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Rajib Mall Lecture Notes

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Software Safety and Halsteads Software Science (Lecture 16)

Dr. R. Mall

Organization of this Lecture:

Software safety:
General concepts Fault avoidance Fault detection Fault-tolerance

Halsteads software science Summary


Fault-tolerance concepts
Fail safe:
design the system so that when it sustains a specified fault
it fails in a safe mode

railway signalling systems are designed to be fail safe

so that all trains stop.

Fault-tolerance concepts
Fail stop:
when the system sustains specified faults:
provides a subset of its required behavior

Software safety Higher reliability through 3 complementary strategies:

fault avoidance:
fault tolerance: fault detection:
execution time implementation and testing time

design time

Fault detection Faults are detected before software put to operation.

Verification validation
static dynamic

Fault avoidance

Fault avoidance relies on several schemes.

appropriately tune
design and implementation process.

Fault avoidance
Precise (and preferably formal) specification Adoption of quality principles Adoption of a design strategy based on information hiding Use of a strongly typed programming language Restriction on error-prone programming constructs such as pointers.

Fault tolerance Assumes some residual faults remain.

Facilities are provided in software to allow operation to proceed even when faults surface.

Strongly typed languages

Strongly typed languages:
can detect many of the faults at compile time.

If low level programming with limited type checking is used.

Fault free software production is virtually impossible.


Fault-tolerance Consists of several aspects:

fault detection fault diagnosis damage assessment and containment fault recovery fault repair


Fault detection The system must detect:

a particular state combination has resulted or will result in system failure. The process of determining that a fault has occurred.


Fault diagnosis
The process of determining what caused the fault:
i.e. exactly which subsystem or component is faulty.


Damage assessment and containment Detect parts of system:

affected by failure.

Prevent propagation of faults.


Fault recovery
The system must restore its state to a known safe state. Two options available:
correct the damaged state (forward error recovery) restore the system to a known safe state (backward error recovery)


Fault recovery

Forward error recovery is more complex:

involves diagnosing faults:
knowing in what state the system should have been:
had the system not failed.


Fault repair
Involves modifying the system:
In many cases, software failures are transient:
occur due to peculiar combination of system inputs no repair is necessary as normal processing can continue immediately after fault recovery.


Hardware fault tolerance

Most commonly used hardware fault-tolerance technique:

triple modular redundancy (TMR)


Triple modular redundancy (TMR)

Module 1
Input Result 1 Agreed result

Module 2 Module 3
Result 3



Triple modular redundancy

Hardware module is replicated three times:
output from each unit is compared voting is used to determine the correct result.


Software fault-tolerance N-version programming

Recovery blocks


N-version programming
Different versions of the software
implemented by different teams
executed in parallel

outputs compared using a voting system:

inconsistent outputs are rejected.

N-version programming
Version 1
Input Result 1

Version 2

Output comparator

Agreed result

Version n

Result n


N-version programming At least three versions of the software should be available The basic assumption:
versions developed by different engineers would not have similar errors.

Recovery blocks
A fine grain approach Each program component includes
an acceptance test:
checks if it executed successfully. Acceptance tests cannot determine what has gone wrong try blocks or recovery blocks.

The program components are called


Recovery blocks Include alternative code:

system can backup and execute alternative code recovery blocks can be cascaded
multiple alternatives can be tried when an alternate result also fails acceptance test.

Recovery blocks
Algorithm 1 test Acceptance test test result




Algorithm 2

Algorithm 1


Comparison of n-version programming and recovery block

Unlike n-version programming

alternative code is different rather than independent Also alternative is executed in sequence rather than parallel

Both suffer from common mode failure.


Exception handling An exception is an error or an unexpected event When an exception has not been anticipated:
control is transferred to the system exception handling mechanism

Exception handling Many programming languages do not have facility:

to detect and handle exceptions.

Languages which support exception handling:

Ada, C++, Java

Fault detection and damage assessment

The techniques to be used are dependent on the application and system state:
use of checksums in data exchange and check digits in numeric data use of redundant links in data structures which contain pointers use of watchdog timers in concurrent systems.

Checksums Checksum value computed:

by applying some mathematical function to the data. The function should give unique value for the data.


Checksums Sender computes the checksum:

sends the data with the checksum value receiver computes the checksum again if the two checksum values differ,

the receiver knows that some data 33

Watchdog timers
Used when a function must complete within a specific time period. Watchdog timer is a timer:
must be reset by the function after it completes execution. may be interrogated by a controller at regular intervals if for some reason,
the function does not terminate, the watchdog timer is not reset.


Fault recovery

Modify system configuration

so that system can continue operation
perhaps in some degraded form forward recovery backward recovery

Forward recovery
Correct damaged system state
use redundant information with Data corruption: Use coding technique which add redundant information Corruption of linked structures: include redundant pointers, e.g both forward and backward pointers.

Backward error recovery

Restores system state to a known safe state.
Simpler technique than forward error recovery. most database systems include backward error recovery.


Example backward recovery

Computations for a specific user request is known as a transaction.
Changes made during a transaction are not immediately incorporated changes made only after all computations involved in the transaction finish successfully.


Transactions allow error recovery
because they do not commit changes to the database until they are completed. However, they do not allow recovery from system states that are valid but incorrect. Checkpointing can be used.

Checkpointing The system state is duplicated periodically. When a problem is discovered

correct state can be recovered.


Safety life cycle Hazard:

A condition with the potential for causing or contributing to a mishap. e.g, A failure of the sensor which detects an obstacle in front of a machine

Hazard Analysis Analyze the system and its environment

detect causes of hazards.

Hazard analysis is difficult

because many hazards are extremely rare.


Fault-tree analysis
For each identified hazard:
a detailed analysis is carried out to discover the conditions which might cause the hazard. Fault-tree analysis involves identifying the undesired event
working backwards from the event to discover the possible causes.


Fault-tree analysis

The hazard is at the root of the tree:

leaves represent potential causes of hazards.


Halstead's Software Science An analytical technique to measure:

size, development effort, and development time.


Halstead's Software Science

Halstead used primitive program parameters:
developed expressions for:
over all program length, potential minimum volume, actual volume, language level, effort, development time.


Halstead's Software Science


For some given program, let:

used in the program,

1 be the number of unique operators

used in the program, N1 be the total number of operators used in the program, N2 be the total number of operands used in the program.

2 be the number of unique operands


Halstead's Software Science


The terms operators and operands have intuitive meanings,

a precise definition of these terms is needed to avoid ambiguities. Unfortunately there is no general agreement among researchers
on definition of operators and operands:


Some general guidelines can be provided: All assignment, arithmetic, and logical operators are operators. A pair of parentheses,
as well as a block begin --- block end pair, are considered as single operators.

A label is considered to be an operator,

if it is used as the target of a GOTO statement.


An if ... then ... else ... endif and a while ... do construct are single operators. A sequence (statement termination) operator ';' is a single operator. function call
Function name is an operator, I/O parameters are considered as operands.

Halstead's Software Science


The set of operators and operands for the ANSI C language:() [] . , -> *
+ - ~ ! ++ -- * / % + - << >> < > <= >= != == & ^ | && || = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= : ? { ; CASE DEFAULT IF ELSE SWITCH WHILE DO FOR GOTO CONTINUE BREAK RETURN and a 51 function name in a function

Halstead's Software Science


Operands are those variables and constants

which are being used with operators in expressions.

Note that variable names appearing in declarations

are not considered as operands.



In the expression a = &b;

{a, b} are operators and { =, &} are operands.


The function name in a function definition
not counted as an operator. int func ( int a, int b ) { ... }
the operators are: {}, ( ) We do not consider func, a, and b as operands.



In the function call statement: func ( a, b );

{func ( ) ;} are considered as a operator variables a, b are treated as operands.


Length and Vocabulary

Length of a program quantifies
total usage of all operators and operands in the program: Thus, length N=N1+N2.

Program vocabulary:
number of unique operators and operands used in the program.
program vocabulary

= 1 + 2 .

Program Volume:
The length of a program:
total number of operators and operands used in the code depends on the choice of the operators and operands,
i.e. for the same program, the length depends on the style of programming.


Program Volume:
We can have highly different measures of length
for essentially the same problem.

To avoid this kind of problem,

the notion of program volume V is introduced:
V= N log2


Potential Minimum Volume:

Intuitively, program volume V denotes
minimum number of bits needed to encode the program.

To represent

different identifiers,

we need at least log2 bits ( is the program vocabulary)


Potential Minimum Volume:

The potential minimum volume V*:
volume of the most succinct program in which the program can be coded.


Potential Minimum Volume:

Minimum volume is obtained :
when the program can be expressed using a single source code instruction:
say a function call like foo().


Potential Minimum Volume : Lower bound on volume:


a program would have at least two operators and no less than the requisite number of operands (i.e. input/output data items).


Potential Minimum Volume:

If an algorithm operates on input/output data d1, d2,... dn,
the most succinct program is f(d1,d2, ...,dn);
for which

1 = 2, 2 =n

Therefore, V*=(2+ 2) log2(2+ 2)


Potential Minimum Volume:

The program level L is given by L=V*/V. L is a measure of the level of abstraction:
languages can be ranked into levels that appear intuitively correct.


Effort and Time:

Effort E=V/L, where
E is the number of mental discriminations required to write the program also the effort required to read and understand the program.


Effort and Time:

Thus, programming effort E = V2/V*
since L= V*/V varies as the square of the volume.

Experience shows
E is well correlated to the effort needed for maintenance.

Effort and Time:

The programmer's time T=E/S,
where S is the speed of mental discriminations developed from psychological results due to Stroud, the recommended value for software is 18.


Length Estimation:
Halstead assumed that it is quite unlikely that a program has several identical parts --or substrings of length greater than ( being the program vocabulary).


Length Estimation:
In fact, once a piece of code occurs identically in several places,
it is usually made into a procedure or a function.

Thus, we can safely assume:

any program of length N consists of N/ unique strings of length .


Length Estimation


It is a standard combinatorial result that for any given alphabet of size K, there are exactly Kr different strings
of length r.

Thus, N/


< +1 N<

Length Estimation:

Since operators and operands usually alternate in a program,

we can further refine the upper bound into
1 ( )2 . N < (1) 2


Length Estimation


Also, N must include not only the ordered set of N elements,

but it must also include all possible subsets of that ordered set, i.e. the power set of N strings. Therefore, 2N=
1 ( )2 . (1) 2

Length Estimation:
1 ( )2 ) (approximately) N=log2((1) 2 1 + log2 ( )2 Or, N=log2 (1) 2

1log2 1 + 2log2 2

Experimental analysis of large number of programs suggests:

computed and actual lengths match very closely.

main() { int a,b,c,avg; scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); avg=(a+b+c)/3; printf("avg= %d",avg); }

The unique operators are: main, (), \{\}, int, scanf, \&, ",", ";", =, +, /, printf The unique operands are: a,b,c,\&a,\&b,\&c,a+b+c,avg,3," \%d \%d \%d", "avg=\%d




Therefore 1=12, 2=11 Estimated Length=(12*log12+11*log11) =(12*3.58 + 11*3.45) =(43+38)=81 Volume=Length*log(23)=81*4.52=3 66


High reliability achieved through 3 complementary strategies:
fault avoidance fault tolerance fault detection

Fault tolerance:

n-version programming recovery blocks


Halsteads software science
analytical method. Lets us determine:
length volume effort time

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