Audi T Responsibilities
Audi T Responsibilities
Audi T Responsibilities
Presentation Outline
I. Financial Statement Responsibilities
II. Categories of Fraud III. Auditor Responsibility for Detection of Illegal Acts IV. Managing the Audit Process
A. Overall Objective of Financial Statement Audit B. Client Management Responsibilities C. Auditor Responsibilities D. Terminology
Financial statements and internal control. Sarbanes-Oxley requires CEO and CFO of public companies to certify quarterly and annual financial statements submitted to the SEC. The Act also provides for criminal penalties for anyone who knowingly falsely certifies the statements.
C. Auditor Responsibilities
Auditor must plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud.
D. Terminology
1. Material v. Immaterial 2. Reasonable Assurance 3. Error v. Fraud 4. Professional Skepticism
1. Material v. Immaterial
Misstatements are usually considered material if the combined uncorrected errors and fraud in the financial statements would influence a reasonable person using the statements. It would be extremely costly and probably impossible to hold the auditor accountable for immaterial errors and fraud.
2. Reasonable Assurance
Auditors can not guarantee that there are no material misstatements because: Auditors use judgment based on samples. Errors in judgment can occur. Accounting presentations are based on complex estimates that involve uncertainty. Fraudulently prepared financial statements are difficult to detect, especially if there is collusion.
3. Error v. Fraud
An error is an unintentional misstatement of the financial statements, whereas fraud is intentional. For fraud, there is a distinction between misappropriation of assets and fraudulent financial reporting.
4. Professional Skepticism
Audit should be designed to provide reasonable assurance of detecting both material errors and fraud in the financial statements. Although an auditor should not assume that management is dishonest, the possibility of dishonesty must also be considered.
Fraudulent financial reporting is often committed by management. Harms users of the financial statements by providing incorrect information. Survey results indicate that some of the most common techniques to misstate financial statements are:
Recording revenues prematurely Recording fictitious revenue Overstatement of assets such as receivables, inventory, etc.
B. Misappropriation of Assets
Often perpetrated by employees and sometimes management. Harms investors because assets are no longer available. Misappropriations often result in fraudulent financial reporting to hide the theft.
Indirect-effect illegal acts do not affect financial statements directly, but result in potential fines. Auditing standards clearly state that auditors provide no assurance that such illegal acts will be detected.
Auditor should inquire of management at a level above those likely to be involved. Auditor should consult with the clients legal counsel who is knowledgeable about the potential illegal act. Auditor should consider accumulating additional evidence to determine whether there actually is an illegal act.
2. Existence or Occurrence
Management Represents Existence is concerned with whether assets, obligations, and equities included in the balance sheet actually existed on the balance sheet date. Auditor Tests
4. Completeness
Management Represents All transactions and accounts that should be presented in the financial statements are included. Auditor Tests
5. Valuation or Allocation
Management Represents Auditor Tests
All asset, liability, equity, revenue, and expense Auditor tests whether accounts have been account balances are valued included in the financial and allocated in accordance statements at appropriate with GAAP. amounts.
1. Client and auditor responsibilities
2. Fraudulent financial reporting vs. misappropriation of assets. 3. Testing client assertions