Persons 10
Persons 10
Persons 10
Status of children born of unmarried parents Terminology (pre- and post- Childrens Act) Proof of paternity:
Presumptions in our law. Rebutting the presumptions:
NB: blood- and tissue-testing.
Proof of Paternity
The creation of presumptions of paternity:
1. Married woman. 2. Unmarried woman.
1.Married woman:
The father is presumed to be the spouse:
Pater est quem nuptiae demonstrant.
This presumption is rebuttable (on a balance of probabilities). The best interests of the child are the paramount consideration. The courts are unwilling to declare child extramarital:
B v E:
The court held that it is not in the best interests of the child to be declared illegitimate.
The proof of paternity is similar to section 1 of the Childrens Status Act. The qualification, however, is different: in the absence of evidence to the contrary which raises a reasonable doubt.
June 2009 examthink about how you would respond to this question to discuss next week
Normally, the onus of proof or rebuttal in civil matters is proof or rebuttal on a balance of probabilities. Critically discuss how section 36 of the Childrens Act 30 of 2005 departs from this standard and the problems it raises. (8 marks)
Possible ways to rebut presumptions of paternity NB: These ways are applicable to both presumptions although it is arguable that s 36 changes the standard of proof for this evidence in respect of unmarried men:
1. 2. 3. 4. Absence of sexual intercourse The gestation period Sterility The exceptio plurium concubentium: the plea (or defense) of several lovers. Physical features Contraceptives Blood and tissue tests
5. 6. 7.
Can a court compel a person to undergo blood tests to resolve the issue of paternity? To think about for next week:
What are the arguments used in case law to answer this question? Is there any definitive answer in our case law? Does section 37 of the Childrens Act affect matters?