Professor Burke
T (term births) the number of pregnancies ending > 37 weeks gestation, at term
P (preterm births) the number of preterm pregnancies ending > 20 weeks or viability but before completion of 37 weeks A (abortions) the number of pregnancies ending before 20 weeks or viability L (living children) number of children currently living
Hormones of Pregnancy
HPL Progesterone Estrogen
Cardiovascular Changes
Cardiac output increases Increase in plasma volume & RBC Increase in fibrin & plasma fibrinogen Decrease in Hb & HCT Increase in WBC
Maternal Roles
Ensuring safe passage throughout pregnancy and birth Seeking acceptance of infant by others Seeking acceptance of self in maternal role to infant Learning to give of oneself 1st trimester: identifying what must be given up to assume new role 2nd trimester: identifying with infant, learning how to delay own desires 3rd trimester: questioning ability to become a good mother to infant (Rubin, 1984)
Pelvic examination
examination of external and internal genitalia
bimanual examination
Pelvic Shapes
Fundal Height
Indicates uterine size by measuring from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of the fundus
First Trimester
Urinary frequency or incontinence Fatigue Nausea and vomiting Breast tenderness
Second Trimester
Blood volume continues to increase B/P drops slightly Oxygen consumption up 15-20% Pelvic ligaments relax May have gall bladder & urinary problems GFR increases up 50% Chloasma, striae gravidarum, linea nigra.
Postural Changes
Third Trimester
Change in balance Backache B/P drops slightly Slowing of peristalsis Fundus = Xiphoid = SOB Edema of LE Hemorrhoids & varicosities
Dick-Read method
is based on relaxation and breathing techniques
Sibling Class