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Designing and Implementing E-Government Strategy: Deepak Bhatia

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Designing and Implementing e-Government Strategy

Deepak Bhatia


E-government brief introduction E-government strategy components Case study e-Bharat What does all of this mean for the World Bank

Why e-government?
Its hype
Everyone else is doing it, so its probably important and useful

We think it will provide faster, more convenient government services

We dont want to fall behind all others

We think it will reduce costs for individuals and businesses to deal with government

We think it will reduce costs for

government (reduced data entry costs, lower error rates)

To reduce corruption and fight poverty

We think it will improve democratic process We need to reach out to a broader part of population

We think its a tool for transformation of public administration from bureaucracy to service provider

So what is E-Government?

E-government is very simply about applying

information and communication technology

to all aspects of a governments business where it makes sense to improve efficiency

and effectiveness in the achievement of

policy and program outcomes

So why an E-Government strategy?

To pursue real economic development goals not just technology push To create the right policy and institutional frameworks from the start. To maximize effectiveness of ICT initiatives within Government.

To manage the increasing costs of I&IT in government

To generate savings by applying I&IT in backend processes or other programmatic areas To map path from pilot experiments to sustainable, scalable systems

To design technology architecture (infrastructure, data, standards) for the public sector
To integrate organizational silos and deliver citizen services through common channels.

What is an e-government strategy?


3. 4.

Conceptual framework Business case Implementation Process Measurement of results

Conceptual Framework for E-Government Strategy Dimensions

Leadership Human Resource Dev. Policy & Institutional Reform

E-Governance: Legal Framework, ICT Policies - Standards Connectivity & Data Processing infrastructure Institutional Infrastructure for Service Delivery



Client-Oriented Service Applications
Back-End Government Applications




Making a business case for E-Government Strategy

a. Defining worthwhile goals

b. Demonstrating financial feasibility and sustainability d. Developing incentive scheme

Business Case: Goals

To extend the reach of government services

To promote equal access to government services

To increase constituency satisfaction with government services

in particular: to reduce transaction costs for citizens

Survey of citizens in Ontario indicated that citizens want timeliness of response and right outcome (right information or completed transaction)

To reduce government costs


Business Case: Financial Feasibility

Incremental investment financing Justified by public goods nature of outputs or market failures related to infrastructure-type investments. For example, it is clear that there will be no competition for providing training to public servants unless the government pays. The same about the CSC infrastructure; unless government is willing to provide some seed capital and selective operational subsidies the private sector will not deploy the centers needed. Cost sharing with business _ through PPPs based on real user fees or shadow transaction fees. Redirection of line ministry HRD and ITC budgets. Savings accrued over time from BPR, automation and outsourcing of client interface. Important to note that in initial stages costs to government may not be reduced (multiple channels, significant uptake)


Business Case: Incentives

Individuals: skills upgrading, professional development, increased autonomy, international exposure Departments: Increased budgetary control, organizational visibility, economic rewards, e.g. share of profits/savings, etc.


E-Government Strategy: Process (1)

Define vision and goals Set up high level leadership task force Ensure consistency with economic development priorities Assess status quo and Secure political support

Establish stakeholder participation mechanisms (including demand)


E-Government Strategy: Process (2)

Put in place e-govt. management framework Assess priority needs for government services Secure funding

Establish partnerships with private sector, where feasible

Design technical, data sharing, and service delivery infrastructure. Prioritize projects (BPR first)

E-Government Strategy: Process (3)

Develop time-bound implementation plan

Secure stakeholder buy-in of implementation plan

Implementation the strategy in phases Measure and publicize progress

Evaluate results and make course corrections.


E-Govt. Strategy: Measurement of results

Output Indicators


Improvement in connectivity and data processing capacity


E-government management framework in place Policy and regulatory framework in place

Geographical reach of government services Training imparted Business processes reengineered Number of Government systems operating at service standards

Institutional Capacity

Note illustrative examples there are other measures of capabilitiy

Business Case: Measurement of results

Impact Indicators

Constituency satisfaction with government services (opinion surveys, citizen report cards) Access by the poor and rural population Client orientation in public service

Data sharing across information systems transparency of government organization to service recipients

Example of e-government strategy

NEGP - E-Bharat under preparation

Example: NEGP - Indias e-Government strategy

NEGPs goal is the provision of improved, more convenient government services countrywide through on-line delivery at local service centers. NEGP is fully recognized as key part of national development plans.

Involves central and all state governments. Will be led centrally and implemented locally.
Will be implemented over an 8-year period (FY2006-2013) at a cost of roughly USD 4 billion. To be supported by proposed USD 1 billion Bank project in two phases

Indias NEGP : Scope of Outputs

Services to Citizens (G2C) Income Tax Passport, visa and immigration E-Posts

Land records Property registration Road transport Agriculture Municipalities Panchayats Police Employment Exchange Education Health Food Distribution & other welfare programs Commercial Taxes

Common Services Centres: Single-window public service delivery points eventually reaching all the 600,000 villages in India State Wide Area Network SWAN: fiber optic connectivity up to block level Countrywide State Data Centers All India Portal National E-Governance Gateway EDI (customs & foreigh trade) E-BIZ E-Procurement

Services to Business (G2B) Other

Excise Company affairs

National ID National GIS for planning



Indias NEGP: Criteria for selection of MMPs

Measurably improved citizen/business service delivery Ownership by line ministry/ state department Acceptable BPR & change management plan Solutions can be rolled out in 2-4 years emphasis on poor & rural communities Use of PPP solutions

Indias NEGP: Funding Sources

Existing ministry budgets (3% national guideline for IT) Existing State funds Additional Central Assistance (ACA) from the central government to the states. External financing from the Bank and other donors, with harmonized administration procedures. Private financing through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) User charges

Indias NEGP: Strategy for CSC Infrastructure

To setup ICT- enabled CSCs in villages to deliver multiple services to the villagers To deliver all possible G2C services through these CSCs To promote public-private-partnerships (PPP) in ownership and operation of CSCs To provide government subsidies calibrated to financial sustainability of CSCs

Indias NEGP: Strategy for Capacity Building

Provide expert TA on project management and procurement

Support BPR plans of implementing departments Finance extensive training program

Nurture stakeholder/domain networks

Levels of Capacity Needs- at State Level

Policy Formulation Committing Resources Taking hard decisions

Leadership & Vision Program Development

Preparing Roadmaps Prioritization Frameworks, Guidelines Monitoring Progress Inter-agency Collaboration Capacity Management Conceptualization Architecture Definition (RFP, SLA) Bid Process Management Project Monitoring Quality Assurance

Program Management

Project Development

Project Management

Program Management Overall Governance Structure- at National level (proposed)

NEGAP Strategy Setting National e-Governance Advisory Board (Chairman MCIT) Programme Monitoring Cabinet/ CCEA

Project Approval

Working Group (Chairman Secy DIT)

Apex Committee

Expenditure Finance Committee

Programme Secretariat
Program Management Unit

Project Owners (Central Line Ministries / State Government)

Sub-Program Committees


Project Committees


Proposed Institutional Framework at State level

State Government
State eGov Council (CM)

State Apex Committee (CS)


Departmental Committee




Sourcing Capacities - Options

Role Task Source of Capacity Within Govt. Outside 50% 50%

Apex Committee

Leadership & Vision

Program Development

Policy Formulation Resource Commitment

Program Management

eGov Roadmap Prioritization Frameworks/ Guidelines



Monitoring Progress Interagency Collaboration Capacity Management

30-50% (tech + domain)



Project Development
Project Management

Conceptualization Architecture Definition

Bid Process Management Project Monitoring Quality Assurance

50% (domain)


Implications for the World Bank


But is our client interested?

Strategic intent of a Government is signaled by:

Formally expressed interest Active planning: documents are available and have been discussed internally; ICT deployment is a part of PRSPs; e-readiness assessment done e.g. through an Infodev grant Established government agency for ICT development Strategy implementation already started


Bank ICT Assistance Strategy

Assistance must be country-specific depending on government commitment and country e-readiness.

Given high risk of ICT investments, a careful implementation strategy is a must

For laggard countries, target low hanging fruit projects with high visibility, quick impact and easy implementation. For more advanced countriesi.e. have already implemented pilots-- the Bank can help in scaling up those systems that best fit within the CAS


In the Bank , all types of public sector projects, have e-Gov in them
Improve administration structure and processes, civil service performance, public expenditure management de-concentration , revenue collection and accountability mechanisms. Health Systems Modernization Trade facilitation and market access

EGov??? Really?? ?

Institutional Reform and Capacity Building Projects

Enhance efficiency of the Governments decision-making process for public procurement and Documentation flow.

Administration Capacity Building Projects

Lay groundwork for effective health sector policy making & monitoring

Civil Service Reform and Modernization

Supports improving the legal & regulatory framework for public financial management and new Integrated IFMIS

Why is this important for the Bank?

Conservatively more than 50% of our projects involve significant investments in ICT Most ICT project components involve e-Government initiatives Several countries envisioning comprehensive projects: eLanka, Indias e-Bharat, e-Vietnam, e-Ghana, e-Peru Several regions working on an ICT strategy (SAR, EAP)

Most of our clients are investing in this area anyway, it is better the Bank has a strategy to manage that investment and get better/wider impact from it


Who provides this support?

ISG e-government practice applications, e-government strategies GICT telecom, policy, infrastructure, eagenda Legal - legal frameworks WBI client training, distance learning Regional units AFTQK, ECSPE Sectors for domain knowledge especially PREM

Closing thoughts
A countrys e-government strategy will need to be calibrated to the country's situation in terms of

PC & Internet penetration, (adequate technological infrastructure) software development capabilities available locally, literacy levels (both conventional & IT), economic level (ability to pay), Legal framework languages prevalent, etc. preparedness and commitment of political, administrative and technical leadership.


And Finally

E-Govt is a multi year commitment. Even if technology can be rapidly implemented organizational change takes time and use patterns change even more slowly. E-Government offers tremendous opportunities for improving service delivery, efficiency and transparency in government High risk of e-government projects require careful design Client countries increasingly require this type of assistance from the World Bank Finally while e-Govt is important it is a means to an end, and not an end in and of itself (its about the g and not the e)

Credits Contributors and Reviewers

Contributors Government of India - DIT ke Grnlund Elisabet Rosengren Seda Pahlavooni

Reviewers Subhash Bhatnagar Mark Dutz Tenzin Dolma Norbhu Joan McCalla Eduardo Talero


E-Government: Lessons of experience

E-Government cannot perform as a substitute for governance reform E-Government must address the rural urban divide Manage expectations: e-government is not a magic bullet Translating promises to benefits involves difficult organizational changes. There is no one size fits all strategy: the context needs to be understood Balance top direction and bottom up initiative Avoid large failures; deliver early results

E-Government: Lessons of experience

Identify priority interventions that are capable of exploring a countrys competitive advantage, delivering cross-cutting positive impacts Promote partnerships between government, private sector, civil society and donors Avoid technology focus: ensure complementary investment; skills, organizational innovation and incentives are crucial for making technology work Emphasize training and capacity building


Country Experiences: UK

Focus on improving government services for citizens Priority on high impact areas Take-up of services must be the key driver of investment and the key performance indicator. Create competitive pressure Open up electronic delivery of government services to the private and voluntary sectors. Do not make exclusive contracts for front-end delivery avoid private sector monopolies. Let electronic delivery compete with traditional delivery inside government. Make the Internet the backbone to ESD, but allow multiple entry routes. Reward innovation, accept some failure Get going quickly, and keep learning from mistakes. Set ambitious goals, informed by citizen preferences. Begin with prototypes that can be built quickly and tested. Quickly scale up successful prototypes for launch. Be ruthless in weeding out unsuccessful government e-venture Push for efficiency savings Wherever possible ESD should substitute rather than complement traditional delivery. Determine the trade-off between trust and income (e.g. advertising) for each service.

Country Experiences

- Australia

Agency e-government programs are more likely to be successful when:

Executive-level support has been obtained from the CEO and senior agency staff Agency staff are committed to the broader concepts of e-government Recognition exists that people wish to deal with government through a variety of channels, and service delivery strategies are tailored accordingly Potential awareness is heightened by promoting availability of online programs to people Legislation and authentication issues have been resolved Confidence has been raised through electronic signatures Models for effective inter-agency collaboration have been built and proven Momentum is maintained through better integration of enterprise, work, information, application and technology architectures with and among agencies

Country Experiences - Canada

Canada regularly surveys citizens and businesses about their attitudes and needs--more so than any other country. Canada also actively markets its E-government services. It advertises on TV and radio, ad in airline magazines and newspapers to get citizens to use its portal Canada, like many nations, has a national CIO, given the necessary muscle to drive standards and create a common E-government offering


Country Experiences - Singapore

To pull down silos, you need a big stick

Vision of "many agencies, one government" became mantra The Ministry of Finance was sole authority in approving funding for e-government projects IDA managed central IT and telecom infrastructure and defined national policy, standards and procedures All e-services followed same security, electronic payment and data exchange mechanisms, by regulatory and policy mandate While Internet technology was an enabler, people made it happen, through strong e-leadership Deputy prime minister launched the plan in 2000 "to be a leading e-government to better serve the nation in the digital economy."


New Zealand e-Government Architecture

Sri Lanka e-Government Architecture

India e-Government Architecture

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