs of viewers lost to rivals And so returns to investing in attention (increasing ad time) would be dominated by investing in production (higher quality programming) or infrastructure (creating a technological cost advantage)
Quality does not efficiently drive popularity Because attention is cheaper than costly production, distribution, ideas, editing, finishing, etc
Unintended consequences:
Quality drives popularity inefficiently
Because attention isnt scarce, but production is
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Nominal Real
Real marketing expenditure has quadrupled, while real production expenditure has only doubled: firms have cumulatively invested twice as much in attention as production. Since this strategy has persisted for 25 years, investing in attention must realize superior returns to investing in production.
Why is this strategy dominant? In a mass media world, producers realize marketing economies of scale and scope, and production diseconomies of scale and scope:
19 81 19 83 19 85 19 87 19 89 19 91 19 93 19 95 19 97 19 99 20 01 20 03
Media 1.0
Quality drives popularity inefficiently
Aka: Blockbusters Blockbusters are a strategy to maximize returns on content By reusing and leveraging it to realize marketing economies
Most efficient allocation of scarce production resources
Video: $405m
Blockbuster Economics
Blockbusters are a natural result of mass media economics
Downstream resources scarce, upstream resources abundant Which is why we see this strategy emerge in all mass media
Which are implicit ways to allocate scarce production resources by buying attention, which is cheaper than attracting it via investing in quality
Since attention is relatively abundant
Quality erodes
As marketing costs spiral and relative production costs shrink Where have we seen this dynamic?
Hollywood marketing cost explosion, major label sales declines, magazine subscription erosioneverywhere!
These unintended consequences are costless as long as attention is cheap, since quality does not drive popularity But what happens if attention becomes more expensive
and returns to marketing decline?
Attention Cost
Attention is cheaper than production
Attention Cost
Marketing cost wars make attention increasingly relatively costly
Why do attention and production costs scale differently? Marketing economies of scale and scope are the result of leveraging and reusing content across distribution and retail channels to achieve price discrimination and diversification of risk. Production scale or scope economies arent realized because of high costs of contractual completeness, which makes risk increase in output, and high technology costs.
Why do some media firms invest in production, and others in attention? Because the scale at which they operate dictates different profit-maximizing decisions about which inputs to invest in.
And investing in production is profit-maximizing
Media firms producing at different scales will choose different inputs. Small scale producers will invest in production, and large-scale producers will invest in attention. Hollywood vs Cannes Attention is more expensive than production: invest in production
The S-shaped total cost function means large-scale producers are naturally more efficient than small scale producers, because attention costs diminish due to marketing economies of scale of scope.
..Since production costs dont decline, production investment declines: fewer production inputs are used at equilibrium price
Output Marketing spirals act as an entry barrier. They raise attention costs, while marketing economies of scale and scope consolidation are still realized proportionally (the flattening of the green curve). The result Marketer and retailer realizes is a shakeout and and increased concentration, because returns to attention remain high economies of scope scale inindustry marketing. only for large-scale players. Quality erodes as production investment is traded for marketing Production scale or scope economies arent realized. investment.
Media 1.0
Marketing cost spirals mean quality erodes as relative investment in production declines, and becomes even less correlated with popularity
Attentio n Attentio n
Attentio n
Infra structure Attentio n
Marketing and retail returns do scale: by consolidating, retailers and marketers exert power over downstream resources by realizing economies of scale and scope in marketing and retailing, and power over upstream resources by limiting media supply (and consumption choices).
Attentio n
Attentio n
When attention is abundant and production, distribution, and retail are scarce, blockbusters achieve an efficient allocation of scarce production resources, by supplying media valued the most highly to the greatest number of consumers within each retail/distribution channel: mass media. The unintended consequence is that quality doesnt drive popularity.
What is Micromedia?
Micromedia is
Media that can be consumed in unbundled microchunks
Microchunks of media unbundled from traditional media goods Blogs vs newspaper articles Tracks vs albums Vlogs vs network news
And atomizes it
The average size of media goods shrinks
Micromedia Drivers
What drives the micromedia explosion?
Falling barriers to production
Unbundling: Falling barriers to distribution & retail
GarageBand p2p, iTunes, BitTorrent, convergence of connectivity & platforms, micropayment Cinema vs VHS, DVD, VCD, MPEG
Creative Commons Fair Use (applicability grows in networked media) The rise of connected consumption The rise of peer production
Media Hyperdeflation
What are the consequences of the micromedia explosion? As micromedia explodes supply relative to demand, equilibrium prices fall
Production, distribution, and retail become relatively abundant And attention becomes relatively scarce
Consumers can afford to consume greater quantities of smaller chunks of media
Attention Cost
Attention is cheaper than production
Value shift: in a Media 2.0 world, producers realize production economies of scale and scope in production, and marketing diseconomies of scale and scope. Attention becomes more expensive than production, because technology vaporizes production (distribution, and retail) costs, exploding media supply (relative to a mass media world, where media supply is fixed), which creates intense rivalry for attention.
Blockbusters are a strategy to realize marketing scale & scope economies Which is dominant because cheap attention makes marginal returns to marketing more attractive than marginal returns to production But blockbuster marketing costs increase in rivalry, because rivalry accelerates attention scarcity Attention becomes more expensive than production, and returns to marketing erode Implication: marketing costs for blockbusters will explode and returns will implode, as micromedia explodes media supply and accelerates rivalry
Value shift:
Media 2.0 dominant strategies are based on economies of scale and scope in production, distribution, and search Which can realize superior returns to relatively abundant and cheap production resources by efficiently allocating scarce attention
A Quick Review
And inelastic supply mean media spending stays stable as % of GDP
The Long Tail: cheap information shifts demand outwards by the value of distribution and search costs saved
because ownership of scarce production, distribution, and retail resources creates increasingly inelastic firm supply curves
Attention costs
Production costs
Because attention costs are relatively low, returns to marketing are economical, and marketing wars occur production costs dominate attention costs, because content, production, and retail resources are scarce, and attention is abundant
Micromedia supply curves are more inelastic than traditional media, because of hyperspecialization. Exampe: bloggers
and the equilibrium price of media falls: media hyperdeflation
Production costs
Attention costs
attention costs dominate production costs, because technology ends production, distribution, and retail scarcity, and so attention becomes relatively scarce Marketing wars become uneconomical because returns to costly attention are low
Understanding Micromedia
Microchunk Microchunk Microchunk
Entry Entry Entry
Track Track Track
Snippet Snippet Snippet
Smart Aggregators
The Aggregator 2.0:
Allows consumers to navigate complex media landscapes by efficiently allocating scarce attention according to preferences and expectations
Smart Aggregators
Smart Aggregators dont just rebundle content from diverse platforms & standards They rebundle content, information about content and
The network
The application The device
EG i-Mode menu system (top ranked services move to top of menu) EG Bloglines, a9, Amazon EG iPod (with iTunes)
Rebundling of distribution with content aligned with consumer preferences and expectations, efficiently allocating scarce attention
Where they dont leverage info about content to slash search and transaction costs Where they remain dumb 1.0 aggregators
Canonical example: MNO services EG Vodafone Live!
Micromedia Platforms
What are Micromedia platforms?
The microchunk itself becomes an open-access platform within the niche An asset others can reuse to produce complementary goods
Micromedia Platforms
Enable a cost advantage in microdifferentiation Leverage Peer Production to accurately microdifferentiate your good from other micromedia Smart Aggregators are about quantity, Micromedia Platforms are about qualityReconstructors are about both
EG re:Blog
Unbundles blog entries from blogs to reconstruct cross-blog feeds by topic
there are search costs, transaction costs, coordination costs, etc Not a useful concept for strategists, because it ignores costs and benefits
A simplistic model of a complex reality
Micromedia platforms exploit peer production: coordination economies Smart Aggregators exploit cheap information: search economies Reconstructors exploit open standards: distributed economies of scale
Entry Entry Complements & info
Entry Entry Complements & info
Understanding Reconstructors
Entry Entry Consumption info
Entry Entry Consumption info
Entry Entry Consumption info
Human capital
Intelligent distribution
Microdifferentiate more narrowly than competitors
The point: Dominant Media 2.0 strategies reverse the effects of hyperdeflation
By limiting the expansion of supply faster than demand Or accelerating demand to catch up with supply
.and leverage the natural economics of micromedia to create increasing returns to adoption
Leveraging relatively abundant distribution resources to cheaply and intelligently distribute microdifferentiated content to niches
Search costs
Of finding goods within the niche
Transaction costs
Of consuming goods within the niche
E Preference Continuum
Zs disutility increases in A-ness
Efficiently allocating attention becomes vital when attention is scarce. Maximizing value creation by matching content with preferences.
E Preference Continuum
Mass media producers dont realize production economies, but realize marketing economies. The dominant strategy is single products that satisfy the greatest number of people blockbusters opposite the center. Since each niche values targeted content most, marginal disutility from mass consumption limits value creation attention is inefficiently allocated.
E Preference Continuum
Micromedia producers can efficiently target content to each niches utility function by realizing production economies, which allow the cheap production of targeted content. The dominant strategy is a range of goods that satisfies niches with similar utility functions snowballs within each niche. Since each niche values targeted content most, marginal disutility is minimized and value creation is maximized attention is efficiently allocated.
E Preference Continuum
How small can your niches get? Niche size is a function of media plasticity how costly it is to unbundle media elements. The more plastic media is, the less costly it is to build Smart Aggregators and Reconstructors to filter and remix it. For example, reconstructors for Hollywood flicks are costly, because unbundling them is difficult. What increases plasticity? Lightweight, open standards, like RSS; and modular architectures, like blog entries.
Disconnected Consumption
Disconnected consumption
Media 1.0 goods are disconnected in consumption centralized mechanisms inform expectations about utility derived from consumption
Your local paper reviews books, movies, music Bestseller lists, Top 40 charts
Connected Consumption
Connected consumption: your consumption is complementary to mine
Consumption externality: When you consume micromedia, you reveal or contribute private info which is valuable to me when aggregated and made public
2 mechanisms By indirectly reducing my search and transaction costs: tags & playlists By directly increasing my consumption gains: mods & complementary goods
Connected Consumption
Isnt a new thing
An emergent countercultural response to mass media homogeneity Canonical example: Underground music, DJs, and the rise of club culture
DJ plays a selection of tracks Audience reveals preferences, expectations, and satisfaction with their feet: private info is made public Consumption externality: your dancing reduces my search and transaction costs Tracks which maximize aggregate utility are efficiently revealed, and value creation is maximized across multiple niches/different genres of club music Music listeners are a connected network DJs realized it, the music industry didnt Now, dance music is the fastest growing segment of the music industry and the segment which most regularly produces snowballs We will return to this example later
or Micromedia platforms allows consumers to add more complex info, like comments, reviews, karma, etc You directly increase my consumption gains by producing & sharing complementary goods, whose value is internalized by the aggregator
EG Blogger & comments, games & mods, Winamp & playlists, RSS & shared subscriptions
Aggregated by aggregator Published personally
Syndicated by Slashdot
Syndicated by link aggregator Published on personal blog
Syndicated by BoingBoing
Aggregated by podcast aggregator Published on website
The downside
Decentralized info also allows transparency in quality Aggregate satisfaction for microchunks is visible Implication: only high quality microchunks can become snowballs
Not all high quality microchunks will become snowballs Snowballs are high quality microchunks that also maximize utility derived within the niche
Quality drives popularity inefficiently
Snowball Economics
What does this mean? Snowball economics
Niche demand curve for microchunks slopes upwards
The economics of connected consumption: Increasing returns to adoption Quantity demanded increases in price
As a microgood is consumed more and more, consumption externalities add value by slashing search and transaction costs and/or complements add value by increasing consumption gains which raises the price to later adopters Inversion of Media 1.0 price discrimination, where early adopters pay more Example: Club music track
Gets played at clubs, lounges, etc Remixed, re-edited Republished by major label
Snowball Economics
The snowball effect means
successful aggregator or microdifferentiator micromedia models can realize higher returns than traditional media
Because snowballs create more total value
Because micromedia are targeted to niches, and realize less disutility than mass media
Traditional media realizes higher returns
Snowball Strategy
Whether youre using Smart Aggregators or Micromedia Platforms to lay the infrastructure for snowballs
The dominant Media 2.0 product strategy is the same:
Give prosumers access to preference and expectation info about your goods
Tags are the most primitive example
This is the polar opposite of Media 1.0 product strategies: Protect your good with rigid IP to exclude non-payers from consumption
Heres why:
The property rights metaphor
Only I have the right to use/benefit/exchange this piece of land
This is where the property rights metaphor ends up in a Media 2.0 world
This is what the economics of micromedia and peer production imply
The property rights metaphor itself is a block to thinking strategically about Media 2.0 economics
Demand Supply
And a growing number of snowballs Create new value, which raises the equilibrium price of media, and also increase demand elasticity
Media inflation as new players leverage snowballs Demand explodes due to increasing returns
A post-Long Tail world 3-5 years away
The point:
Those players that get shakeout strategies right will realize significant competitive advantages during growth stage
By possessing strong, relevant core competences
Divestment or refocusing of traditional media businesses and acquisition or organic growth of new media businesses tightly targeting the above market spaces
That resemble Smart Aggregators, Microplatforms, or Reconstructors
Connected prosumers
Network FX build the snowball effect
Personal media
Maximizes value creation and increases switching costs
Quality in the niche becomes significantly more valuable than quality in the mass market
Publishing 2.0
Centralizing and storing the huge amounts of microcontent Distribution 2.0
Creating value by modularizing, standardizing, or extending content
So prosumers can remix, tweak, cut, merge, split it or cheaply produce complementary goods
Infrastructure 2.0
Is only a source of value on its own when you can erect barriers to imitation which are tough to build as open standards replace more and more of the Media 1.0 infrastructure
Not every bit of microcontent is a snowball and snowballs are not microblockbusters because there are few Media 2.0 marketing scale or scope economies
high-quality content will realize increasing returns (fast) Conversely, low-quality content will realize significantly poorer returns than in a Media 1.0 world
because each niche is a winner-take-all market
The micromedia explosion does not mean you should rigidly protect your goods instead, use leverage to make micromedia work for you by opening up your goods to realize new economies
For 25 years, house music producers have released tracks using numbers of different aliases
Paradox: why use aliases if goal is to sell records?
Aliases are a kind of antibranding which raise mass market search costs
Strategy has persisted for a very long time must lead to some kind of gains, otherwise would have been dominated Explaining this helps us understand a radically different kind of media economics
allowing DJs to cheaply find tracks theyll probably like and then play them, remix them, and sample them Increasing their attractiveness to other DJs and listeners
This should sound familiar
Value snowballs
Smart Aggregation
DJs leveraging label info to predict value of tracks maximizes value creation within the niche
Connected consumption
My value increases when you dance
Some Recommendations
Get involved with at least one form of underground media
To understand the snowball effect House music, outsider art, propaganda films
Know the difference between dumb and smart Media 2.0 models
MSO EPGs vs TiVo, iTunes vs Soulseek, MSN Spaces vs Bloglines
Conclusion: Summary
The three sources of Media 2.0 value creation
Revelation Aggregation Plasticity
in order to realize these economies and produce the dominant Media 2.0 strategy
The snowball effect And realize increasing returns to adoption within the niche The blockbuster effect
Thank You