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Mango Production

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The growing market demands both domestic and export for organically grown fruits and vegetables
compel us to learn to grow ORGANIC MANGO. This is a simple and basic study to help mango growers
produce naturally grown mango free from toxic chemical residue, using both herbal organic
concentrates and biotechnology with integrated pest management.
• Mango (Mangifera indica) is the national fruit of the Philippines.
• It has a wide market potential both domestic and international exports.
• It is a high value crop where mango grower can earn from P100,000.00 to P500,000.00 per hectare
per year, provided planted at the right distance of 20×20 m+1, with a population of 50 hills per
hectare and properly cared.
• It is suitable on upland areas with abundant sunlight and adequate moisture.
• Mango is a centennial crop that three or more family generation can benefit.
• It is a good retirement insurance crop where production increase as trees grow bigger and older.
Mango Production
Estimated production 50 trees per hectare. (Planting distance: 20 x 20 +1)
Age Range of Estimated Gross Sales Cost of Gross Profit or
Trees in Production per per Hectare at Production at Income per
Years Trees in Kilos 50 trees x P10 P4.00 per kilo hectare with 50
1 to 5 No production Juvenile Trees P50,000.00 (P50,000.00)
5 to 10 50 P25,000.00 P10,000.00 P15,000.00
10 to 15 200 100,000.00 40,000.00 60,000.00
15 to 20 500 250,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00
20 to 25 800 400,000.00 160,000.00 240,000.00
25 to 30 1,000 500,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00
30 to 35 1,200 600,000.00 240,000.00 360,000.00
35 to 40 1,500 750,000.00 300,000.00 450,000.00
40 to 45 1,800 900,000.00 360,000.00 540,000.00
45 to 50 2,000 1,000,000.00 400,000.00 600,000.00
Mango is a high value and big earner crop, compared to traditional crops like rice, corn, coconut and
sugarcane where income ranges only from P15,000.00 to P60,000.00 per hectare per year. This is
why most farmers growing traditional crops remain poor. Mango can easily give P100,000.00 to
P300,000.00 per hectare per year with trees 10 to 20 years old.
It is very important to plant the Philippine Golden Mango (carabao variety) at a distance of no less
than 15 meters apart since by nature it is a big tree. It can only give its optimum or maximum
productivity if its natural environment is favorable to its natural habitat. GENSAFCO recommends
planting at 20 x 20 meters + 1 hill at the center of four trees or square forming a quincunx layout.
This will have a population of 50 trees per hectare.

The following are primary commercial mango products:
• Fresh table fruit, ripe and green.
• Dried or dehydrated ripe mango fruit.
• Mango Puree, concentrate, nectar and juices.
Secondary mango products:
• Mango fruit preserves in syrup, salted or fermented.
• Chilled fresh mango fruits. (Frozen fresh halves)
• Green mango pickle (Burong mangga)
• Powdered mango (green and ripe)
Other mango products and by-products:
• Mango seeds for nursery planting materials.
• Mango seeds and shell for feeds
• Mango peel. seeds, leaves, branches for organic fertilizer.
• Mango wood for lumber and furniture making and fruit boxes..
• Specialize fruit, leaves and plant extract for drugs and medicine.
• Other products under development.
Mango is a tropical tree. It can grow in most landmasses along and near the equator/ Mango can be
grown in almost all regions of the Philippines, but they are found to be more productive if grown in the
following environmental conditions:
1. Elevation within 600 meters from sea level up to 800 meters is still tolerable.
2. Mangoes need a dry period of 3 to 5 months to induce maturity of vegetative parts and flower. Fruit
development also needs plenty of sunlight up to 120 -135 days after flower induction. Mango are
biennial bearer, fruits every two years.
3. The ideal temperature for mango growing is 21degree C to 27degreeC.
4. Soils preferred are deep loamy, rich in organic matter, with balance content of macro and micro
nutrient elements.
5. Water requirement: The land is slightly sloping, well drain but with good moisture holding capacity.
Optimum moisture or water supply for mango is very important.
6. Soil pH of 6 to 7 is ideal for mango. It is at this level, nutrients are available.
7. Topography of the land ranges from flat to rolling not exceeding 45 degrees gradient. Stiff
mountainsides are also planted to mango, but with difficulty in production management.
8. Mango needs plenty of sunlight. Fully grown mango trees should have enough sunlight from
morning to evening, at the top of its crown to base of trunk. Shading even partially will limit its
productivity. Crowded branch and foliage reduce yield.
9. Moderate airflow or wind is needed by mango trees to allow aeration to prevent the buildup of pest
and diseases within the tree crown. Avoid strong winds especially during flowering and fruiting stage
by growing windbreaker trees.


A few pointers in establishing a good productive mango orchard:
1. Look for the ideal site of a mango farm base on the cultural requirement ideal for mango. Most
sunny areas with good soil moisture in the Philippines are suitable.
2. Select carefully your planting materials. Be sure you get the right variety and strain the market
demands. Grafted seedlings are recommended to have uniform tree production. The Philippine Golden
(carabao – Lamao selection) variety is preferred.
3. The farm should be accessible with good roads and abundant water supply for irrigation and
4. Clear field of all trees and structure that will shed the trees to allow full sunshine and free airflow.
Set rows at east-west orientation. Better plant them on triangle layout.
5. Layout the farm and trees with access in-farm roads, farm house, working shed, water system and
other farm structures.
6. Recommended planting distance is 20 x 20 + 1 meters quincunx with 50 trees population per
hectare. The center hill may be eliminated when trees become bigger and crowded at 20 to 30 years
7. Weed, cultivate, fertilize and irrigate your trees regularly every 3 months. Combine organic and
chemical fertilizers for faster and healthy growth. Use farm compost.
For orchards devoted to grow organic fruits; natural farming practices using organic and biological
farm practices, without chemical inputs may be adopted. There is a growing market demand for
organically grown fruits including mango.
Plant Propagation
Methods of Propagation
b. Sexual propagation with seeds. The trees grow big and productive in 7-15 years. However, fruits
may not be the same with genetic variations.
c. Asexual propagation – grafting. Trees start bearing as early as 3–5 years. They produce more
uniform true to type fruits, coming from the same mother tree.
Field Planting
Steps in Field Planting:
1. Propagate and harden the seedlings or planting materials. Expose to direct sunlight at least one
week before field planting. Spray or drench with herbal pesticide. (HOC).
2. Clear the field, plow and harrow if possible.
3. Stake planting site 20 x 20 + 1m quincunx or 15 x 15m triangle to have 50 hills / ha..
4. Dig 1 cubic meter holes and replace the soil with rich/fertile topsoil and fully decomposed organic
matter or organic fertilizer. Earthworm casting or is ideal mix to topsoil. Fully decomposed animal and
plant waste with beneficial bacteria and fungi.
5. Planting procedure:
a. Drench the seedling in plastic bag and press the soil to loosen it in the bag.
b. Make a hole and pour in water to drench the soil.
c. Gently remove seedling from plastic bag and place in hole, cover and press soil.
d. Place a stake firmly besides the seedling and if needed tie the seedling to it.
The health, vigor and size of the mango trees determine its productivity. Even if the Philippine Golden
mango is biennial in nature, it can be made to bear yearly or more often if the right cultural
management is done.
1. Fence and secure the area from stray animals and intruders that may damage the plants. Security
is most needed 30 days up to harvest.
2. Practice clean culture. Cultivate and weed regularly. Remove all trees and shrubs that serve as host
to insect pest and diseases.
3. The trees should not shed one another. Prune off overcrowded branches. Mango is a terminal
bearer, so avoid pruning off healthy terminal fruiting shoot buds.
4. Irrigate and keep the soil moist most at all times. Less water or drier soil is preferred one month
before flower induction and one month before harvest. Avoid water logging by providing suitable
5. Fertilize quarterly with abundant organic fertilizer with macro and trace mineral elements. Spray
herbal organic concentrate fertilizer on leaves and fruits when growth and fruit development needs
supplemental nutrition.
Essential Plant Food Elements
From water and air. From soil and fertilizers From soil and fertilizer
1. Carbon 1. Nitrogen 1. Zinc
2. Hydrogen 2. Phosphorous 2. Iron
3. Oxygen 3. Potash 3. Boron
4. Calcium 4. Molybdenum
5. Sulfur 5. Copper
6. Magnesium 6. Manganese
7. Chlorine

Kinds of Organic Fertilizers:

a. Foliar organic fertilizers derived from fermented animal of plants like fish and fruit amino acid.
b. Decomposed animal waste mixed with plant residues with beneficial microorganisms.
c. Vermin-compost or earthworm casting fed with decomposing organic materials. One of the rich form
of organic fertilizer with humic acid, a growth promoting and beneficial microorganisms.
d. Sludge or liquid organic waste materials rich in plant food nutrient with beneficial microorganisms.
e. Green manure. These are young plants usually legumes or beans that are plowed under and mixed
with the soil during flowering stage.
f. Soil and seed inoculate such as nitrogen fixing bacteria and other microorganisms that help
decompose organic materials.

6. Control pest and diseases. Spray herbal organic insecticides and fungicides. Spray during
a. Flushing of young leaves,
b. Before flower induction,
c. At bud break and flower elongation,
d. During fruit formation and development
e. Before bagging and
f. One month before harvest.
Spray the entire tree, leaves, branches, stem and the ground surrounding the trunk. Note that most
pest and diseases come from the soil surrounding the tree.
7. Use biological controls to control insect pest and diseases are preferred.
(Birds, animals, insects, bacteria, fungi and other living organisms that help control pests)
a. Use of insect predators and parasites like trichogramma, braconids and pirate bugs to counter
insect pests.
b. Use of microorganisms such as beneficial bacteria and fungi to counter diseases and insect pests.
c. Allow bio-diversity and balance ecosystem in the farm by maintaining green belts or mini forest to
shelter and provide breeding and favorable environment for all types of living organisms that will
balance and prevent the breakout of infestation of one or more pests.
8. Natural Flower induction:
While Potassium Nitrate and other chemicals are now available in the market to induce flowering and
fruiting, still there are natural ways of flower induction and fruiting. Among them are the following:
a. Seasonal fruiting. These occur when the trees are healthy and the season for flowering and fruiting
comes usually from November to March at the start of dry season.
b. Smoking tree foliage when they reach maturity.
c. Root pruning and partial girdling will also induce flowering and fruiting as these are forms of
d. Application of high dosage of Phosphorous and Potash fertilizer with adequate micro-nutrients will
also hasten flowering and fruiting.
9. Care and management of flowers and fruit development.
As soon as the fruiting buds start breaking (Bud Break) adult insect pests hibernating or just waiting
for new vegetative growth will be attracted to the bud and start laying eggs on them and the growing
Some control measures:
a. Sanitize the tree by spray and drenching the whole tree (soil, trunk, branches and leaves) with
Herbal Organic Concentrate (HOC-4n1) with four properties (Pest repellant, insecticide, fungicide and
foliar fertilizer) on a weekly interval starting with flower induction to fruit development. Spray after
the rain.
b. Remove all disease and infested parts of the tree, weeds and debris.
ENHANCE POLLINATION (Attract Pollinators)
IPM (BIOCON + HOC + Bagging)


The regular season for mango is flowering from November to February and harvest from March to
June. This is during the summer months. The Philippine Golden carabao mango is a biennial bearer.
This means that by it’s nature it bears a good harvest every two years, but may bear every year too if
conditions are favorable such as the general health of the tree and summer intensity of the weather
Understanding the natural laws governing the growth and production of mango will help us growers
maintain their health and productivity through the years. The rainy or wet season will allow the tree to
grow, rejuvenate and store food nutrients for its fruiting stage during the summer months where
flowering and fruiting naturally occur.
Mango growers can produce mango fruits during the off-season especially in Mindanao, being
outside the typhoon belt. Other areas of the country with less expected typhoon and heavy rains
might venture into producing off-season fruits as the supply is low, demand is high and price is
Season Production November to February March to June
Off Season Production March to October July to February
Producing mango during off-season has its own unique challenges. Production falls during the rainy
season. This will require a special care and cultural management. Be ready to spray herbal fungicide
every after rain during flowering and early fruit development to prevent fungal infection and dropping.
1. Follow a one-year cycle of eight (8) months rejuvenation (from harvest to flower induction) and
four (4) months of production (from flower induction to harvest.) Remember, plants also need time to
absorb plant nutrients from soil, water and atmosphere, carry them to the leaves for photosynthesis,
then transport cooked nutrient to different parts of the plant for food storage and utilization for
growth, flowering and fruiting.
2. The secret of success and productivity lies in proper rejuvenation of the trees immediately after
harvest up to induction and care of flowers and fruits to full maturity.
3. After harvest by pruning, fertilization with high nitrogen and irrigating immediately to induce new
flushing. After 4 months cultivate around the trunk under cover of canopy to partially root prune and
fertilize with high potash to induce maturity will make the tree ready for flower induction 2 to 4
months hence. This will effectively prevent new flushing, make the tree dormant and store nutrients
for flowering and fruiting.
Mango trees flower and fruit when it is healthy and ready to fruit. Stress will help induce flowering
during dry season for it’s seasonal bearing However flower can be induced by smoking, partial girdling
branch stretching or other mechanical or chemical treatments. Chemical flower induction by using
Potassium nitrate (KNO3) was introduced by Dr. Ramon Barba after his successful research in 1970 at
UPLB, College, Laguna, Philippines. A new herbal organic flower Inducer is now being formulated by
chemist in Mindanao.
It is easy to induce the trees to flower, but if the tree is not well prepared, the flowers will just fall off.
The tree should be really healthy with adequate nutrient storage to support and sustain flowering and
fruit development up to full maturity and harvest.
Here are a few pointers to remember and adopt:
1. Provide enough fertilizer and nutrient to the plant through the soil. Never rely only on foliar
fertilization. That is only to augment nutrient needs during the production period (flowering to fruit
development). To be sure, apply enough organic fertilizer every 6 months to every tree augmented
with chemical fertilizer.
2. Insure that there is adequate soil moisture at all times. Over water is not good.
3. Protect the trees with biological and organic herbal pesticides and fungicides.
4. Induce the trees to flush after harvest to have new shoot for next season fruiting.
5. Two months after flushing when the leaves start maturing, apply fertilizer rich in phosphorous and
potash to keep trees maturing and dormant in preparation for next season’s fruiting. Use organic
fertilizer with guano and burnt rice hull or ash.
In selecting trees for flower induction, take note of the following:
1. The tree must have full mature leaves and buds. The leaves are crispy; dark-green in color, healthy
plum dormant bud tips. At least 8-10 months rejuvenation.
2. The tree and leaves should be dry, with no rain expected within 6 hours from spraying.
3. Trees that fruited the previous season but have not flushed should not be induced to flower. Many
contractors and growers who want fast money often violate this practice. To induce the tree to flush,
irrigate and fertilize with higher dosage of nitrogen, and or spray the leaves with half dose of
Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) mixed with foliar fertilizer.
4. Spraying and drenching the whole plant from the base of trunk to branches and leaves with foliar
fertilizer rich in amino acid or other organic weak acid and containing micro-nutrient elements will help
induce flushing. The use of Herbal Organic Concentrate (HOC) and homemade lime sulfur have been
found to induce new vegetative growth.

When not to use Use High Dosage Use Low Dosage

1. When the tree is too 1. When Trees are just1. When trees are big, old or
small, young or juvenile. starting to mature. fully mature.
2. When the leaves and 2. Leaves and buds2. When leaves and buds are
buds are young. arematuring fully mature.
3. When the tree is weak 3. The tree is healthy, with3. The tree is healthy with
and sickly. vigorous buds and leaves. dormant-buds.
4. During rainy weather. 4. During cloudy weather. 4. During hot sunny weather.
5. Just after harvest or 5. Five to seven months after5. Eight to ten months after
when the tree has fruits or harvest after rejuvenation &harvest after, rejuvenation &
flushing. mature. dormant.
1. Check on the fruiting buds’ readiness. The buds are slightly rounded and mature or dormant,
ready to flower. .
2. If the buds are flattening with small dormant buds at the sides, they are most likely new
flushing buds for vegetative growth for next season’s fruiting.
3. The soil and the trees are dry. If it rained the previous days and the atmosphere is humid,
induction may result to flushing or flowering with flushing.
4. Choose to induce during dry hot months or dry days. Flower induction up to 45 days during
the early fruit formation are the most critical period where the flowers and young fruits are
susceptible to infection and infestations.
5. As a general rule, a flowering bud-stick fruits only once. It needs to flush and produce new
bud-stick for subsequent fruiting. Mangoes are usually terminal fruiting, but super healthy
trees some times flower and fruit from dormant buds of big branches.
6. A mango tree needs enough time at least 8 to 10 months to accumulate and store food
nutrients in its system to support flowering and fruiting.
7. Too much flowering as in 90 to 100% of foliage flower are dangerous, since too much
energy is released by the plant, and there will not be enough left for fruit development. Usual
result is massive dropping and only a few fruits remain or even total crop fall. A 40 to 60%
foliage flowering would be ideal to insure full fruit development with bigger and better quality
8. Water or moisture is very much needed from bud emergence to one month before harvest
to insure availability of plant food nutrients. The tree needs dry and sunny days before and
during flowering’ and during fruit maturing to one month before harvest to insure full
maturing, where fruits do not crack or drop during the final stage up to harvest.
Natural farming methods of controlling pest and diseases in growing organic mango: Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) is the use of different practical yet low cost methods:
1. Cultural practices that includes the right planting distance, periodic weeding and cultivation,
irrigation and drainage, pruning, spraying, etc. See to it that the water source is not contaminated or
carrier of pest and diseases.
2. The use of baits and insect traps (light traps, sweet juice tuba trap).
3. Spraying with herbal organic preparations with pest repellant, insecticide and fungicidal properties
4. The use of beneficial microorganisms that control pest and diseases.
5. The use of insect predators, parasites like trichogramma, braconids, and pirate bug.
6. Crop rotation or inter-cropping with plants that will repel or reduce infestation.
7. Schedule and time production during least pest infestation and disease prevalence. There is less
insect pest and diseases during summer months.
8. Cultivate and fertilize the soil around the base of the trunk periodically with organic fertilizer
derived from herbs with pesticide and fungicidal properties as well as beneficial microorganisms.
9. Remove diseased or infested fruits and vegetative parts of the tree and dispose of them properly
such as removing them from the field, burning, bury or composting them for fertilizer. Practice clean
Take note: When spraying trees with herbal organic concentrate (HOC) start with the soil surrounding
the trunk, upward around the trunk, branches then the underside of the leaves or foliage and last the
top of leaves and crown. Insect pest and diseases comes from the soil and stay in trunk and branch
where they hibernate and wait then wake or become active when new growth appears such as
flushing and flowering to fruiting.
Remember that when God created the universe, the earth and nature, it was complete and balanced.
Man interfered with this balance in the environment and ecosystem for the desire to produce more of
their selected and preferred crops, in the process destroying the equilibrium and disrupting natural
laws and life. Its ill effects of toxic synthetic chemicals are now being manifested in making the land
less productive and the life span of man is shortening. Other life forms are disappearing. It is time for
us to learn natural laws and adopt Natural Farming System.
Before 1950 even up to 1970 when potassium nitrate was discovered by Dr. Ramon Barba as an
effective flower Inducer for mango, the trees were left alone to nature and bear fruits during season.
Mango owners just harvested mango fruits without caring for the trees, just like coconut farmers.
Today, as the prices of chemical inputs get too high, mango growers are starting to leave the mango
trees to the care of nature. Added to this is the growing demand for chemical free mango or naturally
grown fruits.
We are now introducing the use of herbal organic pest and disease control and biological measures.
Our latest experience in growing organic mango show that natural farming system is easier to learn by
farmers and cost lower.
One Year Stage of Growth Activity/Operation
Prod. Cycle
7 DBFI Tree is ready for flower induction Sanitize tree Prune & Spray HOC
0 - FI Mature buds & leaves Spray flower Inducer + HOC-3n1
7-10 DAFI Bud emergence Spray HOC-4n1
14 DAFI Post emergence Monitor & spray HOC-4n1 + FAA
21 DAFI Pre-emergence/bloom Monitor & Spray HOC if needed
24 DAFI Anthesis/blooming Do not spray
28 DAFI Full anthesis/bloom Do not spray
30-32 DAFI Post anthesis/bloom Monitor
35 DAFI Fruit set Monitor/spray HOC-4n1 + FAA
42 DAFI Post fruit set Monitor/spray HOC-4n1 + FAA
60 – 70 DAFI Fruit enlargement Spray HOC-4n1 & fruit bagging
90 DAFI Start of maturation Monitor/spray HOC-4n1 + FAA
120-130 DAFI Full maturity Harvesting, HWT and Packaging
130-140 DAFI Natural ripening Processing and Marketing
140-360 DAFI Rejuvenation. Flushing, nutrientCultural management: Pruning,
absorption, photosynthesis, food &Weeding, Cultivation, Fertilizing,
energy storage — Dormancy Irrigation and Spraying,
361 – 365 Mature flower buds for bearing. Sanitation and Flower Induction
The crucial stage of mango production is the attack of insect pests and diseases at flowering and fruit
development stages. Insecticides and fungicides are commonly used, but to obtain good results, the
recommended usage and dosage must be followed and control must be directed during the vulnerable
stage of insect and disease development (not during the height of destructive infestation and
infection). Prevention is better than cure. It is also less expensive and hence, more profitable.
Continues raining during flowering and early fruit development is the most critical condition as
Anthracnose fungus disease is prevalent. It will rot the flowers and young fruits and they turn dark
and fall off. Every time the rain stops or light drizzle, spray immediately HOC herbal fungicide to wash
off the fungus from the flowers and fruit panicles. Do not postpone or delay as the fungus can do
damage within a few hours. Shaking the branches to remove water droplets from flowers and young
fruits will help for few small trees.
(1) Prior to Induction (2 weeks)
(2) Flower Induction (Day 1)
(3) Bud Break (8-12 days)
(4) Prior to bloom (21 days)
(5) After flower set (corn size 40 days)
(6) Before bagging (60-70 days)
(7) Start of maturation (90-100 days).
Wrapping the individual fruit with newspaper should be done at about 53 to 60 days after induction or
just after natural thinning or dropping when the mangoes are about the size of a pullet egg. New
observation finds 70–80 DAFI is more practical period to bag, as there will be less fruit drops after
bagging and only quality fruits may be bagged.
1. Bagging can reduce or eliminates the incidence of fruit fly and Capsid bug damage, sunburn and
fungal infections.
2. Reduced incidence of mechanical damage while the fruit still hung on the tree and during harvesting
and handling operations. It protects fruits from wind scars.
3. The paper serves as absorbent of latex flow during harvest.
4. The fruit skin is cleaner and more attractive light green color.
5. Bagging provides more or less an accurate estimate on the number of fruits per tree. This is
important in cases where marketing is done on contract basis, or estimated on the total volume and
weight of harvest.
Spraying foliar fertilizer high in potash with trace mineral elements during fruit development will make
the fruits sweeter. It will make the peel more flexible and will lessen cracking of fruits during the final
stage of maturity, even when humidity rises and rains.
Spraying with herbal organic concentrate or HOC-4n1 will do this. It will also protect the fruits from
insect pests and fungal diseases.
Let us not forget that friendly insects, birds and microorganisms are very helpful in reducing the
population and incidence of insect pests. Providing favorable natural environment in the orchard for
friendly biological organisms will greatly reduce cost of production and good quality fruits.
It is very important to keep in mind that the preservation of the superior quality fruit, especially if it is
intended for the fresh table use that is critical during the harvest and post harvest period. Harvesting
and handling of fruits should be entrusted only to properly trained, preferably experienced workers. It
is also advisable for beginners to first observe professional harvesters during harvest operations.
The outmost care in harvesting and handling of mango should be emphasized. Workers and harvesters
should first be given a briefing before releasing them to the field. It takes a one-year cycle of care and
culture to bring the fruits ready for harvest. It takes less than a second to drop the fruits does and
break or bruise does.
Use the right harvesting poles with soft nets to avoid bruising. Use wooden or plastic harvesting crates
with clean soft padding. Avoid using banana leaves or other materials that may have fungus diseases
that will infect the fruits.
Do not remove fruit bags in the field, as they will serve as cushion and absorbent of latex. They may
be removed during grading and classification before washing and hot water treatment.
Maturity of mango fruits ready for harvest.
1. The mango start maturing at 90 days and reach full maturity in 120 to 135 days after flower
induction (DAFI). Note: Earlier fruit ripening on tree and dropping may occur in hot arid areas.
Delayed maturity occurs in cool humid areas.
2. In hot and dry areas, the fruits tend to ripen earlier, (110 – 115 days). It does not mean that they
have reach full physiological maturity (lesser weight and sugar content). In cooler, humid and shady
areas, the fruit take more time (135 days) from flower induction to reach full maturity as sunlight may
be less. When new flushing comes together with flowering, the fruits likewise take more time to
mature (130 DAFI).
3. If the tree flowers naturally, count 85 to 95 days from flower bloom to determine the approximate
date of full maturity. Blooming is when flowers open, release odor that attract insect pollinators.
4. One sure test is to get samples randomly picked from the tree and slice the fruits at the apex
portion. If the flesh is still white, it is immature, while if it is turning yellow; it is ready for harvest.
5. Floatation checks. Dip the fruit in 1-% salt solution. Seawater may be used. The floaters are
immature while those that sink are mature, and ready for harvest. 90% sinkers are ready for harvest.
6. The presence of bloom, or powdery deposit on the surface of the skin is an indication of full
physiological maturity.
7. Mature carabao mango fruits have flattened shoulders at the stem end. while immature fruits have
slope shoulders with full cheeks.
8. The pedicel of mature fruits turns yellow green in color.
9. Laboratory test may not be practical for field operations. The Titrable Acid of fully mature fruits is
less than 45 miliequivalents per 100 grams and the total soluble solids at table ripe is 15% or higher.
1. Hand picking is still the best method, but it is difficult and time consuming for large orchards. Using
picking poles and ladder is a common practice, especially with commercial mango production and big
plantations with big tall trees. Avoid bruising the fruits with the picking pole.
2. To avoid bruises and damage, in handling and transport, trim off the pedicel before packing when
latex flow has dried. It is done easily by pulling off horizontally the pedicel and it will just snap at the
neck of the pedicel.
3. The best time of the day to harvest is between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. when the tree and fruits are
dry and latex flow is minimal. Latex cause acid burning and brownish discoloration of the skin, which
also make it, open to fungal infection. However for large orchard and big harvest, this cannot be
followed, as time will be limited to meet scheduled shipments. Fully mature fruits have less latex flow.
4. To reduce or minimize latex flow, leave two to three centimeters pedicel on the fruit when
harvesting. Place the fruit in an inverted position with the pedicel down on absorbent paper materials,
which are free from disease contamination.
5. Keep the fruit bags until sorting, washing, HWT, drying and packing.
Sorting and classifying occur at the following stages:
1. During harvest
2. During field packing.
3. Before and during washing
4. After HWT just before final packaging for shipment.
Fruits are classified according to size, weight and the general appearance.
1. Deformity – Abnormality in shape affecting fruit appearance.
2. Wind Scar – Dark streaks slightly elevated are attributed to abrasion due to wind.
3. Latex Burn – Brownish black streaks that may be sunken are attributed to aged latex stains.
4. Ugat – Netted appearance at the peel due to the prominent vascular bundles.
5. Insect Damage – Lesions (fresh or healed) due to insect attack.
6. Scab – Patches of fissured corky tissue on the peel.
7. Sooty Mold – Black powdery deposit (mold) concentrated on the shoulders.
8. Balat Kawayan – Unusually, the deep green color of the peel. The affected fruit fails to change color
when ripe.
9. Mottling – Blotchy uneven green color, some of it remains even when the fruit is fully ripe.
1. Grade and classify fruits according to size, weight and peal appearance.
2. Wash fruits with clean warm water with detergent or chlorine.
3. Hot Water Treatment. Dip fruits in 52 to 55 degree centigrade water for 10 minutes. There is new
innovation to HWT as spraying or dipping fruits for one minute in 60 degrees heated water.
4. Air-dry the fruits to remove all moisture on the peel and allow them to cool off.
5. Pack in clean paper and boxes for shipment or ripening.
See to it that the fruits remain dry in cool ventilated place. Avoid re-contamination of diseases or
exposure to pests while in storage or transit.
Prior to packing for export, meticulous grading and sorting of mangoes are done based on the degree
of cleanliness of the skin, size, weight of the fruit, as small, medium, large, and extra large. Mango
exports are graded as either “Fancy” or “Standard” depending on the extent of superficial skin
markings. All exports must comply with the strict requirement of sweetness (full maturity of 120 to
135 DAFI -15 – 18 brix), firmness and absence of infestation and infections.
(Based on the draft revision of Standards for Mango of the Bureau of Product Standard)
SIZE WEIGHT INNo. of 2.5No. of 5.0No. of 10 No. of 12
GRAMS kilo box kilo box Kilo box Kilo box
XL 357 up 6–7 12 – 14 24 – 28 30 – 32
Large 290 – 356 8 16 31 41 – 43
Medium 241 – 289 10 20 40 44 – 50
Small 190 – 240 12 21 48 51 – 63
Super Small 160 – 189 14 – 16 28 – 32 56 – 64 65 – 75
Bioco 85 – 159
1. Physiologically mature. (120-135 DAFI)Sugar content of 15% to 18% brix.
2. Beginning to ripen, with 30 to 50% yellow coloring for Philippine golden Mango or the carabao
3. Significant area of red color on the fruit shoulder for varieties with reddish shine like Florida and
some Indian mangoes.
4. Free from disease, decay, sunburn, cracks, bruises, latex stains, insect and mechanical damage.
Relatively firm.
5. Conform to the weight and size specification
6. Contained in preferred or specified packing.
7. Underwent pytho-sanitary treatment and quarantine inspection with approval certification.
There are several post harvest treatment being employed:
1. Plain warm water washing with 1-% salt solution or detergent and chlorine. Dry fruits after washing
as re-infection occur when fruits are moist.
2. Hot Water Treatment (HWT) where fruits are dipped in 52-55 degrees water for 10 minutes. A new
innovation dips in 59 to 60 degree water for 30 seconds to one minute. The temperature range should
be strictly maintained and monitored to avoid scalding if it rises, and if it drops, may not control the
pest and diseases of the fruits. Air-dry immediately after dipping. Adding chlorine to the water helps
control diseases
The author designed and fabricated a simple HWT tank made out of one sheet stainless steel plate
heated by LPG. Dimension is 20 x 30 inches and 18 inches high. It has a capacity of 2 crates of 20
kilos per crate per loading. The unit can easily be transported to the site of harvest. It cost P8, 000 to
P10, 000 per complete unit with stand, gas-stove burner, LPG tank with hose, regulator and
thermometer. A bigger stainless steel tank with 6-crate capacity cost P20, 000.00 fabricated by a
machine shop in Gen. Santos City.
3. Extended Hot Water Treatment (EHWT) – Dipping the fruit in 46 – 48 degrees Centigrade for 90
minutes. This treatment is practiced in Mexico for mango exported to the USA.
4. Vapor Heat Treatment (VHT) where fruits are subjected to heated vapor until the inner flesh of the
fruit reaches 46 degrees for 10 minutes. This treatment is required for mangoes exported to Japan,
and Korea. It is non-toxic and non chemical disinfectant.
5. Chemical Treatment – Using fungicide to control fruit rot. Fungicides are dissolved in water where
the fruits are dipped. Benomyl (500-1000 PPM) and other suitable fungicides are used.
6. Fumigation with Ethylene dibromide (EDB) at the rate of 16 grams per cubic meter for 2 hours at
25oC is done for mangoes exported to Australia and New Zealand. This will control and destroy the
insect eggs in the fruit. The Australian government has now banned the use of EDB. The Philippine
government is negotiating to replace it with VHT to control fruit fly. Irradiation seems to be more
favored by Australia. This procedure is no longer acceptable.
7. Irradiation – This is a new introduction to access fruits and food preparation to USA and other
countries requiring such quarantine procedure. Many consumers are critical with this procedure
These treatments tend to control fruit born diseases like Anthracnose and Stem End Rot as well as kill
insect eggs like Fruit Fly. Be sure to fully dry the fruits after treatment, before packing because wet
and moist fruits are easily re-infected by fungal rot diseases.
1. Heat water up to 55*C and maintain the temperature range at 52-55*C during operations. A 59-60
degrees for fast treatment.
2. Place mango in perforated plastic crate or basket that fits into the hot water tank to maximize the
number of fruits that can be treated in one dipping. In the absence of plastic crate, any other suitable
containers that will not cause bruises on the fruits may be used. This will also avoid direct contact of
the fruits with the hot metal bottom of the tank that can cause heat injuries or scalding.
3. Dip the mango into the hot water submerged for 5 to 10 minutes, checking the temperature is
between 52-55*C. A faster procedure is 30 to 60 seconds dipping in 59 to 60 degrees water. It is
advisable to move the crates now and then to equalize the heat and help remove the dirt from the
4. Use electric fan to hasten fruit drying. When fully dried, sort them and pack carefully into fruit
boxes or crates for storage or shipment to the market.
5. Some buyers do not want chemically treated fruits, so HWT or VHT are done without using
fungicide of chemicals.
The above operations should be done within 4 to 8 hours after harvest. It is even preferable for small
quantity harvest to do the whole operation right in the field or farm. The best time is treat fruits within
4 hour of picking while latex is still wet.
Harvested mangoes should never be exposed to direct sunlight, wind, rain and other contaminants,
either in the farm or during transport to the processing plant and packaging site. If this cannot be
avoided, thorough washing and hot water treatment should be done and completely dried and packed
avoiding re-contamination.
Packaging consists of three stages.
1. Packing from field harvest to processing or packaging house.
2. Packing of fresh fruits for domestic and export market.
3. Packing of processed fruit products.
A packing house is basically a building with shed and open sides, preferably high roofing and elevated
cement flooring with good drainage, aeration and lighting. It should have adequate floor area to
accommodate the equipment, working space and storage space. There should also be a provision to
shed vehicles loading and unloading fruits during rains and inclement weather. The perimeter area of
the packinghouse should be well secured from stray animals and vandals.
Plastic Fruit crates for field howling. 6. Dripping stand
1. Sorting area or tables. 7. Air drier or blower (fans)
2. Washing tanks or basin. 8. Grading and packing tables
3. Plastic Fruit crates for HWT 9. Weighing scales
4. Hot water tank: 10. Pack-Strapping equipment
a. Stainless steel water tank. 11. Fruit cartoons and/or boxes
b. Electric water heater 12. Hand carts
c. Thermostat and thermometer 13. Storage area
d. Gas stove with regulator and gas tank. 14. Loading area
5. Boiler and water pump with piping. 15. Conveyor system
Assuming one hectare produces 50,000 kilos per season and packed in 10 kilo crates or boxes, this
will require 5,000 boxes per hectare every year.
1. BAMBOO AND RATTAN BASKETS – “Kaing or Bukag” with a load capacity of 30 to 70 kilos are
commonly used by farmers and mango traders. Bruising and mechanical injuries can be minimized
with the use of liners, wooden support planks on vehicles during transport.
2. Hard Plastic or Fiberboard Cartoons – These cartons have a capacity of 12 – 20 kilos. They are used
for transporting mango from the field to the packinghouse.
3. Containers of Utility – Some traders and mango exporters provide contractors and farmers with
returnable plastic crates. Others provide cartons that are use to pack fruits for direct market delivery.
4. Wooden crates – Commercial mango growers are also advised to grow fast growing trees like
G’melina, Neem, Bagrass, Falcata and even big bamboo variety for fruit crates and box manufacture
to provide packaging materials.
grams 2.5 kilos 5 kilos 10 kilos 12 kilos
XL 357 – UP 6–7 12 – 14 24 – 28 30 – 32
LARGE 290 – 356 8 16 31 41 – 43
MEDIUM 241 – 289 10 20 40 44 – 50
SMALL 190 – 240 12 21 48 51 – 63
Super small 160 – 189 14 – 16 28 – 32 56 –64 65 – 75
BIOCO 085 – 159 18 – 20 34 -40 65 – 70 76 – 80
Newly harvested, washed and Hot Water Treated mangoes may be stored for 7 days at 15*C. Do not
store mangoes below 12.5*C, as this will cause chilling injuries. Ripening mangoes can have another
14 days shelf life. Mangoes for processing may be stored for 21 days in temperature ranging from 1*C
to 5*C. Buyers and contractors prefer to harvest green mangoes 100 to 110 days from flower
induction as these have longer shelf life than those harvested at 115 to 120 DAFI. However mangoes
harvested before 120 days have not reach full maturity, and their sugar content much lower, affecting
quality of fruits when ripe. Mangoes harvested when they are fully mature are sweeter with superior
eating quality but have a shorter shelf life.
Mango fruits may be ripening in the following manner:
1. The natural way. After the hot water treatment and air-drying, place fruits in clean plastic or
wooden crates and store them in a ripening room well sealed so as not to allow entry of moisture and
infection. Well mature fruits ripen in 4 to 6 days. The shelf life may extend from 5 to 12 days.
2. Use of carbide. Place a tablespoon of carbide wrap in paper at the bottom of the ripening basket or
crate. The container is well padded with paper to be airtight. Place the fruits until filled and cover to
secure the fruits is totally sealed. After four (4) days they may be open for aeration and display. Note
that the shelf life of this method of ripening is only 3 to 4 days.
3. Use of ethylene. Fruits are sprayed or dip in ethylene solution, air dried and stored in the ripening
room. Fruits ripen in 3 to 4 days.
4. Ripening mango with madre de cacao leaves. Pack the fruit in container with fresh semi dried
leaves and close airtight. After 4 to 5 days fruits can be taken out and exposed to air and continue
Mango trading is the last step in the mango industry. This is where the money is. Most growers give
little attention to this stage of the mango industry, and the traders who come to them make the most
profit. It is suggested that mango growers form their own marketing group even only at their
community level, consolidating the fruits and deal with regular traders and exporters on a more stable
and long range agreements.
1. From the farm traders and consolidators buy directly from growers. Other buyers even do the
harvesting. Harvesting is the responsibility of the growers.
2. Where there are buying stations, farmers or domestic traders deliver the fruits to the station with
packaging facility.
3. Local traders and consolidators also deliver fruits to processors to shipping ports by boat or plane to
wholesalers or exporters.
Wholesalers distribute to retailers, sell to exporters and fruit processors.
1. Production of mango fruits.
2. Contract growing.
3. Consolidation of fruits
4. Packaging for domestic and export markets.
5. Processing
a. Fresh fruit processing and treatment
b. Fruit processing to other product forms with value added.
6. Whole selling, Distribution
7. Retailing or door to door sales.
a. Ripening
b. Display or direct delivery to customers.
1. Harvesting tools, equipment from farm to Packaging House
2. Buying Station with Packaging House
a. Packaging equipment for fresh fruits
b. Boxes, containers and accessories
3. Processing Plant
a. Processing facilities (Dehydrated, puree, juices, frozen halves, etc).
b. Packing materials and equipment
4. Storage facilities (dry or cold)
5. Transport and delivery vans
1. Plastic Fruit crates for field howling. 11. Dripping stand
2. Sorting area or tables. 12. Air drier or blower (fans)
3. Washing tanks or basin. 13. Grading and packing tables
4. Plastic Fruit crates for HWT 14. Weighing scales
5. Hot water tank: 15. Pack-Strapping equipment
6. Stainless steel water tank. 16. Fruit cartoons and/or boxes
7. Electric water heater 17. Hand carts
8. Thermostat and thermometer 18. Storage area
9. Gas stove with regulator and gas tank. 19. Loading area
10. Boiler and water pump with piping. 20. Conveyor system
Diamond Star Diamond, Blue, Ruby Hong Kong, Japan
Flying Horse (Eden) Flying Horse Hong Kong
Fruitful Golden Harvest Fortune Hong Kong
GHL Marketing, Inc. Golden Leon Hong Kong
Inner town Enterprises Cal Fruits Hong Kong
Jovin Jovin Hong Kong
KS New Regency New Legend, Fortune View Hong Kong
Sally Sally Hong Kong
Succrex Golden Swallow Hong Kong
Tadyason Tadyason Hong Kong
Tricon Tricon, Flying Tiger Hong Kong
Venvie International Prime, Bountiful Mango King,Hong Kong
Gold Leaf
Cindy Hong Kong
ABC Fiesta Hong Kong

Marsman-Drysdale La Nuvia, Luna, Sampaguita South Korea, Japan

Pelican Agro Products La Nuvia, Luna, Sampaguita South Korea, Japan
DHM and Dole Tropifresh Dole Japan
Hi-Las Marketing, Inc. Tropical Star South Korea, Japan
Del Monte Del Monte Japan
Other Companies Hong Kong, Japan
The cost of production, productivity and profit vary from farm to farm as the situation and factors
affecting the trees and the market change from time to time. Producing mango during off-season is
more expensive since more protective spraying during rainy days is required to suppress pest and
diseases. However, there are basic fixed costs of production and operational activities that can be
fairly estimated on prevailing conditions.
It is very important for mango growers to have and keep record of every farm activity. Every year
there should be prepared a farm plan and budget.
An accurate recording of all expenses and revenue are necessary to determine the profit or loss per
season or year of farming. This will guide the farmer as to his next year’s operations and activities. To
improve or change some of the practices such as the use of indigenous organic and renewable farm
inputs as against the conventional farming using imported fertilizers and chemicals.
NURSERY (Seedling Production)
NURSERY ( Production cost of one seedling)
a. Seeds P 0.50
b. Plastic bag 1.00
c. Garden soil and bagging 1.50
d. Watering 3.00
e. Scion material 2.00
f. Grafting work 5.00
g. Fertilizer and Chemicals 3.00
Total cost for grafted seedling 16.00
Price increase per added flushing and maturing 5.00
Selling price after 3 flushing and maturing 35.00
Price of Large Planting Material (LPM) 100.00
Ready for planting after 22 months nursery and
hardening period.
a. Land Preparation P30.00
b. Staking 5.00
c. Digging and soil refilling 20.00
d. Labor (Planting, fertilizing, watering, mulching) 15.00
e. Planting Material (LPM) 100.00
Tree guard or fencing 30.00
Total Planting Cost 200.00
Labor cost may vary depending on soil condition
(Hard clay or Sandy loam)
(1-6 years old) maintenance
a. Labor and maintenance cost for cultivation, irrigation P 60.00
spraying, pruning, weeding, etc.
b. Fertilizer and soil conditioners (organic compost) 30.00
c. Chemicals: Insecticide, fungicide and growth 50.00
d. Water supply 20,00
e. Tools and equipment 20.00
f. Miscellaneous 20.00
Average yearly cost of maintenance (1 to 6 yr.) P 200.00
Total cost of maintenance for 6 years to bearing P1,200.00
Production and maintenance cost of bearing trees
with average estimated production of 2,000 fruits / 4
= 500 kilograms.
Gross Sales (500 kgs. x P15.00 = P7.500.00) P7,500.00
Cost of production and maintenance of tree
a. Labor: Weeding and cultivation 20.00
Pruning and Sanitation 20.00
Fertilization and Soil Conditioning 20.00
Irrigation and Drainage 20.00
Spraying 50.00
Wrapping (2,000 x P0.20) 400.00
Harvesting (2,000 x P0.05) 200.00
Processing and Packaging (500 kgs x P2.00) 1,000.00
b. Fertilizer and Soil Conditioner 200.00
c. Chemicals: Insecticides, Fungicide, Inducer 300.00
d. Packaging Materials (50 x P30.00) 1,500.00
Total Cost of Production P3,730.00
Profit before taxes P3,770.00
Prices and ex farm gate fluctuates. We base on
average prevailing prices in year 2003 – 2004
Ex Farm Gate Prices (All in) P 15.00
Cost of production per kilo 7.46
Net income per kilo 5.54
Return on Investment 74.26 %
50 Trees per Hectare (20 x 20 +1 meters) Cost P3,730 P186,500.00
x 50 = P186,500 and Profit P3,770 x 50 = P188,500 P188,500.00


RANGE KILOS at P10 per Kilo COST at P4 per BEFORE TAX
1 to 5 No production Juvenile trees P1,000.00 (P1,000.00)
6 to 7 50 P 500.00 200.00 300.00
8 to 9 100 1,000.00 400.00 600.00
10 to 11 200 2,000.00 800.00 1,200.00
12 to 13 300 3,000.00 1,200.00 1,800.00
14 to 15 400 4,000.00 1,600.00 2,400.00
16 to 17 500 5,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00
18 to 19 600 6,000.00 2,400.00 3,600.00
20 to 21 700 7.000.00 2,800.00 4,200.00
22 to 23 800 8,000.00 3.200.00 4,800.00
24 to 25 1,000 10,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00
26 to 30 1,500 15,000.00 6,000.00 9,000.00
31to 40 2,000 20,000.00 8,000.00 12,000.00
Note: The above production estimates are pre conditioned, that the planting distance is 15 to 20
meters apart and the tree is allowed to grow to its natural size with minimal pruning growth
restrictions. The bigger the tree crown supported by healthy root system penetrating deep and wide,
the more production capacity it has. The bigger the main trunk and branches, the more plant food
storage capacity the tree has to sustain its yearly production. The more healthy leaves to cook the
nutrients absorbed by the roots through the process of photosynthesis, the more food nutrients are
stored for vegetative growth, flowering and fruiting.
Harvesting and handling P2.00
Transport to packing house 0.50
Sorting, washing, treatment & packing 3.00
Cost of packaging materials 3.50
Transport to market or shipping point 1.00
SUB – TOTAL Cost up to packaging P10.00
Sea transport (boat) Gensan to Manila 5.00
Air transport (plane) Gensan to Manila 18.00
Price Buildup Quality Standard
Cost of production P8.00 P5.00
Profit base margin 8.00 5.00
Farm gate price 16.00 P10.00
Ex-farm gate price P16.00 P10.00
Marketing cost 10.00 10.00
Shipping cost 5.00 5.00
Mark-up (profit margin) 9.00 5.00
Whole sale price P40.00 P30.00
Whole sale price P40.00 P30.00
Marketing cost 5.00 5.00
Mark-up (Profit margin) 15.00 10.00
Retail price P60.00 P45.00
To have a successful and productive mango orchard, the farm should be provided with the necessary
facilities as farm structures, equipment and tools, such as the following:
1. Farmhouse for farm supervisor and workers quarters.
2. Bodega, storage room, tool room and equipment input supplies and farm produce.
3. Working shed and packinghouse to be used for multiple activities especially during harvest.
4. Water system, with water pump, storage tanks and water distribution lines.
5. In-farm road network to facilitate field operations and access.
6. Fence and other security structures to keep out animals and intruders.
7. Power source (electricity) and communication facilities.
8. Nursery facilities including a greenhouse.
9. Organic fertilizer composting facilities and Bio – microorganism rearing house.
1. Service and transport vehicle.
2. Farm tractor with implement attachments (plow, harrow, trailer, douse, etc.) For small farms,
carabao drawn implements will suffice.
3. Mower and cultivator.
4. Generator, water pumps and reservoir.
5. Power sprayer with accessories (drums, pressure hose, sprayer lance and nuzzle, etc.
6. Cart or wheel borrows.
7. Rain gage, thermometer, soil tester.
8. Weighing scales, (1, 10, 60 kilo capacity)
9. Packinghouse with tanks, air blower, and packaging equipment.
1. Bolo, knives and pruning sheers.
2. Shovel, rake and other garden tools.
3. Hammer, saw and other carpentry tools.
4. Harvesting poles, rope crates etc.
5. Hoe, cultivating tools, rake, etc.
6. Other tools that may come for need.
1. Fertilizers: Chemical, organic, foliar and soil conditioner.
2. Agricultural Chemicals (Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, growth regulators, rodenticides, etc.)
Chemicals can be replaced with herbal and organic fertilizers and pesticides.
3. Packaging materials, (Plastic crates boxes, cartoon, paper, fruit caps, etc.)
4. Protective clothing and disposable gadgets, gloves, rubber boots, etc.
Agriculture is a living science. We find changes and the need for innovation as we progress on our
farming venture.
We encourage every mango grower to join Mango Associations in your area, and if possible form your
own marketing firm (cooperative, association or corporations) to insure a good market linkage with
processors and reputable traders. Attending, seminars, gathering and reading printed mango
technology, visiting farms, and conducting your own trials and researches will be very helpful.
Keep a farm record.
We also encourage grower to complete and improve their farm facilities.
Give special attention and time in harvesting. It is during this critical stage where you gain or lose
your investments.
If your plantation is bigger than ten (10) hectares, start learning and processing left over (LO) fruits
and fruit drops. If you are observant, about 20 % to 30% of the developing fruits drop off, and you
can process these into mango pickle and preserves. 10 to 20% of mature harvested fruits are
considered leaf over (LO) or rejects by fruit buyers. You can process them to dried, puree,
concentrates, powder, candies, preserved and others.
The Department of Science and Technology will be glad to train interested growers how to process
their fruits into dried mango, puree, concentrates, chilled halves, candies, preserves, powder, etc.
Through your Mango Association DA and DOST including DTI can be invited to help you in your
processing, packaging and marketing requirements.
No one is more interested and concern than the owner. So farm owners should take more time in
caring, supervising, monitoring and being in the farm. The best fertilizers are the footprints of the
owner around his trees and farm.
Written by: Mr. Rex Rivera

Comments (41)
Mrs B Said On 09-11-2008

Your article is very inspiring and very informative specially to people like me who likes to be in the
mango farming industry.
I hope you find time to answer my question, as I would truly value your advice for someone who has
written this article. I am working overseas and my husband and I are very interested in investing our
money to my sister in mindanao to mango farming. We know little of how much investment we need but
she showed us a proposal for 2 hectares amounting to half a million peso. My only concern is if how can
we portect us as investors from being ripped off as we know little about their transaction and running the

I am willing to really invest as my intention is to hlp out our family as a whole and profit from it as one
but sometimes I cant help but think they might not be telling us the whole scenario.

thank you again and my kindest regards,


Mr Art Obenza Said On 14-12-2008

good day!

your article is very inspiring, and educational….thank you .. you are a great help…
you just dont consider the priced of mango 5, 10, 15,20 and so on years from now… it will stay ba in
10pesos per kilo as in your computation… ?

thank you again with great respect,


Agri_center Said On 15-12-2008

pricing of mangoes are volatile especially the demand and supply throughout the year. P10 is a
conservative price. Price can increase and decrease depends on the season. You can expect higher farm
price if you produce off-season fruits while if you harvest mangoes along with regular mango harvest
expect competitive farm price especially below the usual farm price. Your only chance to have a higher
pricing coinciding the regular season is to produce high quality carabao mango that can be exported.
Exportable mangoes command higher price than class b and c mango quality which is used to supply the
local market and mango processors at very low prices.

Edwin Said On 30-12-2008

just need help

i have mango plantation of more than 200 trees. they were planted 2 years ago. the seedlings were two
years old so they are about 4 years by now. i want to apply an organic fertilizer but i have no idea what
type/brand of organic fertilizer is best for mango trees. how many kilograms or liters do i have to put each
tree and how often do i have to fertilize them?

i also have grown mango trees already. the youngest are around 20 years up to centuries old. i also want to
apply organic fertilizer on these trees. can you tell me how?


Nigel Said On 07-01-2009

the data on trees per hectare is WRONG! how can you get 50 trees per hectare if the spacing is 20 x 20
meters??? it could be 50 trees if it is done 20 x 10 meters. if the information on spacing is wrong, it is just
rightful to doubt the other informations in this article.

Agri_center Said On 07-01-2009

the data is not wrong, with 20 x 20 meters spacing plus 1 mango (intercrop between 4 mango trees) will
give you 50 trees per hectare.

Nigel Said On 09-01-2009

ok. 50 trees in that configuration!!! however, if that is the case, other trees are spaced only 14.142 meters {
(square root of 2 multiplied by 20m) divided by 2 } apart. The said distance requirement of 15 meters for
carabao mango is not reached… it may be close but it is enough to confuse my mind that is fixated on the
15 meter requirement. On a lighter note, I believe the spacing with that configuration is enough… pardon
me for being too mathematical on natural things!

Ding Doplayna Said On 20-01-2009

The article is very enlightening but we need to update the prices of the mango and of the inputs. anyway, I
have four hectares in Iloilo planted by mango at 10X10 as suggested by some of mango planters to
maximize the use of the land. Is this good or bad?

Lino Ferrer Said On 23-02-2009

I like to second the comment of Edwin above (#4) regarding organic fertilizer. There is no answer yet
posted. Additional question is how to apply the fertilizer on the earth around tree truck. Would appreciate
your reply.

Agri_center Said On 23-02-2009


Well, in my studies in mango growing, 15 x 15 meters is now the recommended spacing for carabao
mangoes. In Mindanao, they use 20 meters by 20 meters, due to frequent rains in the island. Mangoes
grow faster in Mindanao than in Luzon. Since you are in Visayas, I suggest using 15 meters by 15 meters.
If you have planted at 10 meters by 10 meters, if you have the labor and capital, then you can prune your
mangoes after harvest to maintain a certain height and width within the trees. Important thing is that
mango tree canopy don’t overlap each other and are given full sunlight inside and outside the tree.

Agri_center Said On 23-02-2009

Edwin and Lino,


It is very important that grafts be established in the field prior to fertilizer application. Fertilization is
recommended 3 to 4 months after field planting and should be done before the end of rainy season. A
practical guide for fertilizer application is the development of young shoots, weeks after transplanting.

The following are fertilizers requirements for non-bearing trees, if soil analysis is not available:

One year old – 100 g Urea and 1.0 kg decomposed manure.

Two years old – 200 g Urea and 2.0 kg decomposed manure.

Three years old – 300 g triple 14 and 3.0 kg decomposed manure.

Four year old – 400 g triple 14 and 4.0 kg decomposed manure.

Five year old – 500 g triple 14 and 5.0 kg decomposed manure.

The fertilizer should be placed 0.2 to 0.3 meters (1-2 feet) away from the stem of young grafts and few
inches below the ground level.

Hannah Said On 25-02-2009

My father who passed away a year ago left me with 10 hectares of mango plantation somewhere in La
Union. This mango plantation started in the early 1980’s with caretakers who look after the plantation.
After reading your article here, that sleeping business mind of mine awoke and I felt inspired to think
about my mango plantation seriously. For years, we have just relied on the caretakers’ words. And since
the site of the plantation is not very accessible to transpo at this time, I cannot make a personal visit
myself as I would have to hike at least 15 kilometers to reach the site. For 5 years now, because of
financial constraints, the plantation hasn’t been “sprayed” and also, for 5 years now, not a single centavo
has been remitted to us. I would like to ask some information as to how I could get contractors to spray
my mango plantation and approximately how much would it cost me. Thank you in advance.

Dr Angel De Castro III Said On 25-02-2009

thank you very much for this article. I am planning on developing my 21 hctr land in masbate to a mango
orchard. thank you so much mr rex rivera

CRISTETA PARANA Said On 01-03-2009

hi I have more or less 700 mango trees on aa 5.5 hectares of land in Cebu, more or less my trees are 10-12
years old, pls help me or guide me with a good production, seems like my greatest enemy is climate( wind
and rain) I want to fertilize my trees organically.

yours trully,
crity parana

Venus Ortega Said On 08-03-2009

thank you very much for the info on mango growing.We planted assorted fruit trees in our farm,it is on its
fourth year now.We are troubled now because there are some durian and lansones trees that suddenly have
developed drying of the leaves.The other month the same thing happen also and eventually those trees
died.Please,can you give us an advise on what to do?Hoping for your reply on this matter.Thank you and
God bless you.

Angelito Calilung Said On 26-04-2009

I suggest that it is adviseable to publish the names of the inputs to be use with different trademarks off
coarse to help more the farmers like me, so that we will minimize the mistake in application.
About the marketing of the products, I think it is the simpliest stage in mango production. I am working
here in Italy and yet I have found buyers(exporter) for my produce.


Mekinudolsoup Atbp. Said On 07-05-2009

Thanks so much for the INFO. badly needed.. ^__^

ANOY Said On 24-05-2009

I just want to know what is the good atlernate crop for mango while waiting 5 year and above before if
bear fruits. And can you explane further the 20×20m +1 distance.

Thak you and God Bless

Agri_center Said On 05-06-2009

Intercrops such small and medium fruit trees like Calamansi, Guapple, Papaya, Bananas can be planted
and vegetables. When you plant you grafted carabao mangoes at 20 meters by 20 meters, you can
intercrop another one in between the 4 mango trees.

Carol Said On 22-06-2009

Hello. You have a very comprehensive article about the mango. I was just wondering if you could
enlighten me on the cause of balat-kawayan? I bought mangoes last week and observed that they did not
turn yellow even if the inside was already ripe. Just like the definition of balat kawayan you have here.
Thank you.

Victor Cabral Said On 26-07-2009

For Sir Edwin and Lino Ferrer,

Please try visiting

Look for NaturesBio Microbial Organic Fertilizer for Mango


Jade Said On 25-09-2009

I have already planted Sweet elena mango (10 m apart) in parallel with Golden Queen at a distance of 10
meters between trees. I am planning to plant a chokanan at the middle of these four mango trees. What can
you suggest about this…..

An2x Capitle Said On 01-12-2009

tnx 4 the info. u help us a lot 4 the studies specially in agriculture sectors.

Rachel Eunice Buenafe Said On 02-02-2010

Thank you for sharing your best knowledge about this industry…I look forward for more educational
advices you could share to us, more power Sir…

Chris Neophyte Mango Enthusiast Said On 17-02-2010

Hi there! This has to be one of the most exhaustive mango growing resources I’ve encountered. I’m
interested in eventually going into mango farming. What’s a good starting point for me?

ERNEI Said On 26-02-2010


Thank you for some info about the mango.Im the new mango growers in DAVAO CITY. I have 300 trees
of carabao mango in 2.5 h of land.
Sir can you give me the Mango Associations in davao city. Im interisted to become a of this
organization..Thank you very much


Dave Said On 07-03-2010

very interesting news looking forward to travelling to phillipines in fall/spring 2011 to investigate
opportunities in farming a 14 hectare mature farm
which includes 300 mango trees 15-20 yrs old, rubber trees, coconut trees and pepper which is owned by
my girlfriend. I am very interested in making contacts
there for achieving the farms highest potential

Fredoline J. Jullah Said On 03-04-2010

Thank u for sharing with us your knowledge about growing mango. I’m interested in venturing into this
industry and really looking forward to implement this new found knowledge on the field. Thanks again.

Chester Said On 22-04-2010

Could you suggest where we could buy mango seedlings. Preferrably (8 -ft in height). We would be
farming in Northern Nueva Ecija. I hope you suggest a really good, tried-and-tested Carabao Mango.

Christian Said On 26-04-2010

HI! good day to everyone. is anyone here know where i could i buy a mango sibling or any mango nursery
near manila?

Olivia S. Distrito Said On 05-05-2010

What are the good brands of chemicals to be used for mango flowering and fruiting. Mango trees are 45
years old already and some are sick of stem borers?

Vic Serrano Said On 16-06-2010

Hello, I keep hearing of mango contractors who will pay a fixed amount per tree and they attend to
everything up to harvest and marketing. I am interested in going into such arrangement.

I have more than 300 mango trees that are 12 years old; multi root system, Guimaras variety of the
Carabao mango. The farm is in Cabangan, Zambales; 2 towns before the capital of Iba

Fidel Said On 23-07-2010

Nice article. Where to buy quality seedling in davao city? How could we determine if the seedling is good
breed or if its carabao mango or piko or indian mango? I am just curious what the advantage of seedling
from seed to grafted? do you have video or pictures to enlighten us more

thank you


Paz Cuaresma Said On 01-08-2010

Thank you for this article about mangoes.
We have a small farm in Cebu and would like to plant some mango trees. I’m 50 yrs. old and hopefully
my 2 daughters will inherit the farm someday.
Currently we live in Pampanga (due to work) so I would like to ask if you know of any farm near
Pampanga which takes in “apprentice” or gives training. My husband is very interested to study about
mango growi ng.

Tarcisio D. Yucor Said On 23-08-2010


Thank you very much for the comprehensive information for mango development and management. I am
a development worker in Gambia, Africa. I am interested very much on the flower inducer for mangoes. I
have 130 trees in my place in Dumaguete City, Philippines of around 12 years old. I want to induce it with
organic flower inducer..Your article only mentioned high dosage of phosphorous and potash fertilizer and
adequate micro nutrients. You mentioned also a Chemist from Mindanao is formulating, could we get his

Thank you very much. And more power and God Bless You.

Emmanuel B. Bartocillo Said On 22-10-2010

CONTACT US 09068457839….

V Chan Said On 03-12-2010

Dear Mango Experts,

I would like to import high quality hybrid mangoes types to European consumers next year to europe and
would first like to order different samples of a few mangoes types for inspection.. can you please help me
with possible contacts. Do you know any companies or individuals who can help me in this venture ?

I am looking only now for samples on high quality mango hybrids with the following characterizes
1. Large in size and Small seeds with lot of flesh

2. hard very sweet flesh that is not too juicy or fibrous but has a lot of mango flavor
3. Naturally ripened with no chemicals and has a long shelf life in the supermarket and sea travel
4. no insect damage or blemish on the skin of the mangoes

First I need to different mangoes samples for consumer testing before making large orders. Quality more
important than price. Do not waste time looking for mass produced mangoes with low quality and non of
the above characteristic.

what is the season and when can i receive the samples of different mangoes. We do detailed market
research on consumer trends in Europe and have connections to the major supermarket and specialized
fruit and vegetable grocery retailers.

Thank you
v chan
please see my linkedin profile

Princess Solis Said On 19-12-2010

Good day Sir,

Very informative article above, thank you for it. Tried natural concoctions of EM and Kyeusei method on
my first batch of mangoes these year during the spraying and mid stream shifted to chemical spray as
natural concoctions cold not control the leaf hopper. Ws advised to used carbaryl but applied a bit late and
had a less than expected harvest yield. Proceeded to use chemicals (green label) but am not happy with the
known environmental effects and would really want to get intouch with active and practicing organic/
natural mango growers and natural chemical manufacturers that have proven efficacy against the mango
pests. Mango where I am from is a livelihood for many small farmers and workers and would like to really
pursue this in a natural, sustainable way. I have a dedicated sprayer to is only experienced using chemical
sprays but we are very interested to practice natural methods and would liek to meet with natural/ organic
mango farmers . is there an association we can join?. Appreciate your answer.

Adonis Doronila Said On 21-01-2011

gud am . saan pwede makabili ng hoc 4n1 dito sa da vao city. gaano b ka epiktibo ito compared sa mga
chemicals na ginagamit ngayon ng karamihan. tnx

Dhoa Said On 05-03-2011

Im looking for a company who can take care and harvest the fruits and sell it, location is in La union area.
7 hectar.
Any interested please contact me:

Ronald Peralta Said On 03-04-2011

Gud day, , tanx for this article, ,now i have the idea on how to produce organic mango

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