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Health and Safety Management System Manual

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Health and Safety Management

System Manual

Prepared By

PO Box 933
Bendigo 3552
Ph: 03 5442 7862

Health & Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy
Accident Incident Management and Notifications
Chemical Management
Confined Spaces
Consultation and Communication
Contractor Management
Emergency Management
Environmental Management
Induction and Training
Injury and First Aid Management
Issue Resolution
Manual Handling
Plant and Equipment Management
Risk Management and Control
Risk Priority Matrix
Safety Equipment
Working at Heights
Accident and Incident Report
Chemical Safe Use Information
Confined Space Risk Assessment Entry Permit
Contractor Health and Safety Assessment
Testing and Tagging Intervals for Electrical Equipment
Emergency Contact Information
Employee Training and Induction Record
Evacuation Procedure
Evacuation Plan
First Aid Kits Contents Recommendations
Hazard Report
Health and Safety Committee Membership
Health and Safety Meeting Record
Health and Safety Planner
Injury Report
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Plant Equipment Maintenance Log
Plant Equipment Risk Assessment
Safe Work Method Statement
Safety Inspection Checklist
Vehicle Safety Inspection Checklist
Safe Work Methods
Safety Audit Guide
Incident Notification Form
Health & Safety Policy
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Health and Safety Management System

Health and Safety Policy

(Enter Car Wash Name) has established a commitment to the management of health and safety in
the workplace by managing risk as well as developing and involving our most important assets, our
This commitment includes:
 Ensuring continual improvement aimed at the elimination of work-related injury and illness;
 Identifying hazards and implementing and reviewing effective risks controls:
 Documenting, using and reviewing safe work methods;
 Reviewing procedures to ensure they remain appropriate and effective;
 Complying with all relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that are
applicable to this organisation;
 Consulting with all staff members (and the community as appropriate);
 Identifying and quickly resolving health and safety issues; and
 Regularly monitoring the health and wellbeing of staff.
Our commitment to our staff includes:
 Developing the skills of all employees to achieve to their full potential; and
 Providing training as required.
Our commitment to our community includes:
 Control of hazards, which may pose risks to the community, environment or property.

This policy is reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation.

(Enter Name Here)

Date: ____/____/________

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Health and Safety Management System

Accident Incident Management and Notifications

To ensure that all accidents, incidents and near hits are managed effectively, reported, notified and
investigated and that appropriate corrective action is taken to minimise the recurrence of such

This procedure applies to accidents, incident and near misses in relation to injury to workers,
customers or members of the public; and/or damage to property; and/or environmental damage from
any Car Wash operations.


Process Methodology Documentation

Immediate Action Provide any assistance to injured people. Seek  Accident/Incident
required assistance to prevent further injury Report
and/or damage if required  Injury Report

Secure the area to isolate people or property  Accident/Incident

from further injury and/or damage. This will also Report
preserve the site for later investigation as
notifiable accident/incident sites may be
required to be secured

Reporting and Involved personnel to notify supervisors or  Work Diary

Notification Management of accident/incident

Serious Accidents/Incidents: All accidents/  Accident/Incident

incidents (or near misses) which occur during Report
work hours and result in, OR which have the  Injury Report
potential to result in, serious injury or damage
must be investigated and recorded on the
Accident/Incident Report.

Minor Accidents/Incidents: Hazards identified  Hazard Report

from accidents/incidents of a less serious nature
should be recorded on the Hazard Report

Injuries requiring medical treatment or having  Injury Report

the potential to cause ongoing health problems
eg back injury, major joint injury, are recorded
on the Injury Report

Process Methodology Documentation

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Notification and Your State Workplace Safety Authority must be  State Incident Site and
Site Preservation notified of accidents/incidents which result in Notification
OR which have the potential to result in serious requirements and forms
injury (refer below for the notification -VIC
requirements for your State). -NSW
The site of notifiable incidents or workplace -TAS
deaths may be required to be preserved. Sites -WA
must also be preserved on the direction of the -NT
State workplace safety authority. -SA
Investigation Accidents/incidents will be investigated as soon  Accident/Incident
as possible after the event through direct Report
inspection and interviews

Corrective Action Identify hazards exposed by accident/incident  Accident/Incident

and develop risks controls Report
 Hazard Report

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Health and Safety Management System

Incident Notification Requirements By State

The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping. For more detailed information refer the Worksafe publication – Guide to Incident
Notification (Jan 2008)

Incidents Requiring Notification

The following incidents must be notified to Worksafe:
 The death of a person
 A person suffering serious injury such as eye injury and spinal injury
 A person requiring any medical procedure without delay by a doctor at a hospital or a doctor’s surgery. This
includes an operation or the administration of a drug. This does not include diagnostic procedures eg x-rays
 A person requiring an immediate medical procedure for
- Loss of bodily function (including fractures and dislocations)
- Serious laceration (including requiring significant stitching)
- Head injury (including loss of consciousness)
 The notification duty also applies to incidents that expose a person in the immediate vicinity to an immediate
health or safety risk through incidents including:
- the collapse, overturning, failure or malfunction of, or damage to, plant that is required to be
licensed or registered;
- the collapse or failure of an excavation or of any shoring supporting an excavation;
- the collapse or partial collapse of a building or structure;
- an implosion, explosion or fire;
- the escape, spillage or leakage of any substance including dangerous goods;
- the fall or release from a height of any plant, substance or object
Notification Process
 Notify Worksafe on 132 360 immediately
 Follow any instructions issued by Worksafe.
 Submit the WorkSafe Incident Notification Form to WorkSafe within 48 hours of the incident occurring:
 via fax on Fax: (03) 9641 1091
 by mail to the Incident Notification Unit, Advisory Service, WorkSafe
Victoria, 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne 3000 or GPO Box 4306,
Melbourne 3001.
 Complete the WorkSafe Incident Notification Form online at:

Site Preservation
The site of the incident must be preserved until a Worksafe inspector arrives or as directed by a Worksafe inspector.
The site of a notifiable incident may only be disturbed before an inspector arrives or before an inspector issues a
direction, in order to:
 protect the health and safety of a person; or
 provide aid to an injured person involved in the incident; or
 take essential action to make the site safe or to prevent a further incident.
The incident site is the area at the workplace where the incident occurred. It includes any plant involved in the incident
and extends to any area within the workplace where any substances have escaped, spilled or leaked; and any debris,
including plant debris, or objects have fallen as a result of the incident. The incident site is not to be disturbed until:
 an inspector arrives at the site; or
 such other time as directed by an inspector when WorkSafe is notified of the incident.

Record Keeping
You must keep a copy of the written record of a notifiable incident (the completed Incident Notification Form) for at
least 5 years.

New South Wales

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Health and Safety Management System

The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping. For more detailed information refer to the How to Notify Work Related Incident -
Workcover NSW

Incidents Requiring Notification and Notification Process

Serious incidents involving a fatality or a serious injury or illness phone WorkCover IMMEDIATELY on 13 10 50 as
an urgent investigation may be needed, PLUS notify your workers compensation insurer within 48 hours.
Other incidents leading to time off work notify your workers compensation insurer within 48 hours.
Non Workers (a visitor, customer, volunteer, student, contractor not covered by your Workers Compensation)
Serious incidents involving a fatality or serious injury or illness, phone WorkCover IMMEDIATELY on 13 10 50 as an
urgent investigation may be needed, PLUS notify WorkCover within 7 days with full notification details using the
online form at or phone 13 10 50.
Other incidents where the injury or illness results in the person being unable to perform their normal activities for 7 or
more days notify WorkCover within 7 days using the online form or phone 13 10 50.
Incidents that present a risk to health and safety at your workplace but do not cause injury
Serious incidents that are immediately life threatening but result in no injury or illness phone WorkCover
IMMEDIATELY on 13 10 50 as an urgent investigation may be needed, PLUS notify WorkCover within 7 days with
full notification details using the online form or phone 13 10 50.

Serious incidents include the following incidents occurring at, or in relation to, a place of work:
 that resulted in a person being killed
 an injury that results in the amputation of a limb
 the placing of a person on a life-support system
 any event or circumstance listed below that presents an immediate threat to life:
 the loss of consciousness of a person caused by impact of physical force, exposure to hazardous substances,
electric shock or lack of oxygen
 major damage to any plant, equipment, building or structure
 an uncontrolled explosion or fire
 an uncontrolled escape of gas, dangerous goods or steam
 imminent risk of explosion or fire
 imminent risk of an escape of gas, dangerous goods or steam
 a spill or incident resulting in exposure or potential exposure of a person to a notifiable or prohibited
carcinogenic substance
 entrapment of a person in a confined space
 collapse of an excavation
 entrapment of a person in machinery
 serious burns to a person.
Other incidents are certain incidents that are not immediately life threatening notify WorkCover within 7 days using the
online form at or phone 13 10 50.

Non- disturbance of Sites

Non-disturbance provisions apply where a serious incident occurs and involves:
 not using, moving or interfering with plant plant at that place is not used, moved or interfered with after it has
been involved in a non-disturbance occurrence
 not disturbed the area within four metres of the location of a non-disturbance occurrence
This does not prevent any action:
 to help or remove a trapped or injured person or to remove a body
 to avoid injury to a person or damage to property
 for the purposes of any police investigation
 in accordance with a direction or permission of an inspector
Non disturbance applies for the period ending 36 hours after notification of the incident.
Record Keeping

The following records about the notification must be kept for at least five years after the notification is given:
 a record of the date, time, place and nature of the incident/injury
 a record of the date of notification and the way in which the notification was given
 a record of any acknowledgement given by the insurer or WorkCover.

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The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping. For more detailed information refer the Worksafe publication – Guide to Incident
Notification (Jan 2008)

Incidents Requiring Notification

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland must be notified of the following events:
1. An incident resulting in a person suffering a work injury that is a serious bodily injury, including a fatality
 the injured person's death; or
 the loss of a distinct part or an organ of the injured person's body; or
 the injured person to be absent from the person's voluntary or paid employment for more than
four normal working days.
2. A work caused illness
 an illness contracted by a person to which work, a workplace, a workplace activity or specified
high risk plant was a significant contributing factor; or
 the recurrence, aggravation, acceleration, exacerbation or deterioration in a person of an existing
illness if work, a workplace, a workplace activity or specified high risk plant was a significant
contributing factor to the recurrence, aggravation, acceleration, exacerbation or deterioration.
3. A dangerous event
 an event caused by specified high risk plant; or
 an event at a workplace caused by workplace activity
 if the event involves or could have involved exposure of persons to risk to their health and safety
because of:
 collapse, overturning, failure or malfunction of, or damage to, an item of specified high risk
plant; or
 collapse, or failure of an excavation or of any shoring supporting an excavation; or
 collapse, or partial collapse of any part of a building or other structure; or
 damage to any load bearing member of, or the failure of any brake, steering device or other
control device of, a crane, hoist, conveyor, lift or escalator; or
 implosion, explosion or fire; or
 escape, spillage or leakage of any hazardous material or dangerous goods; or
 fall or release from a height of any plant, substance or object; or
 damage to a boiler, pressure vessel or refrigeration plant; or
 uncontrolled explosion, fire or escape of gas or steam.

Notification Process
Written notification is required within 24 hours of an incident. If the incident involves a death, immediate notification is
required on 1300 369 915. A Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Inspector is on call 24 hours.

Print the approved Incident Notification Form at and fax it to the
nearest Workplace Health and Safety Queensland office as detailed on the form.
Fill in the form online

Record Keeping
You must also keep a copy of the form for your records for 1 year after the event.

The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping.

Incidents Requiring Notification

A Workplace Standards inspector must be notified, by the quickest means possible, if:
 someone is killed
 someone suffers serious bodily injury or illness that disables a person to the extent that as a consequence of
that injury or illness the person is subject to a period of admission to hospital as an in-patient
 a dangerous incident occurs which could have resulted in someone being killed or suffering serious bodily
injury or illness(a) damage to any boiler or other pressure vessel, or damage to a load bearing member of any

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lifting machinery, scaffolding or amusement structure, being damage which endangers the health or safety of
any person in the vicinity; or
(b) an uncontrolled explosion, fire or discharge of electricity, gas or steam; or
(c) an occurrence, including those involving any substance, involving imminent risk of explosion, fire, death,
serious bodily injury or illness to any person or serious damage to any property;
A dangerous incident at a workplace includes the following:
an accidental explosion of gas, dust or explosive material;
an incident involving a high probability of severe electric shock;
a fire in a confined space including underground;
a serious fire, other than a bush fire, requiring the attention of a trained fire fighting team;
any interference with, or obstruction of the use of, a sole emergency egress from an area in which a person is
required to work;
an accident or incident involving a mine winder or shaft, including a serious mine winder overwind;
any uncontrolled escape of high pressure oil or water;
the tipping over of self-propelled mobile plant;
an accident involving the failure of load-bearing or pressure-retaining components of registered plant

Site Preservation
If a person is killed or suffers serious bodily injury or illness or a dangerous incident occurs as a result of which a
person could have been killed or could have suffered serious bodily injury or illness, a person must not move or
otherwise interfere with any plant or other thing involved in the death, injury, illness or occurrence without the prior
permission of an inspector.
This does not apply if the movement or interference is necessary:
a) to save life or relieve suffering; or
b) to prevent damage to property or injury to persons.

Notification Process
Workplace Standards must be notified by the quickest means possible. The person with control or management of the
workplace must do this by calling the Workplace Standards Helpline on1300 366 322 (or 03 6233 7657 outside Tas) and
by following up within 48 hours by filling out and faxing the Accident/Incident Report form to 6233 8338. Outside
office hours the Helpline number will divert your call to a duty inspector.
The person notifying an inspector must provide the inspector with written notification of the particulars within 48 hours
after the occurrence of the death, injury, illness or incident.

Record Keeping
Following an accident or incident that causes, or has the potential to cause, serious injury or damage at a workplace, an
accountable person must –
(a) investigate the accident or incident to attempt to discover its cause; and
(b) identify and implement measures to prevent a recurrence
An employer must also keep records relating to work-related injuries and illnesses suffered by employees in their
employment with the employer.

Western Australia
The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping. All deaths and certain types of injury or disease, in connection with work, must be
reported to WorkSafe. Failure to report could lead to prosecution. Reporting must be done by the relevant employer
whenever death or certain types of injury occurs in connection with the relevant employer's business. Relevant
employers may include the self-employed, principal contractors, labour hire agents and directors.
In some cases, WorkSafe will require notification of the same reportable death, injury or disease by different 'relevant
employers'. For example, if a manufacturer hired a self-employed contractor whose work caused a reportable injury at
the manufacturer's workplace, a report would be required from both the manufacturer and the self-employed person.

Incidents Requiring Notification

Types of Accidents and Injuries that must be reported
Reporting is required for:
 employees who suffer death/injury/disease at work or at employer provided residential premises as described
under s23G(2) of the Act;
 non-employees who suffer death/injury/disease at a workplace or in connection with the business of an
employer or a self employed person; and
 self-employed people who suffer death/injury/disease at work or in connection with work.
Types of injuries that must be reported:

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 A fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis.

 A fracture of any bone in the arm, other than in the wrists or hand, or in the leg, other than a bone in the ankle
or foot.
 An amputation of an arm, a hand, fi nger, finger joint, leg, foot, toe or toe joint.
 The loss of sight of an eye.
 Any injury other than those referred to above which, in the opinion of a medical practitioner, is likely to
prevent the employee from being able to work within 10 days of the day on which the injury occurred.
Types of Diseases that must be reported
Infectious diseases: tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, legionnaire's disease and HIV where these diseases are contracted
during work involving exposure to human blood products, body secretions, excretions or other material which may be a
source of infection.
Occupational zoonoses: Q fever, anthrax, leptospiroses and brucellosis where these diseases are contracted during work
involving the handling of, or contact with, animals, animal hides, skins, wool, hair, carcases or animal waste products.

Notification Process
Notification for injuries and diseases will be accepted either in person, in writing (Locked Bag 3, PO Box 294, West
Perth 6872), by fax (08 - 93212 7989), by telephone (1800 305 791). The notification should be made as quickly as
possible after the accident is identified as notifiable and must be made no later than 10 days after the accident.
Injury notification form -
Disease Notification form -

Northern Territory
The purpose of the requirement to notify the Authority of certain incidents is to ensure that the regulator is made aware
of situations where there has been either a death or a serious injury or there was a potential for this to occur. This
enables the Authority to make sure that causes are identified and appropriate action taken to prevent such incidents in
the future. The Authority may also investigate a workplace incident to determine whether those with a duty under the
Act have met that duty and take whatever further action is appropriate in the circumstances.

Incidents Requiring Notification

Incidents requiring notification include any of the following circumstances:
A work-related accident where a situation or event occurs at a workplace, or arises out of a worker's work, that results in
death or significant injury requiring medical treatment (this means treatment by a registered medical practitioner) or
An incident at a workplace creating a risk of a work-related accident and consisting of:
 a major structural failure or collapse; or
 an explosion, implosion or fire; or
 the escape, spillage or leakage of a harmful, or potentially harmful, substance; or
 the fall of an object from a height; or
 the failure of a system on which the health or safety of workers is dependent (such as a ventilation system in a
mine); or
 An electric shock suffered at the workplace; or
 An incident classified by the regulations as a reportable incident - Regulation 46 of the Workplace Health and
Safety Regulations requires an accident involving a hazardous activity for which a risk management plan is
required to be reported under this section.

Notification Process
NT WorkSafe must be notified of the occurrence as soon as practicable by phoning 1800 019 115. You will be given an
incident notification Reference Number to include on the Incident Notification form which is available from .
In addition to immediate (as soon as is practicable) telephone notification, this 2-page notification form must be faxed
or emailed to NT WorkSafe within 48 hours after the incident occurrence. Fax Number 08 8999 5141. Email:

Site Preservation
If the Worksafe office gives directions to the employer to preserve the scene of the incident by ensuring that the site is
left undisturbed pending the arrival of a Workplace Safety Officer to undertake an investigation.
If a direction is given to leave the site of the incident undisturbed, this direction doesn’t prevent anyone from assisting
someone who is injured or taking steps to make the situation safe and prevent any further threat to health or safety.

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South Australia
The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping. Under the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986, notification of certain
accidents/incidents or dangerous occurrences must be made to Safework SA.

Incidents Requiring Notification

The following incidents require notification:
 work related death
 injury that:
- requires admittance to hospital as an inpatient or
- is from exposure to any substance that causes acute symptoms
 dangerous occurrence
Examples of 'dangerous occurrences' include:
 the collapse, overturning or failure of the load-bearing capacity of cranes, hoists or scaffolding
 the damage to, or malfunction of, other major plant or equipment
 the collapse of a floor, wall or ceiling of a building used as a workplace
 an electrical short, malfunction or explosion
 an uncontrolled explosion, fire or escape of gas, steam or other hazardous substance

Site Preservation
If an employee suffers an immediately notifiable work-related injury, the employer must not, without the permission of
an inspector:
 alter the site where the injury occurred; or
 reuse, repair or remove any plant, or reuse or remove any substance, that caused, or was connected with the
occurrence of, the death or injury.
An employer must, pending the granting of permission by an inspector, take such steps as are necessary:
 to rescue an injured person; or
 to retrieve a dead body; or
 to protect the health or safety of any person who may be in the vicinity of the site,
and may prevent undue damage to property.

Notification Process
The person in charge of the workplace must notify Safework SA by:
 immediately report the occurrence by telephone on Emergency Telephone 1800 777 209 (24 hours)
 must give written notice of the occurrence by sending a Notification of Dangerous Occurrences Form within
24 hours after it occurs available from .

Australian Capital Territory

The following information provides a summary of incidents requiring notification, the notification process, site
preservation and record keeping.

Incidents Requiring Notification

Where an employer is aware of the occurrence of any of the following events at or near the workplace:
(a) the death of a person
(b) an injury to a person other than an employee of the employer
(c) an injury to an employee as a result of which the employee is incapacitated for work for the
prescribed period
(d) a dangerous occurrence
and it is attributable to the conduct of the employer's undertaking at the workplace, notification is required.
Dangerous Occurrences include
 damage to any boiler, pressure vessel, plant, equipment or other thing which endangers or is likely to endanger
the health or safety of persons at a workplace
 damage to, or failure of, any load bearing member or control device of a crane, hoist, conveyor, lift, escalator,
moving walk, plant, scaffolding, gear, amusement device or public stand
 an uncontrolled fire, explosion or escape of gas, dangerous goods or steam

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 any other occurrence involving imminent risk of-

a) fire, explosion or escape of gas, dangerous goods or steam
b) death or serious personal injury to any person
c) substantial damage to property
The employer is required to notify the death of any person at or near the workplace.
The Act requires that employers notify the Chief Executive of not only physical injuries, but also of work-related illness
or disease, or events aggravating injuries or diseases.
All injuries caused to any person who is not an employee must be notified.
An injury to an employee as a result of which the employee is unable to work for any period of 7 days (as prescribed by
the regulations) must be notified.

Site Preservation
An employer must ensure that the site where the event occurred is not disturbed until an Inspector directs that the site
may be used.

Notification Process
To notify an event to ORS WorkCover complete an "Injury and Dangerous Occurrence Report Form" and forward the
form to - ORS WorkCover, GPO Box 158, Canberra City, ACT 2601; or deliver to - 3rd Floor, Callam Offices, Easty
Street, WODEN ACT 2606. Form available from
You can fax a photocopy of the Report Form (it will fit on 2 A4 sheets) to 6205 0336 or phone details to 6205 0200.
When notifying by phone or facsimile, you must ensure you receive and record the report number given to you by ORS
WorkCover. This report number needs to be kept with your records of the details reported to ORS WorkCover.
If an accident has caused the death of a person or serious bodily injury, you should notify ORS WorkCover as soon as
possible by phone or other practical means.
Injury and Dangerous Occurrence Report Forms must be submitted as soon as practicable but not later than 7 days after
the event.

Record Keeping
You must keep a copy of any Injury and Dangerous Occurrence Report that you send to us, and a record of all less
serious workplace injuries or illnesses (those leading to an absence of one day or more), for at least 5 years.

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Chemical Management
To ensure that dangerous goods and hazardous substances are stored and handled in a safe manner
that minimises the risk of injury, environmental impact or property damage
This procedure applies to all chemicals classed as dangerous goods or hazardous substances used at
the Car Wash.
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that describes the identity, properties, health
hazards, precautions for use and safe handling of dangerous goods and hazardous substances. It is
available from the supplier or manufacturer of the chemical
Hazardous Substances are substances that can cause health affects either immediate or long term.
Hazardous Substances are defined on their individual Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Dangerous Goods can cause immediate physical or chemical affects such as fire, explosion,
corrosion and poisoning which affect property, people or the environment. Dangerous Goods are
defined under the Australian Dangerous Goods Code.

Process Methodology Records/Evidence

Material Safety Data Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets  MSDS Folder
Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals used at the
Car Wash. These can be obtained from
your supplier or directly from the
Material Safety Data Sheets will  MSDS Folder
obtained if new hazardous materials are
introduced into the Car Wash.

Store all MSDS sheets in a clearly  MSDS Folder

labelled folder for easy access for
reference or in case of injury or spill.
MSDSs must be less than five (5) years  MSDS Folder
old and must be replaced once they are
older than 5 years
Risk Identification and Use the following guidelines to  MSDS Folder
Control prioritise the order in which your  Chemical Safe Use sheet
chemicals should be assessed:
 the most hazardous dangerous
goods and hazardous substances (as
identified from the MSDSs)
 those used in greatest volume
 those your workers are most
exposed to

Process Methodology Records/Evidence

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Risk Identification and Use information from the MSDS as  Chemical Safe Use sheet
Control (cont’d) well as your knowledge of the type,
frequency and volume of use of each
chemical to established precautionary
measures to be taken when using
chemicals. Include any other relevant
information in relation to the chemical.
Communication Write this information for each  Chemical Safe Use sheet
chemical assessed on a Chemical Safe
Use Sheet and display it where the
chemical is stored or where it is used

Risk Control Provide the required Personal  Visual check

Implementation Protective Equipment (PPE),
ventilation, spill controls, first aid,
storage and any other requirements for
the safe storage, handling and use of
Training and Licensing Training, instruction, information and  Employee Training and
supervision shall be provided to Induction Record
employees who are working with
chemicals in such a way that require
the use of specific personal protective
equipment or safety measures eg
ozone, chlorine
Health surveillance Staff will undergo medical surveillance  Personal files
following any incidents causing
significant exposure of workers to
hazardous chemicals

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Confined Spaces
This procedure outlines the requirements for the management of entry into confined spaces in
workplaces with the intention of minimising risks to health and safety from any potential hazards
associated with the entry. This procedure applies to all identified confined spaces at all workplaces,
to staff and contractors.
This applies to all confined spaces where work may be undertaken including trenches, pits, tanks,
pipes and other similar enclosed or partially enclosed spaces.
Confined Space - a confined space has the following features:
 enclosed or partially enclosed
 is at normal atmospheric pressure
 is not intended or designed primarily as a workplace
 have deficient natural ventilation
 limited or restricted entry or exit
 is likely to contain an atmosphere that has a harmful level of contaminant OR an atmosphere
that does not have a safe oxygen level OR any substance that could cause engulfment

Process Methodology Records/Evidence

Identifying enclosed All confined spaces that workers can  Visual Check
spaces potentially access to do work at the Car
Wash should be identified. These may
include storage tanks, pressure vessels,
boilers, shafts and ducts, silos and other
tank-like compartments, open-topped
spaces, pits, drains, trenches, tunnels
and pipe work
Confined spaces that have been  Visual Check
identified should be signed to warn of
Risk Assessment If access to a confined space is  Confined Space Risk
required a risk assessment must be Assessment/Entry Permit
undertaken. This should cover the
following areas:
 Isolation of power, water, gas, etc.
 Atmospheric Testing
 Purging and Ventilation
 Lighting
 Communication
 Traffic/Pedestrian Control
 Personal Protective Equipment
 Emergency Arrangements
including standby personnel
 Hot Work risks

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Process Methodology Records/Evidence

Risk Assessment The risk assessment should be  Confined Space Risk
recorded on the Confined Space Risk Assessment/Entry Permit
Assessment/Entry Permit
If hot work eg. welding, cutting, is  Confined Space Risk
taking place in the confined space, this Assessment/Entry Permit
should be risk assessed and recorded
as well
Training All personnel that undertake work in  Training records
confined spaces MUST have
undergone recognised Confined Space
Entry (CSE) training.
During a confined space entry there  Training records
MUST be another person with
recognised Confined Space Entry
(CSE) training to act as a standby in
case of emergency
Safety Equipment Safety equipment must be onsite and  Confined Space Risk
accessible at all times during the Assessment/Entry Permit
confined space entry. This equipment  Visual Check
could include:
 atmospheric testing equipment
 mechanical ventilation
 lighting
 communication devices
 traffic/pedestrian controls
 Personal Protective Equipment
 first aid kit
 fire extinguisher
 access/egress equipment
Other safety equipment identified on  Confined Space Risk
the risk assessment will be supplied. Assessment/Entry Permit
Additional safety equipment for Hot  Confined Space Risk
Work as identified from the risk Assessment/Entry Permit
assessment will be supplied.
Confined Space Entry Confined space entry will ONLY be  Confined Space Risk
made by workers with recognised Assessment/Entry Permit
Confined Space Entry (CSE) training
that has been provided by a
recognized training provider. Standby
personnel must also have this training
If trained personnel are not available  Confined Space Risk
engage trained and experienced Assessment/Entry Permit
contractors to carry out work.

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Consultation and Communication

To ensure that there is full employee, client and community consultation and communication in
relation to occupational health and safety and other aspects of the business operation.

This procedure applies to all areas and levels of the organisation and business operation.


Process Methodology Documentation

Worker Consultation All workers will be consulted on the  Hazard Report form
identification of hazards and control of
risks at worksites
Risk controls will be communicated  Health and Safety Meeting
through Health and Safety meetings as Record
Workers may bring health and safety  Health and Safety Meeting
issues to the attention of Management Record
or the health and safety representative
(if appropriate).
Health and Safety For sites with larger numbers of  Health and Safety
Representatives employees, workers working different Committee Membership
shifts and/or workers working across form
more than one site, a Health and Safety
Representative (HSR) may be elected
by the workers if they want. If no HSR
nominates or is elected, the whole staff
will be involved in health and safety
discussions and decision making

The role of the Health and Safety  Health and Safety

Representative is to represent the Committee Membership
workers in relation to addressing health
and safety issues. They can act as a
communication channel between
Management and workers to ensure
health and safety issues are effectively
managed. For more information on the
role of a HSR, visit your state
Workplace Safety Authority website or
contact them by telephone.

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Health and Safety A Health and Safety committee may be  Health and Safety
Committee set up to discuss health and safety Committee Membership
issues. Management representatives form
should not make up more than 50% of
the Committee membership.
Health and Safety Health and Safety meetings should be  Health and Safety Meeting
Meetings held at least 3 monthly or more often as Record
required. These meetings may be
incorporated into regular staff meetings
at smaller sites
Health and Safety meetings should  Health and Safety Meeting
involve all workers. Workers who are Record
unable to attend should be encouraged
to have input into the agenda. Workers
who are absent should be made aware
of the discussions and decisions
Health and Safety The Business Manager will act as the  Health and Safety
Officer Health and Safety Officer and is Committee Membership
responsible to consult with workers on
health and safety issues.
Workers Communication All matters regarding the health and  Memos, written notes,
safety of the workplace must be noticeboards
communicated to workers in an
effective and timely manner eg.
memos, written notes, noticeboards,
Community Members of the community will be  Company Diary entry
Communication notified of any business operations
that may impact on their property
access, health and safety or business

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Contractor Management
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that all contractors understand:
 their obligations in relation to maintaining a healthy and safe workplace during their work at
the Car Wash and to have appropriate insurances in place.
 the work environment related to the project so they work as safely as possible and to ensure
health, safety and environmental issues are known and addressed.

This procedure applies to all contractors engaged to work for the Car Wash.


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Assessment and Contractors will be assessed as to their  Contractor Health and
Induction ability to comply with health and safety Safety Assessment
and allied legislation. This form should
be mailed out to contractors (with an
explanatory letter) and returned prior to
them commencing work
Contractors will be required to  Contractor Health and
complete the Health and Safety Safety Assessment
Assessment annually to coincide with
the payment of their public liability
insurance premium
Risk Management For hazardous tasks that are complex,  Safe Work Method
unusual tasks or that require strategic Statement
planning and preparation, contractors
may be required to complete a Safe
Work Method Statement for these
works in conjunction with Car Wash
Management eg. digging up driveways
Consultation and Contractors will be consulted in  Safe Work Method
Reporting relation to any health and safety issues Statement
related to their work. Risks will be
controlled to ensure work can proceed
safely eg using barriers to isolate work
areas from the public.
Contractors will notify the car wash  Accident/Incident Report
management of any accidents or
incidents in relation to their contracted

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Emergency Management
To provide a process to respond safely and as quickly as possible to the range of emergency
situations likely to be encountered including, but not limited to, fire, release of chemical, gas
leakage, structural fault.

This procedure applies to all emergencies at carwash premises including the involvement of outside
agencies such as fire brigade, police and ambulance. Third parties e.g. customers, visitors to
premises also come under this procedure.


Process Methodology Documentation

Identification of Assess premises and surrounding areas  Notes
Potential Emergencies to identify the range of potential
emergency situations. Possible
situations could include:
 Fuel emergencies if located near a
petrol station
 Emergencies arising from vehicle
crashes on nearby roads
 Emergencies from vehicle
accidents on car wash premises
 fire in electrical equipment

Develop and Display Develop and display Emergency  Evacuation Plan template
Emergency Response Response documents including:  Emergency Contact
documents  Emergency Contact Information Information template
sheets displayed near telephones -
refer Emergency Contact
Information sheet
 Evacuation Plan - refer Evacuation
Plan template
 Evacuation Procedure - refer
Evacuation Plan template
Emergency Reponses If your site is complex, use the  See Emergency Procedure
Plans information below to develop an Planning below
effective Emergency Response Plan
Provide Appropriate Provide the appropriate equipment to  Health and Safety Planner
Resources manage the range of potential
emergencies identified eg fire control,
first aid
Training and Provide training for staff applicable to  Employee Training and
Communication managing emergencies such as fire Induction Record
extinguisher use and first aid  Safe Work Methods

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Training and Conduct emergency drills or  Work Diary

Communication (cont’d) training/information sessions with
relevant staff for all Emergency
Response Plans developed (suggest

Emergency Procedure Planning

The following information should be considered when developing an Emergency Response Plan
particularly for larger, more complex sites eg Car Washes located within other buildings such as
shopping centres.
Consider Likely Emergency Situations
 Known hazards or locations in proximity to premises eg. main roads
 List potential emergency situations eg fire, smoke, robbery, firearms or violence
Establish Responsibilities
 Emergency Coordinator
 Staff
Reporting of Emergencies
 Person report is to be made to
 How and when report is made
Process to Determine Evacuation Assessment
 Nature of threat
 Level of threat
 Location of threat
Evacuate or remain in the building
 Evacuation Assembly Point
 Evacuation Assembly point location should be located in an easily accessible safe area
considering the layout of the premises and the likely emergencies
Communication of Emergency Warning
 Communication method to use depending on evacuation or remaining in building
 Communication with other people on site eg visitors, contractors, customers
 Process to clear people from all areas
 Accounting for staff
 Accounting for other people on site eg visitors, contractors.
 Accounting for customers (including verbal checking with customers evacuated)
Ongoing Communication
 Communication of further instructions including from emergency services personnel to staff,
customers and all other people on site during and after emergency.
Keeping Information Current
 Review procedures to ensure currency particularly if workplace changes
 Communicate procedures to staff
 Induction of new staff, contractors, etc in emergency procedures
 Display Evacuation plans
 Perform Evacuation drills

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Environmental Management
To review the environmental aspects of the business operation of Car Wash and identify and control
all risks to eliminate or minimise any adverse environmental impacts.

This procedure applies to all operations and activities carried out at the Car Wash.


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Risk identification Identify the specific environmental risk  Visual check
areas present at the Car Wash.
These could include:
 chemical spills
 water recycling
 pit cleaning
 waste disposal

Environmental hazards must be  Work Diary notes

reported to Management as soon as
possible to minimise the environmental
Controls Chemical spills will be cleaned up  Work Diary notes
immediately with care taken to avoid
chemicals entering stormwater drains
or waterways as necessary
Materials for chemical spill cleanup 
should be on hand and include:
 buckets or heavy plastic bags
 shovel
 absorbent material eg. zeolite

Water recycling and treatment  Work Diary notes

protocols will be followed to ensure the
water is recycled to appropriate
standards before being used
Pits will be cleaned regularly to avoid  Work Diary notes
overflow of waste material into  Receipts
stormwater drains or waterways
Waste Disposal All work site excess and waste material  Waste Disposal dockets
will be disposed of according to local
government and Environmental
Protection Agency requirements
Reporting Environmental accidents or incidents  Accident/Incident Report
will be initially reported to Car Wash form
Management, recorded and reported to
the State EPA if significant.

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Induction and Training

To ensure that all staff are inducted and training requirements are identified and met for all
employees. Ongoing training and competency requirements will be regularly monitored to ensure
all employees meet these requirements.

This procedure applies to staff inductions and all of the business operations that require specific
training requirements.

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Staff Training requirements Assess current staff training and other  Employee Training and
training required for the site eg. First Induction Record
Undertake training as required and  Employee Training and
record training details Induction Record
Induction All staff will be inducted on  Employee Training and
commencement of work. This Induction Record
induction will be recorded on the
Employee Training and Induction
At induction, copies will be made of  Employee Training and
all licences and certificates and held Induction Record
by the staff member and listed on the
individual Employee Training and
Induction Record

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Site specific training Training of employees in performing  Employee Training and

work tasks will be undertaken by Induction Record
skilled and experienced operators.  Relevant Safe Work
Use the Safe Work Methods that Methods
relate to your Car Wash to do this. Sit
with the staff being trained and go
through each Safe Work Method to
ensure they understand what is
required of them. Emphasise the most
important points.
‘Duty of Care’ for inexperienced  Work diary/rosters
workers will be managed by correct
supervision by experienced operators

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Injury and First Aid Management

To ensure the provision of First Aid services and facilities that enable prompt and effective
emergency and initial first aid treatments to any employee who has sustained an injury in the

This procedure applies to first aid facilities and injury management at all work areas and should also
be adopted for treatment provided to third parties e.g. customers, visitors, contractors injured at the


Process Methodology Documentation

Risk Assessment A first aid assessment should be done to  Notes
determine the resources required to manage
first aid and injuries effectively. This
assessment should consider
 proximity of medical treatment - the
quicker medical treatment can be
accessed the better
 number of workers - the more workers
the greater the risk of injury
 degree of hazard of equipment and work
tasks - the more hazardous the equipment
and work tasks the greater the chance of
severe injury
Use the results of this assessment to
determine the resources that should be
provided such as first aid kit contents and
first aid training

Provision of Required numbers of staff will be trained in  Employee Training and

resources first aid at appropriate levels. Unless Induction Record
otherwise determined, for large operations
with more than 20 staff on during a shift,
there should be one permanent member of
staff with level 2 First Aid training

An appropriately equipped first aid kit will  First Aid Kit Contents
be available at the premises and located in a  Visual Check
suitable area eg. office. Refer to the First Aid
Kit Contents list for suggested contents.
Check kits regularly to ensure they are  Health and Safety
adequately stocked and items are in date Planner

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Provision of First aid assistance provided should be  Injury Report

resources (cont’d) commensurate with training. Injuries  Accident/Incident Report
requiring more specialist knowledge must be
referred to a medical practitioner or
emergency department of a hospital
Emergency If emergency treatment is required notify the  Injury Report
Services ambulance service (000)  Accident/Incident Report
Reporting Injuries requiring medical treatment or  Injury Report
having the potential to cause ongoing health
problems eg back injury, major joint injury,
cuts that are at risk of infection, are recorded
on the Injury Report

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Health and Safety Management System

Issue Resolution
This procedure will ensure that health and safety issues are managed and resolved as quickly as
possible and that the safety of all concerned is preserved.

This procedure applies to the resolution of any health and safety issues arising from any aspects of
the Car Wash operation.


Process Methodology Records/Evidence

Identification of Issue Report health and safety issue to  May be no written evidence
Health and Safety Rep (if applicable)
and/or Management
Cease work if the issue presents a clear  May be no written evidence
and immediate risk to health or safety
Initial Resolution Meeting of staff member(s), Health and  Health and Safety Meeting
Safety Rep (if applicable) and Record OR
Management to discuss issue and  Hazard Report
develop corrective actions
Record the issue and corrective actions  Hazard Report
on a Hazard Report form
A temporary corrective action may be  Hazard Report
implemented to allow work to continue
with no risk to health or safety
If issue is unable to be resolved and  Internal memo
Management, staff member(s) or the
Health and Safety Rep (if applicable)
judge that there is a clear and
immediate risk to the health and safety
of staff, contractors or others, the
associated work shall cease
Involvement of Management, Health and Safety Rep  Record of phone call/letter
Workplace Health and (if applicable) or other workers
Safety Authority involved in the issue may call
Workplace Health and Safety
Authority to arrange a visit if they feel
the issue remains in dispute

*Refer to Issue Resolution Flowchart on the following page for further information

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Issue Resolution Flowchart

Employees Identify Management Identifies

Issue Issue

Inform Health and Safety

Representative or Worker

Identify Relevant Parties

Discuss Issue

Resolution No Immediate Threat Yes

Yes Stop work directed
by Health and Safety
Health and Safety Rep
officially asks for
improvement to be
made within a specified Stop work
time frame Disputed by

Resolution No

Record Yes No Yes


Report to Health
and Safety

Resolution to Call State
Employees Workplace Safety

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Manual Handling
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the identification, assessment and control of all manual-
handling tasks performed by Car Wash staff, in accordance with the requirements of Health and
Safety legislation and regulations.

This procedure applies to all work tasks involving manual handling and is designed to assist
employees be protected from the risk of injury due to exposure to manual handling hazards.

Manual Handling means any activity requiring the use of force exerted by a person to lift, lower,
push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any animate or inanimate object.


Process Methodology Documentation

Hazard Identification The workplace will be constantly  Hazard Report Form
monitored for manual handling hazards
particularly when there are changes
such as new equipment or work
Risk Assessment Work processes identified as being  Manual Handling Risk
hazardous or involve high risk Assessment
movement should have a Manual
Handling Risk Assessment completed
if the risk cannot be easily or
effectively controlled
Risk Control Effective risk controls need to be  Manual Handling Risk
introduced to reduce the risk of injury Assessment
by eliminating the risks and where that
is not practicable, to reduce the level of
risk as far as practicable eg. lifting
equipment, trolleys, lifting in pairs,
lifting bars for grates.
Risk controls need to be constantly  Hazard Report Form
monitored to ensure ongoing  Health and Safety Meeting
effectiveness Record
Consultation Workers will be consulted in relation to  Hazard Report Form
identifying and controlling manual  Manual Handling Risk
handling risks and monitoring the Assessment
effectiveness of these controls

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Plant and Equipment Management

To ensure all plant and equipment used is maintained in a safe operable condition to minimise the
risk of injury and to ensure effective operation
This procedure applies to all fixed and movable plant and portable equipment used including hand

Process Methodology Documentation

Identify plant and Record the recommended maintenance  Health and Safety Planner
equipment requiring intervals and requirements (use
specific maintenance and manufacturers recommendations) for
inspection each piece of major plant and
equipment on the Health and Safety
Planner eg. pressure vessels,
automatic car wash machines.
Plant and equipment Record all scheduled and unscheduled  Equipment Maintenance
inspections and maintenance on plant and equipment Log
maintenance identified above
Operational inspections will be done  Equipment Maintenance
on small equipment items and hand Log
tools by workers including being
aware of any unusual noises or
movements when operating. Required
repairs will be undertaken
Regular checks for safe operation of  Visual check
plant and equipment will be  Equipment Maintenance
undertaken including ensuring all Log
guards in place and safety mechanisms
are operating correctly. Required
repairs will be undertaken
Quarterly inspections (approx  Vehicle Safety Inspection
5000kms) will be carried out on Checklist
company vehicles to ensure they are in
safe condition.
All maintenance on small equipment  Equipment Maintenance
items and hand tools will be recorded Log
or receipts kept if sent outside the  Repair receipts
business for repairs
Risk Assessment Risk assessments will be done for  Manufacturer’s supplied
hazardous plant without an existing risks assessments
Safe Work Method. Manufacturer  Plant/Equipment Risk
supplied risk assessments may be used Assessment
or plant risks assessments completed
by staff

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Risk Control Risk controls identified in the risk  Safe Work Methods
assessments will be communicated to
staff through Safe Work Methods for
hazardous items of plant and

Operators will be trained in Safe Work  Employee Training and

Methods for hazardous items of plant Induction Form
and equipment  Safe Work Methods

Electrical Testing and All electrical equipment will be tested  Records of electrical testing
Tagging in accordance with AS/NZS provided by certified
3760:2003 - In-service safety technician
inspection and testing of electrical  Testing and Tagging
equipment. Use a certified test and tag Intervals for Electrical
operator or electrician for this service Equipment sheet

Registration and Plant to be registered will be identified  Registration documents

inspection of pressure (using AS 4343 - 2005 - Pressure
equipment equipment - Hazard levels) as required
by the State registration authority. This
plant will include pressure vessels,
boilers and piping. Contact the
manufacturer or a local company who
provides maintenance and inspection
services for this plant for more advice
and guidance

Inspect pressure equipment as  Equipment Maintenance

required by AS/NZS 3788:2006 Log
Pressure equipment - In-service
inspection. Seek advice as above

Operator competency Operators will be trained in the use of  Employee Training and
all equipment prior to use to ensure Induction Record
the risk to operator health and safety is
minimised. Operator manuals should
be on hand and may be used for
training where necessary

Lock Out/Tag Out of Faulty or unsafe plant and equipment  Safe Work Method -
faulty plant and will be tagged/locked out to prevent Lockout/Tagout
equipment use until repaired or replaced

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Lock Out/Tag Out of Lockout/tagout should be used when  Visual checks

faulty plant and performing service or maintenance  Safe Work Method -
equipment (cont’d) near any machine where people could Lockout/Tagout
be injured by the unexpected start up
of the machine or release of stored
Some jobs for which lockout/tagout
should be used are:
 when you must remove or bypass
a guard or other safety device;
 when you must place any part of
your body where you could be
caught by moving machinery;
 repairing electrical circuits;
 repairing mechanisms that involve
high pressure gas or liquid; and
 cleaning jammed mechanisms

Follow the Lockout/Tagout Guidelines  Safe Work Method -

when repairing or inspecting any Lockout/Tagout
hazardous plant equipment.

Purchasing Plant and equipment will be sourced  Work Diary

to ensure that the least hazardous plant
and equipment to effectively perform
the task required is purchased.
Reference to any relevant Australian
Standards will be made.

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Risk Management and Control

To ensure that all risks associated with the daily operation of the business are identified and
controlled and to maintain a safe workplace as required under Health and Safety legislation.
Management and employees will be involved in the process to enable the proactive management of
all risks associated with the business and work operations.

This procedure ensures that there is an ongoing and systematic process for the identification and
assessment of risks and the development and implementation of risk controls.

Risk: Any problem or shortcoming that has the potential to have an adverse affect on:
 the health and safety of workers and others
 the natural environment
 the buildings and facilities of the Car Wash


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Risk Reporting Risk may be reported directly or in  Hazard Report
writing to the Management. Risks that
present an immediate and serious risk
should be controlled or isolated
Risks may be reported through the  Health and Safety Meeting
Health and Safety meetings and Record
recorded on the Health and Safety
Meeting Record
Risk Identification Use the Safety Audit Guide to assist  Safety Audit Guide
identify risks at your Car Wash
Injury Report and Accident/Incident  Injury Report
Reports should be checked to identify  Accident/Incident Report
risks requiring control
Employees will identify hazards in the  Hazard Report
course of their work
Regularly (suggest 6 monthly) carry  Safety Inspection
out a ‘walk through’ of the Car Wash Checklist
and identify hazards or areas requiring
improvement. Use the Safety
Inspection Checklist
Risk Control Risks are recorded on the Hazard  Hazard Report
Report and controls should be  Hierarchy of Control
developed with reference to the
“Hierarchy of Control” below.

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Risk Control (cont’d) Use the suggested Risk Controls on the  Safety Audit Guide
Safety Audit Guidelines to control risks
that you identify
Risk priority Each risk should be prioritised o Risk Priority Matrix
according to its consequence and o Hazard Report
likelihood using the Risk Priority
Matrix below
Risk control review Risk controls should be reviewed for  Hazard Report
effectiveness where required and
recorded in the Review section of the
Hazard Report
Risk assessment and Record of the identification,  Hazard Report
control recording assessment and control of risks will
be recorded on the Hazard Report

Hierarchy of Control in Order of Priority

Elimination - eliminate hazardous substances, dangerous processes and dangerous equipment that
are not necessary for the work.
Substitution - substitute substances, plant and processes that are less harmful to health and safety
eg. using less caustic cleaning chemicals
Isolation - enclose or isolate a hazard from workers to eliminate or reduce the risk of injury or
illness eg. chemicals stored in lockable cabinets
Engineering Controls - change the processes or equipment to reduce or eliminate risks eg.
guarding on pulleys and belts.
Administrative Controls – provide training or change work procedures to reduce exposure to
existing hazards eg. job rotation
Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment - devices and clothing to provide some protection
from hazards eg. ear muffs.

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Risk Priority Matrix
Use the following definitions, matrix and risk categories in setting priorities for controlling risks identified

Catastrophic Major Moderate Minor Insignificant
i Almost certain Extreme Risk Extreme Risk High Risk Moderate Risk Moderate Risk
e Likely Extreme Risk Extreme Risk High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk
i Moderate Extreme Risk Extreme Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Low Risk
o Unlikely Extreme Risk High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Low Risk
d Rare High Risk High Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Low Risk
Consequence Definitions
Catastrophic - Deaths, Permanent Disability / Widespread irreparable Environmental Damage / Total Business failure
Major - Extensive injuries, Injury requiring hospitalisation, Multiple medical visits / Localised irreparable Environmental damage / Major ongoing
cost to Business
Moderate - Medical treatment required / Moderate repairable Environmental damage / Moderate “one off” cost to Business
Minor - First Aid treatment required / Minor repairable Environmental Damage / Minor “one off” cost to Business
Insignificant - No First Aid required / No Environmental Damage / No cost to Business
Likelihood Definitions
Almost Certain - Is expected to occur in most circumstances
Likely - Will probably occur in most circumstances
Moderate - Likely to occur at some time
Unlikely - Might occur at some time
Rare - May occur only in exceptional circumstances.
Risk Categories
Extreme Risk - Immediate Action Required (hours)
High Risk - Action required with short timeframe (days)
Moderate Risk - Action plan developed with timeframe (weeks/months)
Low Risk - Address risk as agreed between employer and employees.

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Health and Safety Management System

Safety Equipment
To ensure the provision, maintenance and correct use of all safety and personal protective

This applies to personal protective equipment as well as all other safety equipment at the premises

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Specialized clothing or equipment worn by employees for
protection against health and safety hazards. Personal protective equipment is designed to protect
many parts of the body, i.e., eyes, head, face, hands, feet, and ears.
Safety Equipment - Any equipment used to reduce risks or minimise the impact of risks eg, fire
fighting equipment, first aid kits, safety signs


Process Methodology Records/Evidence

Identify Requirements Personal protective equipment (PPE)  Work diary
requirements will be identified for all
tasks undertaken by employees
Safety equipment requirements will be  Vehicle Safety Inspection
identified for all vehicles Checklist
Purchasing PPE and safety equipment must  PPE labelling
conform to Australian Standards
Issue and Replacement All employees will be issued with PPE  Visual check
before they are to commence any tasks
requiring PPE.
All employees are required to wear  Visual check
PPE as appropriate to their work tasks
All vehicles and premises will be  Vehicle Safety Inspection
supplied and fitted with required Checklist
safety equipment including first aid
kits and fire extinguishers
Maintenance and Individual workers are responsible to  Visual check
Monitoring maintain and monitor the condition of
their own PPE and request
replacement as required. PPE should
be properly stored in containers eg
plastic containers with lids.
First aid kits will be checked and  First Aid Kit Contents list
restocked as required

Process Methodology Records/Evidence

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Maintenance and Fire extinguishers will be serviced  Visual check of inspection

Monitoring (cont’d) every 6 months according to AS 1851 tags
- 2005- Maintenance of Fire
Protection Systems and Equipment
Emergency and exit lighting will be  Inspection records
inspected every 6 months according to
AS/NZS 2293.2:1995 - Emergency
escape lighting and exit signs for
buildings - Part 2: Inspection and
Signage Areas requiring the use of PPE will be  Visual check
clearly identified with appropriate eye,
hearing, face and foot protection signs
eg. on the door to the plant room, near
where chemicals are stored/used
Appropriate traffic control signs will  Visual check
be in place eg. speed restrictions,
traffic direction and pedestrian signs
Use specific warning signs (eg.  Visual check
slippery surface, cleaning in progress,
no entry) to warn people of hazards
Isolating work or Use bollards, orange mesh, warning  Visual check
hazardous areas tape to isolate NO GO areas to protect
people from hazards or work areas
Inspections Check the availability and condition of  Safety Inspection
PPE and safety equipment during your Checklist
6 monthly walk through using the
Safety Inspection Checklist

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Working at Heights
To ensure that all working at height is managed so that risks are effectively controlled to prevent
falls and other injuries to employees
This procedure applies to all work tasks that involve working at heights greater than 2 metres.

Process Methodology Documentation

Risk Identification Identify all work tasks and location that  Hazard Report form
present a risk of falling of 2 metres or
Assessment and If there is a risk of a fall from height, or if  Hazard Report form
Control the work is to be conducted at a height of
more than two metres, then precautions
need to be put in place to stop someone
If it’s not ‘reasonably practicable’ to take  Hazard Report form
measures to eliminate the risk of a fall
from height, then precautions are needed
to reduce the likelihood of a fall and/or the
person being injured
Training and To assist workers control the risks  Working at Heights
Information associated with working at heights, information (see below)
provide them with Working at Heights
Implementation The most appropriate fall prevention  Health and Safety
control(s) should be put in place before Meeting Record
the working at heights task commences
and ensure all workers are aware of and
understand the control measures to be
Emergencies Emergency procedures and resources  Employee Training and
should be in place where there is a risk of Induction Record
fall eg. first aid is provided to an  Emergency Contact
employee that has fallen as soon as Information
possible after the emergency situation
arises. The resources should include
appropriately trained personnel and first
aid equipment
Rescue equipment and processes should  Working at Heights
be in place when using fall arrest systems information (see below)
eg. harness, or when using equipment to
access heights. Rescue equipment can
include ladders.

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Risk Control Measures in Order of Priority

Risk control measures can include:
1. Undertaking the work on the ground or on a solid construction
2. Undertaking the work using a passive fall prevention device. Eg. Elevated Work Platform
3. Undertaking the work using a work positioning system. Eg. Travel restraint system
4. Undertaking the work using a fall injury prevention system. Eg. Fall arrest harness
If none of the above measures are reasonably practicable or do not minimise the risk of a fall then
you must control the risk using the following forms of control:
5. Undertaking the work from ladders and/or implement administrative controls such as
training staff or engaging contractors who are trained and equipped

Examples of Risk Controls for Working at or Accessing Heights

The following risk controls are examples of ways to control risks associated with working at
heights. These controls may be used individually or in combination to control risks. The actual risks
should be identified for each task and then the most appropriate and effective controls put in place.
 hiring a scissor lift
 fitting railing to regularly accessed heights
 fitting a travel restraint system to prevent workers on rooves working near
edges or other fall hazards
 fitting anchor points and using a safety harness
 use a ladder anchor to secure the tops of ladders against gutter (see -
 engaging experienced, skilled and properly equipped contractors to perform

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Accident and Incident Report

Complete this form and retain as a record of the investigations into accident and/or incidents
(including near misses). Attach further sheets if required. Complete Injury Report Form if injury
sustained requires medical treatment or has the potential to require medical treatment.

Type of Incident:
Health and Environmental
1). Date and time of accident/
Day - Date - Time- am pm
2/. Exact Location of Accident/Incident (address and location at site):

3/. Describe the task being undertaken:

4/. Brief description of accident/incident:

5/. Describe the conditions at the time of the accident/incident eg weather conditions, traffic:

6). List the major equipment causing or contributing to accident/incident (specify individual
Equipment List Make/Model
 
 
 
 
7). Names of workers involved and position/qualifications of workers:
If No -
Name Position/Qualification Employee Employer
  Yes No
  Yes No
  Yes No
  Yes No
  Yes No

8). Name of Supervisor:

9). Record names of victims and briefly describe injuries sustained. Complete Injury Report
Form and attach copy if injury sustained requires medical treatment.
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Name Injury Aid Dr Hospital

 -
 -
 -
 -
10/. Any problems encountered in providing assistance (eg. First aid kit inadequate):

11/. Briefly describe damage sustained:

12/. Safety equipment/procedures in place – eg. signs, barriers/guarding in place (may also be
included in attached diagram):

13/. List any contributing factors to accident/incident eg. Incorrect use of protective equipment:

14/. Names (and contact details if visitors/contractors) of eyewitnesses:
Names Contact Details
 
 
 
 

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15). Hazards identified and improvements required and follow up actions:

Hazards/Improvements Suggested Action Responsible
1. 

2. 

3. 

4. 

5. 
16/. Other Information:

17). External parties involved: Yes No

If Yes, type (Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade, Media, etc.:

18). Incident Notification required

Date/Time Method of Person Notified/
Yes/No of Notification Notification Acknowledgment
State Workplace Safety
Yes No - am pm /
Workers Compensation Insurer Yes No - am pm /

State Road Authority Yes No - am pm /

EPA Yes No - am pm /
Other: Yes No - am pm /

Person(s) Completing Form

Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Signature: _____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Hazards identified above in Q/. 15 entered on Hazard Report form
Other: give details -
Responsible Person - Name: Signature: ________________________

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Complete if Required: Diagram – location of people, tools, plant, materials, vehicles, etc. (show
movement of people, tools, plant, materials, vehicles, etc.).

Eye Witness/Victim Account (if appropriate):

Name of Witness/Victim:      

Signature:______________________________________ Date:      

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Chemical Safe Use Information

Name of Chemical:

The following health and safety guidelines must be

complied with when using this chemical

Other Useful information

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Health and Safety Management System

Confined Space Risk Assessment Entry Permit

Name of Site:
Location (incl. address):

Description of Confined

Description of Confined Ladder  Other:

Space access

Description of Work:

Equipment Chemicals

Equipment/chemicals to be
used in Confined Space:

Entry Checklist
Item Required If Yes, complete the following section
Isolation Yes  No  Section 1
Atmospheric Testing Yes  No  Section 2
Purging and Ventilation Yes  No  Section 3
Lighting Yes  No  Section 4
Communication Yes  No  Section 5
Traffic/Pedestrian Control Yes  No  Section 6
Personal Protective Equipment Yes  No  Section 7
Emergency Arrangements Yes  No  Section 8
Person(s) acting as Standby Yes  No  Section 9
Person(s) Entering Confined Space Yes  No  Section 10
Hot Work Permit Yes  No  Section 11

Section 1: Isolation Check

Yes No N/A
Electrical Devices/Services shut off and tagged   

Hydraulic Valves shut off and tagged   

Mechanical Devices shut off and tagged   

Gas pipes shut off and tagged   

Water pipes shut off and tagged (incl. Fire suppression)   

Other:  

Other:  

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Section 2: Atmospheric Testing (Must Test Results

be conducted by an Approved
Person) Gas Result Safe Levels Required
Oxygen % Between 19.5-23.5%
Carbon Monoxide ppm <30 ppm
Hydrogen Sulphide ppm <5 ppm
Explosive Gas %LEL <5% of gas LEL

Continuous monitoring required: Yes  No 

Section 3: Purging and Ventilation Purging Required Yes  No Gas Used:

Ventilation Required
Natural Yes  No

Forced Yes  No

Ventilation Required for the duration of the work Yes  No

Section 4: Lighting Temporary Lighting Required Yes  No 


Section 5: Communication Continuous communication in place: Yes 

Detail: radio, voice, visual, etc: ___________________________

Section 6: Traffic/Pedestrian Control Barricading Yes  No 

Signage Yes  No 
Traffic Control Contractors Engaged Yes  No 

Section 7: Personal Protective Hand Protection  Supplied Air Respirator 

Eye Protection  Self Rescue Respirator 
Safety Boots  Protective Clothing 
Safety Helmet  Hearing Protection 
Airline  Fall Arrest/Harness 
Face mask  Other: 

Section 8: Emergency Arrangements First Aid Kit  Fire Extinguisher 

Safety/Life line  Other: 
Emergency Contact Numbers: 000
SES: 13 2500
Site Supervisor:
Section 9: Person(s) Acting as Standby CSE Ticket
Name Valid

Section 10: Person(s) Entering Confined Space

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I understand the procedures required for entry and work in the confined space and the protective
measures and equipment to be used.
CSE Ticket Entry Exit
Name Signature Valid Time Time

Section 11: Hot Work Permit

The following precautions have been implemented:
Area cleared of combustible material within 15 metres  Sparks from height contained 
Non-removable combustibles wet down  Warning signs in place 
Coatings stripped for a distance of more than 150mm  Safe access and egress 
Area below/adjacent to job cleared  Fire watcher in place 
Drains within 15 metres covered with fire blankets  Fire blanket at site 
Welder/gas bottles located more than 8 metres from entry  Fire Extinguisher: Type - 
Electric leads/gas hoses placed correctly  Water hose tested/running 
Electric welders earthed as close to weld point as possible  Electrical trace on pipes isolated 
Other (please specify):  Equipment in good condition 
Authority to Perform Hot Work
(To be completed by a Competent person)
I have personally checked the above precautions and consider it safe to carry out this work
Name Signature Date Time

Approval To Enter
(To be completed by a Competent person)
The confined space described above is in my opinion in a safe condition for the work to be done, provided that the
precautions above are fully observed and all persons are properly trained to perform this work.
Name Signature Date Time

Job Completion
(To be completed by a Competent person)
All personnel have exited the space and all tools/equipment/ chemicals have been removed from the space. The area has now
been made safe. No further entries are permitted without a new entry permit
Name Signature Date Time

This Confined Spaces Entry Permit is only valid for the date of issue and must be kept for 30 (thirty) days after this date

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Contractor Health and Safety Assessment

Business Name:
Contact Address:

Information: Phone - Business: Mob:

Contractors Declaration
1. I understand I am required under Health and Safety legislation to “…provide and maintain … a working
environment that is safe and without risk to health”. I accept my responsibility to “…not expose …persons to
risks to their health or safety arising from the conduct of the undertaking of the work.” This applies to myself,
workers engaged by me, Car Wash workers, carwash customers and other people sharing the worksite.
2. I accept my responsibility to:

 maintain, provide and use safe equipment

 use safe work practices

 effectively control hazards in the work area

 leave work areas free of hazards on the interruption or completion of work.

 notify of any accidents/incidents associated with my work

3. I hold all current licences/qualifications/permits for the work undertaken
4. I will ensure that any major equipment has the required current registrations, if required and has been inspected,
maintained and is in safe working condition and is operated by licensed and/or experienced operators.
5. I hold a current Public Liability Insurance Policy ( Policy Number: ____________________)
(Provide a copy of the Certificate of Currency)
6. I hold a current Workers Compensation Insurance Policy ( Policy Number: ______________)
(Provide a copy of the Certificate of Currency)
7. I will complete and comply with any Safe Work Method Statements developed in conjunction with Car Wash
8. I will make myself aware of emergency equipment eg. first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and follow emergency
management procedures as directed by Car Wash staff
I declare that the information supplied is true and correct and that I will abide by the above requirements

Contractor Representative: Name:


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Contractor has satisfactorily completed the Health and Safety Assessment form and is able to be engaged as a
Car Wash Management: Name:

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Testing and Tagging Intervals for Electrical Equipment
Interval between inspection and tests
Class of Equipment Residual Current Devices (RCDs)
Type of environment in Cord sets
which equipment is used Class I Class II Push-button test (by user) Test for operation by electrician and power
(protectively (double boards
Portable Fixed Portable Fixed
earthed) insulated)
1/. Factories, workshops and 6 months 12 Daily, or before 6 months 12 12 months 6 months
places of manufacture, repair, months every use, months
assembly, maintenance or whichever is
fabrication the longer
2/. Environment where the 12 months 12 3 months 6 months 12 12 months 12 months
equipment or supply flexible months months
cord is subject to flexing in
normal use OR is open to abuse
OR is in a hostile environment
3/. Environment where the 5 years 5 years 3 months 6 months 2 years 2 years 5 years
equipment or supply flexible
cord is NOT subject to flexing in
normal use and is NOT open to
abuse and is NOT in a hostile
4/. Residential type areas of: 2 years 2 years 6 months 6 months 2 years 2 years 2 years
hotels, residential institutions,
motels, boarding houses, halls,
hostels, accommodation houses
and the like.
5/. Equipment used for 6 months 12 3 months N/A 12 N/A 12 months
commercial cleaning months months
6/. Repaired, serviced and
After repair or service which could have affected the electrical safety of the equipment, or on reintroduction to service
second-hand equipment
Examples of equipment in 1/. Not applicable unless Car Wash has operational workshop or similar area
environment types above: 2/. Equipment frequently moved in the course of its normal use eg. extension leads, power tools
3/. Equipment not frequently moved in the course of its normal use eg. fixed office equipment such as computers
4/. Not applicable
5/. Not applicable as cleaning equipment will be used for Car Wash only Environments and use that most often apply to Car Washes but
6/. Equipment repaired on or off site. this may vary depending on actual work practices carried out

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Emergency Contact Information

Company Contact Information

Office Phone:
Car Wash Manager Phone:
Management Manager Mobile:
Contact Information: Other:

Waste Disposal:
Note: Please call Management first if possible before contacting these

Emergency Contact Information

 Secure accident/incident site to prevent further injury or damage if possible
 Notify Emergency Services if required (contact details below). Provide the
following information: your name and phone number, exact location,
Emergency Response: describe incident/accident including casualties and existing risks and ask for
estimated time of arrival.
 Provide any assistance required within your capabilities
 Do not move casualties unless significant danger of further injuries

Emergency Services
(Police, Fire,
Landline: 000 Mobile: 112 (may connect you through
Ambulance) another provider if you have
no service)
State Workcover
Protection Authority
Gas Emergency :

Water Authority :

Telstra : 13 2203

State Roads Authority :

State Emergency
: 13 2500

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Health and Safety Management System

Employee Details
Employee Name:
Employment Full time  / Part time  Permanent  / Casual 
General Induction
(Tick relevant items covered in induction)

 Trained in Safe Work Methods 

 Evacuation/Assembly Points/First Aid/Fire Extinguishers/Emergency Contact Info 
 Reporting - Hazard, Accident/Incident, Injury 
 Health and Safety Meetings 
 Other Details: 

Additional Requirements
 I will notify my doctor of my work role when I am prescribed drugs. I will notify
Management immediately of any medications I am taking that may affect my work
 All employees who drive/operate company vehicles must notify Management immediately
of any cancellations or restrictions placed on licences/qualifications
 Employees are responsible to notify Management of damaged or worn PPE that needs
replacing or repair and for its correct storage and care
Licences and Qualifications Held
Copy Copy
Licence/Qualification Taken Licence/Qualification Taken

Safe Work Method Training

Training Training
Completed Completed
Safe Work Method (Employee Signature) Safe Work Method (Employee Signature)


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Management Employee
Name: Name:
Position: Signature:
Signature: Date:
Employee Training and Induction Record

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Evacuation Procedure

In the event of a fire or other Key to Map Symbols

emergency requiring the evacuation of
this building, the following procedure Telephone
will be implemented.
1. Assist any person in immediate danger Extinguisher
if safe to do so.
Fire Hose Reel
2. Alert other people to the danger.
3. Ensure emergency services have been
notified. First Aid
4. Attack fire if safe to do so.
5. Clear area of emergency.
6. Evacuate to assembly area as shown on
the map. Remain there until further
advised. A Assembly Point

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Evacuation Plan

Insert a Plan of Your Car Wash on this Page including all appropriate Map Symbols

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First Aid Kits Contents Recommendations

Units Item
1 First Aid Guide Booklet
1 Bandaids (Pk 100)
1 Pack Non adhesive dressings (small)
1 Pack Non adhesive dressings (large)
1 Pack Sterile Eye pads
1 Calico Triangular bandage
2 Disposable Triangular bandages
1 Assorted safety pins (assorted Pk 12)
2 Gauze bandages (5cm)
1 Gauze bandages (10cm)
1 Conforming bandage (7.5cm)
1 Hypoallergenic Tape (1.25cm)
6 Single vials of Sterile Saline solution (15ml)
1 pair Scissors (sharp/blunt – 12.5cm)
1 pair Tweezers
2 pair Disposable latex gloves
1 Medium Plastic Bag
1 Disposable Resuscitation Mask
1 Eye shower bottle
1 Bottle of Saline Solution (500ml)

NB: This list may need to be revised depending on the location of the Car Wash and the equipment
and work practices undertaken at the Car Wash

Hazard Report

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Date identified: Name of Person Reporting Hazard:
Location of Hazard:

Description of Hazard:

Staff involved:
Name Position/Qualification
Equipment/processes involved:

Suggested Solutions:

Corrective Action
Action Priority: Extreme High Medium Low (circle appropriate priority level – ref Risk Priority Matrix)
Action(s) to be undertaken:

Actions Determined By:

Action Completion:
Person Responsible - Name: To be Completed By - Date:

Action Completed: Name: Signature: _________________ Date:
Review Required: Yes/No
If Yes, Date of Review: Review Completed: Name: Date:
Further Review Required: Yes/No
If Yes, Date of Review: Review Completed: Name: Date
If any review is unsatisfactory or uncovers further risk, complete a new Hazard Report

Health and Safety Committee Membership

Health and Safety Committee for 2 .
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Direct all health and safety issues to the H&S Representative, H&S Officer or Management

Staff Representatives

 

 

 

 

 

 

Health and Safety Representative (if applicable)

Health and Safety Officer

Management Representatives

Management Authentication



Health and Safety Meeting Record
Date: ____/____/______ Time: ____:____ am/pm

Attendance :
(attach additional list if required)

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Name Signature


Business Arising From Previous Minutes

Review previous minutes and list Person Time
actions/risk controls NOT completed Action Responsible Frame

Risk Control
Category Person Date
(High, Mod,
Hazard Identified Risk Control Low) Responsible Completed

Other Discussion

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Health and Safety Management System

Health and Safety Planner

Item Inspection Dates

3 Monthly 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
First Aid kit contents check
Health and Safety Meetings
Vehicle Checklist

6 Monthly 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Safety Inspection Checklist
Fire Extinguishers/Fire Hoses
Exit Signs

Annually 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Evacuation Drill/Emergency
Management Review
MSDS Currency
Contractor Assessments
Electrical Testing & Tagging

Scheduled Maintenance
Required 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

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Injury Report
Complete this form to record details of injuries that require or have the potential to require (back or joint injury)
medical treatment
Name of injured person: Employee Visitor Contractor
If Employee –Job Title: DoB: __/__/__ Age: Marital Status:

Contact Details - Address: Ph:

Date and time of injury/illness: Time: __:__ am/pm Date: __/__/__

OR Date person became aware of injury/illness: Date: __/__/__ Notification of injury/illness: Date: __/__/__
Location of the accident or where employee became unwell: At work place Away from workplace
Exact Location:

What part of the body was injured as a result of the accident? Front view Rear view
(Describe and/or circle on diagrams):

Describe the nature of the injury/illness.(eg. cut,):

Describe the cause of the injury/illness as well as the work task being undertaken? (eg. hit by box falling from

What treatment was received following the accident? (eg. bandage put on cut, sent to casualty):

Witnesses: Yes No
Contact details:
Name Address Phone
 -
 -
 -

Accident Incident Form Completed: Yes No Workers Compensation Claim lodged: Yes No
Injury Report Completed - Time: __:__ am/pm Date: __/__/__
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Completed by: Name: Signature:____________________

Management Name: Injured Person Name:

Signature: ________________________ Signature: __________________
Position: Date: __/__/__
Date: __/__/__
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Description of task:
Assessor/s: Date:
Assessing the Risk
(Tick each box to ensure the task is assessed against each set of risks below. Circle the risks involved with the tasks )
Assess if the tasks are done Repetitively, for a Sustained time or for a Long duration
Assess the type of posture and movement involved (Risks - excessive bending, twisting,
excessive reaching, awkward posture, fast movements.)
Assess the type and degree of force being used (Risks - lifting, lowering pushing, pulling,
dragging holding, supporting, restraining, applying force with one side of body, lifting
out from body more than 30cm, using high force)
Assess if other factors are affecting the worker while they are carrying out the tasks
(Risks - extremes of temperature/humidity, vibration, protective clothing)
Assess if there are any features about the workers that may affect their ability to perform
the tasks (risks - age (young/old), disability, pregnancy, previous injury)
Details of Risks Identified (add in other risks identified that are not listed above):

Controlling the Risks

(Use the following as guides in identifying effective risk controls)
Develop risk controls using the following priority:
 eliminating all or part of the task
 altering any of the task, objects or environment
 using mechanical aids
 using job rotation, roster changes or training

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Details of Risk Controls to be implemented:

Adapted from Victorian Workcover Authority publication – “Code of Practice for Manual Handling”

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Plant Equipment Maintenance Log
Full Check
Item of for Safety
Date Plant/Equipment Repairs Carried Out/Parts Used to Fix Fault Completed Name/Signature

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Full Check
Item of for Safety
Date Plant/Equipment Repairs Carried Out/Parts Used to Fix Fault Completed Name/Signature

Version: 01 The controlled version of this document is on the ACWA website Date: June 2009
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Health and Safety Management System

Plant Equipment Risk Assessment
Plant/Equipment Details:
Assessors: Date:
Hazard Types
(Tick boxes to record hazards present. Complete table below for each hazard and subsequent control measure)
Moving parts of plant  Moving material in plant  Plant moving 
Material ejected from plant  Noise  Temperature (Thermal Comfort) 
High pressure gas/fluid  Dust, fumes, fibres  Electrical 
Manual handling  Chemicals  Ergonomic 
Explosion/Fire  Spinning parts/Entanglement  Friction 
Slipping, Tripping & Falling  Suffocation  Other Hazards 

Hazard/Risk Control
eg. exposed pulleys and belts Fit guards to pulleys and belts

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Health and Safety Management System

Safe Work Method Statement
Nam Signatur Job Dat
Person Completing Form:
e: e: Title: e:
Details of Locatio
work tasks: n:
Complete the following table to ensure that all tasks associated with the work are analysed, hazards are identified and all risks controlled prior to works beginning
Work Procedure Potential Hazards Person Responsible
(include details of Personal Protective Equipment)

Name: Signature: Date:

Others involved
Name: Signature: Date:
in work task:
Name: Signature: Date:

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Health and Safety Management System

Safety Inspection Checklist

Date of

Items to check Comments

Administration – All areas

 Cords clear of walkways

 Cords not cluttering workstations
 Power boards not overloaded
 Electrical items tagged and in date
 Staff amenities clean and adequate
 Boxes/materials stored correctly
 Lighting adequate

Plant Room & Storage including Mezzanine/Loft

 Lighting adequate
 Walk/work areas clear of clutter
 No unwanted items in storage
 Access to fire equipment and exits clear
 Machine guarding in place
 Shelving adequate
 Walkways clear of hoses, cords,
 Manual handling – heavy/frequently used items
stored between knee and shoulder height
 Chemicals clearly marked, MSDSs current
 PPE areas signed
 PPE available and stored correctly
 Security – doors locked/ cameras operating
 No leaks or damage to hoses and connections
 Equipment in good order eg ladders, trolleys,
pumps etc
 Electrical items tagged and in date
 Stairs/steps/handrails/guardrails - in place and in
good condition
 Power boards locked

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Items to check Comments

Wash Areas including Vacuum Bays

 Floor surface clean and non-slip

 Steps, edges, concrete lips highlighted
 Lighting adequate eg underground car parks
 Electrical equipment/ cords clear of wet areas
 Electrical items tagged and in date
 Traffic control signage/lines in place
 No damage to bay walls eg tiles/petitions
 Hoses, wands, connections in good condition
 Spray drift minimised
 Sun shade adequate for workers
 Chemical containers clearly labelled
 HiVis clothing in good order

Cash Handling

 Door lockable
 Routine – sufficient variation
 Cash handling out of view
 CCTV/door peep hole working effectively

Parking areas including Entrance and Exit

 Signage clear
 Lines/edges clearly marked
 Instruction signs in place, clear and in good

Emergency Equipment/Safety Checks

 Fire Extinguishers/Hose reels checked (6 mthly)

 First Aid kit contents checked
 Electrical Test/Tag in date
 Exit signs checked (6 mthly)

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Health and Safety Management System

Vehicle Safety Inspection Checklist

Vehicle Vehicle Registration

Make/Model: Number:

DIRECTIONS. The following form should be used during the inspection. Record either [-] Not applicable [X]
Repair required [√] Satisfactory against each item. Write comments if the item is regarded as requiring attention.

Items to be Checked - Comments

Check operation and visibility of:
Parking lights
Hazard lights
Brake lights
Reverse lights and beeper
Check operation of handbrake
Check for firm brake pedal
Check operation of horn
TYRES (including spares)
Tyre tread checked for wear
Tyre pressure checked
Tyres and wheels checked for damage
Cargo barrier in place, where appropriate
Safety belts in good order
Mirrors – no cracks or imperfections
Mirrors – no cracks or imperfections
Windscreen in good order and clean
Windscreen wipers and washers operating
Water in windscreen washer reservoir
Fire Extinguisher
First Aid Kit
Service records maintained.

Notify employer of any hazards identified that require repair( X).

DO NOT use vehicle if faults may cause accident

Checklist Nam Signatur

completed by: e: e:

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Safe Work Methods
Download The Safe Work Methods Relevant to your Car Wash
and Insert Here
Safety Audit Guide
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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Lifting grates Lifting grates, particularly larger or hard  Have a lifting tool made to fit the grate allowing it to
to get at grates, can cause muscle strains be inserted through the bars to grip and lift the grate
or other injuries  Seek assistance from another worker

Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Accessing lights, spider, Carrying out repair or maintenance work  Only use ‘Industrial’ rated ladders (check labels) that meet
overhead hoses etc at heights creates a risk of a fall. This risk Australian Standards
is worsened by potentially wet and  If necessary, paint or fix an abrasive surface to the steps
 Wear a safety harness which can be attached to the cross beam or
slippery surfaces other suitable anchor point(*do not work alone when wearing a
safety harness or accessing heights)
High  Always wear non slip footwear
..........  Carry out work in appropriate light

Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Working outdoors Car wash workers can be required to  Have shade sails erected in areas where staff are
work in the sun for lengthy periods required to operate/work
 Ensure staff wear correct PPE for outdoor work eg
High sunscreen, hat, appropriate clothing (long sleeve shirts)

Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Accessing roof of car wash The risk of a fall exists when working on  Always stabilise the ladder at the top with an appropriate anchor
roofs and/or accessing guttering (
 Ensure feet of ladder are non slip and in good order
 Ensure work at heights is carried out with the assistance of a 2nd
 Where necessary, install anchor points on the roof for a safety
High harness and lanyard to be attached
..........  Engage a skilled and experienced contractor using the correct
Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Electrical equipment Use of electrical equipment, particularly  Fit Residual Current device (RCD) safety switch to
in wet areas can be hazardous your electrical switchboard
 Have all electrical equipment periodically tested and
tagged by a trained technician in compliance with
Australian Standards (this can be 3, 6 or 12 monthly
depending on its use and the environment in which it is
High used)

Low Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Staff working amongst Inconspicuous staff can be hit by vehicles  Staff must always wear high visibility clothing during
vehicles or in traffic areas (this is worsened in dark, overcast and their work
foggy conditions or other times of
reduced visibility)

Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Insufficient lighting The likelihood of a hazard causing injury  Ensure lighting illuminates all areas of work from all
is increased if staff are working in poor directions for staff to work efficiently and safely

High Other Controls: -



Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Working in the plant room Plant rooms often have a low ceiling with  Ensure fluorescent tubes are covered to prevent contact
overhead light globes/tubes close to the or install shatter proof tubes
work area.  Install a Hearing Protection Must be Worn (or similar)
Noise created by equipment starting up on the door of the plant room. Supply hearing
and running protection for use in plant room (ear plugs or ear

Low Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Cords and/or hoses running Electrical cords and/or hoses running  Where there is the need for cords and hoses to run
across work areas across work or walk areas can pose a trip across work/walk areas, always cover them with a
hazard. Electrical cords can be damaged permanent protective cover
from continual wear and pose an
electrocution hazard
Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Cash handling Handling large amounts of cash can  Have staff handle/count cash away from public view. A
attract thieves separate locked room is ideal (this room can have
Coin can be heavy, particularly when CCTV if necessary or a peep hole).
handling large amounts  Count cash in quiet times. Vary these times to avoid
 Avoid keeping large amounts of cash at the premises
High  Collect coins regularly or use trolleys to transfer heavy
coin if required
Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Handling/mixing chemicals Handling or mixing hazardous chemicals  Use the MSDS for each hazardous chemical to
can be dangerous if ingested, inhaled or determine the risks. Display safe use information and
absorbed through the skin or if splashed supply staff with the necessary PPE
into the eyes  Where possible, use the least harmful chemical for the
 Staff to wear safety glasses and chemical gloves when
.......... decanting or mixing chemicals

Low Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Tanks eg recycling Tanks must have safe access for staff to  Construct anchor points for ladders to enable safe
avoid falls access
 Fit access platform with handrail to support staff when
on top of tanks


Low Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Plant and equipment eg. Unauthorised access to recycling  Enclose tanks and plant to prevent access by anyone
recycling equipment. People can be exposed to other than staff
hazardous chemicals and operating plant

Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Vehicle movement Vehicles travelling in different/opposite  Fit speed limit signage at entrances to car wash
directions, at excessive speed for the area  Where possible, clearly define directions of travel
and amongst people into bays/vacuums
 Where possible, have an entrance and an exit (clearly
marked/signed) to the car wash
 Where practical, construct bollards and chains to
High control traffic directions and flow
 Install warning signage at known blind spots (convex
Mod traffic mirrors may also help)

Low Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Spray drift from automated Operators can be constantly exposed to  Construct a cubicle for operators to stand in to prevent
car wash spray drift during operation of an exposure to the spray
automated wash. This exposes operators  Implement use of a hinged glass panel to protect staff
to chemicals and moisture in the air (can from spray
contact the skin, eyes and be  Issue staff with water proof jacket for protection from
inhaled/ingested) High cold and moisture
Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Slippery work areas Car washes are predominantly wet areas  Ensure surfaces in areas frequented by staff and customers
and can be very slippery for staff and are non slip
customers  Display warning signage in a prominent location warning of
slippery surfaces (‘No Running – Slippery Surfaces’)
 Display signage advising customers to wear non slip
High  Have high risk areas treated with non slip coating to prevent
Mod  Implement use of rubber mats in hazardous locations
Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Unlocked doors Potential unauthorised access to plant,  Ensure doors to staff only areas are self locking
cash handling and work processes (particularly those out of view of staff/operators eg rear

Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Tunnel/auto wash exit Drivers may have an obstructed view as  Install signage at exit to wash to warn drivers to
they leaving the wash and could be proceed slowly and carefully and for others to keep exit
driving near vehicles or pedestrians using clear
other areas of the wash eg bays, vacuums

.......... Other Controls: -


Version: 01 The controlled version of this document is on the ACWA website Date: June 2009
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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Raised edges and lips Concrete edges pose a trip hazard to staff  Highlight all raised edges and lips with bright paint
throughout site and customers (white or yellow) throughout site. Paint needs to be
abrasive to avoid creating a slippery surface
 Have small lips ground off to a level surface

Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Chemical use Potentially unknown chemical in  Always decant chemicals into a clearly labelled bottles
unlabeled bottle for easy identification

Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Hand washing in Staff working amongst moving vehicles  Ensure area for each work stage/work task is clearly
enclosed/restricted space in a confined area is potentially defined with lines/barriers/arrows to avoid confusion
hazardous for workers
 Ensure traffic flow is in one direction
 ONLY use experienced and skilled staff as designated

Low Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Metal plate/surfaces in wet Metal plates and smooth surfaces become  Have these metal and/or smooth surfaces painted with
areas slippery when wet or if footwear is wet an abrasive substance to prevent slips. These surfaces
will need to be monitored regularly
 Cover surfaces with rubber matting (matting needs to
flat to prevent posing a trip hazard)
Other Controls: -

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Use of electrical equipment Electrical equipment can be in contact  Install overhead power outlets to minimise electrical
in wet areas with water posing an electrocution leads and equipment on the floor
hazard  Install overhead swinging arms to accommodate
electrical leads, power outlets, equipment and vacuum
Other Controls: -

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Steps/stairs to Fall or slips can happen when using steps  Ensure steps are supported with hand rails (both sides
mezzanines/lofts to mezzanines and/or lofts if steps are more than 1000mm wide). Handrails must
be parallel to the slope of the steps and be between 800
and 1000mm above the nosing of the steps. There must
be a hand clearance of at least 60mm above and beside
High  Steps should have an abrasive surface to prevent slips.
Highlight edges of steps if required - use a non-slip
Mod paint or stick-on strip

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Mezzanine Mezzanines may be above work areas. If ..........  Fit guard railing around the Mezzanine to comply with
mezzanine has no kick board, loose items the following requirements:
can fall causing injury to anyone below.  a top rail, supported by posts, parallel to the floor or
High slope of a walkway at a vertical height of not less

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Health and Safety Management System

Workers can fall from mezzanines if than 900 mm nor more than 1100 mm above the
guard railing is not fitted standing level of the mezzanine.
 one or more intermediate rails parallel with the top
*** Refer to the following Australian rail and the floor having a maximum distance of
Standard for more detail on mezzanine 450 mm between rails or between the lowest rail
construction and access: and the top of the toe-board where fitted. Where a
AS 1657 - 1992 - Fixed platforms, toe-board is not fitted, the maximum distance
walkways, stairways and ladders — between the lowest rail and the floor shall be not
Design, construction and installation greater than 560 mm.
 alternatively, the space between the top rail and the
floor may be provided with suitable infill fixed to
the top rail and to the floor, toe-board, or a bottom
rail not more than 80 mm above the floor. Infill
may be fabricated from pipe, bar, solid or
perforated plate, expanded metal, metal mesh, or
any other material. If using metal mesh, it must be
constructed of 3.5mm diameter or greater wire
with openings not exceeding 300 x 80mm or 200 x
 Install toe boards around edges of a mezzanine where
Mod an object could fall more than 2000 mm. The toe-board
must be firmly attached to the floor or posts, and any
Low gap between the toe-board and the floor must not
exceed 10 mm. The top of the toe-board must be not
less than 100 mm above the top of the floor.
 Flooring - The following openings in flooring apply:
Expanded metal - the minor axis shall not
exceed 10 mm.
Grid/wire mesh - the openings in square mesh
shall not exceed 12 mm X 12 mm.
Punched plate - the hole diameter shall not
exceed 20 mm
Grated floors - the smaller dimension of any
opening shall not exceed 40 mm and the area of
any opening shall not exceed 5000 mm2

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Health and Safety Management System

Is the Hazard
hazard Priority
present? (Circle
Potential Hazard Hazard Description (Yes/No) Response) Suggested Control Measures
Handling needles Staff may be subjected to handling  Purchase a sharps container for disposal of needles
needles during rubbish removal/pit  Train staff in the correct disposal and handling of
cleaning needles (Safe Work Method – Workplace Safety)

Other Controls: -

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Incident Notification Form
Download Your States Incident Notification Form and Insert Here

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