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ECON 332 Business Forecasting Methods Prof. Kirti K. Katkar

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ECON 332

Business Forecasting Methods

Chapter 2
Prof. Kirti K. Katkar

Six Considerations Basic to Successful

• Decision environment and loss function
• Forecast object
• Forecast statement
• Forecast horizon
• Information set
• Methods and complexity, the parsimony principle, the
shrinkage principle

Forecast Process

• Define objectives
• Determine forecast entity
• Identify time horizon
• Data considerations
• Model Selection
• Model evaluation
• Forecast preparation
• Forecast discussion and closure
• Tracking results
• Adjusting model/ forecast

Model Selection Guide


Data Patterns: Power of Graphics

• Trend
• Seasonal
• Cyclical
• Irregular
• Structural shifts
U.S. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Potential Forecasting Methods

•Holt’s exponential smoothing
•Linear regression trend
•Causal regression
•Time series decomposition
Leo Burnett Billings (LBB) in U.S.

Potential Forecasting Methods

•Non-linear regression trend
•Causal regression
Private Housing Starts (PHS)

Potential Forecasting Methods

•Winter’s exponential smoothing
•Linear regression trend w/ seasonal adjustment
•Causal regression
•Time series decomposition

Review of Statistics
• Distributions
– Normal distribution
– Student’s t distribution
• Descriptive Statistics: Using numbers to describe phenomena
– Central tendency
– Dispersion
• Measures of central dispersion
– Mean
– Median
– Mode
• Measures of Dispersion
– Range
– Variance
– Standard deviation
• Standard Normal distribution
− x2

φ(x) = e 2

We always use
Tables for these
Where μ = 0 and σ = 1 distributions
• Student’s t distribution
 n +1
Γ  n +1
2 − 2
sn(x) = 1  2  1 + x 
nπ  n   n 
Γ 

where n is the degrees of freedom for a sample size of (n+1)


Central Tendency Illustration


Central Tendency Illustration: Mode

Sales Number of
Mode: Response that Occurrences
occurs most frequently 1 2
2 3
Mode = 4 3 3
4 6
5 4
6 2
7 3
8 1`
13 1

Central Tendency Illustration: Median

Median: Value that splits responses into two
equal parts when they are ordered from low to
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 8 13

12 Values Median 12 Values

If the series has even numbers of responses, the

median will be a value that is not observed.
In that case,

Median = ((n/2)th Value + ((n/2)+1)th Value)/2


Central Tendency Illustration: Mean

Mean: Arithmetic average of all numbers in a data

series (entire population)

µ ==∑ Xi / N

i =1

= 115/25 = 4.6

If the data series represents a sample, mean is

designated as
_ n

X = ∑ Xi / n = 115/25 = 4.6
i =1

Stationary Series

Dispersion Illustrations

• Range = Greatest value – Smallest value

= 13 – 1
= 12
• Variance for population: σ =
2 ∑ ( Xi − µ ) 2

• Standard Deviation for population = Variance


Dispersion Illustrations (Contd.)

∑ ( Xi − X ) 2

• Variance for Sample: s2 = (n − 1)

• Standard Deviation for sample s = Variance

Dispersion Illustration: Variance &
Standard Deviation
The Normal Distribution

.Fully defined by mean and

Standard deviation
.Bell shape and symmetrical
Around mean
. μ±1σ include 68% area
. μ±2σ include 95% area
. μ±3σ include 99% area
. Standard Normal
is called Z distribution. The
Transformation( Xto−Zµis
) simple:

Illustration of Z Transformation
The Standard Normal Distribution (Z)

The Standard Normal Distribution (Z)

Table (Contd.)

Distribution of Sample Statistics

• When the sample size is large, sample means

are distributed normally
• The distribution of sample means (X’s) is
centered on the population mean μ
• The standard deviation of the sample means,
called standard error of the mean, is
σx =
2-24 Illustrative Example of using Sample Means:
Chance of selecting a good sample that represents
Suppose sample size n=100, X=300 and σ=60.
Would this be a good sample if the true population mean μ=288?
Since sample means are normally distributed we can answer this
question using Z transformation and the table:
σx = σ
Z = (X – μ)/σx , and ,

Therefore, Z=(300-288)/(60/√100)
= 12/6 = 2
From Z distribution table, area between 0 and 2 is 0.4772
As a result, area beyond 2 is 0.5-0.4772=0.0228

Thus there is only 2.28% chance that sample selected will have
mean > 300.

Student’s t Distribution

• This is used when the population standard

deviation is not known or when the sample
size is too small
• The probability of a large deviation from the
mean is greater in the t as against the normal
• Just like the Z transformation for normal
distribution, t transformation is used for
Student’s t distribution.

Student’s t Distribution (Contd.)

• t = X −µ
s/ n
• t distribution depends on degrees of freedom
df which is equal to (n-1)

• For df > 29, use the inf row in the t distribution


Student’s t Distribution Table


Student’s t Distribution Table (Contd.)


Statistical Inference: From Sample to

• Focus always on population
• Sample useful in making some inference about population: e.g.
per capita income in Pennsylvania to ensure a new service will
• Sample statistic is best point estimate of the corresponding
population parameter but could be wrong
• Interval estimate of parameter more useful and accurate
μ = X ± t(s/√n), where
t = value from t table for (n-1) df,
s/√n = standard error of the sample mean, and
X = sample mean

Example of Statistical Inference: From

Sample to Population
• Suppose a sample of 100 responses gives a mean of
$15,000 per capita income and a standard deviation of
• The best point estimate of sample mean would be
• A 95% confidence interval estimate would be:
μ = 15,000 ± 1.96(5,000/√100)
= 15,000 ± 980
Thus, $14,020 ≤ μ ≤ $15,980
where t = 1.96, value from t table for 99 df
with each tail being 0.025

Hypothesis Testing

• Set up two mutually exclusive and exhaustive

hypothesis to test
• Null hypothesis Ho : μ = μ0
• Alternative hypothesis H1 : μ ≠ μ0
• Use t test after deciding the confidence level:
usually 95% for business applications
• Significance level α = 1 – Confidence level:
usually 5% for business applications

Hypothesis Testing (Contd.)

•Type I Error: Occurs if we reject Ho when in

fact it is true
•Type II Error: Occurs if we fail to reject Ho that
is in fact incorrect
Hypothesis Testing (Contd.)
• Type I and II errors are related: by reducing the
chance of Type I error we increase the chance of
Type II error and vice versa
• If the cost of Type I error is large we use lower α –
say 1% or less
• Hypothesis tests may be one or two-tailed
Case I. A two-tailed test. H0 : μ=μ0 H1 : μ≠μ0
Case II. A lower-tailed test. H0 : μ≥μ0 H1 : μ<μ0
Case III. A upper-tailed test. H0 : μ≤μ0 H1 : μ>μ0

• For each hypothesis test, t-value is calculated (tcalc )

and compared with the tcalccritical value from the t
distribution (tT ). If > tT , reject the null

Example of Two-tailed Test

• A sample of 49 people in a city resulted in a mean X of $200

entertainment expenses per month and a standard deviation s
of 84. The national average μ is $220. The hypothesis are:
H0 : μ = 220 and H1 : μ ≠ 220
• In this case, tcalc = (200-220)/(84/√49)
= -20/12 = -1.67
• If the confidence level is 95%, i.e. α = 0.05, the critical value
of t is ±1.96.
• Since tcalc < 1.96, we fail to reject H0 . That is, the
entertainment expenses per month in this city are not different
from the national average.

Example of Lowered-tailed Test

• A sample of 25 people resulted in a mean X of 1.2 six-packs of

soft-drink consumption per week and a standard deviation s of
0.6. The national average μ is 1.5. The hypothesis are:
H0 : μ ≥ 1.5 and H1 : μ < 1.5
• In this case, tcalc = (1.2-1.5)/(0.6/√25)
= -0.3/0.12 = -2.5
• If the confidence level is 95%, i.e. α = 0.05, the critical value
of t for 24 df is ±1.711.
• Since tcalc > 1.711, we reject H0 . tcalc falls in the rejection
region. And the soft-drink consumption per week is different
(lower) from the national average

Example of Upper-tailed Test

• A sample of 144 women in a city resulted in a mean X of 45

hours worked per week and a standard deviation s of 29. The
national average μ is 40. The hypothesis are:
H0 : μ ≤ 40 and H1 : μ > 40
• In this case, tcalc = (45-40)/(29/√144)
= 5/2.42 = 2.07
• If the confidence level is 95%, i.e. α = 0.05, the critical value
of t is ±1.96.
• Since tcalc < 1.645, we fail to reject H0 . That is, the hours
worked in this city are different (higher) from the national

• It is a measure of association between two variables. e.g. sales
and advertising, income and taxes etc.
• One measure is Pearson product-moment correlation
coefficient – ρ for population and r for sample. We will simply
call it correlation coefficient.
• If X and Y are two variables of interest, the degree of linear
association between them is given by the correlation
coefficient as
∑ ( X − x) (Y − y)
2 2

r = ∑ ( X − x) ∑ (Y − y)
2 2

• ρ is calculated similarly except the means are population

means rather than the sample means
• R ranges in value from -1 to +1 with -1 being a perfect
negative correlation and +1 being the perfect positive
Scatterplots with corresponding
Correlation Coefficients

Scatterplots with corresponding

Correlation Coefficients (Contd.)

Testing for linear association between two

• H0 : ρ = 0 H1 : ρ ≠ 0

r −0
• tcalc = (1 − r 2 ) /( n − 2)

• Note we lose two degrees of freedom for estimating two

statistics : mean and correlation coefficient
• For α =.05, and df =3, the critical value of t is ±3.182
• For r = -0.85 ( Plot D), tcalc = -2.795. Since this is within the
±3.182 range, we fail to reject the null hypothesis even though
r = -0.85 indicates a strong negative correlation. This is result
of very small sample size.

• For time series evaluation, the measure of correlation
used is called autocorrelation
• Let rk = Autocorrelation for k period lag
Yt = Value of time series at time t
Yt-k = Value of time series at time t-k
y = Mean of the time series

(Yt − k − y )(Yt − y )

t − y)
rk = t =1

Characteristics of Autocorrelations

• If the time series is stationary, rk diminishes

rapidly to zero
• If there is a trend, rk declines toward zero slowly
• If seasonal pattern exists, the value of rk will be
significantly from zero at k = n*4 for quarterly data,
k = n*12 for monthly data, where n = 1,2,…..,n
• A k period plot of autocorrelation is called An
Autocorrelation Function (ACF) or a correlogram

U.S. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


ACF Values for U.S. Real GDP


Figure 2-9
ACF for GDP Change
Figure 2-10

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