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Guidelines To An Effective Presentation Final

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Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

John Wooden

Tips To An Effective Presentation


Who is your audience? What do you want to present (content)? Why do you want to present (purpose)? Where will you be presenting (place)? How do you want to present ? (type of words , slides to be used)

Who are your audience ?

Audience Centered Language & perception of demographics Age Gender Experience Size of group Needs & expectations Benefits

What do you want to present ?

Subject Centered Prioritize and decide . Collect material from a variety of sources Arrange points logically and sequentially Anticipate the questions and prepare . Example :-Summer Internship presentation Introduction/ overview Theoretical Framework/Research Question Methodology/Case Selection Background/Literature Review Discussion of Data/Results Analysis Conclusion

Why do you want to present ?

Define clear purpose. Persuade features , benefits & values. Inform use pictures , graphs etc. Know the outcome .

Where will you be presenting ?

Schools/ Colleges Rural/ Urban areas Corporate offices / Seminars India / Outside India

How do you want to present ?

Power point White Boards Graphs Charts Images Audio visuals.

Create an effective presentation

Deliver an effective presentation

Structure centered
Structuring the presentation Use 1-2 slides per minute of your presentation Write in point form, not complete sentences Include 4-5 points per slide Avoid wordiness: use key words and phrases only Prepare keeping in mind the time allotted 2-3 mins--- opening/beginning 10-12 mins--- middle section 2-3 mins --- closing/end 2 mins --- questions

1) The Beginning Should be carefully designed Get attention - shock, humor, question, story, facts & figures - well rehearsed yet natural Motivate audience to listen - listen to their needs 2) Prepare Closing Last 2 to 2.5 minutes are as critical as the first five minutes for a successful presentation Summarize- highlight important points Suggest action- what to do and when, where and how to do it

Show one point at a time:

Will help audience concentrate on what you are saying Will prevent audience from reading ahead Will help you keep your presentation focused Minimize the number of slides. Keep your text simple by using bullet points or short sentences.

Choose a font style & size that your audience can read from a distance. Use at least an 18-point font Use different size fonts for main points and secondary points
this font is 24-point, the main point font is 28-point, and the title font is 36-point

Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial


100 90 90 80 70

60 Blue Balls Red Balls 38.6 34.6 30.6 30 20.4 20 27.4 20.4 31.6




0 January February March April

Minor gridlines are unnecessary Font is too small Colours are illogical Title is missing Shading is distracting

Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 January February March April
Blue Balls Red Balls

Data in graph is easier to comprehend & retain Trends are easier to visualize

Background and Colors

Avoid backgrounds & colours that are distracting or difficult to read from Always be consistent with the background & colours that you use Trying to be creative can also be bad Use backgrounds & colors such as this one that are attractive but simple Use backgrounds which are light

Use the same background consistently throughout your presentation

Use a colour of font that contrasts sharply with the background
Ex: blue font on white background

Create the Visual Presentation

ALWAYS use color in your presentation
Its easier for the audience to read a dark typeface on a light background.

Integrate pictures or graphics whenever possible. Visuals should:

match your key points, creating added value to your presentation minimize number of words and maximize free space use special effects sparingly

Spelling and Grammar

Proof your slides for:
speling mistakes the use of of repeated words grammatical errors you might have make

Note- If English is not your first language, please have someone else check your presentation!

The Devil Is In The Details

Things that will leave a negative impression even if your content is fabulous:
Going over your allotted time frame You dont know how to work with your audio-visual equipment
Not taking ownership for learning how to work the equipment.

The audience is physically uncomfortable

Too cold, too tired, anxious to stand up,

Delivering an effective presentation

Practice, Practice, Practice Practice saying the words out loud. Practice using your visual presentation with the words you plan to use. Practice in a mirror if possible to observe your posture and personal presence as you speak. Notice and modulate your volume, pace, voice pitch and avoid bad habits like umm

Avoid Stage Fright

Key issue is not elimination of fear instead Channelize the energy it generates for an effective presentation Sensitivity to the audience see the audience Take non-verbal feedback Modify to meet audience needs Dont just make it as a presentation

Effective Delivery
Be active move Be purposeful controlled gestures. Variations vocal ( pitch , volume ) Be natural Be direct dont just talk in front of the audience talk to them.

Tips to remember Show up early and verify that your equipment works properly. Verify that the projector's resolution is the same as the computer on which you created your presentation. Check all colors on a projection screen before giving the actual presentation. Avoid moving the pointer unconsciously.

Handling Questions
Dont get confused . Anticipate and keep answers ready. Sometimes questions themselves give you a lead to highlight your point of view . If you dont know answer dont get nervous politely say you dont know as you are not supposed to know everything .

KNOW what you are saying ORGANIZE it ( structure = clear key points ) MAKE it look nice ( dont overload slides, Match fonts and color , Use pictures & tools ) ALWAYS Prepare well, Channelize your fear & Interact with your audience

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