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Decision Implementation

Decision Implementation
People think of execution or implementation as the tactical side of business, something leaders delegate while they focus on the perceived bigger issues. This idea is completely wrong. Execution or implementation has

to be built into a companys strategy, its goals, and its culture. And the leader of the organization must be deeply engaged in it. Larry Bossidy, The Discipline of Getting Things Done.

Implementation is Different
Operations-driven in nature. Action-oriented, make-thingshappen tasks. Execution requires everyone.

Implementation is Tougher
Why is it tougher?
More time consuming challenge Wide array of managerial challenges Many options to proceed Demanding people-management skills Perseverance to get initiatives moving Number of unexpected issues Resistance to change Misunderstandings Difficulties of integrating efforts across groups

Decision Implementation
Most know what it is: Few know how to get things done. Three keys to keep in mind:
Execution is a discipline, and integral to strategy. Execution is the major job of the business leader. Execution must be a core element of an organizations culture.

Decision Implementation
Among other things, implementation has to do with; Rigorously discussing hows and whats, questioning, tenaciously following through. Ensuring accountability Making assumptions about the operating environment Assessing the organizations capabilities

Decision Implementation
Linking alternative to operations and the people who are going to implement Linking rewards to outcomes Changing assumptions as the environment changes Upgrading the companys capabilities to meet the challenges of an ambitious alternative.

Implementation issues should be addressed initially when the pros and cons of alternatives are analyzed.
Some alternatives cannot be

A Framework for Decision Implementation.

implemented by some companies!

Over half of 93 Fortune 500 companies surveyed, had execution problems:

Implementation of Change

Took more time than planned. Unanticipated major problems. Ineffective coordination. Loss of focus on implementation. Employees incapable, inadequately trained. Environmental factors Inadequate leadership Tasks poorly defined Information systems inadequate to monitor properly.

The Big 8 Components of Implementation.

Exercise the strategic leadership needed to drive implementation forward. Shaping the work environment and corporate culture to fit the decision alternative.

Build an organization with the competencies, capabilities, and resource strengths needed for successful decision implementation.

Allocating ample resources to Decision activities.

Tying rewards and incentives to the achievement of key decision targets.

The Decision Implementers Action Agenda what to do now vs later? What requires much time and personal attention? What can be delegated to others.

Establish decision-supportive policies.

Instituting best practices and pushing for continuous improvement.

Installing information, and operating systems that enable company personnel to better carry out their strategic roles proficiently.

Decision Implementation
One make-or-break determinant is how well top management leads the process. Middle and lower management need to push actions to the front lines and see the decision is well executed.

Decision Implementation
Senior management communicate, communicate and then communicate some more:

Communicate the case for change Build consensus for how to proceed Install strong allies in key positions Urging and empowering to get process moving Establish measures and deadlines Reward those who achieve milestones Reallocate resources Personally preside over the strategic change process

The Process
Decision Analysis

Decision Selection

Decision Implementation

How well is the decision implementation resourced?

Resources include:
Physical Financial Human Intellectual/intangible

Resource Audit
Used to assess resources for:
Sufficiency Adequacy Availability

Resource Planning
Hand in hand with resource audits are plans to make sure the needs of the decision implementation are met Includes:
Financial planning (budgeting) Human resource planning Physical resource planning Intellectual resource planning

Does the culture fit the decision implementation?

Assessment of the culture determines if the organization is ready to take on the decision

Does the structure fit the decision implementation?

Lewins 3 Steps of Change

Unfreezing Moving to a new level Refreezing

Models for Managing Change

Managerialist approach Change agent approach

Managerialist Approach
Using a variety of managerial approaches to effect change Should include:
Education Communication Negotiation and participation Coercion (maybe)

Change agent approach

One individual manages the entire change process May be a key manager, or an outside consultant

Decision Implementation
The heart of execution lies in the three core processes: the people processes, the strategy processes and the operations processes.
Larry Bossidy, Execution

The Discipline of Getting Things Done

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