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Greenhopeessences ShortDefinitions PDF

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(A) = A Flower Essence made in the Adirondacks and part of the Adirondack Collection
(AW) = A combination Flower Essence and part of our Animal Wellness Collection
(B) = A Flower Essence made on Bermuda and part of the Bermuda Collection
(C) = Flower Essences made on the pilgrim trail to Santiago de Compostela in Spain and
part of the Camino Collection
(GC) = Green Hope Farm Combination Flower Essences covering a broad area of service
(D) = Flower Essence made in the Deserts of the southwest and part of the Desert
(G) = A Flower Essence made at Green Hope Farm and part of the Green Hope Farm
(I) = A Flower Essence made in Ireland and part of the Irish Collection
(J) = A Flower Essence made on St John in the US Virgin Islands and part of the St.
John Collection
(R) = A Rose Flower Essence made at Green Hope Farm and part of the Green Hope
Farm Rose Collection
(V) = A Flower Essence made in the Venus Garden at Green Hope Farm and part of the
Venus Garden Collection

ABANDONMENT & ABUSE- For rescue animals or anyone or any animal that
experienced a traumatizing situation earlier in their lives. Helps release all aspects of the
trauma from the emotional, mental, physical, and memory bodies so that complete
healing can occur (AW)
AGNES ROSE- Helps us to sink into an experience of oneness and know that, “You and
I are not we but one.” (R)
AGRIPPINA ROSE- Improves our healing skills and discernment both as they affect
those we help heal as well as our care for ourselves (B)
ALBA MAXIMA ROSE- Helps clear out mental and memory clutter so that more energy
can move into our systems, has a physically revitalizing effect (R)
ALCHYMIST ROSE- For alchemy, reveals the way forward, then eases the actual
spiritual transformation process so it is experienced as a blossoming, not another difficult
challenge (R)
ALEX MACKENZIE ROSE- Helps us have fortitude in times of turmoil and muster the
necessary courage and inner resolve to do what we need to do and stay with the divine
plan for each of us (R)
THE ALIGNMENT GARDEN- All issues of alignment including alignment of
emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies with a particular focus on alignment
between the etheric and physical bodies, and alignment with our purpose on our journey
to God realization (V)
ALIKA ROSE- Help to be energized, confident, and focused when life calls us to be a
beacon of light for others or a leader of any sort (R)
ALLAMANDA- Helps us heal trauma linked to hearing so we hear better, especially
good for hearing our inner guidance better (B)
ALL EGO CONTRACTS NULL AND VOID- A combination remedy to help us unwind
and release old habits, old patterns of behavior, old personality choices that no longer
serve us and old bindings to others when these connections no longer serve our souls (C)
ALOE CILIARIS- An excellent Essence in acute healing situations, carries information
about harmonious and positive growth, especially on the cellular level (B)
ALOE VERA- Soothes inflamed tissue and situations, for all healing crises, a true physic
AMARYLLIS- Helps us understand the messages our bodies are giving us (G)
ANGELICA- Helps us get clear that we have a direct indivisible connection to God
without the need for intermediaries, reveals our spiritual equality with all creation and the
unity of all life, knits wounds together, has a particular affinity with dancers (G)
ANIMAL EMERGENCY CARE- Especially formulated to offer help during the acute
healing crises, emergencies, stressful situations, and traumas that animals face (AW)
ANTHURIUM- Promotes creative and balanced use of male life force energy (B)
ANXIETY- For anxiety, nervous habits, phobias, times when we are overwrought or
confused in our thinking, good for people and animals alike (AW)
THE ARBOR GARDEN- Created in our Arbor Garden with all the Flowers that bloom
there, this mix holds a vibration of oneness, harmony, grace, and sanctuary. Excellent
for grief, disharmony, or any situations where we have forgotten our oneness (GC)
ARIZONA LUPINE- Helps us make the most of available resources in times of apparent
lack and also tap more deeply into our own inner strengths and resources (D)
ARRE- Conviction. For trusting our life’s pacing and standing by it with conviction (C)
ARROWHEAD- Helps us find our best self during emotional crises or muddy times (A)
ARZUA- Vulnerability. Allowing ourselves to be taken care of and supported during
moments of vulnerability. (C)
ASCLEPIAS- Promotes an expanded expression of our creativity and healing talents and
a freedom to re-configure our interpersonal relationships (B)
AUTOGRAPH TREE AT COOLE PARK- Comfort and solace for dreamers, poets,
artists, mystics, misfits, and those who walk the path less traveled (I)
AVOCADO- Helps us process and release strong emotions reducing how emotions can
negatively affect our third chakras, helps us digest our lives, especially our interpersonal
relationships (B)
BABY BLUE EYES- Help to know our own value and experience what happens to us
without taking any of it personally, especially beloved by children who often have their
wisdom disregarded (G)
BABIES OF LIGHT- To calm, protect and balance the electrical systems of the children
coming to Earth right now, especially Indigo children from the seventh root race (GC)
BACOPA MONNIERI- For full enjoyment of physical life and unfettered physical
happiness no matter the circumstances (J)
BANANA- A versatile remedy useful in a wide range of situations including male
machismo, teeth, gum, jaw, and mouth issues, as well as sugar cravings (B)
BAY CEDAR- A very wise Essence that helps us have the courage to be in integrity with
who we are, especially when a sea change has brought us a new sense of ourselves (J)
BEACH PEA- Help to find the common strands in groups of people divided from each
other, wonderful for fence mending and community building (J)
BEAUTIFUL SKIN- Much loved mix for all skins issues (GC)
BEE BALM- Powerful cleanser that clears out deep and forgotten emotional baggage and
helps resolve problems that have resisted previous problem solving efforts (G)
BELEREPHON OF THE OPEN DOOR- Helps open the door to the next stage of our
spiritual journeys, attunes us more fully to our higher selves and the fifth dimension (V)
BELLS OF IRELAND- Opens the door for higher dimensional energies to come into our
energy systems, a chance to work with some higher energies not yet fully grounded on
Earth (G)
BELORADO- Faith. For holding faith in the emptiness before the dawning of the next
chapter when we will find authentic and supportive community (C)
BERMUDIANA- Helps each of us strike with assurance our unique note in the music of
the spheres (B)
BIGNONIA- Life Force!!! Helps us increase our fire energy, vitality, enthusiasm, and
joy (B)
BIRD OF PARADISE- Helps with issues of synthesis and flow in our creative efforts,
promotes the combining of unlikely elements into a unified whole (B)
BIRDFOOT TREFOIL AT GALLARUS ORATORY- Support for co-creative work in
stone as well as support for those who want to more deeply connect with the rock
kingdom in general (I)
BITING STONECROP- Help to bring our hopes and dreams into form, even in
inhospitable terrain (I)
BLACKBERRY- Extremely versatile remedy, helpful for difficulties with rhythmic body
functions, depression, spiritual fatigue, or when we feel out of rhythm with God or our
inner light and life (G)
BLACK COHOSH- Helps us balance our male and female energies into sublime use of
our wisdom and power (G)
BLACK CURRANT- The family river cleanser, cleanses and purifies us of the energetic
detritus of the past seven generations of our family of origin (G)
BLACK EBONY- For better absorption of the nourishment of light in all its forms
including sunlight as well as our own inner light (B)
BLACK EYED SUSAN- Shows us a way to unconditional love by embracing us with its
complete love for us (G)
BLOODROOT- Shines a clear beam into even the most murky family river to illuminate
the family’s divine wisdom, offers unequalled support for reclaiming this divine wisdom
so we can use these strengths for the good and leave the family’s ego detritus behind once
and for all (G)
BLUEBERRY- Supports us to feel confident as we shift paths, take the road less traveled
or begin a new project, helps us stay in alignment with our truest purpose and deepest self
BLUE EYED GRASS- Helps us to know what we need to do and feel comfortable in
bold choices, especially when our deepest truths call us to a singular path that separates
us from others or appears to cause rifts, in these instances, it reveals the fabric of unity at
the heart of our choices (G)
BLUE FLAG IRIS- Deeply encourages the flow of artistic creativity (G)
BLUE SNAKEWEED- Helps us untangle and release dense energetic knots in our heart
chakra resulting from situations of deep grief or unresolved heartaches (J)
BOG ASPHODEL- Helps us be more self confident especially when we get no moral
support from others, especially supportive for the black sheep in any clan (I)
BOG COTTON- For hair, especially when circumstances or family genes indicate
potential difficulties (I)
BOG PIMPERNEL- Supports gentle, quiet people to feel confident in their approach to
life (I)
BONESET- Helpful information about healing broken bones, bone health, how to move
more energy through our bones, and also integrate spiritual shifts that affect our bones
and core experience of self (A)
BORAGE- Helps us melt even the most tenacious Earth sorrows and depression, restores
courage, joy, laughter, and happiness, one of the most uplifting Flower Essence we know
BOTTLEBRUSH- Excellent cleanser that also aligns subtle bodies and clears
connections so more life force energy can move through our electrical system (B)
BOTTLE GENTIAN- Support for all issues of vision, help to see our situation clearly,
hold our power, feel serene amidst chaos, and resolve trauma as it affects our eyesight
BOX BRIAR- Support to untangle tough problems that have resisted previous problem
solving efforts (J)
BRAMBLE Cheerful enjoyment of life circumstances, helps us see the half glass full (I)
BREATHE- Lung and pulmonary systems, upper respiratory system health (AW)
BROCCOLI- Helps us feel safe when things fall apart, help to integrate difficult
experiences (G)
BROWN EYED EVENING PRIMROSE- For healing from abusive experiences,
especially childhood abuse, helps us leave bitterness behind when it no longer serves us
BUDDLEJA Release from lingering self-judgment and recrimination and help to find a
gentler view of ourselves, especially when these harsh attitudes are a holdover from
previous lives (I)
CALABASH- Support to jettison all that doesn’t serve us so we can fulfill our creative
destiny, especially good for woman, helps them say NO (J)
CALENDULA- An excellent grounding Essence that also fills us with much re-
invigorating Earth energy, help to deepen our connection to the Angels and Elementals of
Nature as well as to the heart of the Earth (G)
CALIFORNIA POPPY- Helps us anchor ourselves in our hearts, especially useful during
spiritual awakenings as it helps us assimilate what we are learning and settle questions of
motivation (G)
CALLIANDRA- All issues of flow especially as connected to our life’s blood, helps with
situation of heartbreak or when a trusting heart has been violated (B)
CARDINAL DE RICHELIEU ROSE- Taking back to its rightful course anything that
has been misappropriated by human personalities and misused for ego reasons (R)
CARDINAL FLOWER- Essence of consecration, wonderful for when we move into a
new house, follow a new calling, begin a new relationship or in any way deepen our
commitment to our spiritual path (A)
CARETAKER- Helps us deepen our empathy, intuitive communication, and
unconditional love in caretaking relationships, also restores us when much has been
demanded of us as caretakers, supports both animals and people (AW)
CAROLINA THERMOPSIS- Clears out cobwebs of all kinds, ushers in the winds of
rejuvenation and change (G)
CAROUBY DE MAUSSANE PEA- Help to leave competitiveness and backbiting
behind, returns us to a more compassionate view of everyone as fellow travelers, all
learning our spiritual lessons as best we can (G)
CARROT- For focus, concentration, a solid sense of ourselves, the experience of
rootedness in our life and purpose, this one offers immense and grounded energy (G)
CARRY LESS- Help to remove the filters of ideas, opinions, impressions, and sanskaras
that limit our direct experience of life (GC)
CATMINT- Physical reinvigoration without over stimulation (G)
CAT’S CLAW- Discernment when to engage and when to disengage from any situation
CEDAR- Strong cleanser of mental and etheric body, especially good at erasing past life
videotapes, opens spiritual “Gate of Remembrance” so we can access information about
our divine purpose (B)
CELANDINE- Puts you on the map, supports improved information transfer and better
communication be it from cell to cell, person to person, or unconscious to conscious (G)
CENTERED BIRTH- Combination for before, during, and after birth for the mother to be
CHAMOMILE- For breath work, finding more peace and quiet in your life or improving
your meditation time (G)
CHAPPARAL- Zesty self-expression for the shy or retiring, restores joyful vitality after
illness or times of dormancy (D)
CHEROKEE TRAIL OF TEARS- The Grandmothers, Native American sacred wisdom
keepers, created this combination Essence to support us on our own Cherokee trails. Just
as on the original Cherokee Trail of Tears, the suffering of our individual trails takes us
on a journey from our minds to our hearts, beyond the mind’s ideas of duality towards a
greater experience of oneness with our Creator. This Essence is to encourage and
comfort us on these difficult journeys and help us harvest the gifts of these journeys (GC)
CHIA- Helps us find our inner vitality, life force and stamina while also revealing the
energies available to us from unlikely places at unlikely moments. Helps us be available
to receive energy from any direction so we experience optimum good health (D)
CHICORY- Helpful for sustaining momentum on our spiritual path, helps us leave
behind selfish traits (A)
CHINESE FAN PALM- As with all palms, offers our central nervous system much
useful information, in this case the focus is on nerve ganglion (B)
CHINESE HAT PLANT- Helps us find balance in situations of disequilibrium,
imbalance, disorientation or change, good for motion sickness (B)
CHIVES- Balances male and female energy in men and women so we balance inner
wisdom with wise action (G)
CHRISTMAS BUSH- Tutorial on wound healing of all types as well as support for
circulatory issues and improving viral and bacterial fighting capabilities (J)
CLARET CUP CACTUS- Heals any divide between body and soul, helps us experience
our physical bodies as whole and holy (D)
CLEMATIS- Reconnects us to physical life when we drift loose, good for daydreaming,
forgetfulness, a desire to sleep all the time or absent mindedness (G)
CLITORIA- Helps us manage spiritual awakenings and strong surges of spiritual energy
including kundalini energies, helps us move these energies up the charkas to our heart
chakra (B)
CLITORIA TERNATEA- Release from sexual guilt, remorse, regret, sorrow, or anxiety
CLIVIA- Helps our creativity bear concrete results (B)
COFFEE- Support for cutting free from habits and unconstructive patterns of behavior
and thought, freedom to be your truest self without feeling you need to be more (G)
COLTSFOOT- Information about bone, muscle and orthopedic health as well spiritual
flexibility (G)
COMFREY- Clears the etheric/ memory body of painful memories that impact present
day physical life so that more complete healing can occur, good for healing work with
land as well as people (G)
COMMON KNAPWEED- The peace of knowing each of us is enough, good when we
have a niggling feeling that we must do more or think that all is not alright just as it is (I)
COMMON RAGWORT- Helps us find resilience and robust good health in the face of
challenges, irritants, and change. Excellent for confronting new allergens (I)
COMMON SCURVYGRASS- Support for those betwixt and between to know their own
value and feel safe expressing themselves, particularly good for adolescents (I)
COMMON SPOTTED ORCHID- Helps us know our own unique value and ability to
express love in a unique way (I)
CORAL ALOE- Balm for fiery situations, heated arguments, burnout, or those dealing
with high-octane stress or any other hot situation (B)
CORALITA For cleansing, strengthening, and increasing all flow in the electrical system
especially in the spinal column, helps us let go of any idea of limitation (J)
CORAL PINK ROSE- Calms us in situations of death, dying, or disasters or when we are
anxious that something bad is going to happen (R)
CORN- Unrivaled support for grounding our spiritual wisdom in practical ways (G)
COSMOS- Helps us speak from our hearts by aligning our heart and throat chakras,
excellent for public speaking, singers, anyone who wants support to speak their truth (G)
COTTON- Wisdom about healthy hair (B)
CRAB APPLE- Helps us release self judgment, self loathing, shame, and despair (G)
CUCUMBER- For confidence we can handle all our emotions and find creative use for
any flood of feeling, helps us find our inner sunshine, even in the face of much watery
emotion (G)
DAFFODIL- Amplifies and clarifies the still small voice of the God within us (G)
DANDELION- Extremely versatile cleansing Essence, helps release emotional tension in
physical body, also helps us navigate spiritual transitions with greater ease (G)
DATE PALM- Ancient wisdom including information about genetic freedom in
alignment with divine purpose (B)
DATURA, SUNLIGHT- Dramatically clears our chakras, helps us receive higher
energies and data, helps us get the spiritual game plan for our life situations (G)
DATURA, MOONLIGHT- Tunes us to spiritual frequencies of the Moon, and to our
own wisdom and that of the feminine. This goddess powerhouse is an especial blessing
during menstruation or any rite of female passage (G)
DAYLILY- Support to start anything with lots of energy, also helps us know when to call
it a day (G)
DESERT CHICORY- For those who have experienced childhood abuse, helps us to
know healing will prevail without us “pushing the river” or trying to scrub our
experiences from our energy system, offers deep support to relax and trust that the flow
of life will naturally take us towards healing (D)
DESERT FORGET-ME-NOT- Helps us remember ourselves before difficulties left their
mark, reclaim our joy and delight in the world and our sense of the world as a gift
unfolding before us, not a punishment to be endured (D)
DESERT GARDEN- For finding the vast spiritual nourishment available in even the
most inhospitable situations, opening to our own wholeness and holiness, discovering the
unity and Godness of all creation (D).
DESERT GOLD- Confidence in the abundant flow of the generous universe, even in
times of apparent scarcity or lack (D)
DEVIL’S BIT SCABIOSA- Help to know our enduring wholeness and inner strength
when circumstances in our lives have narrowed or we are dealing with physical
constraints and limitations, (I)
DICLIPTERA SEXANGULARIS Helps us dismantle and move beyond off balanced
appetites (J)
DIGESTIVE WOES- For gastrointestinal issues (AW)
DOMBEYA WALLICHII- Sheltering embrace to those who give emotional, spiritual, or
physical shelter including healers, teachers, mothers, and all those who take animals and
people into their warm and comforting embrace. Also serves those in need of shelter (B)
DON’T WORRY-BEE HAPPY- Support from the honeybees and the Flowers to be
happy (V)
DWARF COMMON CENTAURY- Helps sweet people who have taken some knocks for
their sweet nature know that their sweetness is a strength not a weakness (I)
EGGPLANT- Removes pockets of negativity from anywhere in our energy system with
precision and great skill (G)
ELDERBERRY- Immense support if life calls you to hold the light amidst great darkness
EMERGENCY CARE- For electrical support during any situation of stress, illness,
emergency, or trauma (CC)
ENGLISH STONECROP- Contentment and a gentler view of self and others, even when
impatience, irritation, and restlessness have previously ruled the day (I)
EPIMEDIUM- Reintegration of fragmented self, supports an experience of sacred
wholeness even when things appear to be flying apart at the seam (G)
ESCALLONIA: For self esteem during inevitable ups and downs of finding a romantic
partner or being in a romantic partnership (I)
ETHEREAL FLUIDIUM SUPER GLUE- Help to keep the etheric body and connection
between physical and etheric body clear and strong. This positively impacts the
movement of life force or prana into the physical body and helps keep degenerative
diseases from entering the physical body (GC)
EYES OF MARY- Shows us the way to love those who are suffering without a desire to
fix them, good for when we cannot see beyond the pain of a certain predicament to its
potential spiritual gifts, or when, in anyway, we have lost our sense of humor and need to
lighten up and reframe our understanding of events and remember only God is real (G)
THE FAIRY ROSE- Helps us find delight, joy, laughter, play, dolphin energy, and a love
for life on Earth (R)
FEVERFEW- Balm for the nervous system. Breaks up deep-seated anger, confusion,
worry, despair and nervousness, helps us let go of nervous habits (G)
FIREWEED- Enhances our connection with higher realms, encourages spiritual
breakthroughs (G)
FISTERRA- Birth. For transitions when the soul is at the end of a long process of laying
down a major paradigm from this or many lives. (C)
F.J.GROOTENDORST ROSE- Helps us experience that childlike summer feeling of joy,
sweetness and sense of expansive freedom (R)
FLEE FREE- Helps animal or human to strengthen our boundaries to rebuff pests more
easily, leaving our energy systems pristine and free from violation (AW)
FLOW FREE- Urinary tract health, issues of flow anywhere in the body, a mystical
powerhouse (AW)
FRAGRANT ORCHID- With a deep connection to Archangel Gabriel, this one is for
hope (I)
FRANGIPANI- Supports to express inner wisdom in action, particularly good for those
who live primarily in the female energy of knowing but would like encouragement to act
from this knowledge (B)
FREMONT PINCUSHION- Helps us experience a wonderful sense of self worth
grounded in the truth that we are of equal value to all creation in an infinitely valuable
universe, especially helpful for those for whom abusive experiences have left their mark
in terms of low self esteem (D)
FRENCH GRASS Support for purposeful action, harmonious, clear, and unified
partnership (J)
FRENCH MARIGOLD – As one of the most hybridized Flowers, this Essence supports
us to grow, change and mutate successfully while also keeping inharmonious mutations,
like viruses, out of our energy field, also helps us hear what is being said better (G)
GALICIA- Grace. Moving with kindness and grace as we travel alongside souls who are
not on a similar intensive internal course (C)
GALLANDIA ROSE- Higher dimensional support to shift our personal electrical grid so
that we can hold a different configuration of time and space (R)
GARDENIA- Intimate friend and ally, a mysterious but powerful Essence that among
other things, helps pierce veil of illusion (B)
GIANT MILKWEED Help to translate big dreams into big action (J)
GINGER- Helps us release our worldly concerns, avoid overextending ourselves, or
scatter our energies, “yoga in a bottle” (B)
GINGER THOMAS Help to see the long view as a wise elder might (J)
GLOBE MALLOW- For robust enjoyment of daily life (D)
GOLDEN ARMOR- Strong buffering combination mixture especially helpful with
protection from the discordant sound vibrations and electro magnetic dissonance of the
modern world, here at the farm, Angels ask us to take this every day (GC)
GOLDENROD- For opening and keeping clear the third eye of the 6th chakra, also helps
us have spine and be true to ourselves in the face of peer, family or societal pressure (G)
GRANIANA ROSE- Expanding our energies between the fifth and sixth chakras of the
neck to support its spiritual energetics of divine service (R)
GRAPE- Helps us see the gifts in disillusioning experiences so we don’t feel any sour
grapes about our situation (G)
GRAPEFRUIT- Offers healing information for the relief of mental tensions including
tensions that cause headaches (B)
GREEN & TONIC- Supportive mix for all plants (GC)
GRIEF & LOSS- For when a loved one dies, loss of a home or sense of purpose, break up
of family, for despair, depression, brokenness, or grief (AW)
GROUNDING- Support to be grounded in our bodies and in the present (GC)
HARDHACK- Helps us to love ourselves and others more generously and completely
HEALTHY COAT- Addressing all issues of hair, fur or skin including hot spots, rashes,
skin sensitivities, allergic reactions, or lackluster coat, this mix includes seven Aloes and
is wonderful for humans too (AW)
HEATH MILKWORT- For a true accounting of our strengths especially for those of us
who live in the shadow of big personalities (I)
HEAVENLY BAMBOO- To open and align the chakras to receive light energy so we are
flexible and resilient pillars of light (B)
HELIOTROPE- Support to surrender deeply held grudges against ourselves and find self
forgiveness (G)
HENRY HUDSON ROSE- Offers particular gifts for healers, encourages confidence and
clear boundaries especially during healing work (R)
HERITAGE ROSE- Helps animals feel at home in a family of people and helps us all
anchor more deeply in our eternal identity as a child of God so that we can detach from
the more conventional notions of heritage (R)
HESPERIDES’ GIFT- For healers of every sort to help with burnout and other stresses of
their lives and work, help for all of us to reclaim our divinity (GC)
HONEYBEES IN THE WHITE HAWTHORN- General harmonizer that smoothes
disturbances in our energy system, good for hormonal issues, problems with sugar, the
flow of love into and out of our hearts (G)
HONEYSUCKLE- Creative use of our memories as spiritual fuel, free of nostalgia or
regret. For full remembrance of the divine (G)
HONTANAS- Tenderness. For finding the inner kindness to listen to our bodies with
compassion (C)
HYSSOP- Fine tuned support for the release of guilt and the habit of guilt (G)
ICE PLANT- Helps us warm up and find our sense of joy, humor, and bliss (B)
IMMUNE SUPPORT- Support for the immune system (AW)
INDIAN PIPE- Help to find the balance of the four winds and four directions, reveals
planetary peace as an enduring reality within us, one that permeates all reality (A)
INISHBOFIN- For retrieving wisdom and spiritual strengths from our past lives (I)
INKBERRY- Support to ground new projects in indelible and resilient forms, can help
bring into form an idea which felt very far out of reach (J)
INNER CHILD- To support the healing of our inner child's wounds so that we are more
fully present in our daily lives and more cognizant of our power, wisdom, and ability to
solve our own problems (CC)
INSPIRE- Setting a new course for ourselves after we leave an addictive pattern behind
IRISH HEATHS- Help to have plenty of energy and an open heart when sharing our
truths, even in exposed or challenging situations (I)
IXORA- Helps us make life affirming decisions about our sexual choices, boundaries,
and partnerships (B)
JACOB’S LADDER- Help to move any process along more smoothly (G)
JADE- Help to make the most of the green healing energy of nature, good for people
struggling with time crunches, those who have too much to do or those who feel
overwhelmed by their circumstances (G)
JASMINE- Dries us out when we are soggy, wet, and bogged down by too much water or
watery emotion with symptoms like colds or other damp conditions, centers us in the God
flame within our hearts and sparks our flame into increased fire activity (G)
JEALOUSY- Jealousy in any form including sibling rivalry (AW)
JERUSALEM THORN TREE Helps us know what we have learned from our suffering,
let go of regrets, and feel the grace of our circumstances even amidst great difficulty (J)
JEWELWEED- For all irritations, rashes, or poison ivy, helpful when we feel thin
skinned or impatient (A)
JOE PYE WEED- Help to give our burdens to God and feel totally supported by God (G)
KANGAROO PAW- Support to heal any injury and inflammation especially explosive
orthopedic injuries (G)
KIDNEY VETCH- For cleansing, unimpeded flow, robust circulation, renewal, and
restoration in dead zones, a powerhouse (I)
KONIGIN VON DANEMARK ROSE- Release from patterns of judgment and shame
spirals, excellent for perfectionists or those who judge themselves harshly (R)
LA BELLE SULTANE- Revivifies and restores us to an experience of timeless vigor,
helps us wake up and smell the coffee (R)
LADIES BEDSTRAW- Provides a cushion of protection around our etheric fields so that
sleep is deep and unchallenged, helps us assimilate new information as we sleep (G)
LADIES BEDSTRAW FROM IRELAND- Helps us untangle mental knots, anxieties, or
worries so we can sleep better, good for chronic worriers or anyone restless or full of
mental agitation (I)
LADY'S MANTLE- Appropriate support for each aspect of a creative project from
conception to launch, from sheltering our new beginnings to magnifying our finished
creation for all the world to see (G)
LAMB’S EAR- Support for the sensitive to feel what they feel but stay strong (G)
LANTANA INVOLUCRATA- Support to moderate strong emotion and modulate our
response to heated situations (J)
LARKSPUR Course corrections for when our systems need to be redirected, excellent for
improving health (G)
LA RIOJA- Creativity. For discovering and cultivating our unique autonomy and creative
strengths to create the life we desire (C)
LAURIANA ROSE- Aligns electro-magnetic fields into balanced polarity, supports
mental clarity and acumen (R)
LAVACOLLA- Cleansing. Help to clear our emotional fields of any clutter remaining
from past and finished energetic work. (C)
LAVENDER- Smoothes the electrical field of baby, child or adult, offers protection and
support, especially for the expression of our sacred feminine (G)
LEMON- Mental clarity, decisiveness, intellectual acumen, Mr. Clean of the Flower
Essence world (B)
LILAC- For the health and well being of our spine, revives and deepens our kinship with
Nature and adds its mighty strength to our co-creative endeavors (G)
LIME- Superb cleanser, amplifies other healing modalities, assists healers to be their best
and know their own strengths and assists those receiving healing assistance to make the
most of this support (B)
LOCUST AND WILD HONEY- Reconnects us to our source, our mission plan, and the
kindred spirits that are part of our journey, consider this one if looking for spiritual
community (B)
LOQUAT- Offers helpful information about digesting our life situation as well as
digesting what we have eaten (B)
LOS ARCOS- Release. Finding the bravery to move ahead on our own, while being open
to support from unexpected places (C)
LOVE PREVAILS- In difficult times when love does not seem to be much in evidence,
this combination remedy supports us to know, feel, and be able to surrender to the great
truth that love does prevail (V)
LOVING WHAT IS- Release from mind’s judgments and conflicting opinions to live
from our hearts in centered peace, appreciation, and delight with what is (V)
MADAGASCAR PERIWINKLE- Very high vibrational road map for healing many
diseases (J)
MAGNOLIA- Support for birth, be it the birth of a child or birth of any creative
endeavor, also supportive of all transition points in life (G)
MAIDEN APPLE- Helps women reclaim inner wisdom and purpose, help all humanity
to hold the vision of a world beyond patriarchy (J)
MALLOW- All issues of aging (G)
MALTESE CROSS- Reveals seamless unity of life and our wholeness when we feel torn
apart, especially helpful during and after extremely wrenching experiences (G)
MANJARIN- Discernment. Looking beneath the surface to find the energetic core,
breaking down the external worldview to recognize true gifts as well as red herrings (C)
MAPLE- Dynamo of sweet but sturdy support of many issues, good for balancing yin
and yang, helps us make peace with our physical bodies and enjoy physical life, helps
with issues of worthiness, trust, and self confidence, support to find the middle way (G)
THE MARY ROSE- Deeply connected to Mother Mary, this Rose cleanses the heart so it
can receive more love (R)
MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS ROSE- Support to dissolve long-standing feuds and deep
enmity, for internal as well as external conflict (R)
MASTERWORT For creative souls, this helps with issues of containment, flow, and
striking the right balance of activity and rest during creative projects all of which helps to
prevent burnout (G)
MAZARIFE- Joy. For realizing the potential to create oases of color and joy in the bleak
stretches of our lives (C)
MEADOWSWEET- Takes us towards a gentle view of self so we know we deserve to
receive love (A)
MEHERA- Helps us to become a focus of complete love and devotion to God (V)
MEMORY- All memory issues (GC)
MILKWEED- Helps us bring an inspired idea into form just the way we first envisioned
it (G)
MONTBRETIA- Increases the heat, light, and sparkle of fire energy within us,
particularly in those of Irish descent or others who live in damp places or suffer from a
depression of too much water energy (I)
MORNING GLORY- Helps us open to a joyful experience of our life and open to new
circumstances (G)
MOTHERWORT- Support for the creative wellspring of the feminine, support for
mothers to know their pivotal irreplaceable role in the world and to help them stay clear
about what they need to do for themselves and their children (G)
MOUNTAIN AVENS- No matter how we find ourselves out of balance about time
related issues, this one helps us find a better relationship with time (I)
MUTABILIS ROSE- All change is mutation, this one helps us mutate harmoniously and
without fear (B)
NASTURTIUM- Gets us back into our whole body when we are living only in our heads
NAVELWORT Help to move beyond the disorienting experiences of the modern age to a
primal experience of self and our eternal connection to the divine (I)
NEEDINESS- Supports an animal to find right relationship with his caretaker and
supports a human to find right relationship with human community and his or her inner
divinity (AW)
NEW BEGINNINGS- For animals and people when faced with a new home, new
primary relationships, new role, or new life situation (AW)
NICKER NUT- Aids in issues of discernment, articulation, protection, and courage
during all creative endeavors, a big mover and shaker of an Essence (J)
NIELLA- Cleanses, aligns, and balances all chakras. Can reverse chakra direction when
appropriate (A)
NODDING LADIES TRESSES- Unknotting of problems, Angels call it the “creme rinse
of Flower world”
NUUPHRETIA LAVARISSA- Promotes courage, comfort, and fearlessness by revealing
the place beyond opposites (V)
O’CEBREIRO- Strength. For the strength to keep moving and leave behind the people
and places in our lives that we must leave for the onward growth of our souls (C)
OCOTILLO- Support to exuberantly explore our environment and find vital new gifts.
Support to assimilate the wisdom of these gifts so we know what to do with them (D)
OLD BLUSH CHINA ROSE- Helps us feel safe, especially when things fall apart, the
one the Angels suggested the most after 9/11 (B)
OMEY ISLAND- Solace when our lives have been pared down through illness, losses, or
changes in circumstance beyond our control, support to find the grace of a simpler life
and to find a natural rhythm of giving and receiving that does not deplete us (I)
ORANGE- Calms us during highly charged emotional situations, explosive interpersonal
dramas, or highly charged debates especially about sexuality (B)
ORANGE HAWKWEED- Supports focused and constructive creative expression, helps
children to manage their abundant energy in the often stressful challenges of structured
situations such as school (A)
OSTEOSPERMUM- Spiritual spine, faith in our inner light, support during experiences
of betrayal, a very empowering Flower Essence ally (V)
OUTBURST- Especially good for people or animals prone to violent outbursts of pent up
emotions or energies, this mix supports a release of these and other kinds of electrical
overcharges in a benign way, skin rashes, fevers, argumentativeness, biting, and temper
tantrums are just a few issues this Essence helps us manage (AW)
PAINKILLER PLANT- All issues of pain, transcendence of painful circumstances (J)
PALE PINK ROSE- Helpful during transitional situations such as new job, new home,
new baby, also helps when we or someone we love are dying (R)
PALMER’S PENSTEMON- Gift from the fairies to help us dive into happiness (D)
PANSY- Sweet support to make our relationship with our Creator more personal (G)
PAPAYA- Linked to sense of touch, helps bring clarity and peace to issues of sexual
identity and partnership. If both partners take Papaya, it helps resolve relationship issues
PARTRIDGEBERRY- Helps us experience our partners as spiritual equals, and part of a
common divinity, helps partnerships bear fruit (A)
PASQUE FLOWER- Helps us to harvest the wisdom when a chapter in our lives finishes
or a long running spiritual theme in our lives is resolved and we feel empty, helps us find
the fullness of what we have learned, and prepares us for the rebirth that is coming (G)
PASSION FLOWER- Release of tensions, eases us into more profound relationship with
our divine self (B)
PAUL NEYRON ROSE- Helps us to glory in the experience of life in a body, helps us to
understand our bodies are not separate from our divinity, releases us from illusions about
the inferiority of the body, an idea that is often a holdover from other lives (R)
PAVONIA SPINIFEX- Help to recognize truth, confront falseness with poise, and speak
our truth calmly (J)
PEACH- Takes us into a deeper sweeter experience of the giving and receiving of love
and compassion, amplifies healing from other modalities (G)
PEAR- Helps groups get along better by clearing up mixed motivations, opens us to be
healed by sound (G)
PEBBLE PINCUSHION- Support for the beleaguered, downtrodden, suffering, and those
who cheerfully and bravely shoulder their burdens, helps us have confidence in our
choice to quietly bear what we cannot change (D)
PENNYROYAL- Protection from all forms of negativity particularly psychic attack (G)
PHOENIX RISING- Support to move through any necessary firestorm of purification,
anchors us in the promise of a new life after firestorms (V)
PINK BABY’S BREATH- Excellent support for teething, teeth and gums (G)
PINK TECOMA- A favorite comfort Essence bringing a reassuring vibration of love,
comfort, and safety much like a security blanket does when we are small (B)
PINK WATER LILY- Consolation and comfort when in deep grief or brokenhearted (G)
PINK YARROW FROM THE CLIFFS OF MOHER- Support to feel confident and
secure in expressing ourselves in situations that might normally leave us feeling exposed
PLUM- Helps us find the bead of universality so that we can peacefully navigate tribal
gatherings that might otherwise have left us distraught, alienated, or exhausted (G)
POMEGRANATE- Powerhouse for womankind, supports our health, the vitality of our
unique biology, and our freedom to choose how to express our creativity, nothing I can
say about this Essence begins to do justice to it (B)
PRECIOUS BLOOD- A mystical powerhouse of all our red Flowers and all our Flower
Essences vibrationally linked to blood or bloodlines (CC)
PSYCHILIS MACCONNELLIAE ORCHID- Support to graft ourselves onto a new
terrain, even when this new terrain is our rapidly changing planet (J)
PUENTE LA REINA- Clarity. For lightening our energetic load, being clear about who
supports our growth and whom we want to travel forward with (C)
PUMPKIN- Helps with momentum and follow through for those who procrastinate (G)
PURIFY- Offers a cleansing process that helps us to leave any addictive pattern behind
PURPLE FLOWERING RASPBERRY- Passionate Essence that helps us explore the
mysteries of life and the unexplored wilderness of our soul, excellent for dream work (G)
PURPLEMAT- Help to know less can be more, help to experience contentment with
what is (D)
PYRAMIDAL ORCHID- Unbinding and release from religious dogma that has left us
wearing all kinds of hair shirts, return to an experience that we are love in a sea of love
PYROLA ELLIPTICA- Dream work, brings unconscious into conscious focus (A)
QUATRE SAISONS ROSE- Grown at the temples of Aphrodite three thousand years
ago, this Rose and her Essence help us experience ourselves as an ever replenishing
source of restorative love, excellent for those of whom too much is expected or those
experiencing burn out (R)
QUEEN ANNE'S LACE- Dismantles illusions of powerlessness, pulls the threads of a
divided situation together when we feel scattered or face conflict within or without (G)
RABANAL- Empathy. Help to contain other people’s stories with compassion and
clarity (C)
RAGGED ROBIN- Faith especially during dark night of the soul experiences (I)
RAIN OF GOLD- A favorite for abundance issues (B)
RECOVERY- Support for recovery from illness, surgery, or trauma, helps us re-find our
strength and stamina (AW)
RED CLOVER- Helps to calm emotional body and defuse reactions of panic, fear, or
hysteria in times of stress or emergency (G)
RED CURRANT- Powerhouse of information for improved health, its area of most
concentrated service is the blood, but it helps restores vitality to our whole being (G)
RED HIBISCUS- Supports constructive and gentle release of abuse memories, especially
sexual abuse, as well as the healing of the emotional scars (B)
RED MANGROVE- Roots, security, and grounding in the divine, nourishment of new
enterprises and spiritual resilience no matter where our paths take us or how the waves
roll over us (J)
RED RUGOSA ROSE- Promotes stability and calm during times of turbulence (R)
REINE DES VIOLETTES ROSE- For boundary work and balance between action and
restraint (R)
RESTORE- Support to find equilibrium and renewed strength when we leave any
addictive pattern behind (GC)
RHODODENDRON- Finding spiritual nourishment from what is available, even in
changing circumstances and new locations (I)
RONCESVALLES- Courage. For finding the strength to begin a journey or to change to
a new way of being (C)
ROSA GLAUCA- Cuts a swath through murk and helps us find our way and see clearly,
much as a lighthouse will light the way for ships lost in a fog, excellent for issues of
eyesight (R)
ROSA MUNDI- Encouragement for days when our romance with God seems a bit much
ROSE A PARFUM DE L'HAY- Helps us feel content with what is and leave behind any
restless desires for more, bigger, better, or different (R)
ROSEMARY- Helps us to relish life in a body and sparks a zesty enjoyment of the basic
pleasures of community (G)
ROYAL PONCIANA- Calms heated debate, promotes polite and civil dialogue, helps us
see the divine in each other (B)
RUBY MOON HYACINTH BEAN- Spiritual liberation and freedom (V)
RUN & PLAY- Supports the healing process for any orthopedic injury or chronic
condition, which interferes with joyful, flexible, carefree running and playing (G)
RUSSIAN SAGE- During emergency or crisis situations, this one helps us find a new
plan of action or get oriented about where we are on the figurative map of our lives (G)
THE SACRED FEMININE- Helps us individually and collectively receive, contain, and
birth new paradigms, new visions, and new life for the transformation of humanity
towards an embodiment of our sacred wisdom (GC)
THE SACRED MASCULINE- Support to protect and transform the wisdom of our
Sacred Feminine into right action (GC)
SACRED TOBACCO- Supports a letting go of counter productive living patterns (G)
SAGE- Sacred Native American Essence, holds vibration of Earth's body wisdom, healer
of opposites, master of the four directions, very clarifying when we need a road map,
helps us find our way, even in the dark (G)
SAGO PALM- Powerful attunement to the original divine blueprint of our energy
systems, excellent choice when you feel your health needs a course correction (B)
SAHAGUN- Surrender. For breaking down behaviors triggered by fears that cause us to
push ourselves out of balance (C)
ST. JOHNS WORT- Helps us work with our protective armor of golden light more
effectively (A)
SANTIAGO- Integrity. For moments when you experience false endings created by our
culture when in truth, the journey is ongoing (C)
SARAH VAN FLEET ROSE- A very soothing balm to overwrought nerves (R)
SCARLET CORDIA For women, offers support for cleansing blockages, strengthening
the second chakra, and finding optimum female reproductive health (J)
SCARLET PIMPERNEL- For courage and confidence during spiritual awakenings, help
to experience all inner and outer events as a spiritual orchestration that we are well
prepared to handle (I)
SCARLET RUNNER BEAN- Helps us face our fears and release them, especially helps
us dismantle our fears about hearing our life purpose (G)
SCREW PINE- For healing support during explosive or chronically irritating situations
including allergic reactions (B)
SCULLCAP- For Earth grid work, to maximize our placement and contribution within
this grid (A)
SEA ASTER- Keeping a bead on the positive during romantic relationships’ inevitable
tidal ebbs and flows (I)
SEA BINDWEED- For breathing related cleansings and purifications including breath
work and the common cold (I)
SEA CAMPION- For the in breath, opening to receive even in unlikely circumstances (I)
SEA HOLLY- Strengthens our protective energy field especially if we tend to expect
difficulty only from certain directions in our lives, especially helps those on eastern
shores as it brings western shore strength (I)
SEA LAVENDER- Support to keep our equilibrium and go with the flow during all kinds
of potentially disruptive events, helps with sea changes like aging or other cyclical
changes (G)
SEA MAYWEED Wisdom for women about good boundaries and all third chakra related
issues (I)
SEA PURSLANE- Help to find the bead on love with detachment and transform personal
love to a more universal love (J)
SEASIDE HELIOTROPE- Release from guilt and burdensome memories connected to
old romances, so we can begin anew (J)
SEASIDE MAHOE- Transforming the grief over romantic loss into confidence about
what was learned and what new opportunities lie ahead (J)
SELF HEAL- Helps us clear out illusions that prevent us from knowing our healing
powers (A)
SENIOR CITIZEN- To help maintain emotional equilibrium and good cheer during
declines in function associated with aging and to help with the reversal of these declines
in whatever way is possible (AW)
SEPARATION- Caretaker away or at work with animals home alone or in the care of
someone other than their person, separation anxiety (AW)
SHE CHANGES- Support for navigating the changes of menopause and perimenopause
SHOWCATS- To assist animals and humans alike to do well in literal and figurative
show rings (AW)
SHRIMP PLANT- Help for our bodies to work in an integrated manner, help to feel the
unity of our lives and selves instead of experiencing life as disconnected series of events
with us playing parts, which have no relation to each other (B)
SILVER-ROD- Helps us make the necessary adjustment in all our chakras especially the
6th chakra during shifts in the electro-magnetic field of Earth, help to ride out all
disturbances in our energy field, works with the pituitary gland (G)
SNAPDRAGON- Alignment of all chakras as well as all four lower bodies, information
for mouth, teeth, jaw, cranial bones, spine, encourages restraint if we talk too much or too
aggressively. Good for animals if they are too aggressive or biting inappropriately (G)
SOLANDRA- Support to lay down our burdens, especially good for those of us who are
overachievers, perfectionists, workaholics or those who think they must be a human
doing not a human being in order to be enough (B)
SPANISH BAYONET- Information about cellular cleansing (B)
SPIDER LILY- For the improvement and discerning use of telepathic skills (B)
SPIDERWORT- Discernment, clarity in situations of confusion or mixed messages, helps
to sort wheat from chaff, excellent for all problem solving (G)
SPRAYING- Encourages animals who have difficulty discharging negativity except
through behaviors like spraying to learn to do so in more benign ways (AW)
SPRING SANDWORT- Uplift for the downtrodden or those who feel insignificant (I)
SPRUCE- For the integration of our physical and etheric bodies when they have fallen
out of sync due to continuing stress, surgery, or sudden trauma, energetic solace for
animals, plants, and people cut off from the natural world, also helps us to integrate
information from the chakras above our seven main chakras (G)
STANWELL PERPETUAL ROSE- Help to access the spiritual strength to do what we
need to do with joy and an unburdened heart, especially good after the honeymoon of our
spiritual calling when the work is ongoing but the glamour is gone (R)
STAR OF BETHLEHEM- Helps us confidently and joyfully let the old order go and give
birth to the new (B)
SUMMER SNOWFLAKE- Promotes adaptability to unexpected or radical changes in
fortune, life directions, location, or climate, especially good for travel or for
uncomfortable extremes of temperature (B)
SUNFLOWER- The one to have when you need to live like a super hero, a powerful
reminder of our divinity (G)
SUNFLOWER SPIRAL- Help to stay in the now, keep going on our spiritual path, and
recognize the support available to us from those around us and from spirit, even as we
rise to the challenge of supporting others (V)
SWAMP CANDLES- For support during dark night of the soul experiences (A)
SWEET OLIVE- Balm for wounds in the etheric or memory body caused by old sorrows
SWEET PEA- A beloved Essence for sleep issues, this one calms the emotional body,
also helps those who have lost the thread of connection to the human community to find
it again (G)
SWEET WILLIAM- Helps us use of our will in clear but loving ways (G)
TEA- Returns us from too much busyness to contented stillness (G)
TEASEL- Seals any leaks or weak spots in our chakras, helps keep all inappropriate
energies out of our energy field, the best Essence for Lyme disease, a very powerful
healing ally (G)
THERESE BUGNET ROSE- Freedom from concern with our appearance (R)
THISTLE- For clarity about boundaries if we tend to have our privacy invaded or are not
sure what is or isn’t our business (A)
THE THREE PHACELIA SISTERS- Helps us mend the etheric wounds caused when we
are repeatedly mistreated by human communities. The mending occurs via a release of a
mistaken idea of self-judgment that has attracted an experience to us over and over again
THYME- Offering the gifts of time, the now, and an awareness of God’s love for us in
this now, good for thyroid issues and so much more (G)
THYME FROM OMEY ISLAND- Information about time’s relativity, of particular
support for altering speed of healing processes (I)
TITAN- Practical information about owning our own power and living in an evolving
light body (A)
TO HEAR THE ANGELS SING- Support to hear our heart’s voice more clearly and that
of all the spiritual guidance available to us as well (GC)
TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE- Rock solid support for being true to ourselves (GC)
TOMATO- Supports a sometimes noticeable cleansing of blockages (G)
TRABADELO- Truth. For finding the courage to acknowledge and let go of old patterns,
even as we are unsure what our lives will look like without them (C)
TRANSITION- Energetic support for all transitions including death (AW)
TREE PEONY- Abundance, helps us recognize, celebrate, and joyfully immerse
ourselves in a reality that is experienced as fuller and fuller, even as nothing literally
changes (G)
TRILLIUM- The vibration of the Star of David, promotes a balance of learning and
grounding, a vibration of integrated and centered peace (G)
TRUE WOOD SORREL- Support to stay centered in ourselves and in a sense of our own
value in the face of excessive emotion, fanaticism, frantic behavior or any extremes that
might normally knock us off balance (A)
TUBEROSE- With a focus on the crown chakra, this will kick start your spiritual journey
if stalled, better align all your chakras and help the light of God pouring into your system
in a coordinated and thorough manner (B)
TURK’S CAP CACTUS- Helps people get us, get what we are saying, and put us on
their maps, also helps us to gracefully withdrawal when this is necessary (J)
TURNERA- To help us know our life purpose, improve our daily rhythms about such
things as receiving and acting on inner guidance or the rhythmic process of sleep (B)
VANDA ORCHID- Help to get to our core healing issues, from this place the turn around
can be profound (B)
THE VENUS GARDEN- Made from three formative Venus Gardens, this mix offers
practical support for manifesting a life that you or other people might consider well
beyond the bounds of reality or possibility (V)
VETCH- Help to see the spiritual thread in everything that happens to us (A)
VIOLET TRANSMUTING FLAME VIOLET- Transmutation of illusions especially of
judgments. Helps tune us to the Violet Transmuting Flame of Forgiveness (G)
VITALITY- A energetic kick in the pants that reminds us to go to our hearts for
grounding, strength, direction, connection to God and everything else (GC)
VITEX- Information about remineralizing our system and making the most of minerals in
the foods we eat (B)
WATCH YOUR BACK- Powerhouse of Palms and all other Green Hope Farm Flower
Essences carrying information about the spinal column, back, and the health and well
being of the all the chakras, also offers gifts of protection (GC)
WATER HYACINTH- Helps us find balance and non-judgment about our emotions so
we can use all emotion as fodder for our spiritual growth (B)
WATERMELON- Helps to amplify our creativity in a big way, bathes us in a wellspring
of creative energy and deepens our creative momentum (G)
WEST INDIAN SAGE- Guidance and road map for the inward journey (J)
WHITE CHESTNUT- Contains and supports us when we are called to be a container for
others who are suffering and need our support while they regroup from shattering events
WHITE FLOWER FROM DRUID ROCK- Support to find the immense strength needed
to birth a new life (D)
WHITE HIBISCUS- Support to heal from experiences of abandonment by making our
relationship with our divine inner mother more tangible to us (B)
WHITE ORCHID FROM THE BURREN- Help to jettison personality baggage so we are
clear in our divine purpose, intentions, and motivations (I)
WHITE WATER LILY- Helps us surrender with confidence and joy to the perfect
geometry of divinity’s unfolding plan for each of us (G)
WHITE YARROW- For energetic protection especially in regards to computers and
other technologies involving electro-magnetic fields (A)
WILD FUSCHIA- Sweeps us into a playful state of joy (I)
WILD IRIS- Helps us more closely align our creative processes with healing (A)
WILD PHYSIC NUT- As a physic or cure this entire one offers excellent information for
serious illness (J)
WILD PINK MORNING GLORY- Faith that new love will come when an old love has
died, support for love to thrive in difficult terrains (J)
WILD RED MORNING GLORY- Help for women to know their own infinite value,
helps them find a place of balanced self worth that brings a release from any need to
unnecessarily push any agenda as well as a release from responding to any abuse received
with self demeaning choices (J)
WILD ROSE- Encouragement to express ourselves with wild abandon (R)
WILD TAMARIND- Helps us find the zest in life if things have gotten stale (J)
WILD THRIFT- For conservation of energy, stamina when under stress, and living from
the heart in the face of great difficulties or extremes (I)
WINTERGREEN- Helps us shine, especially when we’ve been doormats for others and
haven’t had much chance to express our inner zest (A)
WOOD SAGE FROM THE BURREN A muse for storytellers, musicians, dancers, and
singers (I)
WOOLLY EASTER BONNETS- Support to find the divine gift of cheerfulness when
our daily life is difficult (D)
WOOLLY MARIGOLD- Helps us not only acclimate but flourish and thrive with grace
and generosity in seemingly barren or desolate circumstances (D)
YELLOW LOOSESTRIFE- For gratitude amidst trials and tribulations, finding a bead on
the positive during flood times (I)
YELLOW MULLEIN- We deserve the stars and this Essence helps us know it, a literal
vote of confidence (G)
YELLOW WATER LILY- Helps us feel anchored and sustained by our Creator as all the
old security blankets unravel and fall away (A)
ZINNIA- Restores within us an enduring form of joy, laughter, and childlike delight (G)
ZUBIRI- Flow. Allowing the momentum of your life to fuel its forward flow, entering a
state where you create energy as you go, versus depleting reserves (C)
ZUCCHINI- Information about finding renewed vigor and life force energy after illness
or difficulty, also offers support for productivity and fertility issues (G)

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