ABSITE High Yield
ABSITE High Yield
ABSITE High Yield
PEEP ↑ FRC Type IV: Lesser curve along cardia; ↓ Mucosal protection
Aging ↑FRC, ↓FEV1 & VC Type V: Ulcer due to NSAIDs
Minute Vent = TV x RR Functional Endocrine Pancreatic Tumors –
Insulinoma: Most common; Evenly distributed throughout pancreas; Whipple’s triad (hypoglycemia, sx of hypoglycemia,
↑PEEP or FiO2 ↑O2
relief w/ glucose); <2cm enucleate; >2 cm rsxn
↑RR or volume ↓CO2 Gastrinoma: Head of pancreas; Gastrinoma triangle (CBD, neck of pancreas, D3); Secretin ↑Gastrin; <2cm
enucleate; >2 cm rsxn
Glucagonoma: Distal pancreas; Diabetes, stomatitis, necrolytic migratory erythema
VIPoma: Distal pancreas; Watery diarrhea, hypokalemia, achlorhydria
Somatostatinoma: Head of pancreas; Diabetes, gallstones, steatorrhea
Respiratory Quotient –
ASA Classification –
RQ >1 = lipogenesis (overfeeding):
1 – Healthy
5 – Moribund o CO2 buildup & difficulty weaning from vent
2 – Mild disease w/o limitation
6 – Donor RQ <0.7 = ketosis & fat oxidation (starving)
3 – Severe disease
E – Emergency Pure fat utilization RQ = 0.7
4 – Severe constant threat to life
Pure protein utilization RQ = 0.8
Pure carbohydrate utilization RQ = 1.0
MEN Syndrome (Autosomal Dominant) –
MEN I: MENIN gene; Parathyroid hyperplasia (1st symptoms; Tx first); Pancreatic islet cell tumors (#1 Gastrinoma); BIRADS –
Pituitary Adenoma 0: Non-diagnostic; Repeat study
MEN IIa: RET proto-oncogene; Parathyroid hyperplasia; Medullary thyroid CA (1st symptoms, diarrhea); 1: Normal/negative; Routine follow-up
Pheochromocytoma (Tx first) 2: Benign; Routine follow-up
MEN IIb: RET proto-oncogene; Medullary thyroid CA (1st symptoms, diarrhea); Pheochromocytoma (Tx first); Mucosal 3: Probably benign; Short interval follow-up
neuromas; Marfanoid habitus 4: Suspicious; Core needle bx
5: Highly suggestive of ca; Core needle bx
Hypersensitivity Reactions – 6: Known malignancy
Type I: Immediate; Allergy, IgE activates mast cells (eg, bee stings, peanuts, anaphylaxis)
Type II: Ig w/ cell antigen (eg, ABO incompatibility, Grave’s disease)
Vitamin Deficiencies –
Type III: Ig w/ soluble antigen Immune complex (eg, sick sinus syndrome, SLE)
Thiamine (B1) Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Type IV: Delayed; T cells, no antibodies (eg, TB skin test, contact dermatitis, chronic rejection)
Niacin (B3) pellagra (diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia)
Pyridoxine (B6) glossitis, sideroblastic anemia
Liver Abscesses –
Folate (B9) glossitis, megaloblastic anemia
Amebic: Entomoeba histolytica; single; 2/2 colitis; recent travel to Mexico; Tx Flagyl
Hydatid: Echinococcus; calcified, double wall; anaphylaxis if ruptures; Tx Albendazole followed by rsxn Cobalamin (B12) glossitis, megaloblastic anemia, peripheral neuropathy
Ascorbic Acid (C) scurvy, follicular hyperkeratosis, perifollicular hemorrhage
Pyogenic: Most common; E. Coli (MC); ascending infection from biliary tree; Tx perc drain & abx
Vitamin A night blindness
Choledochal Cysts – Vitamin D rickets, osteomalacia
Type I: Most common; Fusiform dilation of CBD; Tx Rsxn & hepaticojejunostomy Vitamin E neuropathy, spinocerebellar ataxia, hemolytic anemia
Type II: True diverticulum of CBD; Tx Rsxn Vitamin K coagulopathy
Type III: Dilation of distal CBD involving Sphincter of Oddi; Tx Rsxn or marsupialization
Trace Element Deficiencies –
Type IV: Multiple cysts intra- & extrahepatic; Tx Rsxn, poss lobectomy, poss transplant
Chromium encephalopathy, hyperglycemia
Type V (Caroli’s Dz): Intrahepatic cysts; Tx Rsxn, poss lobectomy, poss transplant
Selenium cardiomyopathy
Copper pancytopenia
Gastric Ulcers –
Zinc poor wound healing, hair loss
Type I: Lesser curve low along body of stomach; ↓ Mucosal protection
Type II: Lesser curve & duodenal; High acid secretion
Equations –
Ideal Body Weight:
o Men = 106 lbs + 6 lbs for every in. over 5 ft
o Women = 100 lbs + 5 lbs for every in. over 5 ft
Nitrogen Balance = ([protein/6.25] – [24 h urine N + 4])
CO = HR x SV
SV (stroke volume) = EDV - ESV
Arterial O2 Content (CaO2)= (Hgb x 1.34 x SpO2) + (PO2 x 0.003)
O2 Delivery = CO x CaO2
O2 Consumption (VO2) = CO x (CaO2 – CvO2)
Compliance = (∆Volume)/(∆Pressure)
Minute Ventilation = TV x RR
FENa = ([Naurine x Crplasma)/(Naplasma x Crurine)] x 100
H2O deficit = (weight (kg) x 0.6) x ([Na/140] – 1)
Serum Osmolarity = (2 x Na) + (BUN/2.8) + (Glucose/18)
Proto-Oncogenes –
c-myc Burkitt’s Lymphoma
c-Kit GIST (tyrosine kinase)
N-myc Neuroblastoma
BRAF Melanoma
K-ras Colorectal ca