Durian Harvesting
Durian Harvesting
Durian Harvesting
Fruit and Vegetables
Durian harvesting
D URIAN (Durio zibethius Murr.) has been called the
most controversial fruit in the world because of its
aroma and taste. It is native to Southeast Asia, and is an
a high organic matter content. Soil pH should be
5.5-6.5. The current technology on harvesting
described here can be used on trees which are not
important fruit in the Philippines. very tall.
Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC) Cooperating agency for this topic:
14 Wenchow St., Taipei, Taiwan ROC
Tel.: (886 2) 2362 6239 Fax: (886 2) 2362 0478 The Philippine Council for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural
E-mail: fftc@agnet.org Website: www.fftc.agnet.org Resources Research and Development (PCARRD)