Life Events: Match The Life Events To The Corresponding Pictures
Life Events: Match The Life Events To The Corresponding Pictures
Life Events: Match The Life Events To The Corresponding Pictures
Life events
In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about important life events. Look at the
pictures below and describe them in detail. What can you see in each picture?
Which life events are shown in each picture?
Match the life events to the corresponding pictures:
1. Do you remember your first day at school? If you can, describe it.
2. Did you go to any weddings last year? Describe it/them in detail.
The following phrases may help you answer the above questions.
I remember my first day at school. I was _______ years old and I remember I
wore a red and white uniform. The uniform was _______
Last year I went to _______ wedding/s. My favourite was my own wedding. I got
married in August this year …..
3.- Key vocabulary – Important life events
Put the life events from the ‘key vocabulary’ section into the correct categories:
Put the following life events in order
Ensure you understand the meaning of all 11 phrases below. Then put them in order
according to your teacher’s experience.
When she finished university she applied for a job _________ instead of _________
then she… next she…
1. Apply for a job 2. Go for an interview 3. Get a job
4. Resign 5. Go on a course 6. Work for a school
7. Start a company 8. Work from home 9. Work long hours
10. earn good money 11. Run a company
Put the 11 phrases related to work into
two different categories. Some phrases
can go in either category.