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People vs. Castaneda, JR

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97. People vs.

Castaneda, Jr except in a civil case by one against the other or in a criminal case
for a crime committed by one against the other.
G.R. No. L-46306 | February 27, 1979 | SANTOS, J. | Lo
 Respondent Judge granted the motion, disqualifying Victoria
Topic: Marital Disqualification Manaloto from testifying for or against her husband. An MR was
then filed, but was also denied.
Doctrine: When an offense directly attacks, or directly and vitally impairs  Hence, this petition.
the conjugal relation, it comes within the exception to the statute that one
shall not be a witness against the other except in a criminal prosecution for a Issue: WON the case at hand may be considered as a criminal case
crime committed (by) one against the other. committed by a husband against his wife and, therefore, an exception to the
rule on marital disqualification. – YES.
 Private Respondent Benjamin Manaloto was charged before the Held: The act complained of as constituting the crime of Falsification of
Court of First Instance of Pampanga, presided by respondent Public Document is the forgery by the accused of his wife's signature in a
Judge, Hon. Mariano C. Castaneda Jr., with the crime of deed of sale, thereby making it appear therein that said wife consented to
Falsification of Public Document. the sale of a house and lot belonging to their conjugal partnership when in
 It was stated by complainant Victoria Manaloto (wife of PR) that fact and in truth she did not. Clearly, therefore, it is the husband's breach
on May 1975, Benjamin Manaloto, with deliberate intent to of his wife's confidence which gave rise to the offense charged. And it is
commit falsification, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and this same breach of trust which prompted the wife to make the necessary
feloniously counterfeit, imitate and forge the signature of his complaint with the Office of the Provincial Fiscal which, accordingly, filed
spouse Victoria M. Manaloto in a deed of sale executed by said the aforesaid criminal case with the Court of First Instance of Pampanga. To
accused wherein he sold a house and lot belonging to the conjugal rule, therefore, that such criminal case is not one for a crime committed by
partnership of said spouse in favor of Ponciano Lacsamana under one spouse against the other is to advance a conclusion which completely
Doc. No. 1957 notarized by Notary Public Abraham Pa. Gorospe, disregards the factual antecedents of the instant case.
thereby making it appear that his spouse Victoria M. Manaloto
gave her marital consent to said sale. As a criterion, this case used Cargill v. State as reference stating that: The
 At the trial, the prosecution called the complaint-wife to the rule that the injury must amount to a physical wrong upon the is too narrow;
witness stand but the defense moved to disqualify her as a witness, and the rule that any offense remotely or indirectly affecting domestic
invoking Sec. 20, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules Of Court which within the exception is too broad. The better rule is that, WHEN AN
Disqualification by reason of interest or relationship — The EXCEPTION to the statute that one shall not be a witness against the
following persons cannot testify as to matters in which they are other except in a criminal prosecution for a crime committed (by) one
interested, directly or indirectly as herein enumerated. against the other.

A husband can not be examined for or at his wife without her Thus, it is undeniable that the act complained of had the effect of directly
consent; nor a wife for or against her husband without his consent, and vitally impairing the conjugal relation. This is apparent not only in
the act of the wife in personally lodging her complaint with the Office of the
Provincial Fiscal, but also in her insistent efforts 10 in connection with the
instant petition, which seeks to set aside the order disqualified her from
testifying against her husband. Taken collectively, the actuations of the
witness-wife underscore the fact that the martial and domestic relations
between her and the accused-husband have become so strained that there is
no more harmony to be preserved said nor peace and tranquility which may
be disturbed. In such a case, as we have occasion to point out in previous
decisions, "identity of interests disappears and the consequent danger of
perjury based on that Identity is nonexistent. Likewise, in such a situation,
the security and confidence of private life which the law aims at protecting
will be nothing but Ideals which, through their absence, merely leave a void
in the unhappy home. Thus, there is no reason to apply the martial
disqualification rule.

Dispositive Portion: IN VIEW OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the order of

the lower court dated March 31, 1977, disqualifying Victoria Manaloto
from testifying for or against her husband, Benjamin Manaloto, in Criminal
Case No. 1011, as well as the order dated May 19, 1977, denying the
motion for reconsideration are hereby SET ASIDE. The temporary
restraining order issued by this Court is hereby lifted and the respondent
Judge is hereby ordered to proceed with the trial of the case, allowing
Victoria Manaloto to testify against her husband.

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