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A Study On The Impact of P A S Imp

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What is Human Resource Management?

What is Performance Appraisal? According to Edwin B.Flippo, Performance appraisal is a systematic, periodic and so far as humanly possible, an impartial rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and to his potentialities for a better job. Need for Performance Appraisal from the viewpoint of: Employers: Performance Appraisal is done in order to know the capability of the employee with respect to current job requirements and to compare the set standards to present standards. Also a tool to motivate the employees. Employees: Performance Appraisal is done in order to help employees understand their drawbacks and to correct them in the future. It helps employees to get motivated. The impacts of performance appraisal on employees:

POSITIVE Motivates the employee Makes him/her realize his/her potential

NEGATIVE Bad performance Negative attitude towards the organization and management

Statement of the problem Performance appraisal is one widespread concept that is applied by several organizations to assess and encourage individuals. But even with good performance appraisal techniques, attrition rates are high; hence it brings about the importance to study the impact of performance appraisal on employees.

Relevance of the research to the researcher and the organisation Literature review

To determine the effectiveness of performance appraisal system on the behavior of employees. To study the present performance appraisal system of victory properties Pvt. ltd. To identify strength and weakness of performance appraisal system in the organization To understand the perception of employees on performance.

Sampling Design? Sampling is the process of obtaining information about an population by examining only a part of it. Sampling unit victory properties.


What are the methods of Data Collection applied? The study is a descriptive study. It is based on data collected through structured questionnaire from the employees.

What was the size of the sample? Sampling size 30 employees.

What is analysis ? What are the tools represent the analysis of data?

Let me present a sample:

Question 6.5: Do you think Employees in the organization are benefited through P.A.S a. Yes b. No (Analysis on following slide)

ANALYSIS: 96.6% of the respondents are benefited through their Performance Appraisal System 3.3% of the respondents are not benefited through their Performance Appraisal System

No 3% Yes 97%

INFERENCE: Majority of the employees in the organization said that they are benefited through the Performance Appraisal System in their organization. And there was only one employee in the organization who said they are not benefited through Performance Appraisal System

100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% Yes No

Majority of the employees are satisfied with the performance appraisal method in the organization Most of the employees in the organization are satisfied with the rater/appraiser Employees felt that the present performance appraisal system is helpful to individual development as well as organizational development and it also helps them to know the effectiveness of their performance. Majority of the employees agreed that they are satisfied by the training which is given to them to improve their performance in the organization Most of the employees said that the objectives which they have realized through performance evaluation is target fulfillment Majority of the employees get their expected result after performance evaluation Majority of the employees feels that the present performance appraisal system accurately evaluates the performance The employees of the organization are very much satisfied with the various kind of incentives which they get after appraisal

The feedback about their performance should reach the employees so that they get to known about their strengths and weakness and scope of improvement. Training needs should be identified and informed to the employee to increase efficiency. The level of performance should be communicated to the employees from time to time to motivate them for better performance. The system should be made more effective such that there is no more bias and ambiguity.

Periodic orientation program have to be conducted to update the performance standards and other details of the appraisal system.
The organization should conduct outing programs and other activities so that the employees get motivated and perform well in the organization.

Up gradation of latest technological development to cater to the needs of the organization and to survive in the present competitive scenario.

By concluding this study, we could interpret that the employee of victory properties Pvt. ltd are satisfied with the performance appraisal system conducted in the organization. The employees and the organization should develop and progress continuously for the betterment of organization and to attain mutual goal, in order to grow, the company should give welfare measures inform of recreations activity and team outing so that the employees get motivated and give their 100% at work. It could be concluded that there was a positive impact on the employees in victory properties Pvt. Ltd and the readers would have a better understanding on the performance appraisal system in victory properties Pvt. ltd

Number of researchers studies the topic of performance appraisal. Eichel and Bender(1984), Levinson (1992) Mbiti (1994), Davis (1995), Edwards & Ewin(1996) Richi(1996),( Wagner and Goffin 1997), Quchi(1997) Strebler(1997); Akinyele and Obamiro(2005), Makiney and Levy (1998) Cascio (1998),Moulder (2001) and Armstrong (2001) Did research on performance appraisal in different parts of the world.

Eichel and Bender (1984) reveals performance evaluations were designed primarily as Tools for the organization to use in controlling employees. He states that past performance was used to guide or justify manager His method of appraisal was subjective, which is still common with EPAS in many agencies today (Vroom, 1990). Levinson (1992) conceals that to help the development of the process of identification it is necessary for the manager to also examine his own process and needs of interacting with the subordinates. He also states several barriers which may come in the way of such legitimate process of identification as; lack of time, intolerance, of mistakes, complete rejection of dependency needs repression of rivalry, and unexamined relationship.

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Edwards, M. R., and Ewen, A. J., (1996). 360-Degree Feedback: The Powerful NewModel For Assessment And Performance Improvement. New York: AMACOM

Eichel, E. & Bender, H. E. (1984). Performance Appraisal A Study of Current Techniques. New York. American Management Association.
Levinson HA (1992). Psychologist look at executive development, Harvard Business Review. Makiney, Jeann D. & Levy, Paul E.(1998). The Influence of Self Ratingsversus Peer Ratingson Supervisors Performance Judgments. Organizational Behavior And Human Decision .Processes, Vol. 74, No. 3, 212228 Mbiti R (1994). Performance Appraisal System, Personnel Hand book Moul4.Davis R (1995). Choosing performance management, holistic approach Journal, Cupa Publication, New Delhi- India.

Quchi W (1997) . A conceptual framework f or the design of organization and control mechanism, Management Science, 25:33-48
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