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English Composition

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We use present perfect in the following:

1.To show an action or activity which started in past and finished near to the present with unspecific time or unclear , given indefinite, as
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

They have broken the pane. She has not washed the clothes. We have won the match. The students have delivered the messages. She has completed the homework. He has called the family. Have you smashed the ball? I have seen this car somewhere.

Exception Of Present Perfect

It also expresses the repetition of an activity before now. The exact time of each repetition is not important. It is used with for or since, to expresses a situation in the past and continues to the present.

Since+ a particular time For+ a duration of time

We have had four tests so far this semester. I have been here since seven oclock.

I have written my wife a letter every other day for the last two weeks.
I have met many people since I came here in June. I have flown on an airplane many times.

We have been here for two weeks.

I have had this same pair of shoes for three years.

I have liked cowboy movies ever since I was a child.

I have known him for many years.

Structure of present perfect

He/she/it/name Has+3rd verb+complement/object Javed has broken his leg. She has sung a song. Farooq has broken the pane. He has written the message.


Have+3rd verb+complement/object
We have lost the car. You have sent the computer. They have waited for their friends.

Use present perfect or simple past in the following sentences:


Ali ____________ to a party at Gala Apartment last Saturday night. (go)

2. 3.

5. 6. 7.

9. 10. 11.

13. 14.

Karen____________ me an e-mail. ( send) Dave and Pat ___________________the museum. (visit) I ________________ at the pet shop. (be) They _____________________already their rucksacks--bag. (pack) Ahmad ____________________ here three days ago. (arrive) Marcus ___________________an accident. ( have) We _________________the shopping for our grandmother. (do) I ____________________________just my bike. (clean) Last January I ____________ snow for the first time in my life. (see) Emily_________________ her room. ( paint) Lisa and Colin__________________ to a concert. (go) My friends______________________ smoking. (give up) We _________ the students for the last two years. (know)

Exception cases in the present perfect tense

Complete the sentences with an appropriate time expressions. I have had this book since June 1, 2009. I have had this book for one year. I have a pen. I bought it ___________________ago. I have had this pen for _______________________. I have had this pen since _____________________. Today is ___________________. I moved to this city _____________________. I have been in this city since_____________________________. I have been here for __________________________________. It is 19_________. I started going to school in 19________. I have been a student for ______________________________. I have been a student since______________________________. I first met our teacher _________________________________________________. I have known her/him for__________________________________. I have known her/him since__________________________________________.

The difference between simple past and present perfect

Simple Past
It shows an action or activity which started & ended at a particular time in the past .

Present Perfect
Present Perfect shows an action that happened at unclear time near to the present; as, 1. They have knocked the door. 2. I have bought this car for 3000 dollars.

1. We knocked the door yesterday. 2. I bought this car for 3000 dollars
last year.

If a sentence contains When and has the simple past in both sentences, the action in the When clause happens first.

I stood under a tree when it began to rain. when I dropped my cup, the coffee spilled on my lap. when I knocked the door, I saw Ahmad. My father came when I watched the movie.

(the underline action is first)

(the underline action is first) (the underline action is first) (the underline action is first)

Structure of simple past


2nd verb+complement/object
Hamid went to university at 8:00am. They watched the movie last night. Did Hamid go to university at 8:00am? Did they play the game last Friday? Hamid didnt go to university at 8:00am on Friday. She did not laugh yesterday during the program at supper time.

Fill the Past Tense (2nd Verb) or Past Participle (3rd) from the given list
see fall Saw Fell seen fallen

I _____him there in the zoo yesterday. The bundle ___ upon him last year and was found hurt .

sting scatter say freeze Weep Know Dream

stung scattered said froze wept knew Dreamed /dreamt

stung scattered said frozen Wept Known Dreamed/ dreamt

They _____ the milk with great enthusiasm last night.

The red scorpion ______the baby in the carriage yesterday. He _________ the path with flowers. She ________ good-bye in the previous tour.

The explorers __________ to death many times there in the den.

I have__________ a million tears. He says he has never___________ sickness. I __________ I was in love again.

do shake swim

did shook swam

Done Shaken swum

you ____ us with a stone the day before yesterday.

Let us have_________ with it. I ___________ my duty last year. He _______ them with the bad news. The boy has___________ across the Indus river.

Use simple past or present perfect

Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change) a great deal. The first computers (be) simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) much memory and they

(be, not) very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay) thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) very little. Most computers (be) separate, individual machines
used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.

Times (change) . Computers (become) powerful machines with very

practical applications. Programmers (create) a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) on the Internet and (begin) communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.

Present Perfect Progressive

1. It shows the duration of an action that started in the past, continues to present without interruption and may progress to future. Structure:
He/she/name/it Has been+verbing+complement/object Ana has been studying English for 3 hours. He has been writing the exercise for two hours. We/they/you/I Have been+verbing+complement/object I have been sitting here since seven oclock. They have been waiting the guest since Friday. You have been painting the room since 8 oclock.


Use the present perfect or the present perfect progressive.

It (snow) ________ since Friday. I wonder when it will stop. We (have) __________ three major snowstorms so far this winter. I wonder how many more we will have. It is ten PM. I (study) ______________ for two hours and probably wont finish until midnight. I (write) ____________ them three times, but I still have not received a reply. I (live) _____________ here since last March. The telephone (ring) ____________ four times in the last hours, and each time it has been for my roommate. The telephone (ring) ______________ for almost a minute. Why does not someone answer it? The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he (play) ____________ in the mud.

Change the following sentences into present perfect progressive: 1. I am playing tennis at 10am now. 2. They are not watching TV at 9pm . 3. What is she doing at 10pm ? 4. What are you doing when I arrive? 5. She is not sleeping when you telephone her. 6. We are having dinner when the film starts. 7. Take your umbrella. It is raining when you return. 8. You are helping him now. 9. Are you helping him later? 10. You are not helping him later. 11. I am sending you the information when I get it. 12. we are translating the email, so Mr. Smith can read it. 13. Are you helping me move this heavy table? 14. Are you making dinner? 15. I am not doing your homework for you . 12 16. She is not completing the task by the coming Friday.

Shows an action that was in progress at a specific time in the past. I was waiting for you at 7:00pm yesterday. She was singing a song last night at 10pm. We were watching the match on the last Friday Shows two actions which were in progress in the past and did not interrupt each other. While I was cooking the rice, she was making salad. Ali was writing an essay while Ahmad was listening the songs. Shows that one action was in progress when the second action occurred. When Ali came, the teacher was teaching. While the teacher was teaching, Ali came.

Put brackets verb into the gap and form negative/positive Sentences.
Example: Maggie _____________ volleyball. (not/to play) Answer: Maggie was playing volleyball. or Maggie wasn't playing volleyball.

She __________________ a cheeseburger. (not/to eat) 2. They __________________ pictures. (not/to paint) 3. The teacher __________________ the window. (not/to open) 4. John __________________ his bike. (not/to ride) 5. We __________________ on the computer. (not/to work) 6. Doris __________________ the news on TV. (not/to watch) 7. I __________________ the trumpet. (not/to practice) 8. The friends __________________ songs. (not/to sing) 9. Steve __________________ a cigarette. (not/to smoke) 10. Sam and Liz __________________ at a poster. (not/to look)

Structure of past progressive


was+verbing+object/complement Frishta was cleaning her room at 10:00 oclock. He was reading the book yesterday. She was washing the plates last night.



They were sleeping in the dormitory last night at supper time. We were writing an essay in the last exam. You were listening the music

Past Perfect
It shows an action or state that was completed before another action in the past.

My parents had already eaten by the time I got home. we had locked the door when she knocked. when we arrived there, they had completed the exercise. Structure: Sub + Had + 3rd (V) + Conj + Simple Past Khalid had finished school before he joined Rana. she had won the match when I called her last night.

(A)Ali had already left when we got there.

(A) First: Second:

Ali left. we got there.

(B)Ali had left before we got there.

(C)Ali left before we got there.

If either before or after is used in the sentence, the past perfect is often not necessary because the time relationship is already clear. The simple past may be used, as in (c) and (g).

(D)After the guests had left, I went to bed. Note: (b) and (c) have the same meaning; (d) and (g) have the same meaning. (G)After the guests left, I went to bed.


Past Perfect
Past Perfect shows an action that was completed before another action, but

Past Progressive
Past Progressive shows an action that was in progress when the second action happened.

I had eaten the cookies while Ali was knocking the door.
While coming to home, She had lost the wallet on the way.

I was eating when Ali came.

She was washing the cloths when her mom cooked the meal.

When they came, the teacher was delivering the lecture.

We had watched the movie while she was calling us. You were waiting for her, when she called you last night.


Past Perfect Progressive

This tense emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before another activity or time in the past. The cops had been looking for the convict for two years before they caught him. I had been waiting for her since morning when she came to know. They had been studying English for two hours before they passed the exam.

Structure: Subjects/had/been/verb-ing /since- for.

She had been cooking the meat for two hours when the guests arrived there. We had been watching the movie since 9:PM when my father knocked the door. Ali had been driving the car for 10 minutes when his friend called him for the party.


Put in the verb in brackets into the gaps and form affirmative sentences. Example: Eddie __________ a comic. (read) Answer: Eddie was reading a comic.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

She _________________ hockey. (play) They _________________________ in the pool. (swim) It ______________________. (rain) We ____________________________________ to music. ( listen) The mobile______________________________________ . ( ring) The students_______________________________________ . (text) Max _______________________________________ with two girls. ( dance) I ______________________________________________ in front of the shop. (wait) The cat _____________________ in the basket. (sleep) He_______________________________________ Gerry's bike. ( repair)


Change the following sentences into Past Perfect Progressive: 1. I am playing tennis at 10am now. 2. They are not watching TV at 9pm . 3. What is she doing at 10pm ? 4. What are you doing when I arrive? 5. She is not sleeping when you telephone her. 6. We are having dinner when the film starts. 7. Take your umbrella. It is raining when you return. 8. You are helping him now. 9. Are you helping him later? 10. You are not helping him later. 11. I am sending you the information when I get it. 12. we are translating the email, so Mr. Smith can read it. 13. Are you helping me move this heavy table? 14. Are you making dinner? 15. I am not doing your homework for you . 16. She is not completing the task by the coming Friday.


Present tense structure

Simple present He-she-it-name+verb with s/es+complement/object We-you-they-I+base form of the verb+complement/object

Present Progressive

We-you-they+are+verbing+complement/object I+am+verbing+complement/object

Present perfect

He-she-it-name+has+3rd verb+complement/object
We-you-they-I+have+3rd verb+complement/object

Present perfect progressive

He-she-it-name+has been+verbing+complement/object We-you-they-I+have been+verbing+complement/object


Past tense structure

Simple past He-she-it-name-you-we-they-I+2nd verb+complement/object

Past Progressive


Past perfect

He-she-it-name-you-we-they-I+had+3rd verb+complement/object He-she-it-name+had been+verbing+complement/object We-you-they-I+hadbeen+verbing+complement/object

Past perfect progressive


Time Clause
A clause is a group of related words that has subject and verb.

When/While/Before/After + Sub + Verb

When the time clause comes first, we use comma before main clause.

John escaped when the police came.

When the police came, John escaped. While she was dancing, she slept on the wet floor. She slept on the wet flour while she was dancing.

1. It is an expression.
It expresses a past habitual situation that no longer exists at present And after used to we can use first form of the verb.
1. 2.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

She used to play doll when she was in the school. He used to work in a shop. I used to play chess when I was in school. We used to disturb our neighbor at night in the village. Did you use to watch the film when you were a child? Khalid used to be our classmate. Did Khalid use to be our classmate? We used to smoke cigar while going for picnic out side the country.


'Used to do' is different from 'to be used to verb-ing' and 'to get used to verb-ing'

2. Be used to +Verb-ing:
We use this structure to say that something is normal condition. 1. I am used to living in Kabul. (the environment is normal) 2. Ali is used to playing football. (game is normal) 3. They are used to fighting with each other. (it is normal)

We were used to playing games.


She was used to calling us.

3. To get used to verb-ing:

We use this structure to talk about the process of something becoming normal.
1. 2. 3.

I didn't understand the accent when I first moved here but I quickly got used to getting it. She has started working nights and is still getting used to sleeping during the day. I have always lived in the country but now I'm beginning to get used to living in the city. 26

Choose the correct verb form the brackets.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The earth ____ round the sun. (moves, moved) My friends___ the Prime Minister yesterday. (have seen, saw) we____him only one letter up to now. (have sent, send) She is ____ worried about something now. (looked, looking) It started to rain while we ___ tennis. (are playing, were playing) While he ____ fast, he saw an accident. (was driving, drove) Dont disturb me. I ___ my homework. ( do, am doing) I ____ Rahim at the zoo. (saw, have seen) Hamid ___ to be a doctor. (wants, is wanting) We ___ English for five years. (study, have been studying)

Insert the correct tense of the given verbs: 1. I waited for my friend until he________ (to come). 2. So long as the rain______ I stayed at home. (to continue). 3. He went where he ______ find work. (can or could) 4. His health has improved since he ______ India. (to leave). 5. The baby_____ all morning. (cries, has been crying) 6. We ___________ sound last week after taking the trip. (has slept or slept) 7. They have been driving ________ morning. (for- since) 8. I ____ him since we met a year ago. (didnt see, have not seen) 9. When we went to the cinema, the film _____ (already started, had already started) 10. Hussain fell off the ladder while he _____ the roof. (is mending, 28 was mending

1. 2.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Use the Present Perfect or Present perfect Progressive in the given sentences: It (snows) ____ since Friday day. I wonder when it will stop. We (have) ____ three major snowstorms so far this winter. It is ten PM. I (study) ____ for two hours and probably wont finish until midnight. She (has)___ here since last March. The phone (ring)___ for almost a minute. Why does not someone answer it? What is the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. (cry, you) _______________ for a long time? What are you going to order for dinner? Well, I (have, never) ____ pizza, so I think I will order that. We have never been in UK _____ the last two years. (for-since). We have _________ the wallet . (lost, loose, loosing) You __________ been studying the book ________ hours. (have, has)---(for, 29 since)

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