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Control Charts: Sample Number

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Control charts are graphs used to monitor quality and detect unusual variations in a manufacturing or service process. They help ensure uniform product quality and consistent services.

Control charts are used to graphically represent process output and use statistical limits and plot patterns to make decisions about the process.

Single points outside control limits, seven consecutive points on one side of the center line, and two consecutive points between the warning limit and control limit can indicate special causes.

Control Charts




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Sample Number
1. Introduction

Quality control charts, are graphs on which the quality of the

product is plotted as manufacturing or servicing is actually

By enabling corrective actions to be taken at the earliest

possible moment and avoiding unnecessary corrections, the
charts help to ensure the manufacture of uniform product or
providing consistent services which complies with the
History of Control Chart

Mr. Shewart, an American, has been credited with the

invention of control charts for variable and attribute data in
the 1920s, at the Bell Telephone Industries.

The term ‘Shewart Control Charts’ is in common use.

Dynamic Picture of Process

Plotting graph, charting and presenting the data as a picture is

common to process control method, used throughout the
manufacturing and service industries.

Converting data into a picture is a vital step towards greater

and quicker understanding of the process.
Confidence While Control Charting

Control charting enables everyone to make decision and to

know the degree of confidence with which the decisions are
made. There may be some margin of error. No technique,
even 100% automated inspection, can guarantee the validity
of the result; there is always some room to doubt.
Control Charts

Statistically based control chart is a device intended to be


- at the point of operation

- by the operator of that process
- to asses the current situation
- by taking sample and plotting sample result

To enable the operator to decide about the process.

What Control Chart Does?

It graphically, represents the output of the process.

Uses statistical limits and patterns of plot, for decision
Analogy to Traffic Signal

A control chart is like a traffic signal, the operation of

which is based on evidence from samples taken at random

A green signal - Process be allowed to

continue without adjustment
A yellow signal - Wait and watch
trouble is possible
A red signal - Process has wandered
Investigate and adjust
Analogy to Traffic Signal


Wait and Watch Go

No action on Process
Decision About The Process


To let the process continue to run without any


This means only common causes are present.

Decision About the Process

Wait and watch

Be careful and seek for more information

This is the case where presence of trouble is possible

Decision About the Process

Take action ( Investigate/Adjust )

This means that there is practically no doubt a special cause

has crept in the system. Process has wandered and
corrective actions must be taken, otherwise defective items
will be produced.
2. Why control charts
Why Control Chart?

To ensure
that the output of the process is-

Whether Output is Normal?

Both histogram and control chart can tell us whether the output
is normal? However,
Histogram views the process as history ,
as the entire output together.
Control chart views the process in real time,
at different time intervals as the process progresses.
Histogram a History of Process Output



47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Control Chart Views Process in Real Time
Output of the process in real time




Time Intervals
Why Control Chart?

It helps in finding
is there any change in location of process mean
in real time
Change in Location of Process Mean

Process with Process with

mean at less Process with
mean at more
than target mean at Target
than target

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Why Control Chart?

It helps in finding

Is there any change in the spread of the process in

real time?
Change in Spread of Process

Spread due
Larger spread due
to common causes
to special causes

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Why Control Chart?

To keep the cost of production minimum

Since the control chart is maintained in real time, and gives us a signal that
some special cause has crept into the system, we can take timely action.
Timely action enables us to prevent manufacturing of defective.
Manufacturing defective items is non value added activity; it adds to the cost
of manufacturing, therefore must be avoided.

By maintaining control chart we avoid 100% inspection, and thus save cost
of verification.
Why Control Chart?

Pre-requisite for process capability studies

Process capability studies, are based on premises that the process
during the study was stable i.e. only common causes were
present. This ensures that output has normal distribution. The
stability of the process can only be demonstrated by maintaining
control chart during the study.
Why Control Chart?

Decision in regards to production process

Control chart helps in determining whether we should :

- let the process to continue without adjustment
- seek more information
- stop the process for investigation/adjustment.
3. Basic steps for control charting
Basic Steps for Control Charts

Step No. 1
Identify quality characteristics of product or process that affects
“fitness for use”.

Maintaining control chart is an expensive activity. Control

charts should be maintained only for critical quality
characteristics. Design of Experiments is one of the good source
to find the critical quality characteristics of the process.
Basic Steps for Control Charts

Step No . 2

Design the sampling plan and decide method of its


At this step we decide, how many units will be in a sample

and how frequently the samples will be taken by the operator.
Basic Steps for Control Charts

Step No. 3
Take samples at different intervals and plot statistics of the
sample measurements on control chart.

Mean, range, standard deviation etc are the statistics of

measurements of a sample. On a mean control chart, we plot the
mean of sample and on a range control chart, we plot the range
of the sample.
Basic Steps for Control Charts

Step No. 4

Take corrective action - when a signal for significant change in

process characteristic is received.

Here we use OCAP (Out of Control Action Plan) to investigate,

as why a significant change in the process has occurred and then
take corrective action as suggested in OCAP, to bring the process
under control.
Summary of Control Chart Techniques

In ‘Control Chart Technique’ we have

Quality characteristics
Sampling procedure
Plotting of statistics
Corrective action
4. Typical control chart
Elements of Typical Control Chart

1. Horizontal axis for sample number

2. Vertical axis for sample statistics e.g.
mean, range, standard deviation of sample.
3. Target Line
4. Upper control line
5. Upper warning line
6. Lower control line
7. Lower warning line
8. Plotting of sample statistics
9. Line connecting the plotted statistics
Elements of Typical Control Chart
Upper control line

Upper warning line

Sample Statistics


Lower warning line

Lower control line

1 2 3 4 5
Sample Number
5. Types of control chart
Types of Control Chart

We have two main types of control charts. One for variable

data and the other for attribute data.

Since now world-wide, the current operating level is ‘number of parts

defective per million parts produced’, aptly described as ‘PPM’; control
charts for ‘attribute data’ has no meaning. The reason being that the
sample size for maintaining control chart at the ‘PPM’ level, is very large,
perhaps equal to lot size, that means 100% inspection.
Most Commonly Used Variable Control Charts

Following are the most commonly used variable control


To track the accuracy of the process

- Mean control chart or x-bar chart

To track the precision of the process

- Range control chart
Most Common Type of Control Chart for Variable Data

For tracking
control chart
For tracking
control chart
6. Concepts behind control charts
Understanding effect of shift of process
Case When Process Mean is at Target
Target Process
L Mean
-3s +3 s U-L=6s

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Chances of getting a reading beyond U & L is almost nil

Case - Small Shift of the Process Mean
Small shift in process Process
Mean Shaded area
L U shows the
probability of
Target getting
a reading
beyond U
U-L = 6 s

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Chances of getting a reading outside U is small

Case - Large Shift of the Process Mean
Large shift in process
Process Shaded area
Mean shows the
L U probability of
a reading
U-L = 6 s beyond U

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Chances of getting a reading outside U is large

Summary of Effect of Process Shift

When there is no shift in the process nearly all the observations fall within -3
s and + 3 s.
When there is small shift in the mean of process some observations fall
outside original -3 s and +3 s zone.
Chances of an observation falling outside original -3 s and + 3 s zone
increases with the increase in the shift of process mean.
Our Conclusion from Normal Distribution

When an observation falls within original +3 s and -3 s zone

of mean of a process, we conclude that there is no shift in the
mean of process. This is so because falling of an observation
between these limits is a chance.

When an observation falls beyond original +3 s and -3 s

zone of process mean, we conclude that there is shift in
location of the process
7. Distribution of population
Distribution of mean
Distribution of Mean of Samples

Since on the control charts for accuracy we plot and watch the
trend of the means and ranges of the samples, it is necessary
that we should understand the behaviour of

distribution of mean of samples.

Distribution of Averages of Samples

Suppose we have a lot of 1000 tablets, and let us say, weight of the tablets
follows a normal distribution having a standard deviation, s.

Let us take a sample of n tablets. Calculate mean of the sample and record
it. Continue this exercise of taking samples, calculating the mean of
samples and recording, 1000 times.
The mean of samples shall have normal distribution with standard deviation,
Sm = (s÷ n). Distribution of population and ‘means of sample’ shall have
same means.
Distribution - Population Vs Sample Means
Distribution of
means of samples
[standard deviation = (s÷ n)]

Distribution of population
(standard deviation = s

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Quality Characteristics
Control and Warning Limits for Mean Control Chart

If we know the standard deviation of the population, say sand the

number of units in a sample, say n; then the control and warning
limits are calculated as follows:

If desired target of the process is T, then

Upper control limit, UCL = T + 3 (s÷ n)
Upper warning limit. UWL = T + 2 (s÷ n)
Lower control limit, LCL = T - 3 (s÷ n)
Lower warning limit, LWL = T - 2 (s÷ n)
Control Limits for Mean Control Chart

Distribution of mean of samples

3 (s ÷ n) 2 (s ÷ n)
3 (s÷ n) 2 (s ÷ n)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Number
8. Establishing Control Charts
Establishing Control Chart

Step No.1

Select quality characteristics which needs to be controlled

- Weight
- Length
- Viscosity
- Tensile Strength
- Capacitance
Establishing Control Chart

Step No.2

Decide the number of units, n to be taken in a sample.

The minimum sample size should be 2. As the sample size increases then the
sensitivity i.e. the quickness with which the chart gives an indication of shift
of the process increases. However, with the increase of the sample size cost
of inspection also increases.
Generally, n can be 4 or 5.
Establishing Control Chart

Step No. 3

Decide the frequency of picking up of sample

If the shift in the process average causes more loss, then take
smaller samples more frequently.

If the cost of inspection is high then take smaller samples at

large interval.
Establishing Control Chart

As and general guidance, for deciding the frequency of taking a sample, we

can use the table given in the next slide.

If our lot size in a shift is say 3000, then in a shift we require 50 units. If the
sample size n, is say 4 then
Number of visits to the process is = 50÷4 = 12

The time of an 8-hour shift, be divided in 12 equal parts. Samples should be

taken round about every 45 minutes.
Establishing Control Chart
Lot Size Total Number of items
66 - 100 10
101 - 180 15
181 - 300 25
301 - 500 30
501 - 800 35
801 - 1300 40
1301 - 3200 50
3201 - 8000 60
Establishing Control Chart

Step No. 4
Collect data on a special control chart data
collection sheet. ( Minimum 100 observations)
The data collection sheet has following main portions:
1. General details for part, department etc.
2. Columns for date and time sample taken
3. Columns for measurements of sample
4. Column for mean of sample
5. Column for range of sample
Typical Data Collection Sheet

Part Operation Other Details

SN Date Time
Mean Range
X1 X2 X3 X4


Establishing Control Chart
Step No. 5
Fill up the control chart data sheet

1) As per the plan, visit the process and

collect a sample of required number of units.
2) Measure the units and record.
3) Take requisite number of samples ( 20-25).
4) Calculate the mean of each of the sample.
5) Calculate the range of each of the sample.
9. Establishing Trial Control Limits
Example - Establishing Trial Control Limits

A supervisor decided to put his process under statistical

control. For the purpose of establishing control chart he
collected 10 samples (Normally it should be 20 samples)
containing 5 units. The samples were measured and the same
is shown in the next slide. The desired target of the process, T
is 50. Establish control chart for monitoring the process.
Example - Data Collection

Subgroup Subgroup Reading Mean of Range of

No. X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 subgroup subgroup

1 47 45 48 52 51
2 48 52 47 50 50
3 49 48 52 50 49
4 49 50 52 50 49
5 51 50 53 50 48
6 50 50 49 51 47
7 51 48 50 50 54
8 50 48 50 50 52
9 48 48 49 50 51
10 49 50 50 52 51
Example - Calculation of Subgroup No.1

Measurements are 47, 45, 48, 52 & 51

Mean of measurements of subgroup No. 1

= (47 + 45 + 48 + 52 + 51)/5 = 48.6

Range of measurements of subgroup No. 1

= ( largest reading - smallest reading )

= ( 52 - 45 )
Example - Calculation of subgroup Mean & Range

Subgroup Subgroup Reading Mean of Range of

No. X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 subgroup subgroup

1 47 45 48 52 51 48.6 7
2 48 52 47 50 50 49.4 5
3 49 48 52 50 49 49.6 4
4 49 50 52 50 49 50.0 3
5 51 50 53 50 48 50.4 5
6 50 50 49 51 47 49.4 4
7 51 48 50 50 54 50.6 6
8 50 48 50 50 52 50.0 4
9 48 48 49 50 51 49.2 3
10 49 50 50 52 51 50.2 3
Establishing Control Chart
Step No. 6

Calculate Mean Range, R

Sum of ranges of subgroups

Total number of subgroups

In our case
(7 + 5 +4 3 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 3 + 3 )
Total number of subgroups
Establishing Control Chart
Step No. 7
Using following table of constants find trial control limit for mean and
range control chart’

Sub Group
A2 D4 D3
2 1.880 3.267 0
3 1.023 2.527 0
4 0.729 2.282 0
5 0.577 2.115 0
6 0.483 2.004 0
7 0.419 1.924 0.076
Establishing Control Chart

Step No. 8
Calculate Trial control Limits with target value, T

Trial control limits for mean control chart

Upper Control Limit, UCLx = T + A2 x R
Lower Control Limit, LCLx = T - A2 x R

Trial control limits for range control chart

Upper Control Limit, UCLr = D4 x R
Lower Control Limit, LCLr = D3 x R
Calculation of Trial Control Limits

Size of Subgroup, n = 5

Factor A2, when n is 5 = 0.577

Factor D4, when n is 5 = 2.115

Factor D3, when n is 5 = 0

Target value, T = 50

Mean Range, R = 4.4

Establishing Control Chart

Step No. 8

Trial control Limits in our case

For mean control chart

Upper Control Limit, UCLx = 50 + 0.577 x 4.4=52.5
Lower Control Limit, LCLx = 50 - 0.577 x 4.4=47.5

For range control chart

Upper Control Limit, UCLr = 2.115 x 4.4 = 9.3
Lower Control Limit, LCLr = 0 x 4.4 = 0
Establishing Control Chart

Step No. 9
Discard the outliers
Outliers are those observations which do not belong to normal
population. If Outliers are included in the calculation, then the
information is distorted.
Checking for Outliers

Checking for mean outliers

Scan column of sample means. If any mean of sample is
more than UCLx or less than LCLx then drop that sample.
Checking for range outliers

Scan column of sample range. If any range is more than

UCLr then drop that sample.
Checking for Outliers

If any sample(s) is dropped then recalculate the trial control

limits using remaining sample(s).

Continue this exercise till there is no further droppings. When

there is no further dropping trial control limits becomes control
limits for control chart.

In all we can drop up to 25% of the samples

Checking for Outliers

In our case
- None of the subgroup mean is more than 52.5
- None of the subgroup mean is less than 47.5
- None of the range is more than 9.3
- None of the range is less than 0

Hence there is no revision of trial control limits is required.

These limits can be used for maintaining the control charts.
Calculation of Control Limits for Mean Control Chart

Step No. 10
Compute warning limits for mean control chart

2 x A2 x R
Upper warning limit, UWLx = T +

2 x A2 x R
Lower warning limit, LWLx = T -
Calculation of Control Limits for Mean Control Chart

Warning limits for mean control chart in our example

2 x 0.577 x 4.4
Uwlx = 50 +
= 51.7

2 x 0.577 x 4.4
Lwlx = 50 -
= 48.3
Action and Warning Limits for Mean Control chart




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Number
Action and Warning Limits for Mean Control Chart for Example




LCLx= 47.5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Number
Constants for Range Control chart
size, n
2 3.27 0 0.04 2.81

3 2.57 0 0.18 2.17

4 2.28 0 0.29 1.93

5 2.11 0 0.37 1.81

6 2.00 0 0.42 1.72

7 1.92 0.08 0.46 1.66

Calculation of Control Limits for Range Control Chart

Step No. 11
Compute warning limits for range control chart
Upper Warning Limit, UWLr = DWUR x R

Lower Warning Limit, LWLr = DWLR x R

Action and Warning Limits for Control Chart





1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Number
Calculation of Warning Limits for Range Control Chart

In our case

Size of sub group, n = 5

Mean range R = 4.4

DWUR when n is 5 = 1.81

DWLR when n is 5 = 0.37

Calculation of Warning Limits for Range Control Chart

In our case warning limits for range control chart

Upper Warning Limit, UWLr = DWUR x R
= 1.81 x 4.4
Lower Warning Limit, LWLr = DWLR x R
= 0.37 x 4.4
= 1.6
Action and Warning Limits for Control Chart
UCLx = 52.5
UWLx = 51.7

Target = 50

LWLx = 48.3
LCLx = 47.5

UCLr = 9.3
UWLr = 8

R = 4.4
LWLr = 1.6

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Number
Flow Chart for Establishing Control Chart

Decide subgroup size

Record observations

Find mean and range of

each subgroup

Calculate mean range, R

Flow Chart for Establishing Control Chart

UCLx = T + A2 x R
LCLx = T - A2 x R
UCLr = D4 x R
LCLr = D3 x R

Is any Yes
sub-group mean or range Drop that
out side the control Group
limit ?

Flow Chart for Control Chart

Select suitable scale for

mean control chart and
range control chart

Draw Lines for

Target, UCL, UWL, LCL & LWL for mean
Mean range, UCL , UWL, LCL & LWL for range

10. Interpreting control charts
Interpreting Control Chart

The control chart gets divided in three zones.

Zone - 1 If the plotted point falls in this zone, do not make any
adjustment, continue with the process.

Zone - 2 If the plotted point falls in this zone then special cause may be
present. Be careful watch for plotting of another sample(s).

Zone - 3 If the plotted point falls in this zone then special cause has crept
into the system, and corrective action is required.
Zones for Mean Control Chart

Zone - 3 Action
Zone - 2 Warning
Zone - 1 Continue
Sample Mean

Zone - 1 Continue

Zone - 2 Warning
Zone - 3 Action

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample Number
Interpreting Control Chart

Because the basis for control chart theory follows the normal distribution,
the same rules that governs the normal distribution are used to interpret
the control charts. These rules include:

- Randomness.
- Symmetry about the centre of the distribution.
- 99.73% of the population lies between - 3 s of and + 3 s the centre line.
- 95.4% population lies between -2 s and + 2 s of the centre line.
Interpreting Control Chart

If the process output follows these rules, the process is said to

be stable or in control with only common causes of variation
present. If it fails to follow these rules, it may be out of
control with special causes of variation present. These
special causes must be found and corrected.
Interpreting Control Chart

A single point above or below the control limits.

Probability of a point falling outside the control limit is less than

0.14%. This pattern may indicate:

- a special cause of variation from a material,

equipment, method, operator etc.
- mismeasurement of a part or parts.
- miscalculated or misplotted data point.
Interpreting Control Chart
One point outside
control limit



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Sample Number
Interpreting Control Chart

Seven consecutive points are falling on one side of the centre line.

Probability of a point falling above or below the centre line is 50-50.

The probability of seven consecutive points falling on one side of the
centre line is 0.78% ( 1 in 128)

This pattern indicates a shift in the process output from changes in the
equipment, methods, or material or shift in the measurement system.
Interpreting Control Chart
Seven consecutive points on one
side of the centre line



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Sample Number
Interpreting Control Chart

Two consecutive points fall between warning limit and

corresponding control limit.

In a normal distribution, the probability of two consecutive

points falling between warning limit and corresponding control
limit is 0.05%
(1 in 2000).

This could be due to large shift in the process, equipment,

material, method or
measurement system.
Interpreting Control Chart
Two consecutive points between warning limit and
corresponding control limit



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Sample Number
Interpreting Control Chart

Two points out of three consecutive points fall between

warning limit and corresponding control limit.

This could be due to large shift in the process, equipment,

material, method or measurement system.
Interpreting Control Chart
Two points out of three consecutive points
between warning limit and corresponding
control limit



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Sample Number
Interpreting Control Chart
A trend of seven points in a row upward or downward
demonstrates nonrandomness.

This happens when

- Gradual deterioration or wear in

- Improvement or deterioration in
- Operator fatigue.
Interpreting Control Chart

Seven consecutive points having

upward trend


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Sample Number
Interpreting Control Chart
Seven consecutive points having
downward trend



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sample Number

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