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Cognitive Radio

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Introduction cognitive radio concept cognitive radio requirements CR architecture CR functions Primary exclusive region Problem formulation Network

model Channel and signal mode Primary outage constraint Worst case interference to primary receiver Upper and lower bound calculation Comparison of bounds Conclusion

Cognition(noun):Cognition is the mental process involved in knowing

learning and understanding things.

Cognitive Radio: Cognitive radio is an intelligent wireless communication

system that is aware of its surrounding environment and uses the methodology of understand-by-building to learn from the environment and

adapt its internal states to statistical variations in the incoming RF stimuli by

making corresponding changes in its operating parameters.

Proposed by Joseph Mitola III and Gerald in 1998.

Avoids interference with licensed and unlicensed users.

Monitors factors in radio environment such as radio frequency spectrum, user behavior, network state.

Monitors spectrum and chooses frequencies that minimize interference to existing communication activity.

Occupies unused frequency slots and communicates.

Search for devices to be communicated Search for vacant RF band If pres ent yes Send information about vacant band to the receiver


Send data to receiver

Negligible interference to licensed users.

Capability to adapt itself with link qualities.

Ability to sense and measure parameters about environment, channel etc.

Ability to exploit spectrum opportunities. Adjustable data rate, transmit power, information security and limited cost.

Flexible pulse shape and bandwidth. Provide access to multiple users simultaneously.

SDR is a general-purpose device in which the same radio tuner and

processors are used to implement many waveforms at many


Provide a very flexible radio functionality by avoiding the use of

application specific fixed analog circuits and components.

Properties of carrier frequency, signal bandwidth, modulation, and network access are defined by software.

Combination of cognitive engine, SDR, and the other supporting

functionalities (e.g. sensing) results in cognitive radio.

(a) Cognitive radio transceiver and (b)wideband RF/analog

front-end architecture.

In the RF front-end, the received signal is amplified, mixed and A/D converted.

In the baseband processing unit, the signal is modulated or demodulated and encoded/decoded.

Cognitive radio and cognitive networks have same definition except

cognitive networks have more broader perspective that also include

all the network elements.

Applications in dynamic spectrum access, and co-existence and interoperability of different wireless networks.

Features includes advanced interference management strategies, efficient use of wireless resources, safe and secure wireless access methodologies, and excellent Quality of Service (QoS).

Components of the CR network architecture can be classified as the primary

network and the cognitive network.

Basic elements of the primary and unlicensed networks are: Primary user Primary Base-Station Cognitive Radio User Cognitive Radio Base-Station

Different access types includes: Cognitive Radio Network Access Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Access Primary Network Access

Depending on the set of parameters divided as

Full Cognitive Radio

Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radio

Depending on the parts of the spectrum available for cognitive radio divided as Licensed Band Cognitive Radio

Unlicensed Band Cognitive Radio

Spectrum sensing
Spectrum management

Spectrum mobility
Spectrum sharing

Detecting the unused spectrum and sharing it without harmful

interference with other users.

Primary user detection the most efficient way. Spectrum sensing techniques are divided into 3 categories Transmitter detection Cooperative detection

Interference based detection

Capturing the best available spectrum to meet user

communication requirements.

Cognitive radios should decide on the best spectrum band to meet the Quality of service requirements over all available spectrum bands.

Management functions are classified as Spectrum analysis Spectrum detection

Process where a cognitive radio user exchanges its frequency

of operation.

Target to use the spectrum in a dynamic manner by allowing the radio terminals to operate in the best available frequency band.

Maintains seamless communication requirements during the

transition to better spectrum.

Cognitive network consisting of a single primary transmitter

and multiple secondary, or cognitive users.

Primary transmitter, located at the center of the network. The PT communicates with primary receivers within a disc called the primary exclusive region (PER).

Inside the PER, no cognitive users may transmit. Outside the PER cognitive users may transmit, provided they are at a certain protected radius from a primary receiver.

0 : radius of primary exclusive region.

: protected radius or protected band.

:cognitive band density. Aggregated interference from the cognitive transmitters to primary receiver within the PER is analyzed.

Bounds on the radius of the PER, showing its interdependence

on the receiver protected distance and other system


A network in which the cognitive users are mobile, or are static but

joining and leaving the network at random is considered.

In the presence of the random interference from the cognitive users, the primary user must be guaranteed an outage capacity.

Must hold in the worst case scenario, which has the primary receiver at the edge of the PER.

Expected amount of interference from the cognitive users on the primary user is calculated.

Upper and lower bounds on this interference is found. The average interference remains bounded irrespective of the number of cognitive users.

A network model is assumed and lower and upper bounds for the expected interference seen at the primary receiver is formulated.

It has two type of users : primary and cognitive Analyze on the distance from the primary users at which the

cognitive users can operate in order to ensure an outage

probability for the primary users.

Three models are considered : Network model Channel and signal models The primary outage constraint

In signal mode there is no multiuser detection.

Also signals are statistically independent. The outage constraint must hold for all primary users. Pr [0 0 ]

Primary receiver at the edge of the PER.

Interference power experienced by the primary receiver is


The distance d between the interfering transmitter and primary

receiver is d(r,) =( 2 +0 20 rcos)
1 2

The expected interference power experienced by the primary receiver from all users

-band density, P-transmitting power of user.

Two lower bounds and an upper bound on the interference

power. A first lower bound on E[ ]:

re-center the network at the primary receiver Rxp.

new exclusive region has radius 20 . outer radius of R 0 set of cognitive users included in the new ring will be a subset of the original.


as R

Lower bound is tight when 0 is small, but becomes loose as

0 increases.

A second lower bound on E[ ]:

Approximates the interference region by two half-planes.

Cognitive users in the two half-planes and which touch the circle of radius 0 + is considered.

The distance d from any point on this line to Rxp satisfies

d < .

is uniform in [-/2, /2].

The average total interference from the cognitive users in

and to Rxp is


The second lower bound on the average interference is

As R

The interfering transmitters close to the primary receiver for a small or large 0 this lower bound is tighter than the previous one.

An upper bound on E [ ]:

Re-center the network at the primary receiver.

Reduce the exclusive region radius, centered at Rxp to .

Extend the outer network radius, also centered at Rxp to 0 + R.

Set of cognitive transmitters contained within these two new circles is a superset of the original, creating an

upper bound on the interference.

The interference is given by

As R, the upper bound becomes

Comparisons of the bounds on E [ ]:

comparing upper bounds and lower bounds for various values of 0 fixing =4, =1, P=1, =2.

Assume an infinite network with R The first lower bound is tight for small values of 0 The second lower bound is asymptotically tight as 0 The upper bound is quite loose. This bounds provide a good indication for the range of

interference power.

Crucial importance in the design of network parameters.

Guarantees primary users a certain level of performance. Analyzes the average aggregated interference power. Obtained bounds relating the design parameters 0 , , P. Bounds help in the design of cognitive networks with PER.

[1]M. Vu, N. Devroye, and V. Tarokh, The primary exclusive region in cognitive networks," IEEE Consumer Commun. Networking Conf. (CCNC), Jan. 2008. [2]N. Hoven and A. Sahai, Power scaling for cognitive radio," in Proc. International Conf. Wireless Networks, Commun. Mobile Computing, June 2005. [3] 3 white paper, spectrum sensing [4] William H. Tranter, K. Sam Shanmugan, Principles of Communication Systems Simulation with Wireless Applications [5]

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