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Cell Division

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Genetic Information

 Genetic information is carried on

 A gene is…
 1 molecule of DNA contains
thousands of genes
 DNA=chromatin when the cell is not
dividing (not visible under a
Chromosome Structure
 DNA (chromatin) replicates at during
cell division preparation = 2 identical
 2 chromatids coil, condense and join
together at the centromere =
chromosome (now visible under a
Chromosome Number
 Every species has a characteristic #
of chromosomes
 Chromosomes occur in pairs (code for
same info – one from ea. Parent) =
homologous pairs
 A cell that contains both members of
the homologous pair are called diploid
– 2N
Chromosome Number cont.
 A cell that contains only one member
of the homologous pair is called
haploid – 1N
 In humans:
 Diploid number is 46 (somatic cells)
 Haploid number is 23 (gametes)
Frequency of cell division
 Varies drastically among different cell
 Bacteria – every 20 minutes
 Human embryo - 15-20 minutes
 Human skin – every 2 weeks
 Liver cells – approx. every 18 months
Frequency of cell division
 Some cells do not divide after a
certain age
 Liver cells
 Intestinal cells
 Nerve cells
Type of cell division
 Asexual

 Sexual
Asexual Reproduction
 Making of new cells by mitosis
 Offspring are exact replica of parent
 Only one parent
 Occurs in:
 Unicellular organisms as a means of
 Lower plants and animals as a means of
 Most somatic cells of multi-cellular
Asexual Reproduction
 Advantages
 Simple
 Fast
 Low energy output
 Large number of offspring
 Daughter cells are identical to parent
Asexual Reproduction
 Disadvantages
 No variation among offspring
Sexual Reproduction
 Making of new gametes by meiosis
 Involves the combining of gametes
from 2 different parents
 Gametes fuse to form a zygote
(fertilized egg)
 Chromosome number in gametes is
1N to ensure constant chromosome
number on future generations.
Sexual Reproduction
 Advantages
 Variation among offspring
Sexual Reproduction
 Disadvantages
 More complicated
 Must find mate
 High energy cost
 Fewer offspring (generally)
The Cell Cycle
 The life of a eukaryotic cell is
diagramed as a cell cycle
 A repeating sequence of growth and
 5 phases
The Cell Cycle
 Interphase : 3 phases
 G1 Phase:

 S Phase :

 G2 Phase:
The Cell Cycle
 Prophase:
 Centrioles
 Spindle fibers
 Nucleolus
 Nuclear membrane
The Cell Cycle
 Metaphase
 Fibers push chromosomes to line up
along the equator of the cell
The Cell Cycle
 Anaphase
 Fibers shorten and pull chromatids apart
to opposite sides of the cell.
The Cell Cycle
 Telophase
 Spindle fibers
 Chromatids
 Nuclear membrane
 nucleolus
The Cell Cycle
 Not a phase of mitosis
 Cytoplasm and organelles separate
 Usually begins in early anaphase
 Cytoplasm pinches in
 In plant cells, a new cell wall is formed
between the 2 new cells – cell plate

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