CR Nov Pages
CR Nov Pages
CR Nov Pages
Centennial Review
A R bleh rvat
Pa to H r Is at th
Do ons
ge ea sue e
u e
3: lth : Sum
What They Said 8787 W. Alameda Ave.
at the Summit Lakewood, CO 80226
In order to conserve what is
Return Service Requested Principled Ideas from the Centennial Institute Publisher, William L. Armstrong
most precious, sometimes we
have to restore, reform, or even Volume 2, Number 9 • November 2010 Editor, John Andrews
revolutionize what’s not working.
That’s the message out of
Washington and Hollywood from
heartland conservatives Michele By Michele Bachmann By Joseph C. Phillips
Bachmann and Joseph C. Phillips
in this issue. Recent political trends Do conservatives oppose
Summiteers feasted on ideas.
recall the words of change, as the left often asserts?
Thomas Jefferson: That fallacy is easy to refute.
Phillips, continued from Page 3 “When the people fear Conservatives are not against
All men belong to God. This assertion of divine ownership is Returning, then, to my “conservationist” theme, I would their government, there progress; we are for prudence.
the basis upon which we claim our liberty. The natural rights contend that conserving the seed idea of divine ownership is tyranny. When the Ironically, whenever there are
of man—those that Jefferson articulated—emanate from and the principles which grow from it is even more important government fears the suggestions for Americans to
this simple truth: God made man free and independent. As than conserving our natural resources. Indeed, that idea and people, there is liberty.” reconsider their ideas about
free men, we must own our bodies, our ideas, and the fruits those principles are our greatest natural resource. ■ Think of what we have public education or to end
produced by the same. seen. racial preferences, to allow
In 2008, voters across America voted their values. The taxpayers to own their retirement dollars, to rethink the tax
Upon This Rock CENTENNIAL REVIEW is published monthly by the Centennial Institute at Colorado structure or reduce the size of government, it is not the
Christian University. Designer, Danielle Hull. Illustrator, Benjamin Hummel. people saw in Barack Obama a new chance and a new way
No man or government can morally lay claim to that which and a new opportunity. It is the beauty of the American right that argues against change. It is the progressive left.
God has made ours through His grace and mercy. It is upon Subscriptions free upon request. Write to: Centennial Institute, 8787 W. Alameda Republic that their voices were heard. The act of conserving has never meant simply maintaining
this concept that rights are properly defined, upon this rock Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. Call 800.44.FAITH. Or visit us online at www. We need to respect those voices. They wanted change, the status quo; to conserve means to manage, to preserve,
that America was founded. It is this idea that is the bedrock and to nurture. For that reason, I have begun referring to
of conservatism. Colorado Christian University seeks to impact the culture in support of traditional fueled by their values. But the policies we then saw were
family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, a biblical view of human ones most Americans didn’t recognize, like the government myself as a conservationist rather than as a conservative. Like
So Equiano was correct and, as the years passed, the irresistible nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original takeover of health care and GM and Chrysler. It turns out conservationists, conservatives are not content with current
power of that idea “shook up the world,” as Muhammad Ali intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization. conditions. Both are seeking to prevent the depletion of
this administration’s guiding values were not shared by the
once exclaimed. It has given liberty to millions of people, Centennial Institute sponsors research, events, and publications to enhance public majority of the American people. some treasured resource.
lifted more out of poverty and misery, improved the living understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation. By pro- Protect, Restore, Nurture
standards of millions more, defeated the tyranny of Nazism claiming Truth, we aim to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizenship, and Rejected in Record Time
and Soviet communism, and offered hope to millions of renew the spirit of 1776.
So it is also the beauty of the American Republic that Both conservatives and conservationists act to defend
people around the globe. now, in record time, the people have roundly rejected the and protect, to restore and nurture those things essential
Join the Centennial Institute today. As a Centennial donor, you can help us restore
America’s moral core and prepare tomorrow’s leaders. Your gift is tax-deductible. government they thought they wanted. For the last two for society’s survival. Preservation is achieved through
Please use the envelope provided.
years the government has trampled on the values of the education and prudent husbandry.
people who voted for them. Barack Obama’s government “Conservatism is not a political system, but a way of
Western Conservative Summit 2010 • Full Program Now on Video has betrayed the trust of the American voter. This looking at the civil order,” wrote Russell Kirk. Put more
November is the voters’ chance to speak again, and this plainly, conservatism is a worldview; it is an idea. Although
Continued on Page 2 conservative and Republican are often used interchangeably,
Relive the Summit on DVD • Order Today the latter only describes one’s party affiliation, not a way
Michele Bachmann was first elected in 2006 to represent Minnesota's 6th
district in the United States Congress. Previously a tax attorney and a Republican of thinking about the world. Not all Republicans are
"Right Turn, Right Now" was the theme when 850 lovers of liberty from a dozen states rallied with the Centennial
Michele Dennis Prager Institute in Denver, July 9-11. All 15 hours of this historic weekend are now available in a professionally produced six- state senator, at press time she was running hard for another term, having been conservatives; in terms of political philosophy, some are
Bachmann DVD set or as individual disks. targeted by opponents for her outspoken support of liberty. Rep. Bachmann is the not even republicans.
mother of five children and foster mom to 23 more. This essay was adapted from
Full set is $20 post paid. Separate disks for each keynote speaker (pictured) are $5. Separate disk for Arthur Brooks, her keynote at the Western Conservative Summit on July 9, 2010. So if being a conservative is really about the embrace of
Jerry Boykin, Frank Gaffney, Tom Tancredo, Foster Friess, and Mary Katharine Ham is $5. Separate disk for Joseph an idea, what is the idea that we “conservationists” seek
Phillips, John Eastman, Tea Party Panel, Greg Brophy, Kamal Saleem, and Lee Strobel is $5. Joseph C. Phillips is the author of He Talk Like a White Boy, a nationally syndicated to conserve? It's glimpsed in the wonderful film Amazing
columnist, and a fan favorite for his many Hollywood roles, including Lt. Martin
Kendall on The Cosby Show. The Denver native has been a Claremont Institute Grace, which tells the story of William Wilberforce and his
Order online at • Or use envelope provided • Lincoln Fellow and a frequent campus speaker for Young America's Foundation. decades-long struggle to end the slave trade in the British
Dick Morris Michelle Malkin Or write Centennial Institute, 8787 W. Alameda Avenue, Lakewood CO 80226 He gave this speech at the Western Conservative Summit on July 10, 2010. Empire. In one poignant scene, the abolition leader Olaudah
Centennial Review, November 2010 ▪ 4 Continued on Page 3
non-political people who recognize the threat to our shared Phillips, continued from Page 1
values, our inalienable rights of life and liberty, and the right Equiano, a former slave, tears open his shirt to reveal the
to own the fruit of our labors. We need to respect the values brand that was burned into his chest when he reached the Vo ic e s o f C C U
those in this movement are working to secure. It isn’t our West Indies from Africa.
timeless shared values as Americans that have changed. It’s IS THERE A RIGHT
our leaders who have changed. Seed Idea of Conservatism
So why does all this matter? People ask me why it matters It was this mark, says Equiano, that let him know he “no
longer belonged to God, but to men.” This moment in the By Stacey White
that we save America. Why not just let America fall? It
matters because our forefathers were thinking of us during film is striking not just because it affirms the cruelty of Is health care a right or a privilege? Is
slavery; that’s a given. Slavery’s essential evil is in violating a person’s wellness up to others, or is
the winter at Valley Forge, when the blood flowed at it her own responsibility? Conversing
Gettysburg, and during the landing at Omaha Beach. the natural state of man by reducing the divine to the
about this with CCU students at our
profane. Here is dramatically illustrated what I call the seed campus clinic, I am surprised (since we’re
Hard Duty to Perform idea of conservatism: All men belong to God. a fairly conservative campus) to find their
What kept them going was us. As they fought for us, we, Thomas Jefferson codified this idea into the keystone answers about evenly divided.
too, must be worthy of our forefathers and continue to document of our Republic when he penned the 55 most Less surprisingly, most of my nursing
fight so their sacrifice was not in vain, for us today and for important words in modern history: “We hold these truths colleagues are liberal advocates of government-provided
Bachmann, continued from Page 1
our posterity. Listen to this letter from a soldier now known to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they medical services for all. I am professionally in the minority
time with a shout. The government will again fear the people only by his handwritten words from Valley Forge in 1777: in dissenting from this entitlement view and recognizing
and liberty will be refreshed. are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
The army was not only starved, but naked; the greatest part that “free” medical services are really impossible. There
rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of is a price to someone in dollars and to all of us in personal
What the Declaration of Independence means, in referring to was destitute of blankets. I procured a small piece of raw happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
“the pursuit of happiness,” is that people are entitled to the cowhide and made myself a pair of moccasins, which kept independence.
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the
fruit of their labor. It’s that simple. The government doesn’t my feet from the frozen ground. The hard edges so galled my The more control (or the more paternalism) that govern-
ankles, while on a march, that it was with much pain that I consent of the governed.” In short, all men belong to God. ment has in the lives of its citizens, the less liberty will
make any money, but it is trying to become your banker
could wear them afterwards. The only alternative I had was That idea was further exist. As Dennis Prager said at Western Conservative
and your car maker, your doctor and your financial-services
to go barefoot, as hundreds of my companions had to, till Remember stamped upon our national Summit 2010, “The bigger the government, the smaller
broker. The government lives off of your money. When the the citizen.”
government takes money, it makes a promise—to listen, to
they might be tracked by their blood upon the rough frozen
ground. But hunger, nakedness, and sore shins were not the the 55 most identity by Abraham
Rx: Individual Responsibility
Lincoln in 1863. Lincoln
respect, and to honor your hard-earned money. Break that
promise and there are consequences.
only difficulties we had; we had hard duty to perform and little
or no strength to perform it with.
important words. stood upon the freshly Reasoning from my core beliefs, I am convinced that health
dug graves of thousands of American dead and spoke care should be a matter of individual responsibility and
We are seeing that the Tea Party, like our Founders, How, then, did it happen that voluntary exchange. The Declaration of Independence
of a nation “conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
believes governments are instituted among men and Why does it matter the patriots won, and against proposition that all men are created equal.” He ended his only guarantees the right to pursue happiness, not the
overwhelming odds? How did right to happiness—or to free medical services. The pre-
derive their just powers from the consent of the
governed. God gives each of us power. Why? Because
that we save a ragtag, malnourished, and ill-
speech by calling the nation forward to a “new birth of amble of the Constitution only resolves to promote the
freedom”—a freedom based upon the precept that all men
we are each created in His image and likeness. And America? armed band of farmers defeat the
belong to God.
general welfare, not to provide it.
in America we give a part of our power back to the greatest empire on earth? Thomas Government provision will vastly increase the demand
government, by our consent. Jefferson said it was because the Spirit of 1776 was kept One hundred years later, the idea was woven into poetry by for health care, thus decreasing the quality of care and
Martin Luther King Jr. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln restricting access to providers. Government bureaucrats
The Declaration says so, and it adds “that whenever any form alive in the hearts of common soldiers and commissioned Memorial, King delivered one of the greatest speeches in will be making life-and-death decisions that should be up
of government becomes destructive of these ends”—our officers and a few dedicated generals and statesmen, until American history, and his opening words reached back to
to the patient and the health-care professional. For better
inalienable rights—“it is the right of the people to alter or the British recognized the impossibility of subduing such a Lincoln. “Fivescore years ago,” he began.
care we should seek a free market with less government
abolish it.” Do you want to alter Congress? Do you want people and acquiesced in their independence. intervention and more competition.
to alter the presidency? Do you want to alter the Supreme I believe the Spirit of 1776 is alive and well today. We see King then invoked Jefferson with his demand that this The goal at our clinic is to serve each visitor with improved
Court? Do you want to alter federal agencies? I agree, that is this same spirit stirring again in the hearts of the American nation “live up to the true meaning of her creed.” And health, living faith, and quality care. And when we can,
our right as American citizens! people. And I believe our current leadership will soon finally, with a rhetorical flourish that will live forever, he as a bonus, to encourage critical thinking by touching on
spoke of a dream, that one day people would be judged relevant topics—like this one—that impact our students
What This November Means recognize it is impossible to ignore and shun the spirit of as young Americans. ■
the American people any longer. They will again remember not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
“And to institute new government,” the Declaration continues, what Jefferson called liberty. character. There it was again: All men belong to God.
Stacey White, RN, is Director of Health
“laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its That idea was given voice once more by none other than Services at Colorado Christian University, where she Centennial
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to America has been the greatest beacon of freedom and
liberty this world has ever known. We have given more, Ronald Reagan. Standing in Berlin before that shrine to has worked since 2007. She has a bachelor's degree Institute
effect their safety and happiness.” That’s what this November totalitarianism, that monument to the failure of the Marxist
in nursing from Regis University and is continuing Colorado Christian University
election means. sacrificed more, and led better than any nation. It is again there for her master's degree.
time to speak words of blessing, not words of failure, over ideal, Reagan thundered, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this
When you consider the words of this sacred document, it America’s future as we reclaim our Founders’ values as our wall!” Within this decade, the idea was again expressed with
reads like a newspaper account of the rise of the Tea Party own. This is just the beginning in our fight to take back simple eloquence by George W. Bush. It was Bush who
movement of the last two years. The Tea Party is made up America. ■ said, “Liberty is not America’s gift to the world, but God’s
of Republicans, Democrats, independents, libertarians, and gift to mankind.”
Centennial Review, November 2010 ▪ 2 Centennial Review, November 2010 ▪ 3
non-political people who recognize the threat to our shared Phillips, continued from Page 1
values, our inalienable rights of life and liberty, and the right Equiano, a former slave, tears open his shirt to reveal the
to own the fruit of our labors. We need to respect the values brand that was burned into his chest when he reached the Vo ic e s o f C C U
those in this movement are working to secure. It isn’t our West Indies from Africa.
timeless shared values as Americans that have changed. It’s IS THERE A RIGHT
our leaders who have changed. Seed Idea of Conservatism
So why does all this matter? People ask me why it matters It was this mark, says Equiano, that let him know he “no
longer belonged to God, but to men.” This moment in the By Stacey White
that we save America. Why not just let America fall? It
matters because our forefathers were thinking of us during film is striking not just because it affirms the cruelty of Is health care a right or a privilege? Is
slavery; that’s a given. Slavery’s essential evil is in violating a person’s wellness up to others, or is
the winter at Valley Forge, when the blood flowed at it her own responsibility? Conversing
Gettysburg, and during the landing at Omaha Beach. the natural state of man by reducing the divine to the
about this with CCU students at our
profane. Here is dramatically illustrated what I call the seed campus clinic, I am surprised (since we’re
Hard Duty to Perform idea of conservatism: All men belong to God. a fairly conservative campus) to find their
What kept them going was us. As they fought for us, we, Thomas Jefferson codified this idea into the keystone answers about evenly divided.
too, must be worthy of our forefathers and continue to document of our Republic when he penned the 55 most Less surprisingly, most of my nursing
fight so their sacrifice was not in vain, for us today and for important words in modern history: “We hold these truths colleagues are liberal advocates of government-provided
Bachmann, continued from Page 1
our posterity. Listen to this letter from a soldier now known to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they medical services for all. I am professionally in the minority
time with a shout. The government will again fear the people only by his handwritten words from Valley Forge in 1777: in dissenting from this entitlement view and recognizing
and liberty will be refreshed. are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
The army was not only starved, but naked; the greatest part that “free” medical services are really impossible. There
rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of is a price to someone in dollars and to all of us in personal
What the Declaration of Independence means, in referring to was destitute of blankets. I procured a small piece of raw happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are
“the pursuit of happiness,” is that people are entitled to the cowhide and made myself a pair of moccasins, which kept independence.
instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the
fruit of their labor. It’s that simple. The government doesn’t my feet from the frozen ground. The hard edges so galled my The more control (or the more paternalism) that govern-
ankles, while on a march, that it was with much pain that I consent of the governed.” In short, all men belong to God. ment has in the lives of its citizens, the less liberty will
make any money, but it is trying to become your banker
could wear them afterwards. The only alternative I had was That idea was further exist. As Dennis Prager said at Western Conservative
and your car maker, your doctor and your financial-services
to go barefoot, as hundreds of my companions had to, till Remember stamped upon our national Summit 2010, “The bigger the government, the smaller
broker. The government lives off of your money. When the the citizen.”
government takes money, it makes a promise—to listen, to
they might be tracked by their blood upon the rough frozen
ground. But hunger, nakedness, and sore shins were not the the 55 most identity by Abraham
Rx: Individual Responsibility
Lincoln in 1863. Lincoln
respect, and to honor your hard-earned money. Break that
promise and there are consequences.
only difficulties we had; we had hard duty to perform and little
or no strength to perform it with.
important words. stood upon the freshly Reasoning from my core beliefs, I am convinced that health
dug graves of thousands of American dead and spoke care should be a matter of individual responsibility and
We are seeing that the Tea Party, like our Founders, How, then, did it happen that voluntary exchange. The Declaration of Independence
of a nation “conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the
believes governments are instituted among men and Why does it matter the patriots won, and against proposition that all men are created equal.” He ended his only guarantees the right to pursue happiness, not the
overwhelming odds? How did right to happiness—or to free medical services. The pre-
derive their just powers from the consent of the
governed. God gives each of us power. Why? Because
that we save a ragtag, malnourished, and ill-
speech by calling the nation forward to a “new birth of amble of the Constitution only resolves to promote the
freedom”—a freedom based upon the precept that all men
we are each created in His image and likeness. And America? armed band of farmers defeat the
belong to God.
general welfare, not to provide it.
in America we give a part of our power back to the greatest empire on earth? Thomas Government provision will vastly increase the demand
government, by our consent. Jefferson said it was because the Spirit of 1776 was kept One hundred years later, the idea was woven into poetry by for health care, thus decreasing the quality of care and
Martin Luther King Jr. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln restricting access to providers. Government bureaucrats
The Declaration says so, and it adds “that whenever any form alive in the hearts of common soldiers and commissioned Memorial, King delivered one of the greatest speeches in will be making life-and-death decisions that should be up
of government becomes destructive of these ends”—our officers and a few dedicated generals and statesmen, until American history, and his opening words reached back to
to the patient and the health-care professional. For better
inalienable rights—“it is the right of the people to alter or the British recognized the impossibility of subduing such a Lincoln. “Fivescore years ago,” he began.
care we should seek a free market with less government
abolish it.” Do you want to alter Congress? Do you want people and acquiesced in their independence. intervention and more competition.
to alter the presidency? Do you want to alter the Supreme I believe the Spirit of 1776 is alive and well today. We see King then invoked Jefferson with his demand that this The goal at our clinic is to serve each visitor with improved
Court? Do you want to alter federal agencies? I agree, that is this same spirit stirring again in the hearts of the American nation “live up to the true meaning of her creed.” And health, living faith, and quality care. And when we can,
our right as American citizens! people. And I believe our current leadership will soon finally, with a rhetorical flourish that will live forever, he as a bonus, to encourage critical thinking by touching on
spoke of a dream, that one day people would be judged relevant topics—like this one—that impact our students
What This November Means recognize it is impossible to ignore and shun the spirit of as young Americans. ■
the American people any longer. They will again remember not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
“And to institute new government,” the Declaration continues, what Jefferson called liberty. character. There it was again: All men belong to God.
Stacey White, RN, is Director of Health
“laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its That idea was given voice once more by none other than Services at Colorado Christian University, where she Centennial
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to America has been the greatest beacon of freedom and
liberty this world has ever known. We have given more, Ronald Reagan. Standing in Berlin before that shrine to has worked since 2007. She has a bachelor's degree Institute
effect their safety and happiness.” That’s what this November totalitarianism, that monument to the failure of the Marxist
in nursing from Regis University and is continuing Colorado Christian University
election means. sacrificed more, and led better than any nation. It is again there for her master's degree.
time to speak words of blessing, not words of failure, over ideal, Reagan thundered, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this
When you consider the words of this sacred document, it America’s future as we reclaim our Founders’ values as our wall!” Within this decade, the idea was again expressed with
reads like a newspaper account of the rise of the Tea Party own. This is just the beginning in our fight to take back simple eloquence by George W. Bush. It was Bush who
movement of the last two years. The Tea Party is made up America. ■ said, “Liberty is not America’s gift to the world, but God’s
of Republicans, Democrats, independents, libertarians, and gift to mankind.”
Centennial Review, November 2010 ▪ 2 Centennial Review, November 2010 ▪ 3
Centennial Review Centennial Institute
Centennial Review
A R bleh rvat
Pa to H r Is at th
Do ons
ge ea sue e
u e
3: lth : Sum
What They Said 8787 W. Alameda Ave.
at the Summit Lakewood, CO 80226
In order to conserve what is
Return Service Requested Principled Ideas from the Centennial Institute Publisher, William L. Armstrong
most precious, sometimes we
have to restore, reform, or even Volume 2, Number 9 • November 2010 Editor, John Andrews
revolutionize what’s not working.
That’s the message out of
Washington and Hollywood from
heartland conservatives Michele By Michele Bachmann By Joseph C. Phillips
Bachmann and Joseph C. Phillips
in this issue. Recent political trends Do conservatives oppose
Summiteers feasted on ideas.
recall the words of change, as the left often asserts?
Thomas Jefferson: That fallacy is easy to refute.
Phillips, continued from Page 3 “When the people fear Conservatives are not against
All men belong to God. This assertion of divine ownership is Returning, then, to my “conservationist” theme, I would their government, there progress; we are for prudence.
the basis upon which we claim our liberty. The natural rights contend that conserving the seed idea of divine ownership is tyranny. When the Ironically, whenever there are
of man—those that Jefferson articulated—emanate from and the principles which grow from it is even more important government fears the suggestions for Americans to
this simple truth: God made man free and independent. As than conserving our natural resources. Indeed, that idea and people, there is liberty.” reconsider their ideas about
free men, we must own our bodies, our ideas, and the fruits those principles are our greatest natural resource. ■ Think of what we have public education or to end
produced by the same. seen. racial preferences, to allow
In 2008, voters across America voted their values. The taxpayers to own their retirement dollars, to rethink the tax
Upon This Rock CENTENNIAL REVIEW is published monthly by the Centennial Institute at Colorado structure or reduce the size of government, it is not the
Christian University. Designer, Danielle Hull. Illustrator, Benjamin Hummel. people saw in Barack Obama a new chance and a new way
No man or government can morally lay claim to that which and a new opportunity. It is the beauty of the American right that argues against change. It is the progressive left.
God has made ours through His grace and mercy. It is upon Subscriptions free upon request. Write to: Centennial Institute, 8787 W. Alameda Republic that their voices were heard. The act of conserving has never meant simply maintaining
this concept that rights are properly defined, upon this rock Ave., Lakewood, CO 80226. Call 800.44.FAITH. Or visit us online at www. We need to respect those voices. They wanted change, the status quo; to conserve means to manage, to preserve,
that America was founded. It is this idea that is the bedrock and to nurture. For that reason, I have begun referring to
of conservatism. Colorado Christian University seeks to impact the culture in support of traditional fueled by their values. But the policies we then saw were
family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, a biblical view of human ones most Americans didn’t recognize, like the government myself as a conservationist rather than as a conservative. Like
So Equiano was correct and, as the years passed, the irresistible nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original takeover of health care and GM and Chrysler. It turns out conservationists, conservatives are not content with current
power of that idea “shook up the world,” as Muhammad Ali intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization. conditions. Both are seeking to prevent the depletion of
this administration’s guiding values were not shared by the
once exclaimed. It has given liberty to millions of people, Centennial Institute sponsors research, events, and publications to enhance public majority of the American people. some treasured resource.
lifted more out of poverty and misery, improved the living understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation. By pro- Protect, Restore, Nurture
standards of millions more, defeated the tyranny of Nazism claiming Truth, we aim to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizenship, and Rejected in Record Time
and Soviet communism, and offered hope to millions of renew the spirit of 1776.
So it is also the beauty of the American Republic that Both conservatives and conservationists act to defend
people around the globe. now, in record time, the people have roundly rejected the and protect, to restore and nurture those things essential
Join the Centennial Institute today. As a Centennial donor, you can help us restore
America’s moral core and prepare tomorrow’s leaders. Your gift is tax-deductible. government they thought they wanted. For the last two for society’s survival. Preservation is achieved through
Please use the envelope provided.
years the government has trampled on the values of the education and prudent husbandry.
people who voted for them. Barack Obama’s government “Conservatism is not a political system, but a way of
Western Conservative Summit 2010 • Full Program Now on Video has betrayed the trust of the American voter. This looking at the civil order,” wrote Russell Kirk. Put more
November is the voters’ chance to speak again, and this plainly, conservatism is a worldview; it is an idea. Although
Continued on Page 2 conservative and Republican are often used interchangeably,
Relive the Summit on DVD • Order Today the latter only describes one’s party affiliation, not a way
Michele Bachmann was first elected in 2006 to represent Minnesota's 6th
district in the United States Congress. Previously a tax attorney and a Republican of thinking about the world. Not all Republicans are
"Right Turn, Right Now" was the theme when 850 lovers of liberty from a dozen states rallied with the Centennial
Michele Dennis Prager Institute in Denver, July 9-11. All 15 hours of this historic weekend are now available in a professionally produced six- state senator, at press time she was running hard for another term, having been conservatives; in terms of political philosophy, some are
Bachmann DVD set or as individual disks. targeted by opponents for her outspoken support of liberty. Rep. Bachmann is the not even republicans.
mother of five children and foster mom to 23 more. This essay was adapted from
Full set is $20 post paid. Separate disks for each keynote speaker (pictured) are $5. Separate disk for Arthur Brooks, her keynote at the Western Conservative Summit on July 9, 2010. So if being a conservative is really about the embrace of
Jerry Boykin, Frank Gaffney, Tom Tancredo, Foster Friess, and Mary Katharine Ham is $5. Separate disk for Joseph an idea, what is the idea that we “conservationists” seek
Phillips, John Eastman, Tea Party Panel, Greg Brophy, Kamal Saleem, and Lee Strobel is $5. Joseph C. Phillips is the author of He Talk Like a White Boy, a nationally syndicated to conserve? It's glimpsed in the wonderful film Amazing
columnist, and a fan favorite for his many Hollywood roles, including Lt. Martin
Kendall on The Cosby Show. The Denver native has been a Claremont Institute Grace, which tells the story of William Wilberforce and his
Order online at • Or use envelope provided • Lincoln Fellow and a frequent campus speaker for Young America's Foundation. decades-long struggle to end the slave trade in the British
Dick Morris Michelle Malkin Or write Centennial Institute, 8787 W. Alameda Avenue, Lakewood CO 80226 He gave this speech at the Western Conservative Summit on July 10, 2010. Empire. In one poignant scene, the abolition leader Olaudah
Centennial Review, November 2010 ▪ 4 Continued on Page 3