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Chapter 12 Intangible Assets · 12–1


This IFRS Supplement provides expanded discussions of accounting guidance under In-
ternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the topics in Intermediate
Accounting. The discussions are organized according to the chapters in Intermediate
Accounting (13th or 14th Editions) and therefore can be used to supplement the U.S. GAAP
requirements as presented in the textbook. Assignment material is provided for each
supplement chapter, which can be used to assess and reinforce student understanding
of IFRS.


Businesses frequently incur costs on a variety of intangible resources, such as scientific
or technological knowledge, market research, intellectual property, and brand names. U.S. GAAP
These costs are commonly referred to as research and development (R&D) costs. Intan- PERSPECTIVE
gible assets that might arise from these expenditures include patents, computer soft- U.S. GAAP requires
ware, copyrights, and trademarks. For example, Nokia (FIN) incurred R&D costs to expensing of all research and
develop its cell phones, resulting in patents related to its technology. In determining development costs.
the accounting for these costs, Nokia must determine whether its R&D project is at
a sufficiently advanced stage to be considered economically viable. To perform this
assessment, Nokia evaluates costs incurred during the research phase and the devel-
opment phase.
Illustration 12-1 indicates the two stages of research and development activities,
along with the accounting treatment for costs incurred during these phases.

Beginning Ready for Research and
of Project Sale or Use Development Stages

$$$ Expenditures $$$

Research Phase Development Phase

Expense Capitalize
Economic Viability PERSPECTIVE
IFRS permits some
As indicated, all costs incurred in the research phase are expensed as incurred. Once capitalization of internally
generated intangible assets
a project moves to the development phase, certain development costs are capitalized.
(such as brand value) if it is
Specifically, development costs are capitalized when certain criteria are met, indicating probable that there will be
that an economically viable intangible asset will result from the R&D project. In essence, future benefits and the
economic viability indicates that the project is far enough along in the process such amount can be reliably
that the economic benefits of the R&D project will flow to the company. Therefore, de- measured. U.S. GAAP
velopment costs incurred from that point forward meet the recognition criteria and requires expensing of all
should be recorded as an intangible asset. costs associated with
In summary, companies expense all research phase costs and some development internally generated
phase costs. Certain development costs are capitalized once economic viability criteria intangible assets.
are met. IFRS identifies several specific criteria that must be met before development
costs are capitalized (which we discuss in more detail later in the chapter).1

IFRS also prohibits recognition of intangible assets such as internally generated brands,
mastheads, and customer lists. These expenditures are similar to other costs to develop the
business as whole; therefore, they do not meet the separately identifiable criterion. [1]
12–2 · IFRS Supplement


An intangible asset is impaired when a company is not able to recover the asset’s carry-
ing amount either through using it or by selling it. As discussed in Chapter 11, to deter-
mine whether a long-lived asset (property, plant, and equipment or intangible assets) is
impaired, a review is made of the asset’s cash-generating ability through use or sale. If
the carrying amount is higher than recoverable amount, the difference is an impairment
loss. If the recoverable amount is greater than the carrying amount, no impairment is
recorded. [2] The specific procedures for recording impairments depend on the type of in-
tangible asset—limited-life or indefinite-life (including goodwill).

Impairment of Limited-Life Intangibles

The rules that apply to impairments of property, plant, and equipment also apply to
U.S. GAAP limited-life intangibles. At each statement of financial position date, a company should
PERSPECTIVE review limited-life intangibles for impairment. Information indicating that an impair-
Under U.S. GAAP, impairment ment test should be performed might be internal (e.g., physical damage or adverse
loss is measured as the changes in performance) or external (e.g., adverse changes in the business or regula-
excess of the carrying value tory environment, or technological or competitive developments). If there is an indica-
over the asset’s fair value. tion that an intangible asset is impaired, the company performs an impairment test:
compare the carrying value of the intangible asset to the recoverable amount.
Recall that recoverable amount is defined as the higher of fair value less costs to
sell or value-in-use. Fair value less costs to sell means what the asset could be sold for
after deducting costs of disposal. Value-in-use is the present value of cash flows ex-
pected from the future use and eventual sale of the asset at the end of its useful life.
The impairment loss is the carrying amount of the asset less the recoverable amount
of the impaired asset. As with other impairments, the loss is reported in profit or loss.
Companies generally report the loss in the “Other income and expense” section.
To illustrate, assume that Lerch, Inc. has a patent on how to extract oil from shale
rock, with a carrying value of $5,000,000 at the end of 2010. Unfortunately, several re-
cent non-shale-oil discoveries adversely affected the demand for shale-oil technology,
indicating that the patent is impaired. Lerch determines the recoverable amount for the
patent, based on value-in-use (because there is no active market for the patent). Lerch
estimates the patent’s value-in-use at $2,000,000, based on the discounted expected net
future cash flows at its market rate of interest. Illustration 12-2 shows the impairment
loss computation (based on value-in-use).

Carrying value of patent $ 5,000,000
Computation of Loss on
Recoverable amount (based on value-in-use) (2,000,000)
Impairment of Patent
Loss on impairment $ 3,000,000

Lerch records this loss as follows:

Loss on Impairment 3,000,000
Patents 3,000,000

U.S. GAAP After recognizing the impairment, the recoverable amount of $2,000,000 is the new cost
PERSPECTIVE basis of the patent. Lerch should amortize the patent’s recoverable amount (new car-
Under U.S. GAAP, impairment rying amount) over its remaining useful life or legal life, whichever is shorter.
losses cannot be reversed
for assets to be held or used;
the impairment loss results Reversal of Impairment Loss
in a new cost basis for the
What happens if a review in a future year indicates that an intangible asset is no longer
impaired because the recoverable amount of the asset is higher than the carrying
Chapter 12 Intangible Assets · 12–3

amount? In that case, the impairment loss may be reversed. To illustrate, continuing the
Lerch patent example, assume that the remaining life of the patent is five years with zero
residual value. Recall the carrying value of the patent after impairment is $2,000,000
($5,000,000 ⫺ $3,000,000). Thus, Lerch’s amortization is $400,000 ($2000,000 ⫼ 5) over
the remaining five years of the patent’s life. The amortization expense and related car-
rying amount after the impairment is shown in Illustration 12-3.

Year Amortization Expense Carrying Amount
Post-Impairment Carrying
2011 $400,000 $1,600,000 ($2,000,000 ⫺ $400,000) Value of Patent
2012 400,000 1,200,000 ($1,600,000 ⫺ $400,000)
2013 400,000 800,000 ($1,200,000 ⫺ $400,000)
2014 400,000 400,000 ($800,000 ⫺ $400,000)
2015 400,000 0 ($400,000 ⫺ $400,000)

Early in 2012, based on improving conditions in the market for shale-oil technology,
Lerch remeasures the recoverable amount of the patent to be $1,750,000. In this case,
Lerch reverses a portion of the recognized impairment loss with the following entry.
Patents ($1,750,000 ⫺ $1,600,000) 150,000
Recovery of Impairment Loss 150,000

The recovery of the impairment loss is reported in the “Other income and expense”
section of the income statement. The carrying amount of the patent is now $1,750,000
($1,600,000 ⫹ $150,000).2 Assuming the remaining life of the patent is four years, Lerch
records $437,500 ($1,750,000 ⫼ 4) amortization expense in 2012.

Impairment of Indefinite-Life Intangibles Other Than Goodwill

Companies test indefinite-life intangibles (including goodwill) for impairment annu-
ally.3 The impairment test for indefinite-life assets other than goodwill is the same as
that for limited-life intangibles. That is, compare the recoverable amount of the intan-
gible asset with the asset’s carrying value. If the recoverable amount is less than the
carrying amount, the company recognizes an impairment.
To illustrate, assume that Arcon Radio purchased a broadcast license for $2,000,000.
The license is renewable every 10 years if the company provides appropriate service
and does not violate Government Communications Commission (GCC) rules. Arcon
Radio has renewed the license with the GCC twice, at a minimal cost. Because it expects
cash flows to last indefinitely, Arcon reports the license as an indefinite-life intangible
asset. Recently, the GCC decided to auction these licenses to the highest bidder instead
of renewing them. Based on recent auctions of similar licenses, Arcon Radio estimates
the fair value less costs to sell (the recoverable amount) of its license to be $1,500,000.
Arcon therefore reports an impairment loss of $500,000, computed as follows.

Carrying value of broadcast license $ 2,000,000
Computation of Loss on
Recoverable amount (based on fair value less costs to sell) (1,500,000)
Impairment of Broadcast
Loss on impairment $ 500,000

As with impairments of property, plant, and equipment, the amount of the recovery of the
loss is limited to the carrying value amount that would result if the impairment had not
Note that the impairment test is performed every year (not only when there is an
impairment indicator). This more stringent impairment model for indefinite-life intangibles
(and goodwill) is used because these assets are not amortized and the recognized amounts
may be subject to significant judgment.
12–4 · IFRS Supplement

Impairment of Goodwill
The timing of the impairment test for goodwill is the same as that for other indefinite-
life intangibles. That is, companies must test goodwill at least annually. However,
because goodwill generates cash flows only in combination with other assets, the
impairment test is conducted based on the cash-generating unit to which the goodwill
is assigned. Recall from our discussion in Chapter 11 that companies identify a cash-
generating unit based on the smallest identifiable group of assets that generate cash
flows independently of the cash flows from other assets. Under IFRS, when a company
records goodwill in a business combination, it must assign the goodwill to the cash-
generating unit that is expected to benefit from the synergies and other benefits arising
from the business combination.
To illustrate, assume that Kohlbuy Corporation has three divisions. It purchased
one division, Pritt Products, four years ago for $2 million. Unfortunately, Pritt experi-
enced operating losses over the last three quarters. Kohlbuy management is now re-
viewing the division (the cash-generating unit), for purposes of its annual impairment
testing. Illustration 12-5 lists the Pritt Division’s net assets, including the associated
goodwill of $900,000 from the purchase.

Property, plant, and equipment (net) $ 800,000
Net Assets of Pritt
Goodwill 900,000
Division, Including Inventory 700,000
Goodwill Receivables 300,000
Cash 200,000
Accounts and notes payable (500,000)
Net assets $2,400,000

Kohlbuy determines the recoverable amount for the Pritt Division to be $2,800,000,
based on a value-in-use estimate.4 Because the fair value of the division exceeds the
carrying amount of the net assets, Kohlbuy does not recognize any impairment.
However, if the recoverable amount for the Pritt Division were less than the carry-
ing amount of the net assets, then Kohlbuy must record an impairment. To illustrate,
assume that the recoverable amount for the Pritt Division is $1,900,000 instead of
$2,800,000. Illustration 12-6 computes the amount of the impairment loss to be recorded.
Kohlbuy makes the following entry to record the impairment.

Recoverable amount of Pritt Division $ 1,900,000
Determination of
Net identifiable assets (2,400,000)
Impairment for the
Loss on impairment $ 500,000
Pritt Division

Loss on Impairment 500,000

Goodwill 500,000

Following this entry, the carrying value of the goodwill is $400,000.

If conditions change in subsequent periods, such that the recoverable amount of
the Pritt Division’s assets other than goodwill exceeds their carrying value, Kohlbuy may
reverse an impairment loss on the Pritt Division assets other than goodwill. Goodwill
impairment loss reversals are not permitted. [3]

Because there is rarely a market for cash-generating units, estimation of the recoverable
amount for goodwill impairments is usually based on value-in-use estimates.
Chapter 12 Intangible Assets · 12–5


Research and development (R&D) costs are not in themselves intangible assets. How-
ever, we present the accounting for R&D costs here because R&D activities frequently
result in the development of patents or copyrights (such as a new product, process,
idea, formula, composition, or literary work) that may provide future value.
As discussed earlier IFRS requires that all research costs be expensed as incurred.
Development costs may or may not be expensed as incurred. Once a project moves to
the development phase, certain development costs are capitalized. Capitalization be-
gins when the project is far enough along in the process such that the economic bene-
fits of the R&D project will flow to the company (the project is economically viable).5 For
purposes of homework, assume that all R&D costs are expensed as incurred unless stated

Authoritative Literature References
[1] International Accounting Standard 38, Intangible Assets (London, U.K.: International Accounting Standards
Committee Foundation, 2004), paras. 48–67.
[2] International Financial Reporting Standard 36, Impairment of Assets (London, U.K.: International Accounting
Standards Committee Foundation, 2001).
[3] International Financial Reporting Standard 36, Impairment of Assets (London, U.K.: International Accounting
Standards Committee Foundation, 2001), par. 124.
[4] International Accounting Standard 38, Intangible Assets (London, U.K.: International Accounting Standards
Committee Foundation, 2004), par. 57.

1. Braxton Inc. is considering the write-off of a limited-life 4. Simon Company determines that its goodwill is impaired.
intangible because of its lack of profitability. Explain to the It finds that its recoverable amount is $360,000 and its
management of Braxton how to determine whether a recorded goodwill is $400,000. The fair value of its iden-
write-off is permitted. tifiable assets is $1,450,000. What is the amount of good-
2. Last year Zeno Company recorded an impairment on an will impaired?
intangible asset. Recent appraisals indicate that the asset 5. What is the nature of research and development costs?
has increased in value. Should Zeno record this recovery Can development costs be capitalized? Explain.
in value?
3. Explain how losses on impaired intangible assets should
be reported in income.

All of the following criteria must be met to begin capitalizing development costs into the
carrying value of the related intangible: (1) The project achieves technical feasibility of
completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale; (2) the company
intends, and has the ability, to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it; (3) the intangible
asset will generate probable future economic benefits (there is a market for the asset or the
output of the asset); (4) the company has adequate technical, financial, and other resources to
complete the development of the intangible asset; and (5) the company can measure reliably
the development costs associated with the intangible asset to be developed. [4]
12–6 · IFRS Supplement

BE12-1 Kenoly Corporation owns a patent that has a carrying amount of $300,000. Kenoly expects fu-
ture net cash flows from this patent to total $210,000 over its remaining life of 10 years. The recoverable
amount of the patent is $110,000. Prepare Kenoly’s journal entry, if necessary, to record the loss on

BE12-2 Use the information in BE12-1. Assume that at the end of the year following the impairment (after
recording amortization expense), the estimated recoverable amount for the patent is $130,000. Prepare
Kenoly’s journal entry, if needed.

BE12-3 Waters Corporation purchased Johnson Company 3 years ago and at that time recorded good-
will of $400,000. The Johnson Division’s net assets, including the goodwill, have a carrying amount of
$800,000. The recoverable amount of the division is estimated to be $1,000,000. Prepare Waters’ journal
entry, if necessary, to record impairment of the goodwill.

BE12-4 Use the information provided in BE12-3. Assume that the recoverable amount of the division is
estimated to be $750,000. Prepare Waters’ journal entry, if necessary, to record impairment of the goodwill.

BE12-5 Treasure Land Corporation incurred the following costs in 2010.

Cost of laboratory research aimed at discovery of new knowledge $120,000

Cost of testing in search for product alternatives 100,000
Cost of engineering activity required to advance the design of a
product to the manufacturing stage 210,000
Prototype testing subsequent to meeting economic viability 75,000

Prepare the necessary 2010 journal entry or entries for Treasure Land.

BE12-6 Indicate whether the following items are capitalized or expensed in the current year.
(a) Purchase cost of a patent from a competitor.
(b) Research costs.
(c) Development costs (after achieving economic viability).
(d) Organizational costs.
(e) Costs incurred internally to create goodwill.

E12-1 (Copyright Impairment) Presented below is information related to copyrights owned by Bot-
ticelli Company at December 31, 2010.
Cost $8,600,000
Carrying amount 4,300,000
Recoverable amount 3,400,000

Assume that Botticelli Company will continue to use this copyright in the future. As of December 31,
2010, the copyright is estimated to have a remaining useful life of 10 years.

(a) Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record the impairment of the asset at December 31, 2010. The
company does not use accumulated amortization accounts.
(b) Prepare the journal entry to record amortization expense for 2011 related to the copyrights.
(c) The recoverable amount of the copyright at December 31, 2011, is $3,500,000. Prepare the journal
entry (if any) necessary to record the increase in fair value.
Chapter 12 Intangible Assets · 12–7

E12-2 (Goodwill Impairment) Presented below is net asset information related to the Mischa Division
of Santana, Inc.

Property, plant, and equipment (net) $ 2,600
Goodwill 200
Receivables 200
Cash 60
Less: Notes payable (2,700)
Net assets $ 360

The purpose of the Mischa division (cash-generating unit) is to develop a nuclear-powered aircraft. If suc-
cessful, traveling delays associated with refueling could be substantially reduced. Many other benefits
would also occur. To date, management has not had much success and is deciding whether a write-down
at this time is appropriate. Management estimated its future net cash flows from the project to be $400
million. Management has also received an offer to purchase the division for $335 million (fair value less
costs to sell). All identifiable assets’ and liabilities’ book and fair value amounts are the same.

(a) Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record the impairment at December 31, 2010.
(b) At December 31, 2011, it is estimated that the division’s recoverable amount increased to $345 mil-
lion. Prepare the journal entry (if any) to record this increase in fair value.

E12-3 (Accounting for R&D Costs) Margaret Avery Company from time to time embarks on a research
program when a special project seems to offer possibilities. In 2009 the company expends €325,000 on a
research project, but by the end of 2009 it is impossible to determine whether any benefit will be derived
from it.

(a) What account should be charged for the €325,000, and how should it be shown in the financial
(b) The project is completed in 2010, and a successful patent is obtained. The R&D costs to complete
the project are €130,000 (€36,000 of these costs were incurred after achieving economic viability).
The administrative and legal expenses incurred in obtaining patent number 472-1001-84 in 2010
total €24,000. The patent has an expected useful life of 5 years. Record these costs in journal entry
form. Also, record patent amortization (full year) in 2010.
(c) In 2011, the company successfully defends the patent in extended litigation at a cost of €47,200,
thereby extending the patent life to December 31, 2018. What is the proper way to account for this
cost? Also, record patent amortization (full year) in 2011.
(d) Additional engineering and consulting costs incurred in 2011 required to advance the design of a
new version of the product to the manufacturing stage total €60,000. These costs enhance the de-
sign of the product considerably, but it is highly uncertain if there will be a market for the new
version of the product. Discuss the proper accounting treatment for this cost.

E12-4 (Goodwill, Impairment) On July 31, 2010, Mexico Company paid $3,000,000 to acquire all of
the ordinary shares of Conchita Incorporated, which became a division (cash-generating unit) of Mexico.
Conchita reported the following statement of financial position at the time of the acquisition.
Non-current assets $2,700,000 Equity $2,400,000
Current assets 800,000 Non-current liabilities 500,000
Total assets $3,500,000 Current liabilities 600,000
Total equity and liabilities $3,500,000

It was determined at the date of the purchase that the fair value of the identifiable net assets of
Conchita was $2,750,000. Over the next 6 months of operations, the newly purchased division experienced
12–8 · IFRS Supplement

operating losses. In addition, it now appears that it will generate substantial losses for the foreseeable future.
At December 31, 2010, Conchita reports the following statement of financial position information.
Current assets $ 450,000
Non-current assets (including goodwill recognized in purchase) 2,400,000
Current liabilities (700,000)
Non-current liabilities (500,000)
Net assets $1,650,000

It is determined that the recoverable amount of the Conchita Division is $1,850,000.

(a) Compute the amount of goodwill recognized, if any, on July 31, 2010.
(b) Determine the impairment loss, if any, to be recorded on December 31, 2010.
(c) Assume that the recoverable amount of the Conchita Division is $1,600,000 instead of $1,850,000.
Determine the impairment loss, if any, to be recorded on December 31, 2010.
(d) Prepare the journal entry to record the impairment loss, if any, and indicate where the loss would
be reported in the income statement.


CA12-1 (Development Costs) Dogwood Electronics has been working to develop a patented technol-
ogy for backing up computer hard drives. Dogwood had the following activities related to this project.
March 1 Dogwood incurred €10,000 in legal and processing fees to file and record a patent
for the technology.
April 5 Laboratory and materials fees to identify a working system, €23,000.
May 15 Prototype development and testing, €34,000.
June 1 Dogwood meets the economic viability threshold, upon receiving a firm contract for
the product.
June 30 Final development of product based on earlier tests, €45,000.
(a) Prepare a schedule indicating Dogwood R&D costs to be expensed and Dogwood R&D costs to
be capitalized.
(b) Briefly discuss how the accounting for these costs will impact the information presented in
Dogwood’s income statement and statement of financial position. Discuss the effects in current
and future periods.
(c) Identify the criteria for determining “economic viability.”


Financial Reporting Problem
Marks and Spencer plc (M&S)
The financial statements of M&S can be accessed at the book’s companion website,
oifrs Refer to M&S’s financial statements and the accompanying notes to answer the following questions.
k ies

(a) Does M&S report any intangible assets and goodwill in its financial statements and accompanying
notes? Briefly explain.


(b) How much selling and marketing expenses does M&S report in 2007 and 2008? Briefly discuss the

i l e y. c o
significance of these expenses to M&S’s operating results.
Chapter 12 Intangible Assets · 12–9


Professional Research
King Company is contemplating the purchase of a smaller company, which is a distributor of King’s prod-
ucts. Top management of King is convinced that the acquisition will result in significant synergies in its
selling and distribution functions. The financial management group (of which you are a part) has been
asked to prepare some analysis of the effects of the acquisition on the combined company’s financial state-
ments. This is the first acquisition for King, and some of the senior staff insist that based on their recol-
lection of goodwill accounting, any goodwill recorded on the acquisition will result in a “drag” on future
earnings for goodwill amortization. Other younger members on the staff argue that goodwill accounting
has changed. Your supervisor asks you to research this issue.
Access the IFRS authoritative literature at the IASB website ( When you have accessed
the documents, you can use the search tool in your Internet browser to respond to the following ques-
tions. (Provide paragraph citations.)
(a) Identify the accounting literature that addresses goodwill and other intangible assets.
(b) Define goodwill.
(c) Is goodwill subject to amortization? Explain.
(d) When goodwill is recognized by a subsidiary, should it be tested for impairment at the consolidated
level or the subsidiary level? Discuss.

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