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Sace Emax - 2 Ekip Touch Manual

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DOC. N° 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev.

SACE Emax 2

Low voltage air circuit-breakers Emax E1.2-E2.2-E4.2-E6.2

Instructions for using Ekip Touch protection trip units

and Accessories.
ABB | SACE Emax 2

2 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C  |

Circuit breakers Emax E1.2-E2.2-E4.2-E6.2................................. 3 Accessories................................................................................. 27
1 - Contents..........................................................................3 1 - Preliminary considerations............................................. 27
Organization of this handbook............................................... 3 Introduction......................................................................... 27
Intended readership............................................................... 3 Accessory combination tables............................................. 27
Instructions............................................................................ 3 Disassembly operations for circuit breakers E1.2................ 29
Integrated informations.......................................................... 3 Disassembly operations for circuit breakers E2.2-E4.2-E6.2.30
2 - Wiring diagrams............................................................. 31
Introduction to Ekip trip units....................................................... 4
1 - Presentation.....................................................................4 Electronic accessories................................................................ 31
Families and functionality...................................................... 4 1 - Introduction................................................................... 31
Accessorizing modules.......................................................... 5
2 - Ekip Measuring modules................................................ 31
Ekip Touch protection trip unit..................................................... 6 3 - Ekip Synchrocheck module............................................ 31
1 - Layout of the interface.....................................................6 4 - Ekip Signalling 4K module............................................. 31
Components of the interface................................................. 6
Signallings............................................................................. 7 5 - Ekip Signalling 2K modules............................................ 31
Structure of the pages........................................................... 7 6 - Ekip Signalling 3T modules............................................ 31
Diagnosis bar......................................................................... 7
7 - Ekip Com Modbus RTU modules................................... 31
Main page.............................................................................. 8
Start page.............................................................................. 8 8 - Ekip Com Profibus DP modules..................................... 31
2 - Pages details...................................................................9 9 - Ekip Com DeviceNet modules™.................................... 31
3 - Insertion of the password................................................9 10 - Ekip Com Modbus TCP modules................................. 31
Description............................................................................ 9 11 - Ekip Com Profinet modules.......................................... 32
Components of the page....................................................... 9
4 - Setting the parameters.................................................. 10 12 - Ekip Com EtherNet/IP™ modules................................ 32
Modifying a parameter......................................................... 10 13 - Ekip Com IEC 61850 modules...................................... 32
Programming the trip unit.................................................... 10 14 - Ekip Link module......................................................... 32
5 - Protections.................................................................... 11 15 - Ekip Com Hub modules............................................... 32
Operating principle.............................................................. 11
16 - Ekip Com Actuator module.......................................... 32
6 - Touch protections.......................................................... 12
Availability (Performance)..................................................... 12 17 - Other accessories........................................................ 32
Neutral................................................................................. 12
Summary table of basic protections.................................... 13
7 - Measuring Pro protections............................................. 15
Availability (Performance)..................................................... 15
Summary table of Measuring Pro protections...................... 15
Availability (Performance)..................................................... 16
Summary table of Hi-Touch protections............................... 16
8 - Hi-Touch protections...................................................... 16
Availability (Performance)..................................................... 18
Summary table for G Touch protections............................... 18
9 - G Touch protections....................................................... 18
Availability (Performance)..................................................... 20
Summary table of G Hi-Touch protections........................... 20
10 - G Hi-Touch protections................................................ 20
11 - External toroid protections........................................... 21
12 - Touch measurements................................................... 21
13 - Ekip Measuring Measurements.................................... 21
14 - Hi-Touch measurements.............................................. 21
15 - Test.............................................................................. 21
16 - Self-diagnosis.............................................................. 22
Alarms and signals............................................................... 22
Self-diagnosis...................................................................... 22
Protections and Measurements........................................... 23
Programming errors............................................................. 24
17 - Operating features....................................................... 25
Electrical characteristics...................................................... 25
Functional characteristics.................................................... 26
Additional options via remote / front control........................ 26
18 - Default parameters...................................................... 26
19 - Ekip Power Controller.................................................. 26

© 2018 ABB SACE Emax 2 | I 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C

II | © 2018 ABB SACE Emax 2 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C
ABB | SACE Emax 2

Circuit breakers Emax E1.2-E2.2-E4.2-E6.2

1 - Contents

Organization of this handbook This manual contains the characteristics and instructions for using Ekip Touch trip units, compatible with
SACE Emax 2 circuit-breakers, and completes the information in manuals 1SDH000999R0002 (for E1.2) or
1SDH001000R0002 (for E2.2-E4.2-E6.2).

Intended readership This manual refers to two user profiles, as defined by standard IEC 60050:
• Electrically Skilled Person (IEV 195-04-01): person with relevant education and experience to enable him
or her to perceive risks and to avoid hazards which electricity can create.
• Trained Persons in the electrical field (IEV 195-04-02): person adequately advised or supervised by electrically
skilled persons to enable him or her to perceive risks and to avoid danger which electricity can create.
NOTE: This manual specifically indicates what operations can be performed by people trained
in the field of electricity. All the remaining operations described in the handbook must be
performed by skilled persons, in the electrical field. ABB declines all liability for damage to
persons or property caused by failure to comply with the instructions in this document.

Instructions WARNING! carefully read the instructions for putting into service and maintenance
given in the installation manuals 1SDH000999R0002 (for E1.2) or 1SDH001000R0002
(for E2.2-E4.2-E6.2).

Integrated informations Further details about functionality, parameters and supporting documentation are available in the manual
1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual) available on the website ABB library.

3 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Circuit breakers Emax E1.2-E2.2-E4.2-E6.2 | 1 - Contents
ABB | SACE Emax 2

Introduction to Ekip trip units

1 - Presentation

Families and functionality SACE Emax 2 can be configured with five different types of protection trip unit, distinguished by type of
interface and functionality. One trip unit has a dip-switch interface (Ekip Dip) while the others are equipped
with a touchscreen display (Ekip Touch).

Ekip Dip Ekip Touch Ekip Measuring

Ekip Hi-Touch Ekip Measuring Pro
Ekip G Touch
Ekip G Hi-Touch

Figure 1

All trip units have protection and measuring functions that refer to the primary currents of the installation and
are available in the following versions:
• Ekip Touch: LI, LSI, LSIG
• Ekip Hi-Touch: LSI, LSIG
• Ekip G Touch: LSIG
• Ekip G Hi-Touch: LSIG
The Ekip Touch trip unit can be equipped with the Ekip Measuring module to extend the measurement
functions, or the protection and measurement functions (with the Ekip Measuring Pro module), to voltage,
power and energy.
NOTE: Ekip Hi-Touch, Ekip G Touch and Ekip G Hi-Touch trip units have the Ekip Measuring
Pro module mounted as standard.

The corresponding LCD model (Ekip LCD, Ekip Hi-LCD, Ekip G LCD, Ekip G Hi-LCD) is available for all Ekip
Touch versions if the installation must operate under particularly aggressive environmental conditions.
Ekip Touch is described starting from page 6.
The description of Ekip DIP is available on the website in
the installation manuals 1SDH000999R0002 (for circuit breakers E1.2) and 1SDH001000R0002 (for circuit
breakers E2.2-E4.2-E6.2).

4 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Introduction to Ekip trip units | 1 - Presentation
ABB | SACE Emax 2

Accessorizing modules The Emax 2 circuit-breakers and Ekip trip units can be equipped as indicated in the combination tables on
page 27.
Various types of modules are available, differing in functionality and in their position on the circuit-breaker.
The modules that can be connected directly to the electronic trip unit are:
Name Description
Ekip Measuring
Power supply, protection and measurement modules.
Ekip Measuring Pro
Ekip Signalling 4K Signalling module

NOTE: the Ekip Signalling 4K module is not available for E1.2 circuit-breakers.

The modules available for the terminal box of the circuit-breaker are:
Name Description
Ekip Supply Power supply module
Ekip Signalling 2K Signalling module
Ekip Signalling 3T Signalling module
Module for measuring voltage and synchronism between two
Ekip Synchrocheck
power sources
Ekip Com Modbus RTU
Ekip Com Profibus DP
Ekip Com DeviceNet™
Ekip Com Modbus TCP
Communication module
Ekip Com Profinet
Ekip Com EtherNet/IP™
Ekip Com IEC 61850
Ekip Com Hub
Link Communication module

The modules external to the circuit-breaker are:

Name Description
Ekip Multimeter Power supply and measurement module
Ekip Signalling 10K Signalling module
Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP Remote control and monitoring module

The supervision, configuration and reporting functions are, in addition, guaranteed by further modules for
temporary power supply and communication (test modules):
Name Description
Ekip TT Power supply and test module
Ekip T&P Power supply, communication and test module
Ekip Programming Power supply, communication and programming module
Ekip Bluetooth Power supply and communication module

Other accessories:
Name Description
Ekip LCD LCD interface for aggressive environments
Rating plug Module which defines the rated current In
Toroid S.G.R. External homopolar current sensor
Rc Toroid External differential current sensor
External neutral Current sensor on the external neutral
Ekip AUP Connected/isolated position contacts
Ekip RTC Contact for signalling circuit-breaker is ready to close

5 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Introduction to Ekip trip units | 1 - Presentation
ABB | SACE Emax 2

Ekip Touch protection trip unit

1 - Layout of the interface

Components of the interface The operator interface for the Ekip Touch trip units appears as follows:

03:55 D
U12 F
U12 U23 U31 L1 L2 L3 Ne

Figure 2

The following table provides a description of the parts of the interface:
Pos. Description
A Touchscreen display.
B Power LED, green.
C LED Warning, yellow.
D LED Alarm, red.
E The HOME key accesses the main page, or the initial page.
iTEST key. If the main page or a level 2 page is displayed (see below), whenever you press on it
the following pages are displayed in succession:
• List of Alarms, if there are any messages.
• Protection unit, with information on Mainboard and trip unit.
• Circuit-breaker, with information on the circuit-breaker.
• Last opening, with information on the last opening.
If the Trip Test item has been selected in the Test menu, it will execute the opening command
when pressed and held for at least 7 seconds.
G Test connector.

6 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 1 - Layout of the interface
ABB | SACE Emax 2

Signallings The following table provides a description of the signals of the interface:

LEDs Description
The possible states are:
• Off: power supply absent.
Green • On, fixed or flashing: power supply present, and trip unit on.
NOTE: if the trip unit is off and no opening has taken place, if you press the iTEST key
the LED comes on for 6 s.
The possible states are:
• Off: no warning or error.
• On, blinking rapidly: absence of communication between trip unit and Mainboard, or
Yellow installation error (of the Rating Plug, or the Ekip Measuring module, or Ekip Measuring Pro).
• On, flashing slowly: internal error.
• On, with two quick flashes every 0.5 s: parametrization error.
• On, fixed: prealarm of protection L, or circuit-breaker state error.
The possible states are:
• Off: no alarm or error.
• On, blinking rapidly: absence of communication between trip unit and Mainboard, or trip coil
Red disconnected, or current sensor disconnected, or delay active.
• On, with two quick flashes every 2 s: rating plug error.
• On, flashing slowly: internal error.
• On, fixed: tripping signal.

Structure of the pages The following table shows how the pages shown on the display are structured:

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Diagnosis bar Alarm list page
Histograms page
Protections menu
Advanced menu
Measurements menu
Menu page
Main page Settings menu
Test menu
About menu
Measuring instruments pages
Measurements pages

Diagnosis bar The diagnostics bar is present in the main page and level 2 pages, along the lower side of the display, and its
function is to display the messages.

The bar appears as follows:

TC disconnected

Figure 3

Continued on the next page

7 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 1 - Layout of the interface
Continued from the previous page ABB | SACE Emax 2

The following table provides a description of the various areas of the bar:
Pos. Description
It shows the type of message:
• Alarm

A • Warning, error, or prealarm

• Information

• Active timing
B It displays the active messages one by one in a loop.
C ABB logo.

The complete list of messages is given on page 22.

Main page To open the page, press the key HOME.

The page appears as follow:

Figure 4

The following table provides a description of the various areas of the page:
Pos. Function
A It opens the Histograms page.
B It opens the Menu page.
C It opens the Measuring instruments page.
D It opens the Measurements page.
E In the presence of messages, it opens the Alarm List page.

Start page To open the page, press the HOME key until the page is displayed.
The system returns automatically to this page after some minute of inactivity.
The default start page is the page Histograms.

Any graphical level 2 page (accessible from the main page) can be set as the start page, except for the
pages Alarm List and Menu.
To set a page as the start page, you need to:
1. Open the page
2. Keep the HOME key pressed for at least 5 seconds.
3. Select Yes in the confirmation window that appears on the display.

8 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 1 - Layout of the interface
ABB | SACE Emax 2

2 - Pages details
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

3 - Insertion of the password

Description The page where the password is entered is open, if a parameter to be entered, or the Test menu have been
selected, or if the password must be changed.
NOTE: insertion of the password is requested, if:

• The password has never been inserted.

• After programming has been cancelled.
• After a few minutes of inactivity.

The password is composed of five digits, each of which can have a value from 0 to 9.
The default value is “00001”, and it must be modified after the first switch-on in order to prevent access by
unauthorized personnel.
In order to modify the password, from the menu Settings, you need to select System - New Password.
It is possible to disable the password by inserting "00000" as new password .

Components of the page The page appears as follow:



0 * * * * D


Figure 5

The following table provides a description of the various areas of the page:
Pos. Function
A Cancels the operation, and opens the start menu.
B It shows the name of the page
C Keys to increase and decrease the corresponding digit.
D It displays the digits of the password.
Confirm key:
• Confirmation after inserting a digit in a position from 1 to 4 will automatically bring you to the
E next digit.
• When the fifth digit is confirmed, the entire password is confirmed and the selected page is


• If you are changing the password, after the first confirmation of the new password, the page
opens again for the reconfirmation.
• In the case of an incorrect password, the message “Wrong Password” appears for approximately
3 seconds, and the page for insertion of the password opens again.
• There is no limit to the number of incorrect passwords that you can insert.
• If the password is lost, see the document 1SDH001501R0002 or contact ABB

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ABB | SACE Emax 2

4 - Setting the parameters

Modifying a parameter To set a parameter, you need to select it. Selecting a parameter opens the page Modify Parameter.
There are two possible types of Modify Parameter page:
• By option: it consists of a list of the values that can be assigned to the parameter.
• By value: graphical page with a bar for assigning the parameter a numerical value within a range..

Programming the trip unit When a parameter is modified, the new value is indicated in the Start menu, and the parameter is associated
to a tick symbol.

The menu with submenus and parameters with ticks appears as follows:

S(V) Protection
Trip enable
Step mode
I20 Threshold
0.60In (240A)
Ul Threshold
100% Un (100V)

Figure 6

The ticks indicate that the changes are not effective. In order make a change effective, the trip unit must be
programmed. To program the trip unit, you need to press the key HOME, that opens the page Programming.
Alternatively, you can go up to the higher level menus until the page is displayed.
In the page Programming:
• A list of the changes made is displayed.
• You are asked to confirm, cancel, or modify the settings.

10 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 4 - Setting the parameters
ABB | SACE Emax 2

5 - Protections

Operating principle All the protections present in the electronic trip units with a display (Ekip Touch, Ekip Hi-Touch, Ekip G Touch,
Ekip G Hi-Touch) have a delay time before entering alarm state and tripping the circuit-breaker.
The duration of the delay depends on the parameters set: threshold, time, curve. Depending on the current
read by the trip unit, there are two possible behaviours:
• Current above the protection threshold, persistent alarm condition, the trip unit will open the circuit-breaker.
• Current below the protection threshold, alarm condition and delay interrupted.
The protection threshold relates to different parameters, according to the type:
Type Reference
Current Nominal current of the rating plug (In).
Voltage Rated voltage set (Un)
Frequency Frequency set (fn)
Power Current multiplied by rated voltage (Sn = √3 * In * Un)


• To manage the tripping of the circuit-breaker through a specific protection, the

protection itself must be enabled.
• All the protections have a default configuration: if enabled, check the parameters and
make the necessary changes according to the requirements of your installation.

11 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 5 - Protections
ABB | SACE Emax 2

6 - Touch protections

Availability (Performance) The following is a complete list of the protections (and related parameters) available with all the trip units
equipped with a display, in the Protections and Advanced menus:
Name Protection against Threshold Time Function Auxiliary functions (5) (8)
Overload with long-time Thermal memory, Pre-alarm
L (1) X X X
delay threshold
Trip enable, Zone Selectivity,
S (9) Selective short-circuit X X X Thermal Memory, Startup
enable, Lock
I (2) X -- -- Startup enable, Lock
Trip enable, Zone Selectivity,
G (4)(6)(9)(10) Earth fault X X X Startup enable, Locking,
Pre-alarm threshold
Instantaneous short-
2I X -- -- --
circuit programmable
Instantaneous short
MCR (3) X -- -- Monitoring period, Locking
circuit on closing
IU Current unbalance X X -- Trip enable
Temperature outside
OT (7)
-- -- -- Trip enable
IInst -- -- -- --
Hardware Circuit-breaker internal
-- -- -- --
Trip connection error
Distorted waveforms -- -- -- --
Programmable signal
thresholds X -- -- Direction of current flow
(11) thresholds
Neutral Neutral protection X -- -- --

The protection forces the tripping time to 1 second in two cases:
• if according to the calculation the time is less than 1 second.
• if the fault current is greater than 12 In.
Activatable with protection MCR= Off.
Activatable with protection I= Off.
The protection automatically deactivates in the event of a connection error of 1 or more sensors, or if the
measured current is higher than a maximum value:
• 8 In (with I4 ≥0.8 In).
• 6 In (with 0.5 In ≤I4 < 0.8 In).
• 4 In (with 0.2 In ≤I4 < 0.5 In).
• 2 In (with I4 < 0.2 In)
Detailed description in the Design Engineer's manual.
If the presence of sensor S.G.R. is activated, G protection adjustment is replaced by the Gext item in the
Advanced section. Both the G and Gext items are available with Ekip Hi-Touch and Ekip G Hi-Touch.
Available in the Circuit-Breaker Settings menu.
Locking Function available via Ekip Connect.
For all the UL versions the maximum time allowed by the trip unit is 0.4 seconds. If a higher value is set, the
trip unit signals the error and forces the parameter to 0.4 seconds.
For all the UL versions the maximum threshold allowed by the trip unit is 1200 A. If a higher value is set, the
trip unit signals the error and forces the parameter to 1200 A.
The current thresholds do not manage the trip, but only the signal.

Neutral Adjusting of the neutral setting is used to customize the L, S and I protections on the Neutral pole with a
control factor different from the other phases.
Represented as a percentage, it defines the multiplication factor applied to the tripping thresholds of the
protections (example: 50%= the tripping threshold of the neutral is half the phase threshold).
NOTE: adjust the neutral setting only with four-pole or three-pole circuit-breakers with external

12 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 6 - Touch protections
ABB | SACE Emax 2

Summary table of basic protections

Threshold Calculation Calculation

ABB ANSI (1) Threshold Time Tolerance t t (3)
tolerance (3) formula t t (2) example t t (2)
± 10 % with If ≤
Activation for t t = 6.75 s with:
L I1 = 0.4…1 In t1 = 3…144 s tt = 6 In
49 If in the range I1 = 0.4 In; t1 = 3
(60947-2) step = 0.001 In step = 1 s (9 t1) / (If / I1) 2 ± 20 % with If >
(1.05...1.2) x I1 s; If = 0.8 In
6 In
± 10 % with If ≤
Activation for tt =
L I1 = 0.4…1 In t1 = 3…144 s See the table 6 In
49 If in the range (t1 x a x b) / ((If /
(60255-151) (9) step = 0.001 In step = 1 s below ± 20 % with If >
(1.05...1.2) x I1 I1) k-1)
6 In
± 7 % with If ≤ The better of the
S I2 = 0.6...10 In 6 In t2 = 0.05…0.8 s two values:
50 TD t t = t2 -
(t = k) step = 0.1 In ± 10 % with If > step = 0.01 s ± 10 % or ± 40
6 In ms
± 7 % with If ≤ ± 15 % with If ≤
t t = 5 s con:
S I2 = 0.6...10 In 6 In t2 = 0.05…0.8 s tt = 6 In
51 I2 = 1 In; t2 = 0.8
(t = k / I 2) step = 0.1 In ± 10 % with If > step = 0.01 s (100 t2) / (If) 2 ± 20 % with If >
s; If = 4 In
6 In 6 In
I3 = 1.5...15 In
I 50 ± 10 % Not adjustable t t ≤ 30 ms - -
step = 0.1 In
t4 = The better of the
G I4 (4)= 0.1...1 In Instantaneous…1 two values:
50N TD ±7% t t = t4 -
(t = k) step = 0.001 In s, 0.1...1s ± 10 % or ± 40
step = 0.05 s ms (8)
t t = 0.32 s with:
G I4 (4)= 0.1...1 In t4 = 0.1…1 s tt =
51N ±7% I4 = 0.8 In; t4 = ± 15 %
(t = k / I 2) step = 0.001 In step = 0.05 s 2 / (If / I4) 2
0.2 s; If = 2 In
I31 = 1.5...15 In
2I 50 ± 10 % Not adjustable t t ≤ 30 ms - -
step = 0.1 In
I3 = 1.5...15 In 40…500 ms (5)
MCR - ± 10 % t t ≤ 30 ms - -
step = 0.1 In step = 0.01 s
the better of the
two values:
± 10 % or ± 40
I6 = 2…90 % t6 = 0.5…60 s
IU 46 ± 10 % t t = t6 - ms (for a time set
step = 1 % step = 0.5 s
< 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set ≥
5 s)
Iinst - Defined by ABB - Instantaneous - - -
50…100 % I1
thresholds (1 - - - - - -
step = 1 %
and 2)
0.1…10 In
thresholds - - - - - -
step = 0.01 In
(Iw1 and Iw2)

Continued on the next page

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ABB | SACE Emax 2
Continued from the previous page

The following are the details of the protections according to standard IEC 60255-151:
Protection Curve parameters Calculation formula t t (3) Calculation example t t (3)
L a = 0.02; b = 0.15873; tt = t t = 4.78 s with:
(60255-151 SI) k = 0.16 (t1 x k x b) / ((If / I1) a -1) I1 = 0.4 In; t1 = 3 s; If = 0.8 In
L a = 1; b = 0.148148; tt = t t = 6 s with:
(60255-151 VI) k = 13.7 (t1 x k x b) / ((If / I1) a -1) I1 = 0.4 In; t1 = 3 s; If = 0.8 In
L a = 2; b = 0.1; tt = t t = 8 s with:
(60255-151 EI) k = 82 (t1 x k x b) / ((If / I1) a -1) I1 = 0.4 In; t1 = 3 s; If = 0.8 In
L a = 4; b = 1; tt = t t = 16 s with:
(60255-151 I 4) k = 82 (t1 x k x b) / ((If / I1) a -1) I1 = 0.4 In; t1 = 3 s; If = 0.8 In

Table of Additional Functions of the protections

The following table summarises the additional functions combined with protections S, I, G:
Threshold Calculation
ABB ANSI (1) Threshold Time (7) Tolerance t t (3)
tolerance (3) formula t t (3)
The better of the two
S If startup= 0.6...10 In ± 7 % with If ≤ 6 In t2 startup= 0.1…30 s
- t t = t2 values:
(Startup) (6) step = 0.1 In ± 10 % with If > 6 In step = 0.01 s
± 10 % or ± 40 ms
I I3 startup= 1.5...15 In t3 startup= 0.1…30 s
- ± 10 % t t ≤ 30 ms -
(Startup) step = 0.1 In step = 0.01 s
The better of the two
G I4 startup= 0.2...1 In t4 startup= 0.1…30 s
- ±7% t t = t4 values:
(Startup) (6) step = 0.02 In step = 0.01 s
± 10 % or ± 40 ms
S t2 SdZ = 0.04…0.2 s
68 - - - -
(SdZ) step = 0.01 s
G t4 SdZ = 0.04…0.2 s
68 - - - -
(SdZ) step = 0.01 s

ANSI / IEEE C37-2 encoding.
t t calculation is valid for If values exceeding the trip threshold of the protection. Use fault current and threshold values expressed in In to calculate t
, as shown in the example.
Valid tolerances with steady-state energized trip unit or trip unit energized by auxiliary power supply, tripping time ≥ 100 ms, temperature and
currents within operating limits. If these conditions are not guaranteed, the tolerances in the table that following these notes are valid.
In the presence of auxiliary power supply, you can select all the thresholds. In self-supply mode the minimum threshold is limited to: 0.3 In (with In
= 100 A), 0.25 In (with In = 400 A) or 0.2 In (for all other sizes).
The MCR time is the time for which the protection remains active after circuit-breaker closing. Tripping time, not adjustable, as for protection I.
Startup can be activated only with the function set to fixed time.
For the startup functions, the specified time is the period during which the protection with the different threshold remains active, calculated from
the moment the startup threshold is exceeded.
With t4 = Instantaneous, the maximum tolerance is 50 ms.
Protection Tolerance threshold Tolerance t t
L Activation for If in the range 1.05...1.2 I1 ± 20 %
S ± 10 % ± 20 %
I ± 15 % ≤ 60 ms
G ± 15 % ± 20 % (60 ms with t4 = instantaneous)
2I ± 15 % ≤ 60 ms
Other - ± 20 %

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7 - Measuring Pro protections

Availability (Performance)
The following is a complete list of the protections (and related parameters) available with all the trip units of the Touch range equipped with an Ekip
Measuring Pro module, in the Protections and Advanced menus:
Name Protection against Threshold Time Auxiliary functions (3) (4)
UV Minimum voltage X X Trip Enable, Lock
OV Maximum voltage X X Trip Enable, Lock
VU (1) Voltage unbalance X X Trip Enable, Lock
UF (2) Minimum frequency X X Trip Enable, Lock
OF (2) Maximum frequency X X Trip Enable, Lock
RP Reverse active power X X Trip Enable, Lock
Phase Sequence Phase sequence error X --
Cosφ Power factor error X --

Protection not active if the highest of the voltages measured is in any case less than 30% of Un.
Protection not active for voltages <30V.
Detailed description in the Design Engineer's manual
Locking Function available via Ekip Connect.

Summary table of Measuring Pro protections

ANSI Tolerance Calculation

ABB Threshold Time Tolerance t t (2)
threshold formula t t (1)
The better of the two values:
U8 = 0,05….0,98 Un t8 = 0.05…120 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a time
UV 27 ±2% t t = t8
step = 0.001 Un step = 0.01 s set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms (for a
time set ≥ 5 s)
The better of the two values:
U9 = 1….1,5 Un t9 = 0.05…120 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a time
OV 59 ±2% t t = t9
step = 0.001 Un step = 0.01 s set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms (for a
time set ≥ 5 s)
The better of the two values:
U14 = 2…90 % t14 = 0.5…60 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a time
VU 47 ±5% t t = t14
step = 1 % step = 0.5 s set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms (for a
time set ≥ 5 s)
The better of the two values:
f12 = 0,9….1 fn t12 = 0,06…300 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a time
UF 81L ± 1 % (4) t t = t12
step = 0.001 fn step = 0.01 s set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms (for a
time set ≥ 5 s)
The better of the two values:
f13 = 1….1,1 fn t13 = 0,06…300 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a time
OF 81H ± 1 % (4) t t = t13
step = 0.001 fn step = 0.01 s set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms (for a
time set ≥ 5 s)
The better of the two values:
P11 = -1…-0.05 Sn t11 = 0.5…100 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a time
RP 32R ± 10 % t t = t11
step = 0.001 Sn step = 0.1 s set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms (for a
time set ≥ 5 s)
Ulive = 0.5…1.1 Un; step = 0.001 Un
∆U = 0.02…0.12 Un; step = 0.001 Un
Synchro- tref = 0.1…30 s
25 ∆f = 0.1…1 Hz; step = 0.1 Hz ± 10 % - -
check step = 1 ms
∆Cos φ = 5…50° elt; step = 5° elt
tsyn = 0.1…3 s; step = 0.1 s
direction of 47 1-2-3 or 3-2-1 - - - -
the phases
Cos φ = 0.5…0.95
Cos φ 78 - - - -
step = 0.01

Calculation of t t is valid for values exceeding the tripping threshold of the protection.
Valid tolerances with steady-state energized trip unit or trip unit energized by auxiliary power supply, tripping time ≥ 100 ms, temperature and
currents within operating limits. If these conditions are not guaranteed, the tripping time tolerance of ± 10 % will become ± 20%.
ANSI / IEEE C37-2 encoding.
Valid tolerance for frequencies in the range: fn ± 2 %. For frequency outside the range a tolerance of ± 5 % applies.

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8 - Hi-Touch protections
Availability (Performance)
The following is a complete list of the protections (and related parameters) available with all the Ekip Hi-Touch and Ekip G Hi-Touch trip units, in
the Protections and Advanced menus:
Name Protection against Threshold Time Auxiliary functions (1) (2)
S2 (3) Selective short-circuit X X Trip enable, Zone Selectivity, Startup enable, lock
Trip Enable, Directional Zone Selectivity (4), Startup enable,
D (6) Directional short circuit X X
Locki, Min Angle Direction
UV2 Minimum voltage X X Trip Enable, Lock
OV2 Maximum voltage X X Trip Enable, Lock
UF2 (5) Minimum frequency X X Trip Enable, Lock
OF2 (5) Maximum frequency X X Trip Enable, Lock
Double configuration of the
Set A-B X X Default set, Activation event, Activation delay

Detailed description in the Design Engineer's manual.
Locking Function available via Ekip Connect.
For all the UL versions the maximum time allowed by the trip unit is 0.4 seconds. If a higher value is set, the trip unit signals the error and forces
the parameter to 0.4 seconds.
Directional Zone Selectivity works as an alternative to S and G Zone Selectivity.
Protection not active for voltages <30V.
The protection does not detect the direction of fault current for voltages < 5V.

Summary table of Hi-Touch protections

ABB ANSI (4) Threshold Tolerance threshold Time Tolerance t t (2)
formula t t (1)
The better of the two
I5 = 0.6...10 In ± 7 % If ≤ 6 In t5 = 0.05...0.8 s
S2 50 TD t t = t5 values:
step = 0.1 In ± 10 % If > 6 In step = 0.01 s
± 10 % or ± 40 ms
t7 Fw/Bw = The better of the two
I7 Fw/Bw = 0.6...10 In ± 7 % If ≤ 6 In
D 67 0.1...0.8 s t t = t7 values:
step = 0.1 In ± 10 % If > 6 In
step = 0.01 s ± 10 % or ± 40 ms
The better of the two
U15= 0,05….0,98 Un t15 = 0.05…120 s
UV2 27 ±2% t t = t15 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 Un step = 0.01 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
U16= 1….1,5 Un t16 = 0.05…120 s
OV2 59 ±2% t t = t16 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 Un step = 0.01 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
f17= 0,9….1 fn t17 = 0,06…300 s ± 10 % (min=30ms) or ±
UF2 81L ± 1 % (5) t t = t17
step = 0.001 fn step = 0.01 s 40 ms (for a time set < 5 s)
/ ± 100 ms (for a time set
> 5 s)
The better of the two
f18= 1….1,1 fn t18 = 0,06…300 s
OF2 81H ± 1 % (5) t t = t18 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 fn step = 0.01 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)

Continued on the next page

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Continued from the previous page

The following table summarises the additional functions combined with protections S2 and D:
Threshold Calculation
ABB ANSI (4) Threshold Time (3) Tolerance t t (2)
tolerance (2) formula t t (1)
The better of the two
S2 I5 startup= 0.6...10 In ± 7 % with If ≤ 6 In t5 startup= 0.1…30 s
- t t = t5 startup values:
(Startup) step = 0.1 In ± 10 % with If > 6 In step = 0.01 s
± 10 % or ± 40 ms
S2 t2 sdz= 0.04…0.2 s
68 - - - -
(Sdz) step = 0.01 s
The better of the two
D I7 startup= 0.6...10 In t7 startup= 0.1…30 s
- ± 10 % t t = t7 startup values:
(Startup) step = 0.1 In step = 0.01 s
± 10 % or ± 40 ms
D t7 SdZ = 0.1…0.8 s
68 - - - -
(SdZ) step = 0.01 s

Calculation of t t is valid for values exceeding the tripping threshold of the protection.
Valid tolerances with steady-state energized trip unit or trip unit energized by auxiliary power supply, tripping time ≥ 100 ms, temperature and
currents within operating limits. If these conditions are not guaranteed, the tripping time tolerance of ± 10 % will become ± 20%.
For the startup functions, the specified time is the period during which the protection with the different threshold remains active, calculated from the
moment the startup threshold is exceeded.
ANSI / IEEE C37-2 encoding.
Valid tolerance for frequencies in the range: fn ± 2 %. For frequency outside the range a tolerance of ± 5 % applies.

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9 - G Touch protections
Availability (Performance)
The following is a complete list of the protections (and related parameters) available with all the Ekip G Touch and Ekip G Hi-Touch trip units, in
the Protections and Advanced menus:
Th- Additional
Name Protection against Time Auxiliary functions (2) (3)
reshold parameters (2)
S(V) Voltage control short-circuit X X X Trip enable, lock
RV (1) Residual voltage X X Trip enable, lock
RQ Reverse reactive power X X X Trip Enable, Lock
OQ Maximum reactive power X X Trip Enable, Lock
OP Maximum active power X X Trip Enable, Lock
UP (4) Minimum active power X X Trip Enable, Lock, Startup enable

Available for four-pole or three-pole circuit-breakers configured with external neutral voltage.
Detailed description in the Design Engineer's manual.
Locking Function available via Ekip Connect.
Not active for voltages <30V and if the circuit-breaker is open. The protection is also active for negative (reverse) active power, but it is
independent of the RP protection (Protection against reverse active power).

Summary table for G Touch protections

Tolerance Calculation
ABB ANSI (5) Threshold Tripping time Tolerance t t (2)
threshold formula t t (1)
The better of the two
I20 = 0.6...10 In; step = 0.1 In (6) values:
S(V) t20 = 0.05…30 s
51V Ul = 0.2…1 Un; step = 0.01 Un ± 10 % t t = t20 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
(Step) step = 0.01 s
Ks = 0.1…1; step = 0.01 (6) time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
I20 = 0.6...10 In; step = 0.1 In (6)
S(V) (3) Ul = 0.2…1 Un; step = 0.01 Un (7) t20 = 0.05…30 s
51V ± 10 % t t = t20 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
(Linear) Uh = 0.2…1 Un; step = 0.01 Un (7) step = 0.01 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
Ks = 0.1…1; step = 0.01 (6)
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
U22 = 0.05….0.5 Un t22 = 0.05…120 s
RV 59N ±5% t t = t22 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 Un step = 0.01 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
Q24 = -1…-0.1 Sn; step = 0.001
Sn t24 = 0.5…100 s
RQ 40/32R ± 10 % t t = t24 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
Kq = -2…2; step = 0.01 step = 0.1 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
Vmin = 0.5...1.2 Un; step = 0.01
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
P26 = 0.4…2 Sn t26 = 0.5…100 s
OP 32OF ± 10 % t t = t26 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 Sn step = 0.5 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
Q27 = 0.4…2 Sn t27 = 0.5…100 s
OQ 32OF ± 10 % t t = t27 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 Sn step = 0.5 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
P23 = 0.1...1 Sn t23 = 0.5…100 s
UP 32LF ± 10 % t t = t23 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.001 Sn step = 0.5 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)

Continued on the next page

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Continued from the previous page

UP protection has Startup Enable:

ABB Time (4)
t23 startup= 0.1…30 s
UP (Startup)
step = 0.01 s

Calculation of t t is valid for values exceeding the tripping threshold of the protection.
Valid tolerances with steady-state energized trip unit or trip unit energized by auxiliary power supply, tripping time ≥ 100 ms, temperature and
currents within operating limits. If these conditions are not guaranteed, the tripping time tolerance of ± 10 % will become ± 20%.
The tripping threshold of the current for voltage values between Ul and Uh is calculated by performing the linear interpolation between the
thresholds Uh and I20 (first point on the line) and Ul and Ks * I20 (second point on the line). Ithreshold = [I20 * (1 - ks) * (Umeasured - Uh)] / (Uh - Ul) + I20.
The startup of protection UP is to be considered as the temporary deactivation time of the protection, starting from the exceeding of the startup
ANSI / IEEE C37-2 encoding.
The setting of the Ks threshold must guarantee the following constraint: Ks * I20 ≥ 0.6 In.
The setting of thresholds Uh and Ul must guarantee the following constraint: Uh > Ul.

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10 - G Hi-Touch protections
Availability (Performance)
The following is a complete list of the protections (and related parameters) available with all the Ekip G Touch and Ekip G Hi-Touch trip units, in
the Protections and Advanced menus:
Name Protection against Threshold Time Auxiliary functions (2) (3)
parameters (2)
ROCOF (1) Rate of change of frequency X X X Trip Enable, Lock
S2(V) Voltage control short-circuit X X X Trip Enable, Lock
RQ2 Reverse reactive power X X X Trip Enable, Lock

Not active for voltages <30V.
Detailed description in the Design Engineer's manual.
Locking Function available via Ekip Connect.

Summary table of G Hi-Touch protections

Tolerance Calculation
ABB ANSI (1) Threshold Tripping time Tolerance t t (3)
threshold formula t t (2)
The better of the two
I21 = 0.6...10 In; step = 0.1 In (4) values:
S2(V) t21 = 0.05…30 s
51V Ul2 = 0.2…1 Un; step = 0.01 Un ± 10 % t t = t21 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
(Step) step = 0.01 s
Ks2 = 0.1…1; step = 0.01 (4) time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
(for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
I21 = 0.6...10 In; step = 0.1 In (4)
S2(V) Ul2 = 0.2…1 Un; step = 0.01 Un (7) t21 = 0.05…30 s
51V ± 10 % t t = t21 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
(Linear) (5) Uh2 = 0.2…1 Un; step = 0.01 Un (7) step = 0.01 s
time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
Ks2 = 0.1…1; step = 0.01 (4)
(for a time set > 5 s)
Q24 = -1…-0.1 Sn; step = 0.001 Sn The better of the two
Q25 = -1…-0.1 Sn; step = 0.001 Sn values:
t24 = 0.5…100s
RQ2 (6) 40/32R Kq = -2…2; step = 0.01; ± 10 % t t = t24 ± 10 % or ± 40 ms (for a
step = 0.1 s
Kq2 = -2…2; step = 0.01 time set < 5 s) / ± 100 ms
Vmin = 0.5...1.2 Un; step = 0.01 (for a time set > 5 s)
The better of the two
f28 = 0.4…10 Hz / s t28 = 0.5...10 s
ROCOF 81R ± 10 % (8) t t = t28 values:
step = 0.2 Hz / s step = 0.01 s
± 20 % o 200 ms

ANSI / IEEE C37-2 encoding.
Calculation of t t is valid for values exceeding the tripping threshold of the protection.
Valid tolerances with steady-state energized trip unit or trip unit energized by auxiliary power supply, tripping time ≥ 100 ms, temperature and
currents within operating limits. If these conditions are not guaranteed, the tripping time tolerance of ± 10 % will become ± 20%.
The trip unit accepts the I21 and Ks2 parameters provided that their product is greater than or equal to 0.6 Hz / s: Ks2 * I21 >= 0.6 Hz / s.
The tripping threshold of the current for voltage values between Ul2 and Uh2 is calculated by performing the linear interpolation between the
thresholds Uh2 and I21 (first point on the line) and Ul2 and Ks2 * I20 (second point on the line). Ithreshold = [I10 * (1 - ks2) * (Umeasured - Uh2)] / (Uh2 -
Ul2) + I21.
The tripping threshold of protection RQ2 is calculated by the intersection of the 2 straight lines formed by Q24 and Kq (Pthreshold = Qmeasured * Kq +
Q24) and from Q25 and Kq2 (Pthreshold = Qmeasured * Kq2 + Q25). If the constants Kq and Kq2 are set to 0, the highest threshold will apply (see the
sample graph in the chapter on the RQ protection).
The setting of thresholds Uh2 and Ul2 must guarantee the following constraint: Uh2 > Ul2.
± 20 % for the threshold 0.4 Hz / s.

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11 - External toroid protections

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

12 - Touch measurements
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

13 - Ekip Measuring Measurements

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

14 - Hi-Touch measurements
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

15 - Test
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

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16 - Self-diagnosis

Alarms and signals

Alarm Tests
Ekip Touch provides a series of signals that indicate its operating state, alarms present, or configuration errors
in progress.
The signals are provided:
• By LEDs, as described on page 6.
• By messages on the diagnosis bar.
The messages on the diagnostics bar can be divided into three categories: self-diagnosis, protection or
measurement alarms, and programming error.

Self-diagnosis Ekip Touch continuously monitors its own operating state and that of all connected devices.
In the event of an error, the detected fault is reported:
Signal Description
With Vaux present and local Bus enabled: no module detected on
terminal box by trip unit (with alarm icon) or loss of communication for
Local Bus
more than 5 seconds between trip unit and previously detected module
(with prealarm icon)
TC disconnected Trip coil not connected
L1 Sensor
L2 Sensor
Current sensor not connected
L3 Sensor
Ne Sensor
Gext Sensor Toroid S.G.R. not connected
Make sure that one of the following conditions is present:
• Rating plug not connected
• Invalid value
Rating Plug
• Rating Plug Rc inserted but Ekip Measuring not present
• Upon replacing the rating plug I4 becomes > 1200 A (in the case of UL
Internal Error Internal error
Invalid Date Date not set
CB status CB state incorrect (esample: current present but CB in open state)
Rating Plug Installation Rating Plug not installed
Battery low Battery low or absent
Measuring Installation Ekip Measuring module not installed
Measuring Error Ekip Measuring module in error
The Mainboard and Ekip Touch software versions are not compatible with
each other: editing of all parameters is inhibited by the display.
Software Not Compatible The protections L, I and Iinst are active and working with the parameters
set in the previous protection trip unit.
To restore compatibility please contact ABB.
Make sure that one of the following conditions is present:
• I4 < 0.3 In (con In = 100 A), 0.25 In (con In = 400 A) or 0.2 In (for all
other sizes), in the absence of auxiliary power supply
Configuration • Iu < (2 * In * I1) if InN = 200 %
• t2 or t4 or t5 or t41 > 0.4 s (in case of UL circuit-breaker)
• I4 > 1200 A (in case of UL circuit-breaker)
• Protection curve L different from t=k/i 2 (in case of UL circuit-breaker)
Ekip Link Bus Loss of connection with one or more actors
The average power limit setting of the Power Controller has been
PC Power exceed
IEEE1588 synch Synchronization problem of IEEE 1588 synchronization reference module
Maintenance Maintenane alarm
Zone Selectivity Diag Error in zone selectivity connections (Hardware Selectivity)
CB undefined CB state contacts error

Continued on the next page

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Continued from the previous page ABB | SACE Emax 2

Signal Description
SNTP error Synchronization problem of SNTP synchronization reference module
Ethernet disconnected no external cable on one or more modules without Ethernet connection
Problem of Ekip Com Hub module with: certificates, connected devices,
Ekip Com Hub missing Com modules (RTU or with Ethernet connection), API TLS device,
Hub events, parsar configuration
TFTP server enabled / configuration session open in one or more modules
Configuration Session
between: Ekip Com IEC 61850 or Ekip Hub
Alarm for connection of one or more analog inputs to the Ekip Signalling
Ekip Signalling 3T
3T module
Ekip Installattion Installation error between HMI and mainboard. Contact ABB
MAC Address Module detected with incorrect / not allowed MAC address
Numeric alarm (e.g. 30002) Internal error. Contact ABB

NOTE: for information about how to resolve error signaling, see the Fault Resolution section
in the manuals 1SDH000999R0002 for Emax E1.2 and 1SDH001000R0002 for Emax E2.2,
E4.2 and E6.2.

Protections and Measurements In the event of protection or measurement alarms, the associated signals are reported:

Signal Alarm type

Protection timer (example:
Specific protection in time delay mode
Timer L)
Protection prealarm
Specific protection in prealarm
(example: Prealarm G)
Protection (Trip off)
Specific protection, configured with trip disabled, in alarm state
[example: S (Trip off) ]
2I Protection Active 2I Protection active
Current threshold protection. Current threshold 1 I1 / 2 I1 exceeded and
Load LC1 / Load LC2
in alarm state
Current threshold protection. Current threshold Iw1 / Iw2 exceeded and in
Iw1 Warning / Iw2 Warning
alarm state
> 80% contact wear (with prealarm icon) or 100% contact wear (alarm
Contact Wear
Harmonic dist. Harmonic Distortion protection in alarm state
Power factor Power factor measurement below the set threshold
Phase cycle Phase sequence protection in alarm state
Frequency Frequency measured off range (<30 Hz or >80 Hz)
Harmonic V Over Th Harmonics measurement
Harmonic I Over Th Harmonics measurement
THD I Over Th Harmonics measurement
THD V Over Th Harmonics measurement
Trip Test Trip test performed signal. Press iTEST to reset the message

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Programming errors If during the programming of the parameters an attempt is made to violate certain limitations, the trip unit
blocks the saving procedure and signals the error:
Type of error Error description
L Th ≥ S Th Errors in the adjustment of the protection thresholds
S Th ≥ I Th Errors in the adjustment of the protection thresholds
L Th ≥ S2 Th Errors in the adjustment of the protection thresholds
S2 Th ≥ I Th Errors in the adjustment of the protection thresholds
L Th ≥ D Th Errors in the adjustment of the protection thresholds
D Th ≥ I Th Errors in the adjustment of the protection thresholds
Activation of Zone Selectivity with protections S, S2,
D Zone Sel = On while S / S2/ G / Rc = On
G or Rc enabled
S(V) t20 and S(V) I20 error Incorrect configuration of S(V) protection
RQ Q24 > Q25 Incorrect configuration of RQ protection
Error in the parameters of the Ekip Synchrocheck
SYNCHRO parameters error
ROCOF t28 error Incorrect configuration of ROCOF protection
And the MCR enabled together Simultaneous enabling of the protections I and MCR
Protection and delay alarms present during
High priority alarm
Attempt to activate the Rc toroid without Ekip
Rc toroid error
Measuring or Rating Plug of the Rc type
It tries to set the internal neutral setting with a value
Internal neutral config error
that is not allowed
Change of datalogger number with datalogger not Change datalogger parameters with datalogger
stopped active
Change of the parameter "pole order" with a half
Error Reverse pole order
size circuit-breaker.
Programming Session Timeout Timeout for saving data

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17 - Operating features

Electrical characteristics
Operating currents and voltages
The correct operation of Ekip Touch trip unit is guaranteed with primary currents with clearly defined
In addition, Ekip Touch trip unit can be powered directly by the internal current sensors or, in the presence of
the Ekip Measuring Pro module, by the installation voltage.
The following are the specifications:
Parameter Operating limits
> 80 A (E1.2-E2.2-E4.2)
Minimum three-phase turn-on current
> 160 A (E6.2)
Rated frequency 50 / 60 Hz ± 10 %
Peak factor Complying with standard IEC 60947-2
Minimum three-phase turn-on voltage > 80 V

Auxiliary power supply

All the trip units of the Ekip Touch range can be connected to an external auxiliary power supply source,
useful to activate certain functions such as communication on a Local Bus, recording of manual operations,
measurements and the datalogger.
The auxiliary power can be supplied by the modules of the Ekip Supply rangeor with direct connection to a
terminal box.
The direct connection must be made guaranteeing the following operating conditions:
Parameter Operating limits
Voltage 24 V DC galvanically isolated
Tolerance ± 10 %
Maximum ripple ±5%
Maximum inrush current @ 24 V 10 A per 5 ms
Maximum rated power @ 24 V 4W
Insulated with grounding cable (same characteristics
Connection cable
as Belden 3105A/B or higher)

IMPORTANT: in case of direct connection, the power supply must be galvanically

insulated and provide the insulation characteristics established by the Standard IEC
60950 (UL 1950) or equivalent.

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Functional characteristics The Ekip Touch trip unit, in addition to the protection and measurement menus, also allows various operating
and configuration parameters to be set on the screen:
• Line frequency, to set the installation frequency.
• Remote / Local Mode, to set the operating mode and enable editing of parameters and sending remote
• Local Bus, to enable communication with the terminal modules and communication on the Local Bus.
• Harmonics, to enable the calculation of current and voltage harmonics.
• Power controller, to enable the function Ekip Power Controller.
• Programmable functions, to combine the modification of parameters and configurations to the
programmable inputs of Ekip Signalling modules.
• System, to modify system data such as date, time, language and password.
• Maintenance, to optimize maintenance operations on the circuit-breaker.

Additional options via remote / Ekip T&P, Ekip Programming and Ekip Bluetooth allow the protection trip unit to be connected to Ekip
front control Connect software and to access parameters and commands that cannot be accessed directly from the front
• Parameters and commands that identify the CB (CB label, User data, Additional pages, Installation
data, Alive Led, Wink command).
• Additional measurements (Load Profile Timers).
• Additional commands (management of Open CB / Close CB commands, additional zone selectivity
functions, Glitch commands),
• Additional parameters (programmable states, protection locks, filters, management of communication
data, options double set A-B, Wizard).
Parameters, measurements and commands are also available when communication is activated via Ekip Com
Further details about the single options are available in the Design Engineering manual 1SDH001330R0002.

18 - Default parameters
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

19 - Ekip Power Controller

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

26 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Ekip Touch protection trip unit | 18 - Default parameters
ABB | SACE Emax 2


1 - Preliminary considerations
Introduction All the circuit-breakers have a series of electrical and mechanical accessories that can be applied according
to the circuit-breaker type, and a series of electronic accessories that can be applied according to the type
of Ekip trip unit equipping the circuit-breaker.

Accessory combination tables The following table shows the possible combinations of the electrical and mechanical accessories for E1.2:

Type of accessory Accessory Circuit-breakers Switch-disconnectors

Ekip AUP (1) R R
Electrical signalling
Ekip RTC R R
S51 S -
S33 M/2 R R
YO (4) - YC R R
YO2 (4) R R
Electrical control YU (2)(4) R R
YR R -
KLP - PLP (1) R R
SL (1) S S
Security mechanical DLC R R
Anti-insertion lock S S
IP54 R R
Protection mechanical
Interlocks MI R R

S: Standard. R: on request.
For withdrawable version only.
Incompatible with FAIL SAFE. Can be ordered for UL on request
Incompatible with YU; standard for UL version.
A maximum of two accessories are available for YO and YU.

The following table shows the possible combinations of the electrical and mechanical accessories for E2.2-

Circuit- Switch- Derived versions

Type of accessory Accessory
breakers disconnectors CS MV MTP
AUX 4Q S R - - -
AUX 6Q R R - - -
AUX 15Q (5) R R - - -
Ekip AUP (1) R R R R R
Electrical signalling
Ekip RTC R R - - -
S51 S - - - -
S51/2 (6) R - - - -
S33 M/2 R R - - -
YO (4) - YC R R - - -
YO2 (4) - YC2 R R - - -
YU (2)(4) R R - - -
Electrical control
YU2 (2)(4) R R - - -
M R R - - -
YR R - - - -

Continued on the next page

27 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Accessories | 1 - Preliminary considerations

Continued from the previous page ABB | SACE Emax 2

Circuit- Switch- Derived versions

Type of accessory Accessory
breakers disconnectors CS MV MTP
KLC - PLC R R - - -
KLP - PLP (1) R R - - R
SL (1) S S - - S
DLR (1) R R - - R
Security mechanical DLP (1) R R - - R
DLC (5) R R - - R
Anti-insertion lock S S - - S
MOC R R - - R
FAIL SAFE (3) R R - - R
PBC R R - - R
Protection mechanical
IP54 R R - - R
Interlocks MI (5) R R - - R

S: Standard. R: on request.
For withdrawable version only.
Incompatible with FAIL SAFE. Can be ordered for UL on request
Incompatible with YU; standard for UL version.
A maximum of two accessories are available for YO and YU.
Not available for withdrawable circuit-breakers with lateral fastening.
Incompatible with YR

The following table shows the possible combinations of the electronic accessories:
Trip units
Type of accessory Accessory Ekip Ekip Ekip G Ekip G
Ekip Dip
Touch Hi-Touch Touch Hi-Touch
Power supply Ekip Supply R R R R R
Ekip Com - R R R R
Ekip Com Redundant - R R R R
Ekip Com Actuator R R R R R
Ekip Link R R R R R
Ekip Bluetooth R R R R R
Ekip Signalling Modbus TCP R R R R R
Ekip Signalling 2K - R R R R
Ekip Signalling 3T - R R R R
Ekip Signalling 4K - R R R R
Ekip Signalling 10K R R R R R
Ekip Measuring - R - - -
Ekip Measuring Pro - R S S S
Ekip Synchrocheck - R R R R
Measurement and
Rating Plug R R R R R
Toroid S.G.R. - R R R R
Rc Toroid - R R R R
External neutral sensor R R R R R
Ekip Multimeter R R R R R
Display and Supervision
Ekip Control Panel R R R R R
Ekip TT R S S S S
Testing and
Ekip T&P R R R R R
Ekip Programming R R R R R

S: Standard. R: on request.

28 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Accessories | 1 - Preliminary considerations

ABB | SACE Emax 2

Disassembly operations for To dismantle the accessories, the following parts must be removed from the circuit-breaker:
circuit breakers E1.2 • Front cover (A) and protection (F) by removing the screws (B and C).
• For 4-p circuit-breakers, the lateral protection (D) by fixing the screws (C and E).


Figure 7 - Removing the front cover and protections

After reassembling the accessories, the parts previously dismantled must be reassembled as indicated:
• Front cover (A) and protection (F) by screwing the fixing screws (B and C) with tightening torque 0.8 Nm
- 7 lb in (B) and 1.5 Nm - 13 lb in (C).
• For 4-p circuit-breakers, the lateral protection (D) by fixing the screws (C and E) with tightening torque
1.5 Nm - 13 lb in.


Figure 8 - Assembly of front cover and protections

29 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Accessories | 1 - Preliminary considerations

ABB | SACE Emax 2

Disassembly operations for To dismantle the accessories, the following parts must be removed from the circuit-breaker:
circuit breakers E2.2-E4.2-E6.2 • Transparent flange (A) of the trip unit, by turning the screws (B).
• Front cover of the circuit-breaker (C), by removing the mounting screws (D).

C 2


Figure 9 - Removing the flange and front cover

After reassembling the accessories, the parts previously dismantled must be reassembled as indicated:
• Front cover of the circuit-breaker (C), by screwing in the mounting screws (D) with tightening torque 1.1
Nm - 9.74 lb in.
• Transparent flange (A) of the trip unit, by turning the screws (B).

C 2



Figure 10 - Assembly of flange and front cover

Max O 3.3mm 8mm

Max O 0.13" 0.31"

0.5 2.5mm
20 AWG 14 AWG

Max O 3.3mm 8mm

Max O 0.13" 0.31"

0.5 1.5mm
20 AWG 16 AWG

Figure 11 - Wiring with cable stripping and relevant cross-sections

30 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Accessories | 1 - Preliminary considerations

ABB | SACE Emax 2

2 - Wiring diagrams
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

Electronic accessories

1 - Introduction
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

2 - Ekip Measuring modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

3 - Ekip Synchrocheck module

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

4 - Ekip Signalling 4K module

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

5 - Ekip Signalling 2K modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

6 - Ekip Signalling 3T modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

7 - Ekip Com Modbus RTU modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

8 - Ekip Com Profibus DP modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

9 - Ekip Com DeviceNet modules™

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

10 - Ekip Com Modbus TCP modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

31 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Electronic accessories | 2 - Wiring diagrams

ABB | SACE Emax 2

11 - Ekip Com Profinet modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

12 - Ekip Com EtherNet/IP™ modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

13 - Ekip Com IEC 61850 modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

14 - Ekip Link module

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

15 - Ekip Com Hub modules

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

16 - Ekip Com Actuator module

Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

17 - Other accessories
Details related to this chapter are available in the manual 1SDH001330R0002 (Emax 2 engineering manual)
available on the website ABB library.

32 | © 2018 ABB | 1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C Electronic accessories | 11 - Ekip Com Profinet modules
ABB | SACE Emax 2

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1SDH001316R0002 - ECN000086018 - Rev. C

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