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Open Journal of Urology, 2018, 8, 49-58
ISSN Online: 2160-5629
ISSN Print: 2160-5440

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Obese

Patients, Is There Any Challenge?

Aso Omer Rashid1,2, Mahmmod Mohammed Yahya1,2

Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani, Iraq


Department of Urology, Sulaimani Teaching Hospital, Sulaimani, Iraq


How to cite this paper: Rashid, A.O. and Abstract

Yahya, M.M. (2018) Percutaneous Nephro-
lithotomy in Obese Patients, Is There Any Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL) is a safe and effective procedure in the
Challenge? Open Journal of Urology, 8, treatment of large renal stones in obese and non-obese patients with low rate
of morbidity and high success rate in different groups of body mass index
(BMI), some surgeons believe that morbid obesity increases the risk of com-
Received: October 13, 2017 plications of PNL, but different recent studies showed there were no signifi-
Accepted: February 25, 2018 cant differences. Objective: To analyze the outcomes of PNL in patients with
Published: February 28, 2018
different BMI and to assess the effects of obesity in the result of PNL in terms
Copyright © 2018 by author and of efficacy & safety regarding total operative time, blood transfusion, organ
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. injury, stone clearance, hospital stay, and the need of auxiliary procedures.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Patients and methods: This is a prospective study on patients with different
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY 4.0). body mass indexes need PNL. Age above 18 years with no co-morbidity had been included in this study from Jan 2015-Oct 2016 in governmental & two
Open Access private hospitals in Sulaimania, after application of exclusion and inclusion
criteria. All patients had a questioner’s paper to agree on participation in this
study. Patients were classified into 3 groups according to the World Health
Organization (WHO) classification of body mass index (BMI). Standard PNL
with ideal instruments had been used. Intra operative and post-operative
findings recorded in Excel data sheet. The patients were followed for one
month. The outcomes in these 3 groups were compared. Results & analysis
of the data: A total 117 patients had PNL. There was no any statistically
significant difference between different BMI groups intra operatively &
post operatively in this study with (P value < 0.05) regarding stone clear-
ance, operative time, hospital stay, organ injury, Hemoglobin drop,
post-operative renal impairment, and post-operative fever. Conclusion:
PNL operation is a relatively safe & efficacious treatment for patients having ren-
al stone with different BMI range from normal to obese patients without signifi-
cant challenge.

DOI: 10.4236/oju.2018.82006 Feb. 28, 2018 49 Open Journal of Urology

A. O. Rashid, M. M. Yahya

PNL, Obese, Stone

1. Introduction
Obesity has become a worldwide epidemic, and its prevalence has been projected
to grow by 40% in the next decade. In 2014, over 600 million adults worldwide,
18 years and older, were obese [1]. It has rapidly increased in recent years both
in developed and developing countries. The prevalence of overweight and obesi-
ty ranged from 25% to 81.9% between 1990 and 2011 among adults in the East-
ern Mediterranean Region. Among Iranian children and adolescents, the preva-
lence of obesity ranged from 1% to 16.1% between 1990 and 2013 [2]. Because of
increased prevalence of sedentary life, decrease in physical activity, obesity has
become an important health problem worldwide [3]. Obese patients have a
higher incidence of comorbidity [4], this situation has major implications for
mortality rates and health care costs [5]. On examination of more than 4500 pa-
tients with a history of kidney stones showed that urinary pH was inversely re-
lated to body weight [6]. Larger body size may also result in increased urinary
excretion of uric acid and oxalate, risk factors for calcium oxalate kidney stones
[7], presumably due to increased endogenous oxalate production. Men, who on
average have a larger body size than women, have a life time risk of stone forma-
tion three times that of women [8]. According to both EAU & AUA, the PNL is
the first line treatment for renal calculi ≥ 2 cm [9].
In the morbidly obese, symptomatic renal stones may therefore need to be
managed with other treatment methods. For renal pelvicalyceal stones, the choices
are between flexible ureteroscopy, percutaneous surgery and open surgery [10].

2. Patients and Methods

After obtaining the Iraqi board approval, we evaluate prospectively the PNL op-
erations performed in our centers in Sulaimania governmental hospital & two
private centers between Jan 2015-Oct 2016. After application of exclusion and
inclusion criteria to all patients. Patients younger than 18 years of age, renal
congenital anomalies, moderate or severe hydronephrosis, sepsis and any asso-
ciated co morbidity were excluded from the study. A series of pre-operative and
post-operative details were recorded in our data base. The 117 patients (72 male
& 45 female) were distributed in to three groups using the WHO classification of
body mass index. Modified clavien classification was used for reporting the
complication, the outcomes of PNL in these 3 groups were compared using col-
lected Excel sheet.
Preoperatively, all patients were informed about treatment alternatives, and
they undersigned informed consent forms. History, physical and investigations
were done. Preoperatively the patients were assessed for stone size, number, lo-

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A. O. Rashid, M. M. Yahya

cation, anatomy of urinary system, determination of skin to stone distance using

computed tomography (CT). Stone surface area was measured by multiplying
the longest diameter of the stone by its intersecting vertical diameter as ex-
plained in EAU (European Association of Urology) guidelines. After administra-
tion of general or spinal anesthesia. An antibiotic given before induction (3rd
generation cephalosporin) IV slowly, PNL carried out in prone position. Serial
Amplantz facial dilator (Amplatz Renal Dilator Set, Cook Medical, IN, USA)
used to create access tract for all patients. Following entrance into pelvicalyceal
system with a 26 F rigid nephroscopy. Long access sheath was used when needed
and fixed to the skin edges by nylon sutures. Pneumatic lithotripsy used in stone
fragmentation with or without laser (Holmium YAG). A flexible nephroscopy
used to visualize the calyxes and fluoroscopy for stone clearance. All patients had
JJ stent 4.8 Fr. & (16 - 24) Fr latex nephrostomy tube. On the first postoperative
day, all patients had X-Ray to evaluate their stone-free. Post operatively patients
monitored for possible complication & clavien system used to determine the de-
gree of complication, Patients with no complications discharged the day after
operation after nephrostomy & Foleys catheter removal. Blood was transfused
for those who have bleeding. In case of supra-costal puncture, a chest, X-ray was
done to exclude pneumothorax. Patients with complications were kept in hospital
for follow up till they became well then discharged. All patients rechecked after 4
weeks for stone clearance, hematuria, UTI, JJ stent and any other complications.
After data collection, the questions of study were coded. Data entry performed
via using an excel spreadsheet then the statistical analysis was performed by
SPSS program, version 21 (IBM SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
The data presented in tabular forms showing the frequency and relative fre-
quency distribution of different variables. Chi-square tests were used to compare
the categorical data between these three groups of patients in respect to different
variables as age groups, gender, presence of hydronephrosis, type of anesthesia,
operation time, operation outcomes and follow up of each group post operative-
ly, and the outcome variables. Independent t test was used to compare the quan-
titative variables among different patient characteristics, paired t test was used to
compare pre-and post-operation renal function test among each groups of pa-
tients separately. Different types of Bar charts and Pie charts were used to de-
scribe some variables of the study diagrammatically. P values of 0.05 were used
as a cut off point for significance of statistical tests.

3. Results
One hundred seventeen patients with different age & BMI group were identified,
as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. For patients, demographic data see Table 1.
Forty (34.2%) patients with mild hydronephrosis, 77 patients (65.8%) with-
out hydronephrosis. 74 patients operated on under GA (63.2%) & 43 patients
had SA (36.8%). 104 patients had single puncture (88.9%), 12 patients had 2
punctures (10.3%) & 1 patients had 3 punctures (0.9%). See Table 2.
Stone clearance intra operatively 99.1%, prolonged bleeding occurred in 5

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A. O. Rashid, M. M. Yahya

Figure 1. Show BMI distributions.




10 Overweight

18 - 25 Years 26 - 40 Years 41- 59 Years ≥ 60 Years

Figure 2. Age distribution in relation to BMI.

Table 1. Demographic distribution of data.

Variable No. of patients Percentage

18 - 25 Years 12 10.3%

26 - 40 Years 37 31.6%
41 - 59 Years 50 42.7%

≥60 Years 18 15.4%

Male 72 61.5%
Female 45 38.5%

Normal (19 - 24.9) 42 35.9%

BMI (Kg/m )2
Overweight (25 - 29.9) 34 29.1%

Obese (30 - 34.9) 41 35.0%

Table 2. Frequency & percentage of hydronephrosis, type of anesthesia, number of tracts.

Variable Frequency Percentage

Yes 40 34.2%
No 77 65.8%

GA 74 63.2%
Spinal 43 36.8%

1 104 88.9%

Number of tracts 2 12 10.3%

3 1 0.9%

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(4.3%) of patients, 11 (9.4%) patients had blood transfusion in. 3 (2.6%) patients
had pleural injury & colonic injury occurred in 1 (0.9%) patient. 19 (16.2%) pa-
tients had post-operative fever. See Table 3.
We distributed patient’s variables (age, gender, presence of hydronephrosis, type
of anesthesia, presence of blood transfusion, presence of fever, number of tracts) ac-
cording to BMI groups (normal weight, overweight, obese) patients. See Table 4.

Table 3. The frequency & percentage of intra operative data.

Variable Frequency Percentage

Intraoperative Yes 116 99.1%

stone clearance No 1 0.9%
Yes 5 4.3%
Prolonged bleeding
No 112 95.7%
Yes 11 9.4%
Blood Transfusion
No 106 90.6%
None 113 96.6%
Organ injury Pleura 3 2.6%
Colon 1 0.9%
Yes 19 16.2%
No 98 83.8%

Stone clearance Yes 110 94.0%

(after one month) No 7 6.0%

Table 4. Distribution of variables according to BMI group & its P values.

BMI (Kg/m2)
Variable Normal Overweight Obese P value
(19 - 24.9) (25 - 29.9) (30 - 34.9)
18 - 25 Years 7 4 1 0.08
26 - 40 Years 15 13 9
41 - 59 Years 17 11 22
≥60 Years 3 6 9
Male 25 20 27 0.78
Female 17 14 14
Yes 17 12 11 0.42
No 25 22 30
GA 21 25 28 0.08
Spinal 21 9 13
Yes 4 5 2 0.35
Blood Transfusion
No 38 29 39
Yes 7 9 3 0.08
No 35 25 38
1 40 27 37 0.11
Number of tracts 2 2 7 3
3 0 0 1

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The organ injury, prolonged bleeding, hospital stay & stone clearance after
one month distributed according to BMI groups, there is no statistical difference
in hospital stay, prolonged bleeding & stone clearance for different BMI groups.
See Table 5 and Figure 3.
The mean stone size and mean Hb drop were statistically not significant, see
Table 6.

Table 5. Distribution of complications and outcomes according to BMI group & its P

BMI (Kg/m2)
Variable Normal Overweight Obese Total P value
(19 - 24.9) (25 - 29.9) (30 - 34.9)

Stone clearance after one Yes 40 31 39 110 0.71

month No 2 3 2 7

Yes 2 1 2 5 0.90
prolonged bleeding
No 40 33 39 112

None 39 33 41 113 0.44

Organ injury Pleura 2 1 0 3

Colon 1 0 0 1

Table 6. Distribution of means of stone size & Hb drop according to BMI groups.

BMI (Kg/m2)
Variable Normal Overweight Obese P value
(19 - 24.9) (25 - 29.9) (30 - 34.9)

Stone size (cm 2) 28.43 ± 5.83 31.79 ± 6.50 30.66 ± 6.89 0.07

Hb drop (gm/dl) 0.84 ± 0.25 0.91 ± 0.23 0.90 ± 0.24 0.40

Stone clearance after one month

Normal Overweight Obese
Figure 3. Show stone clearance after one month according to their BMI.

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The following Table 7 show no statistical difference for mean blood urea &
mean serum creatinine in different BMI groups pre-operatively & post opera-
There was no statistically significant difference between mean duration of op-
eration & mean hospital stay in different BMI groups. See Table 8 and Figure 4.

Table 7. Preoperative & postoperative mean blood urea & mean serum creatinine of pa-
tients according BMI groups.

Pre-and Post Op renal function {Mean ± SD}

P Value
BMI (Kg/m2) Pre-operative Post-operative

29.86 ± 5.96 29.86 ± 6.17 0.5
(19 - 24.9)
Blood Urea 31.1 ± 9.2 29.4 ± 5.8 0.09
(25 - 29.9)
32.9 ± 5.5 32.8 ± 5.5 0.46
(30 - 34.9)
0.94 ± 0.16 0.96 ± 0.15 0.24
(19 - 24.9)
Serum creatinine 0.90 ± 0.16 0.94 ± 0.16 0.15
(25 - 29.9)
0.94 ± 0.15 0.96 ± 0.16 0.26
(30 - 34.9)

Table 8. Mean operative time & hospital stay according BMI groups.

BMI (Kg/m2)
Normal Overweight Obese
Variable P value
(19 - 24.9) (25 - 29.9) (30 - 34.9)
{Mean ± SD}

Duration of Operation (Minutes) 48.1 ± 7.4 51.6 ± 9.2 51.7 ± 10.0 0.12

Hospital Stay (Days) 1.24 ± 0.48 1.29 ± 0.46 1.15 ± 0.42 0.37

Hospital stay versus Obesity

One day Two days Three days
Figure 4. Show hospital stay in different BMI groups.

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4. Discussion
Percutaneous nephrolitholapaxy (PNL) has been an essential technique for 35
years for kidney stone removal, avoiding complications of open surgery [11].
To determine the effect of BMI alone on the surgery in patients free from
co-morbidity. Our patients were stratified into 3 different groups according to
their BMI and we found the most affected age groups of obese patients were age
group (41 - 59) years 42.7%. With a male/female ratio 1.59:1. The males 61.5%
more affected than females 38.5%. In our study the average stone size with P
value 0.42 and the types of anesthesia administration with P value 0.08 were sta-
tistically not significant.
In 117 patients; 104 (88.9%) patients had single tract, 12 (10.3%) patients had
2 punctures due to either big stone size or difficult negotiation of calyx ,1 (0.9%)
patient need 3, no any statistically significant difference found between different
BMI groups of patients in number of tracts needed to complete the PNL (P value
= 0.11). The complex stone rather than obesity which affect the number of tracts
needed, Aron et al. presented data to support multitract PNL for large staghorn
calculi he concluded that PNL monotherapy using multiple tracts is safe and ef-
fective, and should be the first option for massive renal staghorn calculi [12].
Our study shows mean operative time indifference BMI was statistically not
significant (P value = 0.12).
Labate et al. found longer operative time of PNL in obese patients [13]. Pearle
et al. showed that in 57 patients with a BMI of >30 kg/m2 the operative time was
slightly longer but outcomes in terms of stone-free and complication rates were
not different compared to 179 patients with a BMI of <30 kg/m2 [14].
One of the most important complication in PNL is blood loss, in our study
(9.4%) 11 patients had blood transfusion: 4, 5 and 2 for normal weight, over-
weight, and obese patients respectively which was statistically not significant (P
value = 0.35). Prolonged bleeding post operatively occurred in 5 patients; 2, 1
and 2 patients in normal weight, over weight and obese patients respectively
which is statistically not significant (P value = 0.90). The Hb drop between dif-
ferent BMI groups which was statistically not significant (P value = 0.4).
Ortiz et al. prospectively evaluated 255 patients had PNL; they found no dif-
ference in Hb drop, blood transfusion rate in different BMI groups [15].
Colonic injury occurred in 1 patient 0.9% and pleural injury occurred in 3 pa-
tients 2.6%. Which was statistically not significant (P value = 0.44). Taylor et al.
found injury to colon range 0.2% to 1% and pleural injury 0.3% to 1% in patients
had PNL [16].
Post-operative renal function was compared to pre-operative renal function
for different BMI groups, which was statistically not significant that clarified
safety of PNL in different BMI groups. Taylor et al. found 1% transient increase
in serum creatinine post PNL which is not clinically significant [16].
Post-operative fever (clavien II) occurred in 19 (16.2%) patients. There was no
statistically significant difference between BMI groups (P value = 0.08). Ortiz et

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al., Shahab et al. found no effect of BMI on post-operative fever [17] [18]. Aso
Omer et al. describe fever after PNL in 28.3% in which 7 patients were obese and
5% had sepsis, the BMI was not a significant factor [19].
Mean hospital stay for patients were 1.24 ± 0.48, 1.29 ± 0.46, 1.15 ± 0.42 days
for normal weight, overweight and obese patients group with (P = 0.37) which is
statistically not significant. That mean obesity doesn’t prolong hospital stay in
PNL surgery, Taylor et al. found longer hospital stay in obese patients although
Shohab et al. found no effect of BMI on hospital stay while Trudeu et al. found
prolong hospital stay [16] [18] [20].
After one month, all patients were seen for stone clearance, stone free rate was
94%, residual stone rate 6%. Shohab et al. analyzed 129 patients with three BMI
group underwent PNL retrospectively and found no effect of BMI on stone
clearance although Ortiz et al., Taylor et al. found low stone clearance rate in
obese patients [15] [16] [18].
Multiple regression analysis revealed that increasing BMI do influence the
operative risk of bleeding, transfusion, leak, intensive care unit admission, sepsis
and inversely influence the stone-free rate. They conclude that Obese patients
have higher operative complication risk and low stone-free rate on PCNL [21].

5. Conclusion
PNL operation is a safe & efficacious treatment for patients without co-morbidities
having renal stone with different BMI range from normal to obese patients re-
garding operative time, bleeding, post-operative fever, organ injury, stone clear-
ance & hospital stay.

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