This document discusses the philosophical, sociological, psychological, and educational bases of guidance. The philosophical bases include maintaining students' cumulative records, tailoring programs to individual and community needs, employing qualified guidance staff, and periodically evaluating programs and their effects on students. The sociological bases relate guidance to social adjustment, problems like inferiority complexes, and the role of environment. The psychological bases address guiding gifted, creative, slow, and struggling students. The educational bases outline planning, implementing, evaluating, and following up on comprehensive guidance programs throughout the year with faculty involvement.
This document discusses the philosophical, sociological, psychological, and educational bases of guidance. The philosophical bases include maintaining students' cumulative records, tailoring programs to individual and community needs, employing qualified guidance staff, and periodically evaluating programs and their effects on students. The sociological bases relate guidance to social adjustment, problems like inferiority complexes, and the role of environment. The psychological bases address guiding gifted, creative, slow, and struggling students. The educational bases outline planning, implementing, evaluating, and following up on comprehensive guidance programs throughout the year with faculty involvement.
This document discusses the philosophical, sociological, psychological, and educational bases of guidance. The philosophical bases include maintaining students' cumulative records, tailoring programs to individual and community needs, employing qualified guidance staff, and periodically evaluating programs and their effects on students. The sociological bases relate guidance to social adjustment, problems like inferiority complexes, and the role of environment. The psychological bases address guiding gifted, creative, slow, and struggling students. The educational bases outline planning, implementing, evaluating, and following up on comprehensive guidance programs throughout the year with faculty involvement.
This document discusses the philosophical, sociological, psychological, and educational bases of guidance. The philosophical bases include maintaining students' cumulative records, tailoring programs to individual and community needs, employing qualified guidance staff, and periodically evaluating programs and their effects on students. The sociological bases relate guidance to social adjustment, problems like inferiority complexes, and the role of environment. The psychological bases address guiding gifted, creative, slow, and struggling students. The educational bases outline planning, implementing, evaluating, and following up on comprehensive guidance programs throughout the year with faculty involvement.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
cumulative record s of prog ress and
achievement should be made accessible to guidance workers.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
An organized guidance program should
be suited to individual and community needs.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
A professional qualified and adequately
trained chairman or head of guidance working cooperatively with his assistant a n d ot h e r co m m u n i t y w e l fare a n d guidance agencies.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
A periodic appraisal should be made–
gui ders and gui des- and in the displayed behavior of those who have been served.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
Gui d ing pr inciple s ref er to t he
procedures, methods of instruction or techniques by which individuals work together toward the accomplishment of the goals or objectives.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
Every aspect of a person’s complex
p erso nally patter n co ns t i tute s a s i g n if i c a n t f a c to r o f h i s to t al displayed attitudes and forms of behavior.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Philosophical bases of guidance
The function of guidance is to help a
p e r s o n f o r m u l at e a n d a cc e p t stimulating, worthwhile and attainable goals of behavior and apply these in conducting his affairs.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Sociological bases of guidance
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU Sociological bases of guidance
Social adjustment is also linked with
the adolescents' home and school relationship
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Sociological bases of guidance
★Other social problems includes,
Inferiority complex over dependency and antisocial behaviour
★The common cause for these problems
is social environment of the adolescent. The clash between adult expectation of the adolescents and their own standards result in social maladjustment.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Sociological bases of guidance
★Education aims to train the students
to become efficient members of the society. ★ If the social needs of the students are not properly fulfilled, they become socially maladjusted. ★Thus to avoid maladjustment of the adolescent, proper nurturing of social qualities by parents, teachers, peers and elders in the society is to be done
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Sociological bases of guidance
★A n y s t u d e nt, a s a m e m b e r o f student group expects acceptance by his/her peers
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Sociological bases of guidance
★Free interaction with members of
the opposite sex.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Psychological bases of guidance ★(i) gifted, (ii) creative, (iii) slow learners and (iv) learners with difficulty for learning
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Psychological bases of guidance
Gifted are students who show
remarkably high performance in educational endeavours. They h av e s u p e r i o r i n t e l le c t u a l potential and functional ability to achieve academically top position.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Psychological bases of guidance
Creative are those who exhibit
creativity such as forming ideas o r hy p ot h e s i s a n d s h o w a different approach to a problem.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Psychological bases of guidance
Slow learners- are students who
require more time for learning than the average students in a class
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Educational bases of guidance
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
Educational bases of guidance 1. Select the areas in which gui dance is to be organised is determined. 2. Planning appropriately to involve students in the programme. 3. Evaluating the strategies and implementing the same. 4. S p r e a d i n g t h e g r o u p gui dance pro g ram m e throughout the year. 5. Involving all the needed faculty in the programme. 6. Evaluating the effectiveness of the programme. 7. Organising follow up.
Dr. Nisanth.P.M, Assistant Professor, Dept of Education, RGU
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