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Statistics: An Introduction and Overview

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An Introduction and Overview


We use statistics for many reasons:

To mathematically describe/depict our findings To draw conclusions from our results To test hypotheses To test for relationships among variables


Numerical representations of our data Can be:

Descriptive statistics summarize data. Inferential statistics are tools that indicate how much confidence we can have when we generalize from a sample to a population.


Powerful tools we must use them for good.

Be sure our data is valid and reliable Be sure we have the right type of data Be sure statistical tests are applied appropriately Be sure the results are interpreted correctly Remember numbers may not lie, but people can

Of Statistics


Sampling & Statistics

Statistics depend on our sampling methods: Probability or Non-probability? (i.e. Random or not?)

Probability Samples

Even with probability samples, there is a possibility that the statistics we obtain do not accurately reflect the population. Sampling Error

Non-Sampling Error

Inadequate sampling frame, low response rate, coverage (some people in population not given a chance of selection) Problems with transcribing and coding data; observer/ instrument error; misrepresenation as error.


Levels of Measurement the relationship among the values that are assigned to a variable and the attributes of that variable.

Levels of Measurement

Nominal- naming Ordinal- rank order (high to low but no indication of how much higher or lower one subject is to another) Interval- equal intervals between values Ratio- equal intervals AND an absolute zero (i.e. a ruler)

Levels of Measurement

Levels of Measurement: Identify

Age: under 30, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59 Gender: Male, Female Level of Agreement: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree Percentage of the library budget spent on staff salaries.

Statistics: Whats What?

Descriptive objectives/ research questions:

Comparative objectives/ hypotheses

Descriptive statistics

Inferential Statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Can be applied to any measurements (quantitative or qualitative) Offers a summary/ overview/ description of data. Does not explain or interpret.

Descriptive Statistics

Number Frequency Count Percentage Deciles and quartiles Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Midpoint, Mode)

Variability Variance and standard deviation Graphs Normal Curve

Means of Central Tendency


Mode: most frequently occurring value in a distribution (any scale, most unstable) Median: midpoint in the distribution below which half of the cases reside (ordinal and above) Mean: arithmetic average- the sum of all values in a distribution divided by the number of cases (interval or ratio)

Median (Mid-point)
Example (11 test scores) 61, 61, 72, 77, 80, 81, 82, 85, 89, 90, 92

The median is 81 (half of the scores fall above 81, and half below)

Median (Mid-point)
Example (6 scores) 3, 3, 7, 10, 12, 15

Even number of scores= Median is halfway between these scores Sum the middle scores (7+10=17) and divide by 2 17/2= 8.5


Insensitive to extremes

3, 3, 7, 10, 12, 15, 200

Mean: Arithmetic Average

Mean is half the sum of a set of values: Scores: 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 15 Sum: 55 Number of scores: 6 Computation of Mean: 55/6= 9.17


Influenced by extremes Only appropriate with interval or ration data Is this four-point scale ordinal or interval?
3=Disagree 4=Strongly Disagree

1= Strongly Agree 2=Agree

Mode: Frequency

Mode is the most frequently occurring value in a set. Best used for nominal data.

U.S. Census Quick Facts

Shapes of Distribution

Normal Curve (aka Bell Curve) Repeated sampling of a population should result in a normal distributionclustering of values around a central tendency. In a symmetrical distribution, median, mode and mean all fall at the same point

Normal Curve

Distribution: Skewness

Skewed to the right (positive) or left (negative) An extremely hard test that results in a lot of low grades will be skewed to the right:


the mode is smaller than the median, which is smaller than the mean. This relationship exists because the mode is the point on the x-axis corresponding to the highest point, that is the score with greatest value, or frequency. The median is the point on the x-axis that cuts the distribution in half, such that 50% of the area falls on each side.


An extremely easy test will result in a lot of high grades, and will skew to the left (negative)


The order of the measures of central tendency would be the opposite of the positively skewed distribution, with the mean being smaller than the median, which is smaller than the mode.


Variability is the differences among scoresshows how subjects vary:

Dispersion: extent of scatter around the average Range: highest and lowest scores in a distribution Variance and standard deviation: spread of scores in a distribution. The greater the scatter, the larger the variance

Interval or ration level data Standard deviation: how much subjects differ from the mean of their group

Standard Deviation

Measures how much subjects differ from the mean of their group The more spread out the subjects are around the mean, the larger the standard deviation Sensitive to extremes or outliers

Standard Deviation: 66, 95, 99%

Inferential Statistics

Allows for comparisons across variables

i.e. is there a relation between ones occupation and their reason for using the public library?

Hypothesis Testing

Levels of significance

The level of significance is the predetermined level at which a null hypothesis is not supported. The most common level is p < .05

P =probability < = less than (> = more than)

Error Type

Type I error

Type II error

Reject the null hypothesis when it is really true

Fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is really false


By using inferential statistics to make decisions, we can report the probability that we have made a Type I error (indicated by the p value we report) By reporting the p value, we alert readers to the odds that we were incorrect when we decided to reject the null hypothesis

Particular Tests

Chi-square test of independence: two variables (nominal and nominal, nominal and ordinal, or ordinal and ordinal)

Affected by number of cells, number of cases 2-tailed distribution= null hypothesis 1-tailed distribution= directional hypothesis Cramers V, Phi


Inferential Statistics (2)

Correlationthe extent to which two variables are related across a group of subjects

Pearson r

Spearman rho

It can range from -1.00 to 1.00 -1.00 is a perfect inverse relationshipthe strongest possible inverse relationship 0.00 indicates the complete absence of a relationship 1.00 is a perfect positive relationshipthe strongest possible direct relationship The closer a value is to 0.00, the weaker the relationship The closer a value is to -1.00 or +1.00, the stronger it is

More tests


Test the difference between two sample means for significance pretest to posttest Relates to research design Perhaps used for information literacy instruction

Analysis of variance Regression analysis (including step-wise regression)

More tests
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests the difference(s) among two or more means

It can be used to test the difference between two means So use t-test or ANOVA? KEY: ANOVA also can be used to test the difference among more than two means in

a single testwhich cannot be done with a t test

More tests

While correlation and regression both indicate association between variables, correlation studies assess the strength of that association Regression analysis, which examines the association from a different perspective, yields an equation that uses one variable to explain the variation in another variable. Regression is used to predict the value of one variable by knowing the value of another variable

YUP, more tests

Multiple regression examines the relationship between a dependent variable (changes in response to the change the researcher makes to the independent variable) and two or more independent variables (manipulated variables) Stepwise multiple regression predicts the value of a dependent variable using independent variables, and it also examines the influence, or relative importance, of each independent variable on the dependent variable


Remember impact of memory on responding

Norman M. Bradburn, Lance J. Rips, and Steven K. Shevell, Answering Autobiographical Questions: The Impact of Memory and Inference on Surveys, Science 236 (April 10, 1987): 157-161

Parametric and Nonparametric statistics

Parametric statistical tests generally require interval or ratio level data and assume that the scores were drawn from a normally distributed population or that both sets of scores were drawn from populations with the same variance or spread of scores Nonparametric methods do not make assumptions about the shape of the population distribution. These are typically less powerful and often need large samples

Selecting an Appropriate Statistical Test

The appropriate measurement scale(s) to use Is intent to characterize respondents (descriptive statistics) or draw inferences to population (inferential statistics) The level of significance used and focusing on one- or two-tailed distribution Whether the mean or median better characterize the dataset Whether the population is normal The number of independent (experimental or predicator variables that evaluators manipulate and that presumably change) and dependent (influenced by the independent variable(s)) Uses parametric or nonparametric statistics Willing to risk a type I or type II errors

I: possibility of rejecting a true null hypothesis II: possibility of accepting the null hypothesis when it is false

Depicting Data
Making it Comprehesnible

Population and Population Centers by State: 2000

How depict the data statecenters.txt


Their purpose Some types: Bar charts, pie charts, area charts, line charts 9/piecharts/pie.htm

Journey to Work From Census 2000

Among the 128.3 million workers in the United States in 2000, 76 12 4.7 3.3 2.9 1.2 % drove alone to work % carpooled % used public transportation % worked at home % walked to work % used other means (including motorcycle or bicycle)


Alumni Satisfaction Survey


Library Services Assessment Clearinghouse

http://www.hollins.e du/academics/library /lsac.htm Library Surveys & Questionnaires n/infopro/survey.html Performance Measures tml

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