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#225 Etz Hachayim Parasha Sheet

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‫עץ החיים‬
-English Weekly-

Issue # 225

Midos & Mofsim tell me about the Rosh Yeshiva, and this is what he told over.
THE GEDOLEI YISROEL, THE LEADERS OF THE "We went to a Chasunah in northern New York and the Rosh
JEWISH People, who spend their entire lives soaking in the Yeshiva was the Mesader Kedushin. After the Chuppah the
words of Abaya V' Rava night and day, receive special ‫סייעתא‬ Rosh Yesiva headed to the car and went inside. There was a
‫ דשמיא‬from Hashem. They have the couple who was married for five
ability to see things that no one else years and had not yet been blessed
can, to the extent that the people in with children and I brought them to
their surroundings become stunned the Rosh Yeshiva to receive a
by the amazing events which Bracha. When the couple came to
transpire in their presence. One must the car I opened the window and
know that when a person learns told the Rosh Yeshiva that they
Torah he gets everything and will wanted a Bracha for children. The
see everything – as the Mishna Rosh Yeshiva said, "Ahh, they don't
writes ‫הפוך בה והפוך בה דכולה בה‬. need a bracha." I'm telling you, I
The greatness of our Gedolim is not was so embarrassed I wanted to
their Mofsim, but rather their toil in bury my face in shame. I told the
Torah and their Midos Tovos. They Rosh Yeshiva again, "They're
say that what excited a good, Kalta, married for five years and they want
Litvack, was a good Shtickel Torah a Bracha!" But again the Rosh
from a Rashba, or a good Rav Chaim Yeshiva told me the same thing.
or Rav Boruch Ber. It was nit Two days later I received a call that
necceraly stories of Mofsom. the couple had not yet known that
However, there is a positive side to they had Baruch Hashem already
hearing stories of mofsim. 1 – It can been expecting their first child…
strengthen one's Emunas The son-in-law of Rav Yehudah
Chachamim. 2 – It shows us what Aryeh Dunner ‫ שליט"א‬of ‫ בני ברק‬told
the koach Hatorah can do to a me the following story which took
person. place within the last couple months.
This week I want to share some I confirmed the story with Rav
stories of Mofsim: Dunner ‫שליט"א‬.
CHAIM VOLOSHIN once snuck HOME of Maran Harav Chaim
away from the Yeshiva to spend a Kanievsky ‫שליט"א‬, and introduced himself as "Nimrod", a
Shabbos by a Chasidisshe' Rebbe because they wanted to see common secular Israeli name. Harav Chaim Kanievsky told
Mofsim. On their way back they stayed at an Inn and lo and the young man that "Nimrod" was not an appropriate name.
behold their Rebbe, Rav Chaim M' Volosion happened to walk The young man asked what he should change his name to, and
in and "Busted them" red handed. Their Rebbe told them, Harav Chaim answered him, "Shaltiel." People thought it was
"You went to the Rebbe because you think by the Litvaks we interesting, since Harav Chaim doesn't usually tell people to
don't have Mofsim. So, if you want I will make a Mofes so you take uncommon names. When the young man came home he
will see that by us we also can do Mofsim. He told one of the told his mother what transpired and how HaRav Chaim told
young men, "Your wife just burnt the dish she was cooking…" him to change his name. "To what name?" she asked.
When the Yungerman came home, he asked his wife if at that "Shaltiel", he replied. His mother was stunned! She told him,
time she had burned a dish and she confirmed that indeed it "I will tell you something that you never knew. At your Bris,
was true… we called you "Shaltiel", only later did we change your name
IT'S KNOWN THAT AT THE END OF THE ROSH and began calling you "Nimrod"."
YESHIVA'S life, Ruach Hakodesh was a normal occurrence. Hashem commanded the Jewish People to take pure olive oil
Close to seven years ago I was visiting the kever of Maran and use it for the lights of the Menorah. The Menorah is a hint
HaRav Chaim Pinchos Shienberg ‫ זצוק''ל‬on ‫הר הזיתים‬. As we to Torah, as the posuk says,
were leaving I asked Rav Shia Chaitovsky ‫שליט''א‬, the "father"
the boys in Yeshivas Torah Ohr, if he had a story that he could "‫"כי נר מצוה ותורה אור‬
The Kesav Sofer says: "It's not enough for a person to just have The ‫ כתב סופר‬concludes, this is what was bothering ‫משה‬.
‫לימוד התורה‬, he also needs to be ‫מקובל בעיני הבריות‬, and his ‫דיבור‬ Moshe Rabbeinu wondered, "How ‫ ע"י‬learning Torah alone
must be ‫ בנחת‬with the people around him. One may reason that will that "magic" happen and suddenly the person will become
in order to become ‫ מעורב עם הבריות‬one must study all of the so striking in the eyes of people?" Hashem told Moshe,
other ‫ חכמות‬in the world to beautify his personality in the eyes "Throw it into the fire and it will happen." Hashem was telling
of the people." The ‫ כתב סופר‬says that this is ‫שקר‬. If a person Moshe "I will create the beauty and ‫ חן‬within a person who
will just focus on and learn from the Torah his entire life he learns Torah, it will happen ‫מאיליו‬. ‫עכ''ל‬
will see for himself that ‫ – הפוך בה והפוך בה דכולה בה‬all the ‫חכמות‬
can be found in the Torah itself. THIS PAST SUMMER A WELL-KNOWN LAKEWOOD
All this is hinted to in the building of the ‫מנורה‬. photographer came to visit Maran Harav Chaim
Kanievsky ‫ שליט''א‬with his Bar Mitzvah boy. When they
1) The structure of the ‫מנורה‬, and the (pure oil), and the
came into the room Rav Chaim told the father, "I have
magnificent lights that shone from them - are ‫ מרמז‬to the Torah
and the (purity) that illuminates the entire world through been waiting for you for the last 25 years!" Why? When
people who learn Torah. this photographer was a bochur in Eretz Yisroel 25 years
2) The flowers and the other designs on the menorah are what earlier, he once tried to take a photo of Rav Chaim and
beautify the menorah. They are compared to the ''‫''מידות טובות‬ Rav Chaim gave a motion with his hand as if saying,
and the ‫ חן‬that beautify a person through learning Torah. "Don't take photos ". Rav Chaim said, "I was afraid I was
3) Lastly, and most importantly, these beautifications and pogeah in your Kavod so I have been waiting to ask you
‫ דברי חן‬are not added on beautifications, but rather they are ‫מחילה‬." Not only that, but Rav Chaim let him photograph
part and parcel of the actual menorah. How? Just as the Rav Chaim in a special pose to be mifayes him…
menorah must be made out of one piece of gold, so too –
"What will beautify a person who learns Torah? What will Have a great Shabbos
give him ‫ חן‬in the eyes of people?" It will not by learning other
‫חכמות‬, rather it will happen through the ‫ תורה‬itself – one piece.

The Halachos of Reading on Shabbos

Mundane Documents 10. The concerns are; 1 – Is it a Shtar Hedyot Mamesh?

1. It is ‫ אסור‬to read any ‫ שטרי הדיותות‬on Shabbos. (See examples in Halacha #2). 2 – Is it something I am
2. This includes, a contract, a bill – such as a water or accustomed to erase or cross out? 3 – Is it similar to Shtorei
electric bill, as well as any advertisements, business cards, Hedyotos in the eyes of Chazal that if I read this paper
blue prints, bank statements, receipts, and the like. they were afraid; I may come to read an actual Shtar
]‫[שו"ע סימן ש"ז סע' יג‬ Hedyot?
Why? Birthday Cake
3. There is a machlokes Rishonim why it is ‫ אסור‬to read 11. To read the words on a birthday cake is permitted since
‫ שטרי הדיוטות‬on ‫שבת‬. 1- ]‫ עובדא דחול [רא"ש‬2 – One may come it is not similar to a Shtar hedyot and it is not oimed
to erase ]‫[רמב"ם‬. limchok. ]‫[מו''ר הגר''י ברקוביץ שליט''א‬
Being Miayen Ingredients
4. The Halcha is that even to be ‫ מעין‬in such documents with 12. One who is on a diet is for sure permitted to read the
kavana to see them, without even reading them, is ingredients and the calories that are written on a package
forbidden. ]‫[שו"ע שם‬ since this is considered a ‫צורך הגוף‬. (Some Poskim say by a
5. The reason is because we are afraid that once one is being ‫ צורך הגוף‬the heter is only to read it with one's eyes and not ‫)בפה‬
‫מעין‬, it is possible that he will start to get involved in the ]‫[ע' בטור סימן ש''ז סע' יד שכתב היתר זו‬
‫ ענין‬of the document on Shabbos. ]‫[מ"ב שם ס"ק נג‬ 13. Even someone who is not on a diet can read a list of
Lists on Shabbos ingredients or calories out of curiosity, since he may see
6. Any type of list where one is accustomed to erase something that will make him decide to refrain from eating
something or even cross out something during the week, it. ]‫[מו''ר הגר''י ברקוביץ שליט''א‬
one is forbidden to read on Shabbos. See halacha 15. (If one knows ‫ בוודאי‬that it will not make any difference or
]‫[ע' בשו''ע שם ובמ"ב ס"ק מז וכן אמר לי מו''ר הגר''י ברקוביץ‬ if one read it already and knows what it says, it may be
Why? problematic, since he has no ‫ צורך הגוף‬anymore which
7. There are 2 reasons why one is forbidden to read these causes the ‫ גזירה‬of ‫ אטו שטרי הדיוטות‬to kick in.)
lists 1 – ‫ – שמע ימחק‬one may come to erase or cross out Hand written or not
2 – ‫ חז"ל‬were afraid that if one would read such a list on 14. It makes no difference if the list is printed from a
‫ שבת‬they may come to read an actual ‫( שטר הדיוט‬see list of computer or hand written - if it's a type of list that one is
examples of ‫ שטרי הדיוטות‬above, Halacha #2) )‫(שם‬ accustomed to cross out, it's ‫ אסור‬to read it because one
8. Halacha L'maasah, we are machmir for both reasons. may come to cross out.
)‫(מו"ר הגר"י ברקוביץ שליט"א וע' במשנ''ב שסבר כן‬ ]‫[מו"ר הגר"י ברקוביץ שליט"א‬
Be Aware No Reshus
9. Therefore, before reading anything on Shabbos one 15. If one gives the list to someone else who has no ‫רשות‬
should make sure there are no halachic concerns regarding to cross things out on the list, they would be permitted to
the material. read it to them. ]‫( [מ"ב ס"ק מז‬Also a Shomer – the poskim
say if one appoints a ‫ שומר‬to watch them not to cross because of ‫שמא ימחק‬, but because of ‫גזירה אטו שטרי הדיוטות‬,
anything out it's ‫ מותר‬for the hostess herself to read.) one can still read them since these papers are ‫לצורך מצוה‬.
Menu Zmanim
16. Therefore, the hostess herself should not read her 23. This is also the reason it is muttar to read any zmanim
menu, but she should have someone else who has no ‫רשות‬ and all similar signs, since they are for a for Mitzvah and
to cross things out, read to her. ‫ חז"ל‬were not goizer to read Shtorei Hedyotos B'makom
Guest List Mitzvah.) ,‫ וכן פסק הגר''א נבנצל שליט''א‬,‫[כן כתב המשנ''ב שם‬
17. A guest list, if it's the type of guest list that during the ]‫ומו''ר הגר''י ברקוביץ שליט''א‬
week one would look at the list and cross names out, it is ‫י"א שאם זה לא נוגע לך אסור אפי' במקום מצוה‬
‫ אסור‬to read the list on ‫שבת‬. )‫(ועיין (מו"ר הגר"י ברקוביץ שליט"א‬ Maggid Shiur
)‫בשו"ע שם סע' יב‬ 24. A Maggid Shiur is permitted to look at his ‫מראי מקומות‬
Olden Days on Shabbos since it's not something that is oimed limchok.
18. Some Poskim write that in the olden days when ''‫ וכן איתא במשנ''ב "ביצחק יקרא‬,‫[כך השיב לנו הגר''א נבנצל שליט''א‬
people made an exact amount of portions it was common ]‫בשם הגרש''ז זצוק''ל‬
to cross out a name on a guest list, whereas today people Shul Electric Bill
make plenty of food so its okay to look at a guest list. Even 25. Even though raising money for a shul is a Mitzvah,
though this is true it really depends on the mitzios of the hanging up an electricity bill before ‫ שבת‬for all to see on
guest list. Shabbos to encourage people to make donations should not
I'geres Of Shalom be done. [‫]מו"ר הגר"י ברקוביץ שליט"א‬
19. Both the ‫ שו"ע‬and the ‫ משנ"ב‬write that it is ‫ אסור‬to read Avielim
an "‫ "אגרת של שאלת שלום‬because ‫ חז"ל‬were afraid that if one 26. On Shabbos, one should refrain from reading ‫אבילות‬
would read such a letter, they would also read other signs if it will bring him ‫צער‬. However, if it won't cause
documents which are ‫אסור‬, like cheshbonos or bills. ‫(שו"ע‬ him any ‫צער‬, it would be permitted because of ‫מצות ניחום‬
)‫שם ומשנ"ב ס"ק נב‬ ‫אבלים‬.
20. Question: Is one allowed to read a note that was given Mi Shebeirach Lichoilim
with a gift on Shabbos, for example, a note that came with 27. A gabai of a Shul can read the list of choilim while he
a cake or cookies from a neighbor? is davening for them ]‫[כך השיב לנו הגר''א נבנצל שליט''א‬,
Answer: "The velt is ‫מיקל‬, the question is if it's really however, on his own time he should not, since there is a
oisgihalten". One reason to be meikel would be ‫עונג שבת‬. Ch'shash he may cross out a name. '‫(ע' בס' איל משולש פרק ג‬
‫ הלכה למעשה‬there is room to be ‫מיקל‬. ‫(מו"ר הגר"י ברקוביץ‬ )‫הע' מ‬
)‫שליט''א ועיין בס' איל שמולם שאסר‬ Next week
Mitzvah 28. Next week we will Bli Neder discuss the halachos
21. The ‫ משנ"ב‬brings from the ‫ מגן אברהם‬that if one has a of catalogs, "window shopping", reading about sports,
document that is for a ‫צורך מצוה‬, ‫ חז"ל‬were not ‫שטרי – גוזר‬ reading news, business newspapers, history books,
‫הדיוטות‬. Which means that if there is no ‫ חשש‬of ‫שמא ימחק‬ studying for tests for a degree, looking at ads for
one can read such a document on Shabbos. ,‫(מג"א ס"ק טז‬
seforim, reading words underneath pictures, Jewish
)‫ומשנ"ב ס"ק מז‬
comic books, words under pictures in the sefer Sichas
Shalom Zachor etc. Chulin and more…
22. Therefore, even though ‫ שלום זכור‬signs and ‫ קדוש‬signs
as well as wedding invitation signs should be ‫ אסור‬not

Etz Hachayim exclusive Question & Answer of the week

‫השו''ת אינם ע''פ כתב ידו‬

‫אם למדתי סוגיה בהלכה כפי יכולתי‬ ‫האם צריך לענות אמן על ברכה‬
‫כלי שנתבשל בו בשר בהמה שלא נבדקו ריאותיה‬
‫ ואח''כ ראיתי מח' בין שני גדולי‬,‫ומדרגתי‬ ?‫ששמע דרך הטלפון‬
‫ האם מותר לבן ספרד לאכול מתבשיל‬,‫כשיטת הב''י‬
‫ האם אני‬,‫הפוסקים בעניין מסוים בסוגיה זו‬ ?‫ שנתבשל באותו כלי תוך יומו‬,‫אחר‬ ‫ ויש להימנע מלהשמיע‬.‫ לא‬:‫תשובה‬
,‫יכול לפסוק כמו אחד מהגדולי הפוסקים‬ ?‫ מה הדין כשאין הכלי בן יומו‬,‫ואם אסור‬ .‫ברכה דרך הטלפון‬
‫מה שיותר נראה לי כפי הדרך שלמדתי את‬ Next Week’s Question
?‫הסוגיה‬ ‫אדם שלמד עם חברותא ומחמת עייפותו‬
‫ בוודאי‬:‫תשובה‬ ‫נרדם שוב ושוב ואמר שאם ירדם שוב יתן‬
Next Week’s Question ‫ שקל בכדי שיהיה לו מחייב‬300 ‫לחברו‬
Next Week’s Question
‫האם יש מקום להקפיד שלא לקחת‬ ‫ האם חייב‬,‫ ואח"כ נרדם‬,‫לא להרדם‬
‫ שלדידיה נהנה מריחו אולם רוב אנשים‬,‫צמח‬ ‫לשלם את מה שהבטיח או דיש בזה משום‬
?‫מקלחת בבית הטבילה לגבר‬
?‫ האם מברך על ריחו‬,‫לא מחשבים ליה לבושם‬ ?‫אסמכתא‬
Challenge of the Essay On Bitachon
‫רבי משה שטרנבוך‬
week )‫מב‬:‫ועשה להם מכנסי בד לכסות בשר ערוה (כח‬
Your Toil In Torah Will Reduce Your Toil In Other Work.
Eyov (5:7) tells us a fundamental principle of life, "A man is born to
Which one of the “And make them linen pants to cover their toil." The Medrash says (Berashis Rabba Parsha 13), "If he merits it
eight garments nakedness…” will be the toil of Torah. If he does not merit it will be the toil of
working the land." In reality a person is born primarily to labor and
that the Kohen This parashah discusses the special clothing toil. However, the choice is his. If he chooses to labor in Torah he
Gadol wore, was that were made for the kohen. will not have to labor in worldly things. This is stated in Avos (3 :5),
Why were these special linen pants "Whomever accepts upon themselves the yoke of Torah, it will be
also the name of a removed from him the yoke of the government and the yoke of
person in the necessary? Wasn’t the kohen’s jumper long worldly labor." Whomever removes from himself the yoke of
enough to cover him properly? Torah is only exchanging the yoke of Torah for the yoke of physical
Torah? labor, at is says Berachos (28:), "I toil (in Torah) and receive reward
The pants symbolized the most important
Answer: Aifod (in the next world) and they toil (in physical labor) and don't
type of tznius, inner tznius. Though this inner
‫[מקור פ' מסעי פרק‬ covering was not visible to the eye, it sent an
receive reward (in the next world)."
This is the final week of the Bais Halevi series.
]‫לד פסוק כ''ג‬ important message. Even in a place where no Free Copy of the entire booklet:
Next week's one can see, a person must act with tznius. Please
When is it
Parsha Points – Compiled by: HaRav Moshe Lewis Shlita
possible that a 1 - Hashem is the absolute ruler of the world; all four directions of the world, the heavens and the earth all belong
person will to Him. At the Cohain's sanctification, the various parts of the ‫ קרבנות‬of the Cohanim (parts of the ‫קרבן‬and its
accompanying breads) were placed on the hands of Aharon and his sons, and were waved by Moshe, Aharon and his
bench on sons. Rashi [29:24] explains that they waved back and forth in all four directions (north, west, south, and east) for the
Shabbos and One to Whom the four directions of the world belong, and they were raised and lowered for the One to Whom the
heavens and the earth belong.
we will tell him 2 - Winds are made by Hashem and He controls them. (He of course created, rules and runs the whole world, but in
not to say this parshah we emphasize that He is the ‫משיב הרוח‬.) He gave us the ability to block and avert harmful winds. See
above point. Rashi [29:24] continues to explain another reason for the waving in all four directions: to avert and block
Ritzei? harmful winds. )Winds were created by Hashem and He put them into the ‘nature’ that He made. Since we are His
children, Hashem gave us the ability to block and avert harmful winds via the act of ‫( תנופה‬waving), a tremendous
All "challenges" are power over the forces of ‘nature’ that He established.(
credited to: We see from here the power of ‫—שירי מצוה‬non-essential parts of the mitzvah—which if not performed, does not
"Gilyon B'er Mayim prevent ‫( כפרה‬atonement), yet are so important that they can avert ‫( פורענות‬calamities) ]].‫ [עי' רש"י סוכה דף לח‬Just as by
the sanctification of the Cohanim, so, too, on Succos, when we wave the arbah minim, we avert and block harmful
winds (even though the waving is a non-essential part of the mitzvah). How much more so is the power of the mitzvah
Yotzi Turner
In this week's Parsha we start building the Mishkan. Hashem commanded us to use specific material, colors, with certain measurements. With
this Mishkan we are supposed to serve Hashem. What are we supposed to be doing though? What is the specific purpose of having a Mishkan?
If this Mishkan is supposed to be a structure to house Hashem, then how can Hashem need a house to dwell in? And even if we find a president
that Hashem does need a house, how can this structure made of materialism house Hashem?
There's an incredible Medrash Rabba (35:6 last one). When Hashem said to Moshe "Make a Mishkan", Moshe took for sticks and a mat, and
made a tent. Hashem said not like this. Rather Hashem brought Moshe up to heaven and showed different colors of fire and said "Make like
this". Moshe asked, "How can I make like what's up here? Where am I to get these fires on Earth"? Hashem answered, "With the form I show
you on the mountain. *With your materials, I will be honored*."
What comes out of this Medrash is this. Hashem wanted Moshe to make a Mishkan, which is a replica of what's up in heaven. Moshe was asking,
how can you replicate what's up there? We don't share the same material makeup to do it. Hashem answered Don't worry. The mat erial you use
will bring me down.
Reb Yeruchum says we see an incredible fundamental principle from this Medrash. Just the action alone brings Hashems Shechina down! Since
in heaven there's no actions, but down here there is, we're in the world of actions. And our use of this world of action is though its use of its
materials. That is how Hashem relates to us here. We're replicating Hashem world here, but with our use of materials and actions. Not only with
the building of the Mishkan. But with all the Mitzvos! Every action we do brings Hashems Shechina down. "Whatever was seen up there, is
made down here". Every Mitzva done resembles something up there. And when that action of the Mitzvah is done, it brings Hashems Shechina
down to us.
Sometimes we think what our Mitzvos do. Maybe our actions aren't doing anything. Maybe it's insignificant. What can my puny action do? On
the contrary. Our actions do everything! Our "puny" bring down Shechina! And in this Galus we need as much Shechina as we can get. We
should all take to do more Mitzvos with a better understanding so we can attain this. Have a Wonderful Shabbos!!!

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