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Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in Glaucoma’s Physiopathology and Surgical 10.5005/jpSurvivalTime:-journalsALiterature-10008Review-1190

Review article

Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in

Glaucoma’s Physiopathology and Surgical
Survival Time: A Literature Review
1 2 3 4 5
Lívio Costa, João Paulo Cunha, Duarte Amado, Luís Abegão Pinto, Joana Ferreira

Glaucoma is a multifactorial condition under serious influence Glaucoma is a multifactorial condition. This article reviews
of many risk factors. The role of diabetes mellitus (DM) in
the possible association between diabetes mellitus (DM) and
glau- coma etiology or progression remains inconclusive.
Although, the diabetic patients have different healing intraocular pressure (IOP)/primary open-angle glaucoma
mechanism- com-paring to the general population and it has (POAG). With this purpose, the authors have analyzed the
a possible-negative role on surgical outcomes. laboratorial and experimental studies, the first and the
This review article attempts to analyze the association of most recent epidemiological articles and some
both diseases, glaucoma and DM, before and after the surgery.
retrospective randomized and non-randomized studies that
The epidemiological studies, based mainly in population
prevalence analyzes, have shown opposite outcomes in time have shown the outcomes in newly evolved glaucoma
and even in the most recent articles also the association surgeries.
remains inconclusive. On the contrary, the experimental Multiple risk factors for the disease etiology and
models based on animal induced chronic hyperglycemia have progression were extensively reviewed for this review article.
shown an important association of both diseases, explained
by common neurodegenerative mechanisms. We could find a statically significant association to higher
Diabetic patients have a different wound healing process in age, black race, IOP > 21 mm Hg or with fluctua-tions,
the eye viz-a-viz other organs. The healing process is more and positive family history of glaucoma in a first degree
it results in lower surgical survival time, higher intraocular relative and central corneal thickness (CCT). Each of these
pressure (IOP) levels and, therefore, these patients usually need
factors has a clear association with glaucoma etiology, even
more medication to lower the IOP. Both randomized and 1-3
nonrandomized retrospective and experimental molecular studies its progression.
have shown the association between DM and glaucoma. Diabetes mellitus is not a well understood risk factor and
Further studies are needed to get better explanations its association to IOP or POAG is still controversial. It would
about outcomes on more recent surgical procedures and with be good to re-evaluate the present status of this association
the exponential use of antifibrotics.
for better understanding of the etiology and/ or the
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Fibroblasts and cytokines, 1-4
Glaucoma, Glaucoma surgery, Healing process, Risk factors.
How to cite this article: Costa L, Cunha JP, Amado D, Pinto EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES
LA, Ferreira J. Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in
Glaucoma’s­ Physiopathology and Surgical Survival Time: A The individual POAG and DM physiological mechanisms
Litera-ture Review. J Curr Glaucoma Pract 2015;9(3):81-85. are well known.
Source of support: Nil The glaucoma etiology is based on higher IOP levels
Conflict of interest: None resulting in biomechanical alterations on the lamina cribrosa
structure, more in the location of higher fragility (inferior
and superior neuroretinal rim). The ischemia is also an
1-3,5Consultant, 4Professor important contributor in the process, apparently
1,3Department of Ophthalmology, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa because of the altered blood flow and autoregulatory
Central, Lisbon, Portugal vascular mechanisms.
2,5Department of Ophthalmology, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa The individual changes in chronic hyperglycemia are
Central; Faculty of Medical Sciences, New University, Lisbon essentially vascular, under the systemic endothelial cell
Portugal 4,5
dysfunction, oxidative stress and lipid glycation. The
4Department of Ophthalmology, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa; epidemiological studies remain inconclusive, but the
Institute of Pharmacology and Neurosciences, Faculty of experimental articles attempt to explain the biochemical
Medicine, Lisbon University, Lisbon, Portugal 5-10
mechanisms that link both the diseases. The laboratory-
Corresponding Author: Lívio Costa, Consultant, Department of
induced chronic hyperglycemia studies have shown a
Ophthalmology,- Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central, Lisbon
Portugal, Phone: 213136300, e-mail:
neurodegenerative mechanism affecting both neural and glial
cells, impaired axonal
Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice, September-December 2015;9(3):81-85 81
Lívio Costa et al

transport and collagenous tissue remodeling on the trabecular Other studies (Framingham Eye study or Baltimore Eye
meshwork and lamina cribrosa, similar to 22,23,25
Survey) do not corroborate this hypothesis.
POAG.5,6,8-10 Differently, the European Glaucoma Prevention Study
In glaucoma, there is impaired retrograde axonal (EGPS) and the Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study
transport with decreased production of neurotrophic factors, (OHTS) have found that diabetes protects the patients with
such as brain-derived growth neurotrophic factor (BDNF). high IOP levels against the progression to glaucoma. But the
Similarly, animal eyes with experimental-induced authors have stated that the results were under multiple bias
hyperglycemia have lower levels of these neuro- trophic and the protective effect was denied.
factors which are necessary for the ganglion cells apoptosis. But searching the most recent results, the question and
The latter laboratorial evidence, suggest that neural and glial 28
the answers remain unanswered. Coleman et al suggest
11-13 that diabetes may be associated with open-angle glaucoma
degeneration occur before the vascular alterations.
progression. Ellis et al failed to confirm the
When we look at the effect of IOP on the trabecular association. Leske et al analyzed the predictors for long-
meshwork and lamina cribrosa, the remodeling of colla- term progression in glaucoma and demonstrated the role of
genous and extracellular matrix by the transforming growth vascular factors, but they did not consider diabetes in
factor-B (TGF-B) and connective tissue growth factor, it particular.
turns out that these structures are more susceptible to The most controversial results came with the new
Rotterdam study. The disparity in the studies could be due to
additional stress. Again, in the experimental DM models,
lack of the same standardized methodologies or the statistics
researchers were able to induce the growth of the same 20,21
factors, which resulted in the structural alteration of the approaches.
11-13 The clinical, structural and functional criteria to diagnose
connective tissue.
glaucoma have changed with time and the use of new
The latest analyzes on neurodegenerative mechanisms guidelines have led to a reduced number of patients in the
have shown an additional ganglion cell loss caused by DM in most recent analyzes. Even, the outcome parameters to
glaucoma patients. The already vulnerable ganglion cells in diagnose or measure diabetes are different. The earlier
glaucoma eyes are under an additional stress in studies have even used self-report to classify the diabetic or
11-13 20,21
hyperglycemic conditions. the control groups, certainly that has created bias.
With the change in guidelines and criteria to diagnose
EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES glaucoma, the group in the recent Rotterdam study has
reduced in size, and thus it turned the statistical signi-
The experimental animal studies have shown molecular and 20,21
cellular common mechanisms relating DM and IOP/ ficance absolutely inferior.
glaucoma, but even the recent epidemiological articles While the clinical investigations based on the epide-
14,15 miological and prevalence have been trying to prove or
remain inconclusive. disprove this association, the new scientific approaches
Reviewing the first experiences on this field, the are trying to link the use of antidiabetic medication to reduce
evidence has suggested higher IOP and glaucoma inci- dence 29
the risk for glaucoma.
in diabetic cohort patients. The first evidence in An experimental study presented in Annual Meeting of
Amstrong and Becker’s prevalence studies showed two to the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
three times higher incidence of elevated IOP and POAG (ARVO) 2014 has shown metformin is able to reduce the
incidence in diabetes patients. Becker et al have shown risk of development of POAG. This relation was found to be
additional results of increased tensional values secondary to dose-dependent and the reduction was 0.01% higher for each
corticoids, larger cup/disk ratio or higher susceptibility to 1 gm more in metformin dose (p <
field loss. In opposition, Bankes et al have not gotten 0.001). The patients with diabetes with cumulative doses
these conclusions in their prevalence trials. more than 1110 gm at 2 years had a 25% lower risk of
The large population studies, such as Beaver Dam study, developing POAG, compared to a nondiabetic. Further
Rotterdam study or Blue Mountains Eye study have shown studies are needed to understand the mechanism how the
an association between DM and the higher IOP or antidiabetic medications modulate the effect of
20,21,26,27 hyperglycemia on diabetic patients and how this protects to
development of POAG.
The Rotterdam Study, for example, has shown that 29
glaucoma development.
patients with DM had an overall rise in mean IOP of 0.31
mm Hg and an increased presence of POAG or even, the IS DIABETES A RISK FACTOR TO
presence of serum glucose levels > 10 mmol/l was associated GLAUCOMA SURGICAL OUTCOMES?
with a higher mean IOP and higher ratio to glaucoma of Literature search suggests that diabetics have usually higher
20,21 IOP values in the immediate postoperative period

Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk Factor in Glaucoma’s Physiopathology and Surgical Survival Time: A Literature Review

and also on the longer follow-up time. Another important process. Another possible mechanism is the vasculature
30-33 30,34-36
conclusion is the worst surgical survival time. abnormality associated with ischemia.
The surgical outcomes have been extensively studied- for
classic trabeculectomy and argon laser trabeculoplasty WOUND-HEALING PROCESS IN
(ALT), but the literature is sparse when we look for newer CHRONIC HYPERGLICEMIA
procedures, such as the nonpenetrating- sclerectomy or
Diabetes is responsible for systemic changes on the vascular
drainage devices. endothelial cells in all organs, more in micro- vascular
In Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS), the structures, such as heart, kidney and eye. The general scar
authors have shown a three times higher (2.83, 1.88–4.36, formation and wound healing in these patients are the big
p < 0.001) prevalence of trabeculectomy or ALT failure than task in diabetes evolution. Under high glycemic serum
in that patients without diabetes. levels the fibroblastic response in the wound is usually
The earlier retrospective and randomized studies have impaired and the total healing happens latter than in
analyzed the group of patients with diabetes without nondiabetic patients.
stratifying them as per disease duration or stage. Literature
The clinical practice has shown that opposite happens in
has a huge diversity of articles considering these conclusions
the eye. The scar formation in subconjunctival and Tenon’s
in varied group of patients, such as proliferative diabetic
capsule, after the glaucoma surgery, is more in diabetics. The
retinopathy, no proliferative diabetic retinopathy in
prognosis is worse because of the impaired survival time of
progression or diabetes without retinopathy. 37-41
trabeculectomy bleb.
Browning et al have suggested that human Tenon’s
Recently, Law et al used a cohort of diabetic patients capsule fibroblasts (hTCF) from eye have the same
without retinopathy to compare the outcomes of classic action as fibroblasts from the nonocular tissues.
trabeculectomy with adjuvant Mitomycin C (MMC) after 6 Analyzes of cytokine concentration in aqueous humor and
months and over a longer period (1–8 years) of follow-up. vitreous revealed an increased concentration of transforming
This study confirmed lower IOP in both short and long growth factors [transforming growth factor-2 (TGF-2) and
follow-up periods. The survival time of surgery in control platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB]. The higher
group was higher, but the difference between proliferation on eye scar tissue is secondary to the activation
groups was not significant. 40
of fibroblasts because of elevated cytokines.
Mariotti et al have reported in ‘long-term outcomes 38
Kottler et al found evidence of significant contri-
and risk factors for failure with the Express glaucoma
drainage device’ a higher failure in group of patients with bution of TGF-beta 2 and an additional effect of TGF-beta in
diabetes, non-caucasian race or previous glaucoma surgery. the scar formation after glaucoma procedures-. So, TGF-beta
The complete success rate decreased from 83% at 1 year to could be another key to the adjunctive treatment.
57% at 5 years follow-up in control group. Differently, in Denk et al have shown a strong evidence that TGF-
group with diabetes, the result at 1 year was 63% and beta-isoforms induce the transformation of fibroblasts
impaired to 42% at 5 years.
34 on myofibroblasts and the PDGF-isoforms are essential
Stephen et al examined the repair outcomes in drainage in Tenon’s capsule growth.
devices after the first exposure and they have Another experimental article suggests role of path-
listed the factors liable to the surgery failure: black race, ways involving new TGF-beta factors and specific inhi-
DM, increase number of glaucoma medications before shunt bitor signals. This shows the huge potential of combi- nation
implantation, a history of multiple glaucoma laser therapies.
procedures and combination of an initial aqueous shunt
implantation with another surgery.
Diabetic patients were three times more likely to undergo Diabetic patients with POAG have an additional mecha-
a repeat intervention than the no diabetic patients and the nism of damage on lamina cribrosa and trabecular mesh-
period between the first and second intervention- was work and they have relatively higher IOP.
36 Experimental laboratory results using animal-induced
Since the main analyzes of surgical outcomes have chronic hyperglycemia have shown that glaucoma patients
shown worse results in diabetic group, for all the surgeries with diabetes are more vulnerable to optic disk damage. But,
including the classic trabeculectomy with or without the prevalence studies in last 40 years remain inconclusive to
antifibrotic agents or nonpenetrating surgeries, laser clarify the association.
procedures or shunts implantation, we have to understand Another important fact is the increased risk of failure of
why this is happening? Probably its the difference in the glaucoma surgery in diabetics. These patients have
postoperative wound-healing higher IOP levels after surgery and need more

Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice, September-December 2015;9(3):81-85 83

Lívio Costa et al

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