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Organisation Study of Suzlon Energy Limited

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As an organization in which provide collective goals from the social units and it gives
structure for the different activities .Every organization has their own organization structure
that determines the relationship between different activities.

The study of the organization structure help us to identify the factor that lead to the
structuring and also evaluate its impact on the overall performance and effectiveness of the


 Awareness on Company Profile.

 Awareness on Vision and Mission of the Company.
 Awareness on Competitors
 To know the company organization activities in all functional areas & release this to
theoretical knowledge acquired.
 Awareness on strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the company.


This report mainly focuses on its views on the company profile and different department such
as Sales Department, Finance and Accounting Department, Human Resource Department,
Purchase Department and Transport Department. It mainly helps us to identify the different
activities and roles to be performed from different team to produce and delivery successful
end product to the customers.

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2. Industry Profile

“The sooner we get started with alternative energy sources and recognize that fossil fuels make us less
secure as a nation, and more dangerous as a planet, the better off we'll be.”
-Lindsey Graham
Energy is the primary factor that is required for all the developmental process. One of the survey
state that over 81% of total energy used in the world derived from fossil fuel and the contribution
of renewable energy is only 13%. Excess use of these fossil fuel is resulted in depleting ozone
layer, global warming all over the world and scarcity of fossil fuels and other problems related to
environment. This problem indicates that there is a need to use renewable energy source such as
solar energy, wind energy, hydro chemical energy, geothermal and biomass energy etc.
Wind energy is quite better than all other renewable energy option as it is more advanced, proven,
scalable and it is essay to install and as well as it does not require much maintenance. If utilised
properly it has a capacity to contribute more than 30% of total world energy need within few
decades. The problem with other renewable energy sources is they are difficult to maintain, they
require large space and they have short life span. This resulted in increasing consumption of wind
turbines as a source of energy.
As the world’s Seventh largest wind turbine manufacturer, Suzlon has it’s footprint over 33
countries across 5 continents with cumulative market share of 7.6%. It is the largest wind
solutions provider in India with 43% market share. Suzlon has formulated its model offers unique
solution from equipment supply to full turnkey solution for each market. Suzlon’s approach to
supply chain management and logistics relies on vertical integration. It has a unique quality called
end to end solution where they not only provide products but also they provide after sales services
and repairs and maintenance throughout life span of wind turbine.
Wind energy sector has faced many ups and downs over last few decades. Many alternative
energy sources tried to compete with this sector but the durability and other advantage of wind
energy sector resulted in continues growth of this sector over many decades. Now it is coming up
with new innovative idea which is off shore installation of wind turbines. This has a great future

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Demand for wind energy is mainly influenced by cost-competitiveness, availability of financing

the project and government policy. There are limited number of buyers and there is a limited
number of suppliers in this industry. Suppliers are further segregated in different region of the
world. And buyers are also from different part of the world. There was much difficulty in
importing raw materials and exporting final products to customers who are located in different
part of the world as transportation was major problem. Their primary customer are community
wind farmers, IPP’s and ITEI’s and main raw material required for wind turbine is rotor, gear box
blades and other materials.

Need for renewable energy including wind energy is realised only after the 1973 Arab oil crisis.
When world realised there is a scarce in energy they started looking for substitute and this led to
development of new technology during 1970’s and 1980’s. After that in 2000’s there was increase
in awareness about global warming and there was many conference and business summits held
to control global warming and to concentrate on greenhouse solution. There was a sudden increase
in global wind energy installation in the year 2000 to 2008.
When demand increased it encouraged many new players from different part of the world to enter
into this sector. Before there were only few large players were ruling this sector. Most of them
involved in manufacture and assembling of turbines. When demand exceeded supply if
components, bargaining power of suppliers increased. On the other hand there was a major

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problem related to installation, maintenance and services of wind turbine farms because buyers
were not aware how to solve those problems. Due to this problems there was a constant pressure
on big players to actively participate on this problem.
At this time these players realised that their role is not only to manufacture and sell it but also
they have to concentrate on after sale services also. Therefore later these companies merged with
many other companies like Vestas merged with NEG Micon, suzlon merged with Repower, GE
merged with Enron, and Gamesa merged with Made and siemens.
At this stage government policies also supported the usage of wind turbine energy with lots of
government incentives like RPS, various benefits on tax, subsidies on installation and green
certificate system.
Increase in modern innovation made the life span of wind turbines from 12 year to 20 years and
also decreasing MWH cost and also cost which is incurred in installation and production is also
decreased due to innovation in technology. With this innovation it became cheaper than other
renewable energy sources. Increasing oil prices and increasing awareness about global warming
led to usage of more renewable energy sources which resulted in greater demand for wind energy.
Many countries were compelled to include wind energy in their energy mix.
2008 TO 2013 ERA
In 2008 there were major changes in economy all over the world. This impact on economy had
made a huge effect on every sector. These effects are summarised as follows:
1. Economic and Financial Recession of 2008/09:
Capital availability started decreasing when investment reduced by IPP’s it resulted in decrease
in demand for wind turbine. Many countries ignored the pollution caused by global warming. The
green agenda concepts was ignored. After that slowly negative effect of recession led to decline
in prices which in turn resulted in increasing supply of wind turbine
2. Shale gas revolution:
At this period there was a rapid increase in the production of shale gas in United States it resulted
in downward pressure in price of gas all over the world. There was rapid increase in production
of shale gas. Biggest advantage of shale gas is it provide energy at cheaper price. It also emit less
quantity of carbon therefore those country who are concerned with global warming now they
slowly started using shale gas for their needs. This become a major threat to wind energy sector
as there is two large reserve of shale gas lies in united states as well as china
3. Excessive Capacity –
There is a greater difficulty in logistics and due to increased cost of transportation of equipment
from manufacturing unit to installation sites. There was heavy investment in in building capacity
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by many small firms. A decline in the investment for farms resulted in wide range capacity in the
industry. Simultaneously high debts and decreased cash flows were also a puzzle.
4. Policy changes –
Due to the implications of Kyoto protocol which went effective in 2005 it imposed a top ceiling
on carbon emissions by all the industrialized countries. This carpeted the way for introduction of
carbon credits which was formulated later. Farm owners started to generate additional income by
selling carbon credits. In the year 2012, during Doha Climate Change talks, all the member
countries agreed for new emission standards ruled out for the year 2013 to 2020.
5. Fukushima Nuclear disaster–
The safety of nuclear energy and its test set a drawback after Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011.
On the globe, anti-nuclear sentiment and respective strikes grew with countries deciding to
decrease the dependence on the nuclear energy. Thus this provided an opportunity for growth in
wind energy.
6. Offshore wind farms–
Offshore wind turbine can generate high capacity energy than onshore because of its geographic
condition and wind flow. Many of the counties are coming up with this project as it does not
require much maintenance and other burden. And it need not to vacate population from land. One
of the leading countries in offshore wind energy sector is United Kingdom after 2012 the off shore
wind energy sector has expected a growth rate of 40%. As it gained popularity many countries
started adopting it Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, japan and other costal countries invested huge
amount in it. Government also supported these ideas as it had great return. All of together these
factors resulted in huge demand for wind energy sector.
2014 TO 2018 ERA

During 2016 Indian wind energy sector was on peek. They totally produced capacity of 5400
megawatt, this attracted lots of foreign player into Indian market Enrcon and Vestas who is known
as global giants entered into Indian market after realising the opportunity they invested huge in
Indian wind energy sector and most of the wind turbine manufacturing companies were expanding
their manufacturing units to coup up with demand. This era wind energy sector created 25
thousand new job opportunity in Indian market.

Looking at these success many thought that 2017 will be even better for wind energy sector Mr
Tulsi Tanti chairman of Suzlon said that “We are confident that in the financial year 2018 the
wind energy sector will deliver 6000MW of new capacity”. Not only him many of the experts
said that this year there would be a rapid growth in this sector this year.

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But real problem raised when government allowed auctions to be conducted to determine tariff
rates this change will be lower than the set which it used to be in previous. Before this change
various electric regulatory authorities used to fix a rate of tariff, which were promised by long
term payments and also with a pre fixed price, and power purchase agreements will be fixed with
private wind power developers. But when Narendra Modi government introduced auction system
entire growth rate decreased

At present there is a lot of market turbulence in this sector, basic fundamentals which helped wind sector to grow
such as increasing rate of electricity, securing energy, increasing awareness about global warming due to carbon
emission, and also increasing demand for energy has kept demand for wind energy sector .but looking at current
scenario it is difficult to predict future condition. There is not much demand from OECD countries because most
of them are not concerned about global warming and continuously using oil which resulted in no demand from
those countries.
Global wind energy sector expecting a growth in 2018, as there is increase in demand from Asian and European
market. Market condition for wind energy sector globally in 2020 is expected to be than better than current situation.
Many countries are coming up with innovation in wind energy sector which may result in growth of wind energy
sector in future. For example before wind turbines are installed on land on mountain valleys etc. this required huge
cost of transportation and once it is installed there that land cannot be used for cultivation, so there arise a new
concept of installing wind turbine in sea where wind flow will be high and also there is no wastage of land. Many
costal countries will be able to produce energy easily due to this innovation. Lots of research and projects are going
on offshore wind energy and already many countries have adapting this project. Since India is peninsular it can
implement this offshore wind energy in its country and produce energy.

Apart from this there are many opportunity for future growth of this sector they are
 Many countries are changing their policy in favour of wind energy sector. Wind energy is
currently facing a growth globally
 Offshore energy which is currently growing expecting a high growth rate after decreasing
cost of operation.
 There is a new innovation in energy sector which is a combination of gas and wind energy.
Installing this system a user can generated electricity always. When wind speed is low
electricity can be generated using gas.
 There are direct drive turbines which has less components, it has lower maintainance cost,
and essay to install and run when compared to traditional turbines.

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 Wind energy is not only used for producing electricity but also it can be used for cleaning
water and it can be used for producing gas, some experiment also shown that it can be used
as vehicle energy either.

Challenges for wind energy sector

Many players in wind energy sector are facing financial instability and they are not able to expand
or run new projects due to financial crisis. Many of the company are facing a large financial debt
due to economic crisis. Apart from this there is also saviour competition from substitutes such as
solar energy, shale gas and oils. Even though wind energy has its own advantage it may face great
difficulties in short term.

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3.1 History of Company

1995- How suzlon came into existence

Suzlon started in 1995, it is started by Tulsi Tanti, who was mechanical engineer and he was
into his family business where he was running a textile shop. His business was going down
because of continuous increase in operation cost. And the main reason for increase in operation
cost is expensive electricity and there was frequent power outages. Due to this he started to
explore other alternatives to fulfill the need of power. At that time he thought of buying wind
turbines. And in 1994 for the first time he purchased two wind turbines and started producing
his own electricity. When he was able to
reduce his operation cost others owners
also showed interest in his solution. This
inspired Mr. Tulsi Tanti to get into energy
sector. He left his family business and
started Suzlon in 1995. They made a
promises to their customers that they will
provide complete package of services to
their customer.

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From the beginning, Suzlon has grown rapidly it expanded its business all over the world and
due to its technological and product innovation it was successfully established all over the
world. Very soon it become top player in the field of wind energy and it expanded its business
to 18 different countries of the world. Very soon it installed around 11,000 wind turbine across
6 continent including India china and other countries. They are known for their innovative
products and their competitive advantage


After 1995 suzlon slowly started growing and slowly it started getting prominence as one of the
top companies who provide complete wind energy solution. The uniqueness of company
resulted in fast growth. Later suzlon established technical collaboration with Sudwind energy
which is one of the top player in German to get expertise knowledge. This knowledge helped
suzlon to build a strong foundation in India. It set up WTGs across India in between 1995 to
2000. During this period suzlon built its first 0.27MW WTG in Gujarat and in the states of
Tamilnadu and Maharashtra. With the increase in WTGs company’s installed capacity is
crossed 100MV installed capacity mark in this period.

2001 - 2005 Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"

Suzlon with its product

innovation now it is
concentrating on vertical
integration. If it became
vertically integrated
bargaining power of
suppliers will come
down which result in
decrease in cost for
company. It also initiated backward integration with blade dispatch of type S-60 blades from
rotor blade unit in Daman. Due to this integration suzlon control system was strengthened and
at this period suzlon went international.

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2006 - 2010 Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 14 pt,
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"

Once it become a leader in wind energy sector in India, it made its initial public offering to
public which was fifteen times oversubscribed. These stocks are listed in Bombay stock
exchange as well as national stock exchange. In 2005 it crossed 1GW installed capacity mark
in India which is a milestone in its growth. It became more technically advanced and it improved
its WTG suites for example 2.1 MW generator it produce power easily. Within two decades of
its formation suzlon has achieved technical excellence as well as leadership. It is the only power
company in India, and also it is a single renewable energy company in Asia and also it is an
only company in world to achieve this status in the world. In terms of installed capacity of
suzlon it rank top five in world among WTG manufacturers.

2011 – 2015

Suzlon never stopped innovation this quality of suzlon helped them to develop S9X wind
turbines. It was presented to world at the 2011 AWEA wind power conference. It also made
many improvement in its products after lots of Experiment Company produced another variant
which is called as S97 which is 2.1MW wind turbine generator(WTG), and also it is built with
a hybrid tower which is a combination of Lattice and tabular and it is 120 meters long. Suzlon
got certificates from TUV NORD for its S111 2.1MW WTG suit, which is a part of the S9X
series and of 50Hz and 60Hz variant. This award is given for excellence in designing, testing
manufacturing and maintaining the standards of Wind turbine generator.

This growth impressed new investor to invest in the company. Many of them joined hands in
suzlon growth. In 2015 suzlon signed agreement for an equity investment for 1800cr. with DSA
which helped suzlon to expand its business. During this period it created a record in its growth.

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2016 onwards Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"

Suzlon now aims at becoming one among the top three in wind energy sector in the to
achieve this it is introducing new and innovative technology and also it is adapting all
technological updates which help it to become leader in a wind energy sector. It also got lots of
awards in the year 2016

Some notable achievements since 2016 are:

 Shri Shirva Singh Chauhan, Humble Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh inaugurates
Suzlon’s rotor blade manufacturing unit at Badnawar, Ratlam
 Suzlon achieves landmark milestone of 10,000 MW of wind energy installation in India
 Suzlon’s first S111 120m 2.1MW Wind Turbine Generator achieves ~42% Plant Load

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3.2 Type of business which company involved

Suzlon Energy Company involved in a B2B business where they manufacture all the components
which is required to run a wind turbine. Their manufacturing units are located in different
locations of the country. They have manufacturing units where they produce different
components these units are located in different parts and from this unit all components are
transported to OMS units where they install and provide all kind of operating and maintenance
service through of life of product.

They import raw materials from different part of world these raw materials are sent to
manufacturing unit once the components are manufactured it is transported to OMS units.
Usually they use land transportation mode to transfer these components. And these OMS units
take the delivery of all the components which is delivered from different manufacturing units.
And they install them according to customer preference provide repair, operate, maintain
services throughout the life of turbine.

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Vision Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: 0.06", Line spacing:
Suzlon’s vision for its quality initiatives is to be a quality leader in technology and sustainable 1.5 lines

stakeholder-centric management
Towards attaining this vision, Suzlon has invested its efforts in creating a quality-focused
organisation wherein each employee and process is geared up towards meeting and
maintaining the highest quality standards, thereby providing customers with the best-in-class

Mission Formatted: Font: 12 pt

Suzlon’s mission for its quality initiatives is to maintain a satisfied customer base, qualitative
supplier base and a highly motivated workforce by delivering quality products and services.
To achieve its mission, Suzlon commits itself to:
 Institutionalise customer focus on timely delivery, quality and product performance that
satisfies the customers’ needs and expectations, thereby forging confidence and long term
 Establish a qualitative supplier base with a strong focus on quality systems, products and
continual improvement.
 Pursue total quality in every aspect of the organisation.
 Create an environment where a highly trained and motivated task force can deliver to their
full potential.
The aim of the entire quality management approach is to formulate a set of systems and
processes that not only delivers result in accordance with customer requirements but also
encourages its employees to imbibe Suzlon’s quality philosophy.


Suzlon’s journey towards holistic sustainable development is built on five foundational pillars:

 Agility: Efficient, prompt, and timely action defines the way Suzlon conducts its
business and goes forward in its endeavour to achieve growth and create value for all

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 Creativity: Constant innovation and creation of new models are the cornerstones of
Suzlon’s untiring efforts for unlocking the potential of renewable energy.
 Value addition: Suzlon’s efforts are always concentrated on delivering the maximum
value to all its stakeholders.
 Commitment: Suzlon is committed to building a sustainable tomorrow and for this, it
constantly partners and collaborates with all its stakeholders.
 Integrity: Complete honesty and transparency form the foundation for Suzlon’s
relationship with all stakeholders.

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3.4. Area of operation

Suzlon formed in 1995, soon after its formation it expanded its business to large extent and
within 10 year it become international. It started in India now it expanded its business to 18
countries. At present suzlon is not only top player in Indian wind energy sector but also it has
become one of top player among foreign wind energy manufacturer.

 It operates in 18 states of north America and also in 2 countries

 In Europe it operates in 11 counties and it is expanding rapidly over there.

 In Australia suzlon energy has market share of 17% of wind energy sector.

 In china 671 wind turbines are installed by suzlon.

 Suzlon has its R&D centres in Germany, India, Denmark and Netherlands

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3.5 Organisation structure

Suzlon organisation is broke down into various categories. All the orders flow from head office
to all other different plants.

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3.6 Product Profile

S111 Wind Turbine Generator Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,
Bold, Font color: Text 1
Formatted Table
 Rotor diameter has been increased to 111.8and the wider area is swept across 9500square Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"
meters. Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.19", Hanging: 0.13",
Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at:
 Suitable for low wind sites like IEC Class III
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, Bold
 Featuring the SB54 blades, designed to withstand extreme, on-site conditions.
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Right: 0.18", Line
 Enhanced performance with 140 meter hub-height. spacing: 1.5 lines

VARIANTS BLADE Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

S111-90m ,S111-120m and S111- Make - Suzlon SB54 Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold, Font color: Black
OPERATING DATA GENERATOR Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Wind class - IEC IIIA Frequency - 50Hz Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Right: 0.18",
Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Rated power - 2.1 MW Asynchronous - 3 phase induction
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt,
Cut-in wind speed - 3m/s generator with slip rings operated Bold
Rated wind speed - 12.5m/s with rotor circuit inverter Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold

Cut-out wind speed - 21m/s system (DFIG) Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Right: -0.06"
Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Hub heights - 90m | 120m | 140m diameter - 111.8m
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Type - Steel tubular | Hybrid lattice Swept area - 9,852sq m Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Right: 0.18", Line
spacing: 1.5 lines
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Right: 0.18"
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Space After: 0 pt

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S120 Wind Turbine Generator Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold

Features Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"

Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
 Wider rotor diameter of 120 metres with swept area of 11225 sq. meters
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
 Suitable for low wind sites IEC Class S.
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
 Next-generation controls with state-of-the-art software. Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.31", Line spacing: 1.5 lines

 All new individual pitch control mechanism. Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.31", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
S120-120m and S120-140m Make - Suzlon SB59 1.5 lines
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Not Bold
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
Wind class - S (IEC IIIA) Frequency - 50Hz 1.5 lines
Rated power - 2.1 MW Asynchronous - Slip ring Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines

Cut-in wind speed - 3 m/s asynchronous generator Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
Rated wind speed - 9.5 m/s
1.5 lines
Cut-out wind speed - 26.1m/s
(3-second average)
18.0m/s (10-minute average) Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
Hub heights - 120m | 140m Rotor diameter - 120m 1.5 lines, Tab stops: 3.04", Left

Type - Steel tubular | Hybrid concrete Hybrid Swept area - 11,225sq m Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman, 12 pt
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
S128 Wind Turbine Generator 1.5 lines, Tab stops: Not at 3.95"
Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"
 129m rotor diameter with swept area of more than 13070 sq. meters.
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
 New 6 pole generator.
 Smart pitching and innovative control features.
 Large single rotor blade measuring 63 meter.
VARIANTS BLADE Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
S128 Make - Suzlon SB63
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06"

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OPERATING DATA GENERATOR Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
Wind class –IEC S Frequency - 50Hz
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Rated power - 2.6 MW Asynchronous - Slip ring
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Cut-in wind speed – 3.0 m/s asynchronous generator Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
Rated wind speed - 9.5 m/s
Cut-out wind speed – 30.0 m/s
(3-second average)
20.0m/s (10-minute average Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
1.5 lines
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
Hub heights - 140m Rotor diameter - 129m 1.5 lines

(depending on the type of the tower) Swept area – 13,070 sq. m Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing: 1.5 lines
Formatted: Justified, Indent: Left: -0.06", Line spacing:
Type - Hybrid concrete | Hybrid lattice 1.5 lines

Classic Fleet Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold

Over the last two decades, Suzlon has built a range of turbines that can generate 600KW to Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"
Formatted Table
2100KW of power. These turbines continue to generate power across the world, supported by
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06"
Suzlon’s operations and maintenance services. With the introduction of new, high-yield next
generation wind turbines, Suzlon has phased out the manufacturing of its older WTG (wind
turbine generator) models - S97, S88, S82, S66, and S52.
Formatted: Indent: Left: -0.06", Space After: 0 pt

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3.7 Competitors Information


Vestas wind systems has been the rival since Suzlon’s establishment. With the tag line of
“blowing’ in the wind” they nearly own the market share with respect to offshore wind turbines
industries are considered. They have installed about 54000 wind turbines in nearly 80 countries
with a capacity of producing about 38000MW for about 200 energy and utility companies.
Vestas region of operation spans around Europe and West Africa. It was founded in Aarhus,
Central Jutland. Vestas generates 10.3 billion dollars more revenue than suzlon energy.


A new entrant in this field who is looking to “BLOW” away the competition has been a huge
success. Sinoval is china’s largest wind turbine manufacturers and currently the third in the
world. Sinoval initially started with producing 1.5MW turbines for land use and later ventured
into offshore wind turbines producing about 5MW in total. It has a total production capacity of
3.5GW. Sinoval products such as turbines and its components are sold under the brands Huari
fengdiaan, Sinoval windtech, Sino Wind. They have raised 1.4billion dollars in their first public
offering which was listed in Shanghai stock Exchange. Sinoval generates 11.6 billion dollars
than suzlon energy.


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Currently the world leader, GE alone produces about 52 percent of the total energy coming from
wind turbines taking the world into consideration. Beginning in 2002, with one type of wind
turbine model they have evolved and had installed 22 other models in both onshore and offshore
categories. The rated capacities for an onshore wind turbine is about 1.7MW to 4.8MW and
6MW to 12MW for an offshore wind turbines. They have ruled out the motto of reliability,
availability and performance par excellence. They provide energy for more than 800 companies
in and around America. GE generates 121billion dollars than suzlon energy.


A premier wind energy player, INOX WIND is an Indian energy service provider and the top
competitor for Suzlon energy in India. Inox wind was established in 2009 and headquartered in
Noida, Uttar Pradesh. They are also solution providers in the onshore wind turbines and has
companies spanning all over India. Rated capacities for an onshore wind turbine is about 0.4MW
to 1.9MW. They are currently planning the venture into offshore wind turbines and have raised
1.9billion dollars in the current equity shares. Inox wind generates 64 percent the revenue of
suzlon energy.


One among the finest in this field who is looking to abrupt the competition even GE has been a
huge service provider. Siemens is Europe’s largest wind turbine manufacturers and currently
the fifth in the world. Siemens initially started with producing 1.2MW turbines for land use and
later ventured into offshore wind turbines producing about 4.2MW in total. It has a total
production capacity of 1.5GW. Siemens products such as turbines and its components are sold
all over the world as they are the leading service providers in this area. Siemens. They have
raised 14billion dollars to promote their business expansions in the United States of America.
Siemens generates 11.6 billion dollars than suzlon energy.

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Siemens was founded in 1847, and its headquarters is in Munich, Bavaria. Siemens operates in
the Electrical Components & Equipment industry. Siemens has 344,100 more employees than

1.83.8 AWARDS

Suzlon received many awards for its contribution to wind energy sector. Some of notable awards
received by suzlon are

 In the year 2016 suzlon received Wind Turbine Tower Technology Company of the year
and it received runner-up award for Wind Turbine Manufacturer of the year by Indian
wind energy Forum. These awards are given for industry Excellence.

 For its innovation in the field of wind energy sector it received Golden Peacock Eco-
Innovation Award in the year 2016 for hybrid tower wind turbine. In the same year it
was listed in the top 50 Indian innovators by Thomson Reuters India Innovation Awards.

 In 2011 it was recognised as the Campion in study of Fast growing, High Performing

 In the year 2012 it received award for best quality practice, by Quality forum of India.

 It received civic award which is given by the Bombay Chamber of commerce and

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3.9 Future growth and prospects

Suzlon energy ltd has been one of the top players in wind energy sector from past many decades.
But due to various legal rules imposed by government, this company is majorly affected and it is
currently facing financial instability. If it has to sustain in future then it has to bring down its
working capital management as well as all other controllable expenditures.

Off shore wind energy sector is currently growing in all other parts of the world if it is
implemented in India then it will be a huge success for suzlon as its most of the plants are located
near costal region.

As their future endeavour they are planning to successfully launch five more plants in India. Their
Anantapur plant which is located in Andhra Pradesh is almost ready for opening and it is now
going for recruitment planning. Others plants are opening in Rtlam, Madhya Pradesh and
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan which is into manufacturing of Rotar blades and they are opening other two
plants in Coimbatore and Vadodara which is into casting and fogging.

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Suzlon provide on job training for all of its employees to make use of skills of every employees.
It provides training and quality education to its employees to raise the personal concern for

Basic function of HR department

 To Maintenance of personal records

 To provide training to new as well as existing employees

 To plan manpower planning& development

 To promote management staff& workers

Training and development department include following activity

 Recruiting candidates from various sources

 Induction program

 Conducting Employ development programs

 Promoting right employee

 Rewarding deserved one

 Career, performance and compensation management

 Reward recognition and informing about various social security schemes

 HR planning


Finance and maintenance department include

 Recording & maintenance of all required transition on regular basis

 Calculating production and maintenance cost

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 Payments to suppliers and day to day expenses handling and recording account receivables
from customer

 Preparation of annual reports, annual operation plan and capital budgeting to the new projects

 Estimating daily requirement of joint unit & processing funds

 Maintain proper contact with bank and other financial institution and auditors.


For an organisation employees are most valuable assets. When work environment is hazardous
and dangerous organisation has to provide some safety measures in plant for work. Suzlon provide
various safety measures such as safety mask safety cap and each and every employees must wear
boots inside plant which is provided by suzlon itself. Signs of danger and emergency alarm is
installed in organisation. In case of emergency employee can arrange at a point which is outside
from plant.


The main function of production department is to maintain proper records of each blade produced
in that day. Primary function of production department is to manufacturing rotor blades which
include estimation of quantity of raw materials for production of rotor blades. How to reduce the
wastage of material and it also include allotment of work to each individual. Total man power
required to produce each blade is 129 together and in a month average production is around 4


The main function of storage department is to look after inventory management. Storage
department ensures proper supply of raw materials at a proper time. Each and every package of
raw materials are given unique identification code. And with the help of these code raw materials
are separated in different racks. Every identification code is entered into the computer using SAP
and due to computerisation it become easy to identify the materials which is stored in different
racks. Usually there are more than 700 different kind of raw materials age department.

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The main function of purchase department is to ensure that there is a proper supply of required
raw materials for the smooth running manufacturing process. It also include identification of
sources which are most common ad can be helpful of the business. It should ensure that whatever
purchases they are making should be required in manufacture. Only required amount should be
purchased when it is required.


The primary function of maintenance department is to monitor the day to day working of the
plant. It make sure that all the machines are working properly or not. It has to maintain the utility
of plants. Usually all repairs replacement of machinery and equipment are responsibility of
maintenance department. In case of preventive, breakdowns and shutdown of any machinery such
machines should be repaired or replaced by maintenance department. It also take care
maintenance of proper working of cranes, pumps heating equipment’s resign mixing machine etc.


Quality department ensures the quality of each and every product which is going out from the
plants. It monitor and measure current failures with potential failures and analyses defects in each
level. It ensure that all quality standard are matched the quality of product. There will be quality
checks for every product. And quality checks are done again and again to ensure there should
improvement in quality till the end. While manufacturing each and every stage quality check of
the product is done.


While manufacturing blade there will be heating and curing. And after that there will be laying
process where they have to maintain a maximum temperature of 40dgree Celsius. At the next
stage for riming it has to be increased for 65 degree Celsius later stage it should be 125 degree
Celsius. Usually it takes around 3.5 hours. And total curing requires 7-8 hours at 80 degree Celsius
for an hour. The total curing process takes about 7-8 hours. The heating operation has to be taken
care very precisely by this department.

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5. McKinsey’s 7S model


Skills Structure

7's model

Staff Style

Suzlon has unique strategy which separate it from its competitors. They mainly focus on their long term
goals. They further divide these long term goals to few short term goals and they build strategies
to fulfil these short term goals. Suzlon involved in a business where the main aim of their
company is to provide electricity at cheaper cost and they also aim to protect environment and
to help its key stakeholders which also include empowerment of society.

Wind energy is a source of renewable energy will always have huge demand from every part of
the world. Windmill installation requires large amount of capital investment, therefore
constantly suzlon is working for the feasibility of its projects. It work in a unique way where it
has its own team of experts from different region which help suzlon to build strategy which is

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different from its competitors, it simultaneously adopt new technology to be par with its
competitors, its policies and ethics creates value for company.
 Suzlon’s main aim is to decrease total cost of production as a result it can retain its present
customers and it also help to attract new customers and investors
 Suzlon target those country where it can expand its operation in a large scale.
 Suzlon has its own research and development centre in different part of the world these
centres help company in reducing its cost of production and also help to develop innovative
strategies for overall development
 Its vertical integration has made suzlon self-dependent it need not depend on other suppliers
and this strategy has made suzlon to deliver its product on time.
 Now it mainly focus on the needs of customer needs and it try to set up according to their
 It is the first company which focus on end to end solution which means it aims to provide
each and every facility from starting to end


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Organizational hierarchy


Vice President

Senior General Manager

General Manager

Deputy General Manager

Assistant General Manager

Senior Manager


Deputy Manager

Assistant Manager

Senior Executive


Junior Executive



Company has centralised organisation structure where most of decision making is

done by top level. In India their head office is located at Pune which control most
of the operations of plants. Company appoints head of department to all
departments like finance, HR, business development, quality assurance, supply
chain and purchase. Decision making is done by all level of employees but
strategic decision is taken by top authority only. Here middle level and low level
employees are not allowed to take part in this process.
Company appoints head for different departments and admins for different plants
they are allowed to take small day to day decisions but all other decisions are made
by higher authority

Suzlon has built a system where it provides equal opportunity for its managers and employees
for their overall growth. They follow concurrent engineering for their work. All the
departments’ works together to achieve their organisational goal. All the employees have an

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opportunity where they can share their opinion, views and ideas. They have all rights to discuss
their problem and get solution usually HR department receives their complaints as there is no
labour union in suzlon. There will be meetings the managers , MD ad top level management
on a regular basis and during this meeting employees also have chance to discuss their problem,
queries or feedback.
Company make sure that every requirement of employees should be fulfilled and they create
their HR policies according to this. Suzlon operates many in many stated of India their offices
are located in different region but all of these offices are connected with each other through
management information system.
Company has taken performance evaluation measures for all department it employed ROI for
production department to evaluate performance because production sector requires huge
investment therefore it has to use its resources effectively and for finance department company
has employed working capital management as a performance evaluation measure currently they
facing poor working capital management in company because of this they are running under
loss. Suzlon has revenue centre for marketing department but usually they are not involved in
much promotional activity.

Management style of every organisation differs to each organisation. Even though it has
centralised management system where most of the decisions are taken by top management
without involving middle and lower level employees but also company has given an
opportunity to its employees where they can directly contact to top level management for their
queries and problems.
Suzlon has informal management system. Since company aims to become self-dependent
Company it is going for vertical integration for required raw material. It also acquired and
merged with many companies. It acquired Hansen which supplies gearbox because of this now
company need not depend upon any external supplier. Later RE power is acquired by suzlon
which has a good market in Europe, where suzlon dint had major market coverage so it acquired
RE power to get major market share. Suzlon founder Tulsi Tanti thought to build a global wind
turbine manufacturing plant in India because Indian market has several advantage such as
cheaper land and cheaper labour etc.


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Suzlon has work culture which is lively, vibrant and challenging, which is attributed to its
dynamic and young team of committed professionals. Suzlon provides safe and healthy
working environment to its staff. It also provide various facilities to its staff like free meals to
employees, it also pay school fees of children who is working for suzlon and it also provide
ESI and other facilities to its staff. Suzlon always encourage its employees to become creative
and innovative.
Usually they recruit staff with technical background only. They usually recruit fresh candidates
through campus recruitment and they also provide employment opportunities in India it has
around 10000 staff in which 86% are male and rest of them are female. In Padubidri plant it
had almost 500 employees and later due to close down of plants human resource reduced to
200. Most of these employees are on contact basis and many of them are from local area only.
Employees of suzlon include technicians, office staff, cleaning and maintenance staff and
security staff. There is no labour union exist in suzlon.

Suzlon’s corporate value determine the organisation itself. Suzlon has its own policy that
defines its corporate philosophy. Suzlon follow different ethical practices that governs its
operations. It shares its value through conducting meetings and conferences. Suzlon’s long
term vision makes it safer, preferred energy solution and eco-friendly in the field of renewable
energy sources. Suzlon has been doing lots of CSR activity even though it is facing lots of
financial crisis. Most of its CSR activity focus on local public empowerment. Suzlon focus to
deliver something better by their product, system and services.

Suzlon has experience in manufacturing of windmill over a decade. It has expertise in operation
and maintenance, design and project implementation. It operates in many parts of the world. It
has expertise knowledge and skill on both commercial and technical issue. Suzlon has high
standard of health, safety and environment. Suzlon also provide end to end solution where it
not only manufacture windmill according to customer preference but it also provide operation
and maintenance service throughout life of product

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6. SWOT Analysis

A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning
process. Environment factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strength or
weakness and that external to the firm can be classified as opportunities or the threats such an
analysis of the strategic environment is referred to as SWOT analysis.

The SWOT analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the firm’s resources and
capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates. As such, it is instrumental in
strategy formulation and selection. The below mentioned points on SWOT analysis fits in to
the organization scan.

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• Integrated business Model

• End to End solution

• Vertically Integrated supply chain.

• Confidence of financing institutes

• Research and development centre

• Self-dependent

• Good reputation among local public

• Availability of human resources and its procurement is an easy task and the need to
meticulously search can be warned off.


• Poor Financial performance

• High Debt Short Term Liabilities (FFCB of $36mm Matured in June) (FFCB of $210mm
Maturing in October.

• High Inventory Levels 5000 crore Rs.

• Many plants are getting closed

• Poor operation management

• High labour turnover due to job insecurity


• Steady growth in Demand CAGR of 7%

• Off-shore market and foreign markets.

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• Government Policies favouring wind energy

• Environmental Concerns

• High growth in Asian market

• Most of plants located near sea which makes it essay to install offshore


• Slowdown in Demand due to availability of various alternative

• Nuclear energy

• Chinese OMEs

• Technology Risks

• Government is changing its policy which is affecting these sectors

• Increase in usage of solar energy

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Current ratio is a sign of organisations capacity to meet the future obligation commitments.
The higher the proportions the more fluid the organisations. Current proportions is equalent to
current resources separated by current liabilities.
Current ratio= Current assets
Current liabilities
1. Table showing Current Ratio
Year Current assets Current Current ratio
2018 7,849 9,869 0.79:1

2017 9,171 13,759 0.67:1

The above table shows the current ratio of the Suzlon energy limited in the year 2017 the
ratio was 0.67 and it is increased to 0.79 in the year 2108.
1. Graph showing Current Ratio

current ratio


2018 2017


In the year 2017, the current ratio was 0.67 and in the year 2018 the ratio was 0.79 which
clearly shows that an increase of 0.11. It indicates that the company are making a steady

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The quick ratio is also known as quick asset ratio or acid test ratio. This ratio helps in
measuring company’s short term debts

Quick Ratio= (current assets-inventories)

Current liabilities

2. Table showing Quick Ratio

year Current assets- Current liabilities Quick ratio
2018 4823 9869 .48:1
2017 5702 13759 .41:1


The above table shows quick ratio of the suzlon energy limited in the year 2017 was 0.41:1
and 0.48:1 in the year 2018

2. Graph Showing Quick Ratio

quick ratio




2018 2017

quick ratio


Above graph shows that in the year 2017 Quick ratio was 0.41:1 and in the next year it
increased to 0.48:1. This shows that company ability to pay short term obligations using more
liquid or current assets is increased.

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Inventory turnover ratio is a ratio which present how efficiently inventory is managed. It
compares average inventory wit cost of goods sold .in short it depict average total inventory
Inventory Turnover Ratio= Net sales
3. Table showing Inventory Turnover Ratio
year Net sales Inventory Inventory turnover ratio
2018 8333 1551 2.75:1

2017 12714 2275 3.67:1

Above table shows that in the year 2017 inventory turnover ratio was around 3.67 and in
next year it decreased to 2.75 in 2018.

3. Graph showing Inventory Turnover Ratio

inventory turnover ratio

2018 2017

inventory turnover ratio

Above graph shows there is a decrease in inventory turnover ratio from year 2017 to 2018.
This graph indicates that the inventory logistics are under haphazard conditions and the loss
are evident.
Due to its liquidity position they are currently closing down its inventory.

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Debtor’s turnover ratio is also known as receivables turnover ratio. Debtor’s turnover ratio is
ratio of net credit sales to average trade debtors


= Annual credit sales

Average account receivables

4. Table showing Debtors Turnover Ratio


2018 6166 1891 2.52:1
2017 9245 2306 4.14:1


Above graph shows that in the year 2017 total debt turnover ratio was around 4.14 and it
decreased to 2.52 in the year 2018

4. Graph showing Debtors Turnover Ratio


2018 2017



Higher turnover ratio indicate that company is capable of speedy and effective collection.
From the above graph we can interpret that company’s debt turnover ratio is decreasing, but
also it has a high debt turnover ratio.

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It shows the value of company’s sales or revenue generated relative to the value of its assets.
The asset turnover ratio can often be used as an indicator of the efficiency with which a
company is deploying its assets in generating revenue.
Asset Turnover Ratio= Sales/ average total assets

5. Table showing Assets Turnover Ratio

Year sales Average total assets Assets turnover ratio

2018 8333 7483 3.52:1

2017 12714 7036 6.93:1

In the above table it shows that in the year 2017 asset turnover ratio was 6.93 and it decreased
to 3.52 in the year 2018.

5. Graph showing Assets Turnover Ratio

asset turnover ratio

2018 2017

asset turnover ratio


Asset turnover ratio has decreased drastically from year 2017 to year 2018.This graph clearly
indicates that the company is currently going in to loss. The company is trying the closure of
its liabilities by assessing the assets they are currently gained.

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The intern organisation study is the most effective way for a student to know management theory
and concepts to practice and in making an informed career choice. This learning background is
planned to give a cross functional orientation in basic management idea, quantitative techniques
and analytical skill.

This internship has given me an opportunity to gain vital exposure in all the areas of the
organisation. I understood how organisation actually work, apart from theoretical knowledge
which helped me to gain practical knowledge. During this internship I came to know about
organisation practices and how employee’s behaviour is different in organisation than their actual
life. During the period of internship all the staff of Suzlon were supportive informative and
friendly as they were guiding me by giving better inputs.

As soon as I joined for internship Mr.Arun head of HR department introduced me to Ms.shwetha

who is a trainee lecturer, and she was my guide throughout internship. Company starts at morning
9.00 and ends around 6.00 in the evening. Since the plant is located far from city they provide
transportation service to its employees. To enter inside the plant every employee must have an
identity card, without it nobody can enter inside the plant. So as soon as I joined the organisation
they gave me a temporary identity card. For every intern who join the company his work will be
allotted from head office which is situated in Puna. I joined the organisation on 20 th June
Wednesday and they allotted my task on the coming Monday.

I was instructed for the following task:

Suzlon is coming up with a new project where they are opening their new plant in Anantapur,
Andra Pradesh for which company wants to recruit fresh candidates from different region
therefore they needed a report which contains information of colleges and strength of that college
and total number of electricians, repairman, fitters and painters. These were allotted to the interns-

 First they provided me a link (

bank/private/karnataka.pdf)where I can get information about all ITI college of Karnataka in
pdf format.

 Once I downloaded pdf there were about 1260 colleges information which was available in
that pdf in which more than 500 college information was irrelevant. In that pdf code of

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college name of college, address, state, district, contact number, email id, name of the
principal was mentioned.

 My task was to call every college and to ask number of students in that college, among them
how many electricians, repairman, fitter and painters are there.

 After collecting data of around 200 college, we were supposed to enter data in MS-Excel and
submit it to our trainer

 During this project I was able to learn many things including how finance department HR
and logistic works.


 Company has good infrastructure as well as a large pool of human resources

 It has a good reputation in society which helps company to get large number of
human resource easily

 Company always considered employees safety as their primary priority and

employees are provided with certain safety measures.

 Company’s financial stability is decreasing day by day. Company already closed

some plants , due to financial instability

 Company has to improve its financial stability for its existence and to concentrate on
off shore sector where currently it has a greater scope of expansion.

 Company’s end to end solution has been the backbone of company growth.

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