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The Attack On Hiroshima

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The Dropping of The

Atomic Bomb at
Hiroshima and
The atom bomb was no great
decision. It was merely another
powerful weapon in the arsenal of
~ Harry S. Truman

Charles C. and Ben S.

Horace Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY
What were Harry
motivations for
using the Atomic
Bomb against Japan
in World War II?
Nuclear Programs:
Germany started experimenting with
Nuclear Fission in 1938.

German scientist Otto Hahn and

Fritz Strassman bombarded Uranium
with neutrons and discovered Barium

Conclusion: Nuclear fission releases

a massive amount of energy
nuclear pile at
Project Alsos
U.S. investigation in 1945 determined
that the Germans have not created a
sustained nuclear chain reaction.

By creating a chain reaction, the

Germans could create a nuclear reactor
for nuclear power or absolute

It is debated whether German scientists

sabotaged their success of their nuclear
program purposefully or whether their
estimates were simply inaccurate and
No Bomb for the
June 1942 – German atomic program
slows down because Germany felt
victory in WWII was imminent.

U.S. and Britain were not aware that

the Germans decided not to build a

Japan also had an atomic program but

was not successful.

If Germany and Japan had created an

atomic bomb, it would be used against
the Allies.
Failure of the German
Nuclear Program
When Adolf Hitler was in power, Hitler
encouraged many top scientists to leave

Heavy water was not easily accessible.

No known factories for the production of

nuclear missiles.

Paris Treaties of 1955

Japanese Atomic
The Japanese atomic program was run
by Empire of Japan in order to develop
a “genshi bakudan” or atomic bomb.

This project started around the same

time as the Manhattan Project.

Japan did not complete their atomic

bomb by World War II.
Hideki Yukawa
Hideki Yukawa was a
Japanese theoretical
physicist who was the
first Japanese man to
win the Nobel Peace

In 1935 Yukawa
published his theory of
mesons, which explained
the interaction between
protons and neutrons.

His writing quickly

became a major
influence on research in
elementary particles.
Einstein’s Letter
In the course of the last four months it has been made probable -
through the work of Joliot in France as well as Fermi and Szilard in America -
that it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction in a large mass
of uranium, by which vast amounts of power and large quantities of new
radium-like elements would be generated. Now it appears almost certain that
this could be achieved in the immediate future.
This new phenomenon would also lead to the construction of bombs, and it is
conceivable - though much less certain - that extremely powerful bombs of a
new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this type, carried by
boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy the whole port together
with some of the surrounding territory. However, such bombs might very well
prove to be too heavy for transportation by air...
Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein)
The Beginning of A
Crash Program
American atomic bomb project in its
early stages in 1941.

Independent research was done in


Vannevar Bush hears of German


October 9, 1941 U.S. starts significant

research for the construction of an
atomic bomb.
The Manhattan
June 1942, atomic-bomb project was
controlled by War Department's Army Corps
of Engineers.
American and European physicists discovered
that the fission of uranium could a powerful
Major General Leslie Groves named head of
the project.
At the height of construction in mid 1944,
the Project employed nearly 129,000 people.
No other nation in the world had the massive
industrial capacity to make this possible.
The Manhattan
Project Cont.
To disguise this ultra-secret project,
the Corps created a Manhattan
Engineer District, with a headquarters
initially based in New York City.

Most work done at Los Alamos, New


“Gadget” (Trinity) on July 16, 1945

Robert J.
When you see something that is
technically sweet, you go ahead
and do it and you argue about
what to do about it only after
you have had your technical
success. That is the way it was
with the atomic bomb.

The atomic bomb made the

prospect of future war
unendurable. It has led us up
those last few steps to the
mountain pass; and beyond
there is a different country.
Robert J.
Oppenheimer cont.
Late in 1942, Gen. Groves chose physicist J.
Robert Oppenheimer to head a new laboratory
devoted to the designing atomic bombs.

Oppenheimer recommended a remote site in

New Mexico for the new facility, where many
famous scientists could work together in
complete secrecy.

From a wealthy N.Y. Jewish family.

Ties with Communism.

Letter to Harry
April 24, 1945
Dear Mr. President,
I think it is very important that I should have a talk
with you as soon as possible on a highly secret matter.
I mentioned it to you shortly after you took office but
have not urged it since on account of the pressure you
have been under. It, however, has such a bearing on our
present foreign relations and has such an important effect
upon all my thinking in this field that I think you ought to
know about it without much further delay.

Faithfully yours,
Henry Stimson
Secretary of War
Los Alamos National
Los Alamos National Laboratory is one of
the two laboratories in the United States
where classified work towards the design
of nuclear weapons have been undertaken.
The other location is Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory.

During the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos

was home to thousands of employees.

The first nuclear test was located near

Alamogordo, New Mexico, under code name
“Trinity” on July 16, 1945.
The Manhattan
Project Success
Two atomic bombs were made,
“Little Boy” and “Fat Man.”

Scientists at Los Alamos were not

fully confident in the “Fat Man”

Bombs designed to create an

accurate and symmetrical
July 16, 1945
Fission Bomb
Fat Man and
Little Boy


New Weapons in
World War II
During the last stages of the war,
two new weapons were introduced:
the long-range rocket and the atomic

Throughout the war, most weapons

were an improved version of the
weapons used in World War I.

Atomic bomb = absolute destruction.

Russian Influences on
Development of the
Atomic Bomb
The US carefully considered Russia in
the development of the Atomic Bomb.

General Groves viewed the Soviet Union

as one of America’s worst enemies.

Truman’s advisors convinced him that if

the Atom bomb was used, it would keep
the US’s enemy Russia at bay.

Postwar use of the bomb as a bargaining

chip for territory was highly valued.
A Chance for
One week before Roosevelt's death,
Japanese Prime Minister Kuniaki
Koiso and his cabinet resigns.

Second resignation of Prime Minister

in two years.

Japan believed “unconditional

surrender” was not tolerable.

Kantaro Suzuki was named new Prime

Battle of Okinawa
Known as “Typhoon of
Largest amphibious
assault in Pacific of the
Operation Downfall –
invasion of main islands
in Japan
48,000 Americans died.
150,000 Japanese
civilians died.
Japanese propaganda
viewed Americans as
“barbarians.” This gave the Japanese the
mindset of never surrendering to an American.
Uses for the Bomb
Against Germany or Japan

General Groves believed it could end World

War II.

$2 billion used to build the bomb. Not using

it would be a waste.

'If this weapon fizzles, each of you can

look forward to a lifetime of testifying
before congressional investigating
committees." Gen. Groves to his staff,
December 24, 1944
Debate over the
American Support
Americans were suffering many
casualties and the Japanese were
showing no signs of possible

A cease fire was non-negotiable.

If the United States dropped the

atomic bomb, surrender and peace
would probably occur.
Potsdam Declaration
July 26, 1945
Key Points:
1. We-the President of the United States, the
President of the National Government of the
Republic of China, and the Prime Minister of
Great Britain, representing the hundreds of
millions of our countrymen, have conferred
and agree that Japan shall be given an
opportunity to end this war.
13. We call upon the government of Japan to
proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all
Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper
and adequate assurances of their good faith in
such action. The alternative for Japan is
prompt and utter destruction.
Declaration Cont.
1. Japan would be occupied until the declaration was
2. The Japanese army would
be allowed to return home.
3. Once the declaration was
met, allied troops would be
4. “Japan shall be permitted
to maintain such industries
as will sustain her economy
and permit the exaction of just reparations in kind, but
not those which would enable her to re-arm for war.
To this end, access to, as distinguished from control
of, raw materials shall be permitted. Eventual Japanese
participation in world trade relations shall be permitted.

Japan’s Response to the
Potsdam Declaration
Japan’s response was ambiguous.
Before Japan could agree to any surrender, the
top military officials had to figure out a way to
satisfy many different groups inside Japan.
Japanese official Suzuki used the word
mokusatsu which had a few different English
The US and the US newspapers interpreted the
word to mean “reject” when in fact it could have
meant something different.
The apparent rejection of the Declaration
definitely sped up the process of using the
atomic bombs.
Established at the Casablanca
Conference early 1943.

Popular because war aims were clear.

Gained Soviet and American support.

Prevents country from resurging to

power (Germany).
Japanese View of
Emperor Hirohito was
totally against
unconditional surrender.
Americans viewed
Hirohito as a symbol of
military aggression
Unconditional surrender
 destruction of
“divine” monarchy.
Emperor Hirohito
The atomic bomb convinced the Emperor
to break the deadlock of Japan’s
generals and accept the Potsdam

He gave three reasons, "a collapse of

domestic morale” and two military
concerns: “inadequate preparation to
resist the invasion and the vast
destructiveness of the atomic bomb and
the air attacks” (Frank, 345).

The atomic bomb was given as the main

reason for the surrender of Japan
Japan Will Fight
Until the End
Imperial Conference in Tokyo –
June 8th 1945.

“Fundamental Policy”

Japan is willing to fight to the

bitter end as an underdog.

Surrender is not an option for

Roosevelt’s Influences
on Truman
Even though Truman and Roosevelt did
not get along, Roosevelt’s legacy
remained in power.

Roosevelt’s former advisors found it

easy to mold the new president Truman’s
foreign policy and his feelings toward
the Soviet Union.

Kissinger said, “Soviet policies were

explained to Truman in inherent bad
faith model.”

These heavy influences made the

decision to drop the atom bomb very
Truman’s Motivations
It cost the US $20 billion (in
today’s dollars) to build the atomic

It cost the US $20 billion (in

today’s dollars) to build the atomic

The use of the atomic bombs in

ending World War 2 prevented
endless investigations of the
Truman administration.
Truman’s Motivations
Many historians believe that a main
reason for the use of the bomb was
retaliation for the surprise and brutal
attack on Pearl Harbor.

After the bomb was dropped on

Hiroshima, Truman said “This is the
greatest thing in history.” and “Nobody is
more disturbed over the use of atomic
bombs than I am but I was greatly
disturbed over the unwarranted attack
by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor and
their murder of our prisoners of war.

Thousands of POW”S were mistreated

Saving Lives by
Using the Bomb
Non-combatants were dying throughout
Asia at the rate of 200,000 per

The complete naval blockade of Japan

would have resulted in hundreds of
thousands of deaths due to
malnutrition, dehydration, and famine.

The atomic bomb saved thousands of

American soldier’s lives
Invading Japan?
If America did invade Japan, many
Americans would have died.

Secretary of
State James
Byrnes claimed

Total combat
deaths after
four years of
war – 292,000.
A Constitutional
1. Japan’s Constitutional Monarchy
created many problems for the
possibility of peace.

2. Surrender possible only with unanimous


3. Cabinet was dominated by militarists

from Army and Navy.

4. Political stalemate.
The Beginning of the
End of Imperial Japan
• By 1945, a Japanese victory would not be

• Use of kamikaze (divine wind) attacks damaged about

50 U.S. ships and sunk 17 during January 4 – 13 1945.

• Many Japanese soldiers jumped off cliffs instead of

surrendering to U.S. soldiers.

• 1945, U.S. Marines capture the island of Iwo Jima.

About 6,800 U.S. causalities.

• The next attack was scheduled for Kyushu in November

Japanese Support
Some Japanese historians supported
the dropping of the atomic bombs.

Salvation in the atomic bombing.

Koichi Kido – “We of the peace

party were assisted by the atomic
bomb in our endeavor to end the

Hisatsune Sakomizu – “Golden

opportunity given by heaven to end
the war.”
Japan and the
Soviet Union
There was a slight chance that
peace could come through Moscow.

Japan desperately sought help from

Stalin to fight defeat.

Japan wanted a conditional

surrender with Allies.
U.S. and the
Soviet Union
Soviet Union played a
large role in the use
of the atomic bomb.
Growing tensions between
U.S. and Soviet Union –-
puppet governments in
Eastern Europe.
Stalin started a Soviet
atomic bomb project in
Soviets helped defeat
Germany, but Stalin was
not popular with the Allies.
The Soviet Union
in the Pacific
As Germany weakened near defeat,
U.S. wanted the Soviet Union to enter
the Pacific War.

Yalta Conference – Feb. 1945, Stalin

promises to enter Pacific War 2-3
months after Germany surrenders.

U.S. leaders start to have second

thoughts on the Soviet Union’s entrance
into the Pacific War.
“Magic” & “Ultra“
“Magic” – U.S. discovers Japan wants
Soviet help.

Unconditional surrender was not


“Ultra” – Japan willing to fight until

the end.

Further limited hope of negotiation

with the Japanese.
Interim Committee
The Interim Committee on post-war
atomic policy discussed dropping the bomb
on Japan without any formal warning.
May 31, 1945 meeting was held with
Stimson (Sec. of War), James Byrnes
(Sec. of state), and scientific advisers
held by Dr. Robert Oppenheimer.
Committee decided not to formally warn
Japan for the Hiroshima dropping.
U.S. needed to shock Japanese to
surrender, so a warning was out of
Opposition to the
Interim Committee
Leo Szilard and other Manhattan
Project scientists believed Japan
should be warned.
Without a formal warning would be
immoral in the eyes of the world.
Also, scientists believed U.S. should
tell Soviets before using the war 
postwar arms race.
Chicago group – petitioned to
President Truman.
Possible Target
The target committee at Los Alamos from
May 10 – 11, 1945, recommended Kyoto,
Hiroshima, Yokohama, and arsenal at Kokura
as possible targets.

The psychological effects on the Japanese

citizens were important to the committee

The target location for the detonation of

the bomb should be spectacular for
international recognition.

Kyoto, Hiroshima, Kokura, and Niigata.

True Beliefs
“We have discovered the most terrible bomb in
the history of the world. It may be the fire
destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley
Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark.”

“I have told the Sec. of War, Mr. Stimson, to

use it so that military objectives and soldiers
and sailors are the target and not women and

“He and I are in accord. The target will be a

purely military one and we will issue a warning
statement asking the Japs to surrender and save
Ulterior Motives for
Atomic Bombs?
Official Order
To Drop Bomb
1. Stimson (Sec. of War) and Byrnes
(Sec. of State) advised Truman to use
the bomb. Spring and summer of 1945,
Truman approves decision.

2. Decision was “noninterference.”

3. Lt. Gen. Carl Spaatz requested a

written order.

4. Official order was issued on July 25th .

At 2 PM, just a few hours after the bomb
was dropped on Hiroshima, General Leslie
Groves called Dr. Robert Oppenheimer to
tell him of the weapons mass success

Groves said “Apparently it went with a

tremendous bang.”

Right after the tremendous success with the

Hiroshima bombing, “Every effort is being
devoted to their next objective” (Nagasaki
three days later)

After Nagasaki it was mentioned that there

will be a following objective implying that
there could be a third bombing
The Atomic Bomb at
Hiroshima During
World War II
Hiroshima, Japan had reached a population
of over 381,000.

Due to evacuations, the city population

dropped to 255,000 at the time of the

The city’s building construction consisted

of several reinforced concrete buildings
and lighter structures such as small
wooden workshops and houses.
The Enola Gay
On August 6, 1945, the B-29 Enola Gay,
under colonel Paul Tibbits left Tinian airbase
in the West Pacific.

The six hour flight went exactly as


The bomb was

armed midway
and clear
permitted for
Hiroshima Before
The Atomic Bomb
Hiroshima After
The Atomic Bomb
The Mushroom Cloud
8:15 AM, “The Little
Boy” was dropped
over the center of

It exploded about
2,000 ft. above the
city and had a blast
the equivalent to 13
kilotons of TNT.

Due to radiation,
152,437 additional
people have died.
Nagasaki During
World War II
Nagasaki was one of the largest
seaports in southern Japan.

The city was important during the war

because of great industrial activity.

Most residences and industrial buildings were

made of wood.

Since the city had been permitted to grow

without any strict zoning laws, most buildings
and residences were constructed closely to
each other.
Formal Warning
to Japan
• On August 10, 1945 • The leaflets called
thousands of leaflets for a petition to the
were dropped over the Emperor of Japan to
city of Nagasaki stop the war and
agree to thirteen
consequences of an
honorable surrender.

• The leaflets called

for a petition to the
Emperor of Japan to
stop the war and
agree to thirteen
Sample Leaflet consequences of an
honorable surrender.
Sometimes called Bock’s car.

B-29 bomber Superfortress, flown by Major

Charles W. Sweeney dropped
the “Fat Man” on August 9, 1945.

The Bockscar did didn't have

enough fuel to return to
Tinian or Iwo Jima,
so Major Sweeney flew
the aircraft to Okinawa
for an emergency
landing with practically
dry fuel tanks.
The Bombing:

Before After
Tokyo control operator of JBC noticed
Hiroshima station went off air.

Complete silence when military bases called

Army Control Station.

White House public announcement was Tokyo’s

first knowledge of the attack.

Japan did not immediately surrender after the

bombings. Emperor Hirohito was forced to
agree to the Potsdam Declaration.
Japanese Leaders
After the Use of the
Atomic Bombs
Even after the use of the atomic bomb on
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese were
still undecided on whether to surrender
There were two opposing plans for surrender
The plan with four conditions
1. A guarantee that the imperial family will
continue to reign.
2. Disarmament of the armed forces by
Japan herself.
3. Trial of war criminals by Japan herself.
4. Occupation of Japan to be limited to the
minimum time and places
The Japanese
The Japanese
surrendered on
September 2,

The ceremony
took place on
the USS
accompanied by
British ships in
Tokyo Bay.

Japan agreed to a ceasefire and the release

of POW’s.
Imperial Rescript
on Surrender
…”The enemy has begun to employ a new and most
cruel bomb, the power of which to do damage is,
indeed, incalculable, taking the toll of many innocent
lives. Should we continue to fight, not only would it
result in an ultimate collapse and obliteration of the
Japanese nation, but also it would lead to the total
extinction of human civilization.

Such being the case, how are We to save the

millions of Our subjects, or to atone Ourselves before
the hallowed spirits of Our Imperial Ancestors? This
is the reason why We have ordered the acceptance of
the provisions of the Joint Declaration of the Powers.
Signing of the Terms
of Unconditional
Surrender by Japan
“As President of the United States, I proclaim Sunday, September
the second, 1945, to be V-J Day--the day of formal surrender by
Japan. It is not yet the day for the formal proclamation of the end
of the war nor of the cessation of hostilities. But it is a day which
we Americans shall always remember as a day of retribution--as we
remember that other day, the day of infamy.
From this day we move forward. We move toward a new era of
security at home. With the other United Nations we move toward a
new and better world of cooperation, of peace and international good
will and cooperation.
God's help has brought us to this day of victory. With His help we
will attain that peace and prosperity for ourselves and all the world
in the years ahead.
Truman believed that if the atomic
bomb was not successful, an invasion
would be needed.

After the war, information concluded

that Japan would have surrendered.

"Certainly prior to 31 December

1945, and in all probability prior to
November 1945, Japan would have
surrendered even if the atomic bombs
had not been dropped, even if Russia
had not entered the war, and even if
no invasion had been planned or

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